Papers by Geert-jan Boudewijnse
Des conversations avec des ingenieurs de controle principaux ont mis en lumiere les problemes qui... more Des conversations avec des ingenieurs de controle principaux ont mis en lumiere les problemes qui nuisent a la mise en application et a l'utilisation de solutions de controle de procede dans l'industrie des pâtes et papiers, notamment les budgets insuffisants, des antecedents de projets logiciels manques, une formation insuffisante des operateurs, et des interfaces de systeme de commande mal concues. Certains de ces problemes sont particuliers au materiel de l'industrie, mais d'autres peuvent etre resolus par l'application systematique de principes et de techniques de controle des facteurs humains. The subtitle of the book – A Gestalt view of the mechanism of cons... more The subtitle of the book – A Gestalt view of the mechanism of conscious experience – makes it clear that the notions of Steven Lehar are squarely situated in the tradition of Gestalt theory. Gestalt is a German term meaning ÔformÕ, Ôouter shapeÕ or Ôa whole at the perceptual levelÕ. Most people associate Gestalt theory with scholars who insist that our phenomenological experiences cannot be explained solely from the elementary perceptual stimuli that reach our senses. This characterization is, in itself, not wrong other than it is insufficient. The aim of Gestalt theory is to reveal the nature of consciousness and that is also the task that Lehar sets out to accomplish. His approach is reminiscent
At the beginning of the 20th century, there existed two gestalt schools, the older and now forgot... more At the beginning of the 20th century, there existed two gestalt schools, the older and now forgotten Graz school, and the younger and now famous Berlin school. After explaining Alexius MEINONG’s review of Christian von EHRENFELS’ seminal work on gestalt perception, this article defines MEINONG’s notions regarding objects of knowledge and how his students, Stephan WITASEK and Vittorio BENUSSI, would render MEINONG’s ideas in a psychological theory of gestalt perception (the production theory). It was in a review of the latter work that Kurt KOFFKA presented the Berlin gestalt notion for the first time in mature form. Geert-Jan A. Boudewijnse, The rise and fall of the Graz School 157
Gestalt Theory
explanations of the perception of sensory qualities, in particular colours. At the beginning of t... more explanations of the perception of sensory qualities, in particular colours. At the beginning of the 20th century, many scholars explained the perception of figures through the association of their elementary qualities. They argued that when we regularly perceive qualities together, we will associate them into the perception of a figure. For example, when we repeatedly perceive cold and white together, we will perceive a snowball. In this theory, the qualities are perceived independently from one another, remain constant throughout the processing inside the human body and then are bound together by an act of the mind. The Berlin Gestalt School opposes this view and reasons that first the sensory qualities are united into a whole and that this whole, in its turn, influences how we perceive its parts or the individual qualities. The perception of an individual quality, then, may not be the same when based on a different whole, although each time an identical sensory stimulus reaches the organism. Trémault mentions several experiments of the Berlin Gestalt School that refute the hypothesis of the constancy of colour perception.
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 1995
In 1890, when he was Aivatdozent in Vienna, Christian von Ehrenfels wrote the seminal paper from ... more In 1890, when he was Aivatdozent in Vienna, Christian von Ehrenfels wrote the seminal paper from which came gestalt psychology. The paper is called "Ueber 'Cestaltqualitiitm'." His lead example is a melody which can be perceived as the same melody when the key in which it is played or the instrument on which it is played is changed. He argued that the melody is perceived as a structural gestalt distinct from the perception of the physical sounds that it contains. He called the physical sounds the foundation of the melody.
History of Psychology, 1999
J.F. Herbart (1824/1890b) provided a mathematical theory about how mental ideas (Vorstellungen) i... more J.F. Herbart (1824/1890b) provided a mathematical theory about how mental ideas (Vorstellungen) in consciousness at Time 1 (T1) could compete, possibly driving 1 or more Vorstellungen below a threshold of consciousness. At T1 a Vorstellung A could also fuse with another, B. If at a later T2, A resurfaced into consciousness, it could help B to re-resurface into consciousness. This article describes the historical and mathematical background of Herbart's theory, outlines the mathematical theory itself with the aid of computer graphics, and argues that the theory can be applied to the modern problem of predicting recognition latencies in short-term memory (Sternberg's task; Sternberg, 1966)
Reductionism and the Development of Knowledge is a collection of well written essays that are all... more Reductionism and the Development of Knowledge is a collection of well written essays that are all are based on presentations held at the 1999 Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society. Each essay discusses an aspect of the question if human knowledge as expressed in one scientific domain can be translated in terms of another scientific domain. For instance, can psychological phenomena be stated in terms of brain states? The 19th century founding fathers of psychology, Wilhelm Wundt and Franz Brentano argued that a reduction of psychological phenomena to physical ones is impossible. Physical phenomena, according to them, should be the subject matter of the (physical) sciences [Naturwissenschaften]. Mental phenomena, however, would be qualitatively so different from physical ones that they cannot be studied in the same manner as physical phenomena. The scientific research of mental phenomena, then, should take place according to different methods developed 1389-0417/$ -see front matter Ó
Cognitive Systems Research, 2008
History of Psychology, 2001
In the 30 years following its fullest presentation in 1824, the mathematical psychology of JF Her... more In the 30 years following its fullest presentation in 1824, the mathematical psychology of JF Herbart (17761841) was widely taught and often favorably discussed by scholars such as MW Drobisch. However, Herbart's theory received considerable criticism after the introduction ...
Gestalt Theory - An International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2012
Papers by Geert-jan Boudewijnse