Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, t... more Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, the utilization rate of ECT has decreased in Poland in recent years. One of the main reasons could be the negative attitude towards ECT in the community and by mental health professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT in Polish mental health professionals including psychiatrists and non-physicians: nurses, psychologists, social workers. Subject and methods: Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in two large Polish hospitals were approached to participate in the survey by completing a 28-item questionnaire. The specific hospitals have been selected due to the fact that they were located in the same province of Poland (Mazowsze), had similar catchment area and profile, provided similar mental health services with only one exception; one offered ECT while the other did not. Of the 185 questionnaires that had been distributed, 165 were completed yielding a response rate of 89.19%. The study population consists of 85 psychiatrists and trainees and 80 nonphysicians. Results: Psychiatrists did not differ from other mental health professionals with respect to the knowledge and attitudes toward ECT. However, there were significant differences in the attitude (9.1±3.8 vs 7.1±3.3; p<0.001) and knowledge (5.9±3.8 vs 2.8±4.1; p<0.001) scores between those professionals, who have ever worked in a psychiatric ward where they could observe ECT sessions and those who have not had such an opportunity. Conclusions: Frequent witnessing of ECT sessions seems to be the most effective educational intervention to change negative attitudes towards ECT.
Whereas the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been frequently surveyed in Western Europe... more Whereas the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been frequently surveyed in Western Europe, information about the practice of ECT in Eastern Europe is limited. To date, there has been no information about the present state of ECT use in Bulgaria. The aim of this project was to survey current ECT practice in Bulgaria. A semi-structured questionnaire on the practice of ECT was mailed or e-mailed to all psychiatric inpatient facilities in Bulgaria seeking information about the year 2010. Only 4 inpatient facilities (all university departments) located in Sofia confirmed the use of ECT in 2010. The main indication of ECT was depression, and most of the patients were women. Three of the 4 centers used modern machines for electroencephalographic and electromyographic monitoring. This was the first nationwide survey of ECT practice in Bulgaria since 1982. The frequency of ECT use was similarly low as in other Eastern European countries. Approximately 12% of the psychiatric inpatient facilities in Bulgaria offered ECT in 2010, all in the capital city. The lack of availability of ECT outside the capital raises serious concerns about the accessibility of psychiatric care for patients with severe disorders responsive to ECT in other parts of the country.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of psychiatry's most long-standing and criticized treatmen... more Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of psychiatry's most long-standing and criticized treatments. Some of the criticisms come from the ethical aspect of ECT. The authors review the ethical issues of clinical application and research of ECT. ECT in the treatment of psychiatric patients is considered ethical, if it is conducted according to the four main principles of bioethics (beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice). ECT research should also comply with other international guidelines and research ethics codes. In recent decades, the principle of informed consent has become widespread in psychiatry, which requires objective information from the attending doctor according to the most reliable scientific information. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities considers psychiatric disorders to be part of the concept of disability. For disabled psychiatric patients, assisted decision-making is a desirable way of self-determination. In doing so, it is important to use decision support instead of decision-substituting mechanisms, although for patients lacking insight, decisionsubstituting mechanisms are unavoidable.
Main indication for antipsychotic medication is the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoti... more Main indication for antipsychotic medication is the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Influential protocols in the treatment of schizophrenia recommend the use of antipsychotics in monotherapy. In case of therapy resistance, combination of antipsychotics is a feasible option. Applying antipsychotics in combination is common in clinical practice, although existing efficacy and safety data concerning antipsychotic combinations are scarce. Authors, after reviewing existing scientific data, make attempt to give recommendations for combined antipsychotic therapy in everyday clinical practice.
Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata, 2020
The COVID-19 epidemic was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. ... more The COVID-19 epidemic was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. The outbreak and spread of the disease has caused fear, insecurity and anxiety in people around the world. The pan - de mic has both direct and indirect effects on mental health problems, as fear of the virus can trigger or exacerbate mental illness and influence the onset of symptoms. Case studies suggest that this emergency can affect the content of delusions and hallucinations, as well as contribute to psychotic relapse. In addition to a brief review of the literature, we describe the case of three psychotic patients of the Jahn Ferenc South Pest Hospital, Centre for Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, whose delusions and hallucinations were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In two cases, the symptoms of a reactive, transient psychotic episode presumably provoked by psychosocial stressors were determined, and in one case, the positive symptoms of a patient suffering in a psychotic disorder were determined by COVID-19.
Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, t... more Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, the utilization rate of ECT has decreased in Poland in recent years. One of the main reasons could be the negative attitude towards ECT in the community and by mental health professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT in Polish mental health professionals including psychiatrists and non-physicians: nurses, psychologists, social workers. Subject and methods: Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in two large Polish hospitals were approached to participate in the survey by completing a 28-item questionnaire. The specific hospitals have been selected due to the fact that they were located in the same province of Poland (Mazowsze), had similar catchment area and profile, provided similar mental health services with only one exception; one offered ECT while the other did not. Of the 185 questionnaires that had been distributed, 165 were completed yielding a response rate of 89.19%. The study population consists of 85 psychiatrists and trainees and 80 nonphysicians. Results: Psychiatrists did not differ from other mental health professionals with respect to the knowledge and attitudes toward ECT. However, there were significant differences in the attitude (9.1±3.8 vs 7.1±3.3; p<0.001) and knowledge (5.9±3.8 vs 2.8±4.1; p<0.001) scores between those professionals, who have ever worked in a psychiatric ward where they could observe ECT sessions and those who have not had such an opportunity. Conclusions: Frequent witnessing of ECT sessions seems to be the most effective educational intervention to change negative attitudes towards ECT.
in patients with no psychiatric history. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and co... more in patients with no psychiatric history. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and confusion were the most frequently reported psychotic features which low doses of antipsychotics seem to be helpful. Objectives: Brief literature review about the relationship between COVID-19 and new-onset psychotic symptomatology. Methods: Non-systematic review through PubMed research using the terms "COVID-19", "SARS-CoV-2", "pandemics", "psychotic symptoms" and "psychosis". Results: The severity of the infection, especially in those with the need for hospitalization/intensive care, seems to have a clear effect on the gravity of subsequent neuropsychiatric symptoms, namely psychosis. Viral invasion of the central neural system, hypercoagulable states, and neuroinflammation are potential associated mechanisms. It's important to consider the effect of therapies that may have the potential to cause psychosis (eg steroids). According to recent literature, around 0.9-4% of people exposed to the COVID-19 virus develop psychotic episodes, which is much higher than the incidence in the general population. Conclusions: Post-COVID-19 related psychosis has been reported in different nations. The pathophysiology is yet not clear, although the hyperinflammatory response has been suggested as the main mechanism for the neuropsychiatric manifestations. Given the high number of case reports with similar presentations, it's important to proceed with more investigations. Disclosure: No significant relationships.
Background and purpose-Despite the decrease in transplant-related mortality, patients who receive... more Background and purpose-Despite the decrease in transplant-related mortality, patients who receive hematopoietic stemcell transplants often suffer from short-and long-term morbidities, poorer quality of life, and psychosocial functioning deficits. Several studies have compared the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients after undergoing autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplants. Some studies have reported similar or greater quality of life impairments in allogeneic hematopoietic stemcell recipients, but the findings have been inconsistent. Our purpose was to examine the influence of the type of hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation on the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients. Methods-The study sample comprised 121 patients with various hematological diseases who underwent hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation at St. István and St. László Hospitals, Budapest. The study had a cross-sectional design. Quality of life was evaluated using the Hungarian version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Bone Marrow Transplant scale (FACT-BMT). Anxiety and depressive symptoms were assessed using Spielberger's State and Trait A haematopoeticus őssejt-transzplantáció hatása az életminőségre és a pszichés tünetekre
Homelessness in Hungary has become a major social issue since the demise of the communist system ... more Homelessness in Hungary has become a major social issue since the demise of the communist system in 1989. Yet, homelessness is not a new phenomenon as it was ushered in with the period of industrialization at the end of the nineteenth century. The number of homeless people was estimated to be about 8600 in Hungary in 2018 by the non-governmental organization, the ‘3rd of February Working Party’. The system of care for the homeless is regulated by the 1/2000. (I.7.) Government Directive. Under this legislation, temporary homeless shelters and rehabilitation centres are considered to be specialized institutions, which, in addition to providing food and housing, are also obliged to provide professional social care. In 2014, a survey was conducted in Budapest to assess the psychiatric condition of homeless people and the impact of their psychiatric illness on social relations, employment, and substance use. The main finding of the survey was that the prevalence of severe psychiatric disorders in homeless people is very high, which is in line with the results of other similar surveys conducted in other countries. The poor engagement of homeless people with psychiatric services indicates that the traditional care model is not appropriate for this particular population. Homeless psychiatric patients form a special subgroup and looking after them is a complex problem which demands complex solutions. Their care can only be provided by a highly trained interdisciplinary team who follow their clients to continue helping them with social integration even after they have left the shelter.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is held by many to be a controversial mode of treatment. ECT invo... more Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is held by many to be a controversial mode of treatment. ECT involves treatment by the passage of electricity through the brain and the induction of a seizure. Although modified, ECT, that is, ECT under general anesthesia and with a muscle relaxant, is what is widely practiced today; the very picture of ECT is that of a patient going into generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. It evokes a negative image, which is widely exploited by a sensationalistic mass media. 1 Negative attitudes toward ECT have been found to prevail in both medical and nonmedical populations. The media has been found to have a strong influence in shaping such attitudes. 2 Diverse populations have been studied in an attempt to understand attitudes toward the treatment. Many authors have investigated the attitudes toward ECT among nonpsychiatrist medical professionals, mostly medical students. 1-4 We thereby aimed to investigate the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT among nonpsychiatrist medical graduates and postgraduates. Fifty medical graduates and 50 postgraduates from the Indian states of West Bengal and Jharkhand were included in this study, thus constituting a total sample size of 100. The inclusion criteria for the study were as follows: 1) the participant had to be a medical graduate or postgraduate and 2) the participant had to consent to fill out the questionnaire designed for the study. The exclusion criteria were as follows; 1) the participant's unwillingness to fill up the questionnaire and 2) the participant having completed their postgraduate studies in psychiatry.
A pszichés zavarokkal küzdő betegek jelentős terhet rónak a sürgősségi ellátásra. Ezt felismerve,... more A pszichés zavarokkal küzdő betegek jelentős terhet rónak a sürgősségi ellátásra. Ezt felismerve, a Jahn Ferenc Dél-pesti Kórház Sürgősségi Betegellátó Osztályán 2018 óta alkalmaznak pszichológusokat a probléma kezelésére. Az eltelt évek alatt a pszichológusok személyében jelentős volt a fluktuáció, három év alatt nyolcból hét szakember távozott az osztályról. A fluktuáció okainak feltárására kérdőíves felmérést terveztünk, a sürgősségi osztályon dolgozók pszichológusokkal, pszichológiai munkával kapcsolatos attitűdjének, elvárásainak megismerésére. Az összeállított kérdőív három részből állt. Az első rész a dolgozó munkavégzésére vonatkozó 3 kérdést tartalmazott. A második rész 5 kérdése a pszichológusok munkájára vonatkozott általánosságban, illetve konkrétan az SBO-n. A harmadik részben a válaszadóknak 5 fokozatú likert skálán kellett megjelölniük, hogy a felsorolt 15 tevékenység végzésében mennyire tölt be fontos szerepet a pszichológus. A válaszadási arány 32%-os volt. A speciá...
Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, t... more Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, the utilization rate of ECT has decreased in Poland in recent years. One of the main reasons could be the negative attitude towards ECT in the community and by mental health professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT in Polish mental health professionals including psychiatrists and non-physicians: nurses, psychologists, social workers. Subject and methods: Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in two large Polish hospitals were approached to participate in the survey by completing a 28-item questionnaire. The specific hospitals have been selected due to the fact that they were located in the same province of Poland (Mazowsze), had similar catchment area and profile, provided similar mental health services with only one exception; one offered ECT while the other did not. Of the 185 questionnaires that had been distributed, 165 were completed yielding a response rate of 89.19%. The study population consists of 85 psychiatrists and trainees and 80 nonphysicians. Results: Psychiatrists did not differ from other mental health professionals with respect to the knowledge and attitudes toward ECT. However, there were significant differences in the attitude (9.1±3.8 vs 7.1±3.3; p<0.001) and knowledge (5.9±3.8 vs 2.8±4.1; p<0.001) scores between those professionals, who have ever worked in a psychiatric ward where they could observe ECT sessions and those who have not had such an opportunity. Conclusions: Frequent witnessing of ECT sessions seems to be the most effective educational intervention to change negative attitudes towards ECT.
Whereas the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been frequently surveyed in Western Europe... more Whereas the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been frequently surveyed in Western Europe, information about the practice of ECT in Eastern Europe is limited. To date, there has been no information about the present state of ECT use in Bulgaria. The aim of this project was to survey current ECT practice in Bulgaria. A semi-structured questionnaire on the practice of ECT was mailed or e-mailed to all psychiatric inpatient facilities in Bulgaria seeking information about the year 2010. Only 4 inpatient facilities (all university departments) located in Sofia confirmed the use of ECT in 2010. The main indication of ECT was depression, and most of the patients were women. Three of the 4 centers used modern machines for electroencephalographic and electromyographic monitoring. This was the first nationwide survey of ECT practice in Bulgaria since 1982. The frequency of ECT use was similarly low as in other Eastern European countries. Approximately 12% of the psychiatric inpatient facilities in Bulgaria offered ECT in 2010, all in the capital city. The lack of availability of ECT outside the capital raises serious concerns about the accessibility of psychiatric care for patients with severe disorders responsive to ECT in other parts of the country.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of psychiatry's most long-standing and criticized treatmen... more Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of psychiatry's most long-standing and criticized treatments. Some of the criticisms come from the ethical aspect of ECT. The authors review the ethical issues of clinical application and research of ECT. ECT in the treatment of psychiatric patients is considered ethical, if it is conducted according to the four main principles of bioethics (beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice). ECT research should also comply with other international guidelines and research ethics codes. In recent decades, the principle of informed consent has become widespread in psychiatry, which requires objective information from the attending doctor according to the most reliable scientific information. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities considers psychiatric disorders to be part of the concept of disability. For disabled psychiatric patients, assisted decision-making is a desirable way of self-determination. In doing so, it is important to use decision support instead of decision-substituting mechanisms, although for patients lacking insight, decisionsubstituting mechanisms are unavoidable.
Main indication for antipsychotic medication is the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoti... more Main indication for antipsychotic medication is the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Influential protocols in the treatment of schizophrenia recommend the use of antipsychotics in monotherapy. In case of therapy resistance, combination of antipsychotics is a feasible option. Applying antipsychotics in combination is common in clinical practice, although existing efficacy and safety data concerning antipsychotic combinations are scarce. Authors, after reviewing existing scientific data, make attempt to give recommendations for combined antipsychotic therapy in everyday clinical practice.
Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata, 2020
The COVID-19 epidemic was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. ... more The COVID-19 epidemic was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020. The outbreak and spread of the disease has caused fear, insecurity and anxiety in people around the world. The pan - de mic has both direct and indirect effects on mental health problems, as fear of the virus can trigger or exacerbate mental illness and influence the onset of symptoms. Case studies suggest that this emergency can affect the content of delusions and hallucinations, as well as contribute to psychotic relapse. In addition to a brief review of the literature, we describe the case of three psychotic patients of the Jahn Ferenc South Pest Hospital, Centre for Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, whose delusions and hallucinations were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In two cases, the symptoms of a reactive, transient psychotic episode presumably provoked by psychosocial stressors were determined, and in one case, the positive symptoms of a patient suffering in a psychotic disorder were determined by COVID-19.
Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, t... more Background: Although the efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been well established, the utilization rate of ECT has decreased in Poland in recent years. One of the main reasons could be the negative attitude towards ECT in the community and by mental health professionals. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT in Polish mental health professionals including psychiatrists and non-physicians: nurses, psychologists, social workers. Subject and methods: Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals in two large Polish hospitals were approached to participate in the survey by completing a 28-item questionnaire. The specific hospitals have been selected due to the fact that they were located in the same province of Poland (Mazowsze), had similar catchment area and profile, provided similar mental health services with only one exception; one offered ECT while the other did not. Of the 185 questionnaires that had been distributed, 165 were completed yielding a response rate of 89.19%. The study population consists of 85 psychiatrists and trainees and 80 nonphysicians. Results: Psychiatrists did not differ from other mental health professionals with respect to the knowledge and attitudes toward ECT. However, there were significant differences in the attitude (9.1±3.8 vs 7.1±3.3; p<0.001) and knowledge (5.9±3.8 vs 2.8±4.1; p<0.001) scores between those professionals, who have ever worked in a psychiatric ward where they could observe ECT sessions and those who have not had such an opportunity. Conclusions: Frequent witnessing of ECT sessions seems to be the most effective educational intervention to change negative attitudes towards ECT.
in patients with no psychiatric history. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and co... more in patients with no psychiatric history. Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and confusion were the most frequently reported psychotic features which low doses of antipsychotics seem to be helpful. Objectives: Brief literature review about the relationship between COVID-19 and new-onset psychotic symptomatology. Methods: Non-systematic review through PubMed research using the terms "COVID-19", "SARS-CoV-2", "pandemics", "psychotic symptoms" and "psychosis". Results: The severity of the infection, especially in those with the need for hospitalization/intensive care, seems to have a clear effect on the gravity of subsequent neuropsychiatric symptoms, namely psychosis. Viral invasion of the central neural system, hypercoagulable states, and neuroinflammation are potential associated mechanisms. It's important to consider the effect of therapies that may have the potential to cause psychosis (eg steroids). According to recent literature, around 0.9-4% of people exposed to the COVID-19 virus develop psychotic episodes, which is much higher than the incidence in the general population. Conclusions: Post-COVID-19 related psychosis has been reported in different nations. The pathophysiology is yet not clear, although the hyperinflammatory response has been suggested as the main mechanism for the neuropsychiatric manifestations. Given the high number of case reports with similar presentations, it's important to proceed with more investigations. Disclosure: No significant relationships.
Background and purpose-Despite the decrease in transplant-related mortality, patients who receive... more Background and purpose-Despite the decrease in transplant-related mortality, patients who receive hematopoietic stemcell transplants often suffer from short-and long-term morbidities, poorer quality of life, and psychosocial functioning deficits. Several studies have compared the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients after undergoing autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplants. Some studies have reported similar or greater quality of life impairments in allogeneic hematopoietic stemcell recipients, but the findings have been inconsistent. Our purpose was to examine the influence of the type of hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation on the quality of life and affective symptoms of patients. Methods-The study sample comprised 121 patients with various hematological diseases who underwent hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation at St. István and St. László Hospitals, Budapest. The study had a cross-sectional design. Quality of life was evaluated using the Hungarian version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Bone Marrow Transplant scale (FACT-BMT). Anxiety and depressive symptoms were assessed using Spielberger's State and Trait A haematopoeticus őssejt-transzplantáció hatása az életminőségre és a pszichés tünetekre
Homelessness in Hungary has become a major social issue since the demise of the communist system ... more Homelessness in Hungary has become a major social issue since the demise of the communist system in 1989. Yet, homelessness is not a new phenomenon as it was ushered in with the period of industrialization at the end of the nineteenth century. The number of homeless people was estimated to be about 8600 in Hungary in 2018 by the non-governmental organization, the ‘3rd of February Working Party’. The system of care for the homeless is regulated by the 1/2000. (I.7.) Government Directive. Under this legislation, temporary homeless shelters and rehabilitation centres are considered to be specialized institutions, which, in addition to providing food and housing, are also obliged to provide professional social care. In 2014, a survey was conducted in Budapest to assess the psychiatric condition of homeless people and the impact of their psychiatric illness on social relations, employment, and substance use. The main finding of the survey was that the prevalence of severe psychiatric disorders in homeless people is very high, which is in line with the results of other similar surveys conducted in other countries. The poor engagement of homeless people with psychiatric services indicates that the traditional care model is not appropriate for this particular population. Homeless psychiatric patients form a special subgroup and looking after them is a complex problem which demands complex solutions. Their care can only be provided by a highly trained interdisciplinary team who follow their clients to continue helping them with social integration even after they have left the shelter.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is held by many to be a controversial mode of treatment. ECT invo... more Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is held by many to be a controversial mode of treatment. ECT involves treatment by the passage of electricity through the brain and the induction of a seizure. Although modified, ECT, that is, ECT under general anesthesia and with a muscle relaxant, is what is widely practiced today; the very picture of ECT is that of a patient going into generalized tonic-clonic convulsions. It evokes a negative image, which is widely exploited by a sensationalistic mass media. 1 Negative attitudes toward ECT have been found to prevail in both medical and nonmedical populations. The media has been found to have a strong influence in shaping such attitudes. 2 Diverse populations have been studied in an attempt to understand attitudes toward the treatment. Many authors have investigated the attitudes toward ECT among nonpsychiatrist medical professionals, mostly medical students. 1-4 We thereby aimed to investigate the knowledge about and attitudes toward ECT among nonpsychiatrist medical graduates and postgraduates. Fifty medical graduates and 50 postgraduates from the Indian states of West Bengal and Jharkhand were included in this study, thus constituting a total sample size of 100. The inclusion criteria for the study were as follows: 1) the participant had to be a medical graduate or postgraduate and 2) the participant had to consent to fill out the questionnaire designed for the study. The exclusion criteria were as follows; 1) the participant's unwillingness to fill up the questionnaire and 2) the participant having completed their postgraduate studies in psychiatry.
A pszichés zavarokkal küzdő betegek jelentős terhet rónak a sürgősségi ellátásra. Ezt felismerve,... more A pszichés zavarokkal küzdő betegek jelentős terhet rónak a sürgősségi ellátásra. Ezt felismerve, a Jahn Ferenc Dél-pesti Kórház Sürgősségi Betegellátó Osztályán 2018 óta alkalmaznak pszichológusokat a probléma kezelésére. Az eltelt évek alatt a pszichológusok személyében jelentős volt a fluktuáció, három év alatt nyolcból hét szakember távozott az osztályról. A fluktuáció okainak feltárására kérdőíves felmérést terveztünk, a sürgősségi osztályon dolgozók pszichológusokkal, pszichológiai munkával kapcsolatos attitűdjének, elvárásainak megismerésére. Az összeállított kérdőív három részből állt. Az első rész a dolgozó munkavégzésére vonatkozó 3 kérdést tartalmazott. A második rész 5 kérdése a pszichológusok munkájára vonatkozott általánosságban, illetve konkrétan az SBO-n. A harmadik részben a válaszadóknak 5 fokozatú likert skálán kellett megjelölniük, hogy a felsorolt 15 tevékenység végzésében mennyire tölt be fontos szerepet a pszichológus. A válaszadási arány 32%-os volt. A speciá...
Papers by Gábor Gazdag