Papers by Francisco Machado

O custo atual da ineficácia e falta de cooperação dos investimentos dos Estados Membros na Defesa... more O custo atual da ineficácia e falta de cooperação dos investimentos dos Estados Membros na Defesa, representa um custo estimado entre 25 e 100 biliões de euros por ano. Para mitigar o problema, a Comissão Europeia decidiu criar o Fundo Europeu de Defesa (FED), para alavancar mudanças estruturais nas capacidades militares. Portugal pretende recorrer ao FED para melhorar as suas capacidades militares e para desenvolver as suas indústrias de Defesa, contudo não está definido como pretende atingir esses fins. Esta investigação analisa de que forma a Defesa Nacional pretende explorar o FED, contribuindo para o processo estratégico. Metodologicamente, seguiu um raciocínio indutivo, utilizou uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa e um desenho de pesquisa do tipo estudo de caso. Os principais resultados obtidos foram uma classificação ligeiramente favorável da Defesa Nacional na análise de ambiente para o FED, a identificação de lições aprendidas com os programas precursores PADR/EDIDP ...

Frontiers in Education
The preschool years presents an important opportunity to support children’s social and emotional ... more The preschool years presents an important opportunity to support children’s social and emotional development. Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs in early childhood education and care (ECEC) have gained an increased interest due to its potential to improve child health and educational outcomes. We aimed to identify existing systematic reviews on universal, curriculum-based SEL interventions in ECEC settings (children aged 0 to 7 years), assess their risk of bias, synthesize the findings and identify knowledge gaps. We undertook a systematic literature search in seven different databases. Reviews of studies without control groups were excluded. Each abstract and full text article was assessed independently, and disagreements were solved in consensus. Relevant reviews were assessed for bias using the ROBIS tool. Of 4912 records identified through database searches, two systematic reviews met the inclusion criteria. Both reviews were assessed as having a high risk of bias. The...

This paper articulates how the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) understands and seeks to fost... more This paper articulates how the East Asian Pastoral Institute (EAPI) understands and seeks to foster spirituality. The ideas expressed here are the author’s attempt to convey his own understanding of what good spiritualityis and of how EAPI can foster it among its participants. After an introduction about the relevance of spirituality for the formation of pastoral workers, a general definition of spirituality is given. This is followed by a reflection on how some key elements typical of the Asia Pacific context can and should affect our spirituality. The central idea explored in the rest of the paper is that of spiritual maturity. This notion is defined and explained by means of a model which articulates how spiritual growth happens in stages. The author then suggests concrete characteristics proper of the spiritually mature person and gives ideas on how the EAPI formative context can help participants develop these aspects of maturity. Finally, it is argued that discernment can be s...

P2X7R is a purinergic receptor with broad expression throughout the body, especially in immune sy... more P2X7R is a purinergic receptor with broad expression throughout the body, especially in immune system cells. P2X7R activation causes inflammatory mediators to release, including interleukin-1β (IL-1β), the processing and release of which are critically dependent on this ion channel activation. P2X7R’s therapeutic potential augments the discovery of new antagonistic compounds. Thus, we investigated whether the Eugenia sulcata essential oil could block P2X7R activity. The essential oil (ESO) dose-dependently inhibited ATP-promoted PI uptake and IL-1β release with an IC50 of 113.3 ± 3.7 ng/mL and 274 ± 91 ng/mL, respectively, and the essential oil nanoemulsion (ESON) improved the ESO inhibitory effect with an IC50 of 81.4 ± 7.2 ng/mL and 62 ± 2 ng/mL, respectively. ESO and ESON reversed the carrageenan-activated peritonitis in mice, and ESON exhibited an efficacy higher than ESO. The majority substance from essential oil, β-caryophyllene, impaired the ATP-evoked PI uptake and IL-1β rel...
Early Child Development and Care

European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology, 2015
ABSTRACT To determine the prevalence of endometriosis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer ... more ABSTRACT To determine the prevalence of endometriosis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer and explore the differences between women with endometrioid and clear-cell histologic subtypes with and without associated endometriosis. The medical charts of 496 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer at the Hospital Virgin de la Arrixaca (Murcia, Spain) between 1971 and 2010 were reviewed. Endometriosis was present in 27 (5.4%) of the 496 cases (p < 0001), and was associated with the endometrioid histotype in 13/45 cases (29%) and with the clear cell histotype in 7/22 (32%). The prevalence of an association with endometriosis according to histologic type was 28.8% (13/45) for endometrioid carcinoma and 31.8% (7/22) for clear-cell carcinoma. Both endometrioid and clear-cell ovarians tumours are associated with pelvic endometriosis. Patients with endometiosis associated ovarian cancer differ from non-endometiosis associated ovarian cancer in their clinical characteristics.
Brazilian journalism research, 2012
This article is based on research which has been developed in partnership with Unesp TV, a univer... more This article is based on research which has been developed in partnership with Unesp TV, a university TV broadcast station of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Bauru campus/SP. The study aims to identify convergent and divergent aspects in the design of audiovisual journalistic content for TV and other media such as the internet and mobile communication systems. The results presented here are the considerations obtained from the first stage of the research. In this phase, the basic steps which should guide the design of the content to feed broadcasting time are outlined, as well as the online audiovisual news broadcast and business management of a TV station, compared to the model which has been followed by internet TV broadcasters.
Brazilian Journal of Development, 2022
O artigo faz uma análise documental das mudanças no jornal “Tem Notícias” 1ª edição da TV Tem, af... more O artigo faz uma análise documental das mudanças no jornal “Tem Notícias” 1ª edição da TV Tem, afiliada da Rede Globo no centro-oeste paulista, com uma área de cobertura de 100 cidades nas regiões de Bauru e Marília e um público de mais quase 8 milhões de espectadores diários. Além da mudança evidente nas pautas, a pandemia trouxe também mudanças na rotina do fazer jornalístico. A análise tem como base os vídeos das reportagens exibidas no telejornal e que estão disponíveis no site Globoplay, uma plataforma digital de streaming com vídeos sob demanda e com conteúdo de todos os telejornais das afiliadas da Rede Globo.
Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, 2021
Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship, Third Edition, 2019
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2000
ABSTRACT A series of molecular-sieves comprising dealuminated Y and mordenite zeolites (DY and DM... more ABSTRACT A series of molecular-sieves comprising dealuminated Y and mordenite zeolites (DY and DMOR) and unmodified SAPO-5, were tested as catalysts for the transformation of α-pinene in both gas and liquid phase. Selectivity to camphene was higher in liquid phase. Deactivation in gas phase was very pronounced. Based on the gas-phase specific rate of transformation, the following site-strength series was obtained: DMOR>SAPO-5>DY. The catalyst DMOR also showed the highest M/B ratio (monocyclic-to-bicyclic terpene products).

O regime politico institucional no Brasil, se caracteriza pela conjuntura dos seguintes elementos... more O regime politico institucional no Brasil, se caracteriza pela conjuntura dos seguintes elementos: “presidencialismo imperial”, representacao proporcional, multipartidarismo e organizacao do Executivo com base em grandes coalizoes politico-partidarias e regionais, ou seja, o chamado presidencialismo de coalizao. Tal tema tem repercutido varias discussoes, de modo geral alguns defendem, enquanto, outros criticam e pregam sua inviabilidade. Ocorre que, por bem ou por mal, constata-se que o sistema do presidencialismo de coalizao, desde 1988, vem sendo adotado e, de certo modo, funcionando no Brasil. Diante da crise politica enfrentada atualmente, escândalos de corrupcao, a controversia torna-se ainda mais atenuante, em que a causa do fracasso acaba por ser colocada no sistema de governo. Nessa linha, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar, de maneira generica, os limites e as possibilidades da politica de coalizao.

Research, Society and Development, 2020
The Dysdercus peruvianus Guerin-Meneville is commonly known as the cotton stainer bug. In this st... more The Dysdercus peruvianus Guerin-Meneville is commonly known as the cotton stainer bug. In this study, it was evaluated the insecticide activity and mode of action of the essential oil from leaves of Ocotea elegans Mez and its nanoemulsion against D. peruvianus. Leaves of O. elegans were extracted by hydrodistillation. The essential oil obtained was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with electron impact mass spectrometry and flame ionization detector. The essential oil toxicity measured by lethal dose 50 (LD50) and survival rate of insects were recorded. Lastly, an assay was carried out to assess the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase to determine a possible mechanism of action of insecticidal activity. The sesquiterpene sesquirosefuran was the major compound detected and corresponds to 92% of the components of the essential oil. The nanoemulsion more stable showed hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB 11.74), droplet size 92±1.80 nm, and polydispersity index (PDI of 0....

Comunicologia, 2013
O presente texto apresenta propostas para o uso da interatividade no telejornalismo de uma emisso... more O presente texto apresenta propostas para o uso da interatividade no telejornalismo de uma emissora aberta de televisao e as consequencias dessa utilizacao. As questoes aqui levantadas vao alem da problematica tecnica e contemplam, tambem, questoes do campo teorico. O proposito fundamental deste trabalho e apresentar possibilidades interativas no telejornalismo como forma de proporcionar a esse formato televisivo ferramentas para acompanhar as transformacoes tecnologicas no campo da producao e do compartilhamento de noticias. Entretanto, ao utilizar essas ferramentas, o telejornalismo esta possibilitando a inversao das duas importantes hipoteses que descrevem o telejornalismo analogico: a Hipotese do Agendamento e a Espiral do Silencio. Para chegar ao seu principal objetivo, recorreu-se a referencial teorico pertinente as questoes aqui tratadas e ao levantamento de alguns aplicativos interativos para televisao digital desenvolvidos especificamente para telejornais. A partir desse in...

O empreendedorismo e tratado como um fenomeno relacionado ao captar oportunidades empreendedoras,... more O empreendedorismo e tratado como um fenomeno relacionado ao captar oportunidades empreendedoras, que modifiquem a realidade em que o individuo chamado de empreendedor se insira. Caso o sujeito realize suas atividades cotidianas circunscritas a organizacoes, o intraempreendedorismo passa a ser a base teorica de estudo. No entanto, o empreendedor interno a organizacoes age em meio a regras e rotinas ja estabelecidas. Dessa forma, o presente artigo, um ensaio teorico, surge do debate nao assimilado de areas de conhecimento academicos distintos que consideram a atitude empreendedora como base: (1) O Empreendedorismo e o Empreendedor; (2) Teoria do Crescimento da Firma; (3) Natureza e Essencia da Firma; e (4) Rotinas. Ao final do trabalho, chega-se a propor tres proposicoes de estudos futuros alicercados nessa confluencia teoricas realizadas. Especialmente, acredita-se que ha tres papeis a serem diferenciados nas organizacoes ao entendimento do que vem a ser o empreendedor: fazedor, sup...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018
strain and electric fields (i.e. in the diamond host) can suppress this sensitivity to external s... more strain and electric fields (i.e. in the diamond host) can suppress this sensitivity to external signals. This is especially important in high density ensembles, where one leverages spin correlations to perform enhanced spectroscopy. We demonstrate that in such samples, spectral features typically attributed to internal strain in fact result from electric fields originating from local charged defects. We distinguish between the effects of strain and electric fields by using diamond anvil cells to characterize the elastic response of NV centers in the gigapascal regime. Under these conditions, we investigate the charge dynamics of the NV center and reconstruct the complete strain tensor within the anvil cell.

Research, Society and Development, 2021
The deviant conducts practiced by teenagers are seen as behaviors that go against social norms an... more The deviant conducts practiced by teenagers are seen as behaviors that go against social norms and order, even though they are configured as a very harsh reality in several countries, both from specialists’ research and according to statistics. The present paper aims at assessing the empiric validity of the factor structure of the Scale of Anti-Social and Criminal Conduct (SCS) in different countries. It is an assessment measure of the deviant conducts that has been frequently used with different samples and which can be seen as conducts that interfere in people’s rights and duties and threaten their social and individual welfare. The study encompassed 411 teenagers, that is, 137 in each country, with ages ranging from 13 to 18 (M = 15.71; DP = 1,65; Mo = 15). The results show that the SCS factor structure was consistent. They also confirmed the bi-factor organization of such measure seen in Brazilian studies. Moreover, their factor invariance stands out in samples from the countrie...
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018

Adapting to a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) represents a great chall... more Adapting to a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) represents a great challenge for any family, and especially for the parents. Considering the psychological and behavioral issues inherent to this disorder, it’s no easy task to promote the child’s development, in a supportive way, while at the same time ensuring that it is well adjusted to all social contexts. More difficult yet is to achieve this while maintaining high quality of interpersonal relations and psychological health in the family. In this context, our research’s objectives were to assess and analyze possible connections between the perception of parental acceptance and rejection, parental stress and quality of family life, in families with children with ADHD. To achieve our goals we applied the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ, Rohner, 2005), the Quality of Life Scale (QOL, Barnes & Olson, 1982), and the Parental Stress Scale (PSS, Mixao, Leal & Maroco, 2007) to a sample of 57 Port...
Papers by Francisco Machado