Papers by François Perruchas
The concept of "innovation System" arises to try to reflect, in a more appropriate way,... more The concept of "innovation System" arises to try to reflect, in a more appropriate way, the dynamics of the innovation in a territory. Although there are some antecedents, it was at the beginning of the 90´s, when the first works were published, that the concept national system of innovation was picked up explicitly) (Freeman, 1994; Lundval, 1992; Nelson, 1993) and
Scientometrics, 2009
Most studies of patents citations focus on national or international contexts, especially context... more Most studies of patents citations focus on national or international contexts, especially contexts of high absorptive capacity, and employ examiner citations. We argue that results can vary if we take the region as the context of analysis, especially if it is a region with low absorptive capacity, and if we study applicant citations and examiner-inserted citations separately. Using a sample from the Valencian Community (Spain), we conclude that (i) the use of examiner-inserted citations as a proxy for applicant citations, (ii) the interpretation of non-patent references as indicators of science-industry links, and (iii) the traditional results for geographical localization are not generalizable to all regions with low absorptive capacity.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011
Abstract Patent citations added by examiners are often used as indicators of technological impact... more Abstract Patent citations added by examiners are often used as indicators of technological impact and knowledge flows, despite various criticisms. In this study we analyze the distribution of examiner patent citations according to patent characteristics in order to show their limitations. According to our findings, the number of applicant citations included is dependent on the science-base of the technology. However, this gets masked by the citations added by patent examiners, who smooth the distribution of citations across ...
La ingeniería en general aborda problemas de naturaleza diversa pero tienen un denominador común,... more La ingeniería en general aborda problemas de naturaleza diversa pero tienen un denominador común, la necesidad de elegir entre diferentes alternativas que han de evaluarse en base a varios criterios. No es muy común el uso de técnicas de decisión multicriterio en proyectos de ingeniería, aunque en la bibliografía podemos encontrar trabajos como los de Robusté (1987) [1], Al-Subhi (2001).[2] y Ormazabal (2002) [3].
Examiner patent citations are a popular source of indicators of technological impact and knowledg... more Examiner patent citations are a popular source of indicators of technological impact and knowledge flows, despite various critiques. We analyse the distribution of examiner patent citations according to patent characteristics, to show their comparative meaningless. Our findings show that it is the science-base of the technology that determines the inclusion of applicant citations. However, this gets masked by the citations added by patent examiners, who smooth the distribution of citations across technology classes and include the ' ...

El concepto de "Sistema de innovación" surge para tratar de reflejar, de forma más apropiada, la ... more El concepto de "Sistema de innovación" surge para tratar de reflejar, de forma más apropiada, la dinámica de la innovación en un territorio. A pesar de que hay algunos antecedentes, fue a principios de los años 90 cuando se publicaron los primeros trabajos que recogían explícitamente el concepto sistema nacional de innovación (Freeman, 1994; Lundval, 1992; y empezó a cobrar interés este nuevo concepto de estudio. El objetivo aquí planteado consiste en analizar, desde que surgió, la evolución la investigación sobre sistemas de innovación y sus dimensiones a través de las publicaciones científicas, identificando a los principales autores impulsores, las instituciones involucradas y sus colaboraciones. La producción relacionada con sistemas de innovación se ha obtenido a partir de los trabajos científicos publicados hasta 2004, datos obtenidos de la base de datos Science Citation Index y Social Science Citation Index, versión Web of Science. El tratamiento y análisis de la información se ha realizado con una base de datos relacional y una aplicación específicamente diseñada para realizar análisis bibliométricos. Atendiendo a la evolución del número de publicaciones, a pesar de que este concepto tiene algunos detractores, básicamente debido a la falta de indicadores que lo sustenten, podemos decir que es un concepto plenamente vigente.

Research collaboration is necessary, rewarding, and beneficial. Cohesion between team members is ... more Research collaboration is necessary, rewarding, and beneficial. Cohesion between team members is related to their collective efficiency. To assess collaboration processes and their eventual outcomes, agencies need innovative methods – and social network approaches are emerging as a useful analytical tool. We identified the research output and citation data of a network of 61 research groups formally engaged in publishing rare disease research between 2000 and 2013. We drew the collaboration networks for each year and computed the global and local measures throughout the period, relating connectivity with the normalized impact. Although global network measures remained steady over the whole period, the local and subgroup metrics revealed a growing cohesion between the teams. Transitivity and density showed little or no variation throughout the period. In contrast the following points indicated an evolution towards greater network cohesion: the emergence of a giant component (which grew from just 30% to reach 85% of groups); the decreasing number of communities (following a tripling in the average number of members); the growing number of fully connected subgroups; and increasing average strength. Normalized citation measures, although ranking the member groups as above average impact for Spanish biomedical output, do not support correlation between collaboration and citation impact. The Spanish research network on rare diseases has evolved towards a growing cohesion – as revealed by local and subgroup metrics following social network analysis. This greater cohesion does not translate into a greater impact, as measured by the citation analysis of the papers.
Papers by François Perruchas