Papers by Fernando Roberto Martins
Anexo 1-Levantamentos florísticos ou fitossociológicos realizados na região do semiárido brasilei... more Anexo 1-Levantamentos florísticos ou fitossociológicos realizados na região do semiárido brasileiro (domínio fitogeográfico da Caatinga
Plant Biology, 2019
How do leaf wetting events affect gas exchange and leaf lifespan of plants from seasonally dry tr... more How do leaf wetting events affect gas exchange and leaf lifespan of plants from seasonally dry tropical vegetation?
Austral Ecology, 2016
In semi‐arid climates, plant population dynamics are strongly influenced by the amount and tempor... more In semi‐arid climates, plant population dynamics are strongly influenced by the amount and temporal distribution of rainfall. We monitored a population of the tree species Cordia oncocalyx (Boraginaceae) for 24 months in the dry thorny woodland of semi‐arid northeastern Brazil, to investigate which life‐history traits allow this tree to be locally dominant. We used horizontal life tables and a Lefkovitch matrix and tested for relationships among demographic parameters of seedling, infant, juvenile, immature, virginile and reproductive ontogenetic stages with rainfall and canopy openness. Germination and recruitment occurred in the rainy months, and dry‐season mortality occurred only in seedlings (76% and 100%, first and second years, respectively) and infants (3% and 6%). Juveniles showed greater height growth under more open canopies (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.24), suggesting that light availability influences growth. The population growth rate was λ = 1.0336, and the hi...
Austral Ecology, 2016
Lianas are abundant in seasonal tropical forests, where they avoid seasonal water stress presumab... more Lianas are abundant in seasonal tropical forests, where they avoid seasonal water stress presumably by accessing deep-soil water reserves. Although lianas are favoured in seasonal environments, their occurrence and abundance are low in semiarid environments. We hypothesized that lianas do not tolerate the great water shortage in the soil and air characteristic of semiarid environments, which would increase the risk of embolism. We compared the rooting depth of coarse roots, leaf dynamics, leaf water potential (ψ leaf), embolism resistance (P 50) and lethal levels of embolism (P 88) between congeneric lianas that occur with different abundances in two semiarid sites differing in soil characteristics and vapour pressure deficit in the air (VPD air). Regardless of soil texture and depth, water availability was restricted to the rainy season. All liana species were drought deciduous and had superficial coarse roots (not deeper than 35 cm). P 50 varied from À1.8 to À2.49 MPa, and all species operated under narrow safety margins against catastrophic (P 50) and irreversible hydraulic failure (P 88), even during the rainy season. In short, lianas that occur in semiarid environments have lower resistance to cavitation and limit carbon fixation to the rainy season because of leaf fall in the early dry season. We suggest that leaf shedding and shallow roots impairing carbon gain and growth in the dry season may explain why liana abundance is lower in semiarid than in other seasonally dry environments.
The biology of rarity: Patterns, causes and consequences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 8, 298... more The biology of rarity: Patterns, causes and consequences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 8, 298-301 Leitão-Filho HF (1994) Diversity of arboreal species in the Atlantic Rainforest. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 66, 91-96 Martins FR (1989) Fitossociologia de florestas do Brasil: um histórico bibliográfico. Pesquisas série Botânica 40, 103-164 Martins FR (2004) O papel da Fitossociologia na conservação e na bioprospecção. Anais do 55°
Land Use Policy, Apr 1, 2022
"O fato de as coisas acontecerem nada significa. Que sejam conhecidas é o que significa tudo".
Acho que na sociedade actual nos falta filosofia. Filosofia como espaço, lugar, método de reflexã... more Acho que na sociedade actual nos falta filosofia. Filosofia como espaço, lugar, método de reflexão, que pode não ter um objectivo determinado, como a ciência, que avança para satisfazer objectivos. Falta-nos reflexão, pensar, precisamos do trabalho de pensar, e parece-me que, sem ideias, não vamos a parte nenhuma."
Agradecimentos À CAPES pela bolsa de estudos e à FAPESP pelo suporte financeiro para a realização... more Agradecimentos À CAPES pela bolsa de estudos e à FAPESP pelo suporte financeiro para a realização do projeto. Um agradecimento especial ao professor Fernando Roberto Martins pela dedicada orientação, confiança e amizade.
PLOS ONE, 2020
The relative importance of different community assembly mechanisms varies depending on the enviro... more The relative importance of different community assembly mechanisms varies depending on the environment. According to the stress-dominance hypothesis (SDH), assembly mechanisms range from strong abiotic filtering to competition as the environment becomes more favourable. Most evidence for the SDH comes from studies in gradients of conditions (i.e. abiotic environmental factors that influence the functioning of organisms but are not consumed by them). However, we hypothesized that in resource gradients, competition increases as abiotic filtering becomes stronger. To test our hypothesis, we set up eight plots at different sites along an abiotic severity gradient in the Brazilian semi-arid region (BSAR). In each plot, we identified and measured each woody plant species found, and we recorded 11 functional traits of the main species, dividing the traits into alpha (competition effects) and beta (abiotic filtering effects). We investigated the presence of phylogenetic signal in the traits, the community phylogenetic and phenotypic patterns, and associated the variation in these patterns with the availability of water and soil nutrients. We found phylogenetic signal for most (91%) of the traits analysed. The phylogenetic patterns varied from clustered in stressful sites to random or overdispersed in favourable sites, and we concluded that these phylogenetic patterns were the result of historical processes influencing community assembly in different environments in the BSAR. In general, the phenotypic patterns varied from clustered at the most stressful end to random at less stressful sites. Our results show that in resource gradients, any restriction of the resource (hydric or edaphic) intensifies abiotic filtering and, at the same time, increases the competitive hierarchy among species. On the other hand, stochastic processes seem to have a stronger influence under more favourable abiotic conditions, where abiotic filtering and competition are weaker. Thus, we conclude that the SDH is not supported in resource gradients.
Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2019
Patterns of species diversity are essential to understand community structure. We aimed to determ... more Patterns of species diversity are essential to understand community structure. We aimed to determine species diversity and patterns of beta diversity in different spatial scales. We sampled three thousand individuals between the coordinates 22°10'S to 22°16'S and 47°47'W to 48°00'W to assess species diversity in three spatial scales (maximum distances of 80 m, 1,400 m, and 12,000 m), using the point-centered-quarter method. We partitioned gamma diversity into alpha and beta components. Beta diversity was partitioned into dissimilarities produced by spatial species turnover and nestedness. The contribution of beta diversity to gamma diversity was greater than that of alpha diversity in all scales, although the patterns of species diversity were similar for the evaluated scales, and was similar to that described for larger spatial scales. The sampled fragments presented means of 15 exclusive species and 47.5 species per fragment, and dissimilarities [β(SØR)=0.7] almost completely explained (94 %) by spatial species turnover. The results indicate that the remnant fragments are residual patches of an originally heterogeneous vegetation. The fragmentation processes could have progressed differently in each portion of the original vegetation, producing the current heterogeneous vegetation. Thus, there is a potential of high local species extinctions if the remnant fragments are deforested.
Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2019
Background: The forest-savanna habitat switching is thought to have been a recurrent event in evo... more Background: The forest-savanna habitat switching is thought to have been a recurrent event in evolutionary history. Notwithstanding, the centre of the Cerrado, a large biogeographic domain, may be hypothesised to be a region with historical climatic stability and thus is predicted to contain high richness of cerrado species and the presence of few species from adjacents domains. Aims: We tested if today's flora of the northeastern cerrado (NC), a peripheral province of the domain, demonstrated an observable gradient in their distribution from centre of the Cerrado towards adjacents domains. Methods: We compiled vegetation survey data for 178 sites in the cerrado of northeastern Brazil. Distribution patterns of plant taxa were assessed using multivariate techniques. Results: We recorded 1071 species in 390 genera and 85 families. Almost 40% were monogeneric families and ca. 50% were monospecific genera. The species composition in the NC followed a gradient related to the distance from the centre of the Cerrado towards its periphery. Conclusions: We show that the NC flora is unique and much richer than previously thought and that it is likely to be an outcome of evolutionary processes and of today's intermixing of species from adjacent formations.
Plant Ecology, 2016
Intense competition with lianas (wood climbers) can limit tree growth, reproduction, and survival... more Intense competition with lianas (wood climbers) can limit tree growth, reproduction, and survival. However, the negative effects of liana loads on tree allometry have not yet been addressed. We investigated the hypothesis that liana loading on tree crown alters tree's allometry, expressed through slenderness (height-diameter ratio). The relationship between trunk slenderness and percentage of tree crown covered by lianas was investigated for 12 tree species from 10 fragments of the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in Southeastern Brazil. We also tested whether the relationship between slenderness and wood density differ between trees without lianas and trees heavily infested. Liana loads significantly altered tree allometry by decreasing slenderness, even when lianas covered less than 25% of tree crown. Heavywood species decreased their trunk slenderness in a greater ratio than light-wood species. Our findings indicate that liana infestation shifts tree allometry, and these effects are stronger on heavy-wood tree species.
The Botanical Review, 2016
Publicações Avulsas em Conservação de Ecossistemas, 2006
Revista do Instituto Florestal, Jan 5, 1989
This paper continues the phytoao ciological atudies in the "Parque Esta dual de Vaçununga", Santa... more This paper continues the phytoao ciological atudies in the "Parque Esta dual de Vaçununga", Santa Rita do Paaaa Qautro county, State of São Paulo, Sou theastern of Brasil, and presenta the aurvey of the West Capetinga stand (WCS). The meaophytic semideciduous fo reat studied is located at the coordina tea 21041•oo•J-21•• S and 47 o 34•37 J •-Myrcia. lingua Berg. Myrciari a ca uliflora Berg. Myrtaceae 1 My.rtaceae 2 Myrtaceae 3 Syagrus romanzoffi ana (C ham.) Glaas. Ga llesia gorazema (Vell.) Moq. Piper arborea um Aubl. Ro upa. la brasiliensis Klotzsch. Rhamni dium elaeocarpum Reiss. Amaioua guianensis Aubl. Coffe a arabi ca L. Prun us myr ty±ol ia (L.) Urb. Esenbeckia febrifuga A. Juse. Me trodorea nigra St. Hi l. Zanthoxyl um sp. Guazuma u.lmifolia Lam. Daphnopsi s fa sci culata (M eissn.) Nevl. Ur era baccifera (L.) Gaudich. Aegiphilla ap. Qualea jund.iahy Warm. Vo chysia tucanorum Mart. Não identi ficada 1 Não identificada 2 Não identificada 3 Não identificada 4 Não identi ficada 5
Ao professor Fernando Roberto Martins pela orientação, profissionalismo e amizade. Pela paciência... more Ao professor Fernando Roberto Martins pela orientação, profissionalismo e amizade. Pela paciência e contribuições à minha formação. O professor Fernando é um dos poucos professores do qual as aulas te satisfazem e instigam seguir na vida acadêmica. Ao Roque Cielo Filho pela coorientação, paciência e amizade. Aos professores membros da pré-banca e banca Flavio Antonio Maës dos Santos e Marco Antônio Batalha pela revisão do trabalho e excelentes recomendações que forneceram uma contribuição inestimável ao trabalho. Também aos suplentes da banca Luciana Alves e Leonardo Meireles. Ao professor Paulo Inácio Prado pelas conversas, orientações no mundo da ecologia dentro do R. À professora Neusa Taroda Ranga e Andréia Alves Rezende pelas contribuições para minha formação e orientações para meu ingresso no mundo acadêmico e principalmente pelo carinho e amizade da qual eu estimo muito. À Célia, secretária do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia pela paciência e profissionalismo. v Aos amigos da república PB2 Júnior Butzger, Clóvis Correia, Fabrício Barcelos, Caio Migueli e Walter Takebaiashi, pela paciência e amizade. Aos amigos da UNESP de Rio Preto, professora M. Elizabete, Nedenia Stufazza, Lucas Marques e Letícia Tridico. Também à professora Denise Rossa-Feres pela amizade e pelas aulas de ecologia que me guiaram na escolha do curso.
Papers by Fernando Roberto Martins