Papers by Fernando Araujo
This study determined the shear bond strength of resin composites to primary dentin using three d... more This study determined the shear bond strength of resin composites to primary dentin using three dentin adhesives and the presence or absence of a hybrid zone. The buccal and lingual surfaces of 40 recently extracted noncarious primary teeth were ground flat with SiC paper ending with the 600grit. The teeth were divided at randomly into eight groups of five teeth (10 surfaces) each: 1) Unetched dentin, dry dentin, All-Bond 2/Bis-Fil P; 2) Unetched dentin, moist dentin, All-Bond 2/Bis-Fil P; 3) Dentin etched for 15 sec with 10% phosphoric acid, dry dentin, All-Bond 2/Bis-Fil P; 4) Dentin etched for 15 sec with 10% phosphoric acid, moist dentin, All-Bond 2/Bis-Fil P; 5) Dentin etched with 10% maleic acid for 15 sec, dry dentin, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose/ZlO0; 6) Dentin etched with 10% maleic acid for 15 sec, moist dentin, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose/ZlO0; 7) Dentin etched with 10 citric acid/ 3%ferric chloride, dry dentin, Amalgambond Plus/ZlO0; 8) Dentin etched with 10 citric acid~3% ferric chloride, moist dentin, Amalgambond Plus/ZlO0. All teeth were thermocycled lO00x (5 and 55 °(2, 30-sec dwell time), shear bond strength testing was conducted using an Instron TM (crosshead speed 0.5 mm/min). Failure sites ter debonding were examined with the SEM. For each group, one additional tooth was used to prepare two class V cavities (one facial and one lingual) restored according to the specification in each group, sectioned buccolingually and examined with the SEM. The results, in MPa, were: 1) 12.55 +__5.97; 2) 10.41 +__6.16; 3) 9.94 +__7.26; 4) 12.25 _ 4.70; 5) 13.02 58.01; 6) 16.51 ~ 8.62; 7) 12.51 ~_8.95; 8) 17.93 +__ 6.44. ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls tests showed no statistically significant differences. SEM evaluation showed that the smear layer was removed in all groups exposing primary dentin tubules infiltrated by resin. A resin-reinforced hybrid layer was readily seen in all specimens
Journal of …, 2007
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor re... more The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor2 (VEGFR-2) in endothelial cells within the dental pulp of human primary and young permanent teeth and the spatial distribution of VEGFR-2positive cells. Nine ...
The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2002
Поиск в библиотеке, Расширенный поиск. ...
Journal of Dentistry …, 2009
Caline Angelica Falster, DDS Vinicius Di Hipolito, DDS, MS, PhD Mario Fernando De Goes, DDS, MS, ... more Caline Angelica Falster, DDS Vinicius Di Hipolito, DDS, MS, PhD Mario Fernando De Goes, DDS, MS, PhD Lloyd Harold Straffon, DDS,MS ... Jacques E.Nor, DDS,MS, PhD Fernando Borba de Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD ... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2007
In clinical practice, the patients we care for display a wide range of body mass indices, from le... more In clinical practice, the patients we care for display a wide range of body mass indices, from lean to obese. This finding may be the sole apparent clinical abnormality. To evaluate clinical and laboratory variables that might be associated with increased body mass index in asymptomatic men and women with no evidence of heart disease, to provide data to substantiate medical recommendations in a study sample from our everyday practice. The subjects aged 14 to 74 years (mean 40.6 years), 295 men (43.1%) and 389 women (56.9%) The associations between body mass index stratified by gender and clinical and laboratory variables were analyzed using the Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression. The mean body mass index (BMI) did not differ significantly between women (26.15 Kg/m(2)) and men (26.33 Kg/m(2)). In the multiple linear regression model, the ratios of total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (TC/HDL-C) (beta = 1.1320; p < 0.001) and serum glu...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia, 2005
To assess the lipidic profile of overweight and obese individuals submitted to cardiologic assess... more To assess the lipidic profile of overweight and obese individuals submitted to cardiologic assessment and who did not show evidences of cardiopathy. Sample with 684 individuals, 389 (56.9%) women and 295 (43.1%) men, with age ranging from 14 to 74 (average of 40.6) years old, without evidences of cardiopathy after clinical assessment and analysis of electrocardiogram, thorax radiography, ergometric test on treadmill and two-dimensional Doppler echocardiogram. The serum profile of lipids and glucose regarding sex and ranges of body mass index (BMI) -- eutrophic up to 24.9 Kg/m2, overweight 25-29.9 Kg/m2 and obese > 30 Kg/m2, was studied. The following means showed a significant statistic difference between the sexes: glucose (mg/dL) in women 90.21+/-23.13 and men 95.28+/-28.64 (p < 0.001); triglycerides (mg/dL) in women 97.27+/-55.24 and men 141.47+/-57.06 (p < 0.001) and HDL-C (mg/dL) in women 52.63+/-13.92 and men 43+/-10.88 (p < 0.001). The average BMI in women was 26....
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2004
Esse trabalho descreve o tratamento térmico por indução eletromagnética em tubos sem costura para... more Esse trabalho descreve o tratamento térmico por indução eletromagnética em tubos sem costura para a produção de hastes para sondagem geológica. São determinados, através de análises metalográficas e ensaios mecânicos, os parâmetros ideais para as etapas de têmpera e revenido, a fim de obter hastes nacionais tratadas com qualidade similar às disponíveis no mercado internacional. A determinação dos parâmetros operacionais do equipamento de indução eletromagnética, para têmpera e revenimento de tubos de aço SAE-1045, utilizados na confecção das hastes, permitiu obter um perfil de dureza sem grandes flutuações de valor, variando suavemente de um valor máximo próximo a 45HRc na extremidade externa da faixa tratada, para um valor mínimo próximo a 35HRc, no final da mesma.
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2005
Estudou-se o efeito da rápida austenitização sobre as propriedades mecânicas de um aço SAE 1045, ... more Estudou-se o efeito da rápida austenitização sobre as propriedades mecânicas de um aço SAE 1045, na condição de temperado e revenido a 600ºC. A microestrutura das amostras austenitizadas a 900 e 950ºC e temperadas imediatamente ao atingir essas temperaturas, têm a microestrutura constituída de martensita refinada, com pequena fração volumétrica de ferrita poligonal e ferrita acicular. Os valores dos limites de resistência e escoamento das amostras revenidas são fortemente dependentes do tempo de encharque. As transformações fases no revenimento têm efeitos similares sobre os limites de resistência e escoamento das amostras revenidas. Tais amostras têm altos valores da razão de escoamento (valor médio de 0,91). Os valores do produto do limite de resistência pelo alongamento percentual variaram de 32589MPa.% a 24150MPa.%. A otimização das propriedades mecânicas do aço SAE1045, com alta resistência mecânica e boa ductilidade, foi obtida com austenitização a 900ºC, têmpera imediatamente após atingir essa temperatura e revenimento a 600ºC por 100s.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2007
Background: Drug resistance transmission in newly diagnosed, drug-naïve HIV-1 infected individual... more Background: Drug resistance transmission in newly diagnosed, drug-naïve HIV-1 infected individuals has been previously reported, with rates ranging from 5 to 27%. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of resistance-associated mutations in drug-naïve, newly diagnosed patients, as well as monitoring the diversity of HIV-1 strains circulating in Portugal. Methods: One hundred eighty samples from newly diagnosed patients were prospectively collected during 2003, according to the distribution of HIV-1 infections in Portugal. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data was collected using a standardized form. Population sequencing was performed using an automated sequencer (ABI Prism 3100, Applied Biosystems) and a commercially available assay (ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System, v2.0, Abbott). Stanford HIV Sequence Database was used for interpretation of resistance data; subtyping was performed using the REGA Subtyping Tool. When subtype was unassigned, further analysis was done using an alignment with reference sequences, and phylogenetic tools like Simplot and PHYLIP. Mutations listed by the International AIDS Society-USA were considered, except E44D and V118I. Results: Patient population included 124 males (69%) and 56 females (31%), the median age being 35. Western Europe was the main region of origin (77.2%), followed by Africa (18.3%), South America (2.8%) and Asia (1.1%). The most common route of transmission was heterosexual contact (54.4%), followed by intravenous drug use (20%), homo/bisexual individuals (19.4%) and blood transfusion (0.6%). The commonest subtypes were B (41.7%) and G (29.4%), while other non-B subtypes rated 12.8% and recombinant forms represented 16.1% of the samples. Fourteen patients (7.78%) were identified as carrying resistance-associated mutations. Ten were resistant to drugs from one class, three to drugs from two classes and one to drugs from all three classes. No statistically significant associations were found between age, gender, route of transmission, subtype and resistance. Conclusions: The identification of newly diagnosed individuals carrying resistance-associated mutations confirms that drug resistance transmission is a public health problem in Portugal, with a possible impact on prevention, treatment and monitoring of HIV-1 infections. #
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2002
Se é assim que você se comunica com sua revista técnica... Está na hora de você mudar.
American Journal of Gastroenterology, 2003
Purpose: Treating complications of cirrhosis became an important issue as it has been recognized ... more Purpose: Treating complications of cirrhosis became an important issue as it has been recognized that improving biological conditions of liver transplant (OLT) candidates has a significative impact in post OLT morbidity and mortality. Methods: We have evaluated in a 8,5 years period, ...
Experimental and clinical cardiology, 2013
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of systemic inflammatory activity and may be modulated by ph... more C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of systemic inflammatory activity and may be modulated by physical fitness. Treadmill exercise testing is used to evaluate cardiovascular health through different variables including exercise capacity, heart rate and blood pressure responses. It was hypothesized that CRP levels are associated with these variables in men and women without overt heart disease. A total of 584 asymptomatic subjects (317 [54.3%] women and 267 [45.7%] men) were enrolled in the present study and underwent clinical evaluation. CRP levels in men and women were examined relative to clinical characteristics and to variables of treadmill exercise testing: peak heart rate, exercise systolic blood pressure, exercise time, chronotropic reserve and heart rate recovery at the first and second minutes after exercise. Multivariate analysis was performed using a log-linear regression model. In women, exercise time on the treadmill exercise test (P=0.009) and high-density lipoprotein...
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2006
A transmissão de eletricidade na indústria usualmente implica altas correntes transportadas por g... more A transmissão de eletricidade na indústria usualmente implica altas correntes transportadas por grandes distâncias e, em alguns casos, como em fábricas de alumínio, o uso de altas correntes é essencial no processo de redução. As conexões entre os cabos de transmissão e os fornos elétricos são feitas com barramentos, que podem ser de apenas um tipo de metal, ou de dois diferentes tipos. Nesse processo de transmissão, a principal maneira de aumentar o desempenho do circuito é através da melhoria da condutividade na interface das juntas elétricas. Devido às necessidades de redução de custos e de simplificação dos procedimentos de manutenção, as interfaces nas juntas são apenas escovadas e pastas contutoras são pressionadas entre os metais em contato. O material mais comumente usado é uma pasta condutora de grafite de alto custo, a qual não é produzida por nenhuma companhia brasileira. Esse artigo apresenta uma pasta condutora inovadora, facilmente elaborada a partir de resíduos industriais e com baixo custo de produção, ao mesmo tempo apresentando melhor desempenho que a pasta de grafite.
Brazilian Oral Research, 2008
The aim of this study was to evaluate flossing as a diagnostic method for interproximal gingival ... more The aim of this study was to evaluate flossing as a diagnostic method for interproximal gingival bleeding in children. For this crossover study, 23 pre-schoolchildren presenting neither restorations nor approximal carious cavities and with at least 15% of gingival bleeding sites were selected. Examinations were performed at three different moments (3-4 days interval). Examinations comprised repeated measurements of two gingival indices with a 10-minute interval in the following sequences: the Ainamo & Bay Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI) followed by the Carter & Barnes flossing index (CBI); CBI followed by GBI; and GBI followed by GBI. Data analysis was performed only for the interproximal sites, considering the GBI as the gold-standard. Agreement between indices, sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), positive (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were estimated. Percentage agreements in sequences GBI-CBI, CBI-GBI and GBI-GBI were 70.3%, 76.4% and 84.5%, respectively. Validation of flossing in the first sequence (GBI-CBI) resulted in values of 0.61 (95%CI 0.53 -0.68), 0.72 (95%CI 0.69 -0.76), 0.33 (95%CI 0.28 -0.39) and 0.89 (95%CI 0.86 -0.92) respectively for SE, SP, PPV and NPV. It can be concluded that professional flossing is a useful tool in the diagnosis of interproximal gingival inflammatory status in children, especially in conditions of gingival health.
Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2006
RESUMO Neves JFNP, Monteiro GA, Almeida JR, Sant'Anna RS, Saldanha RM, Moraes JMS, Nogueira ... more RESUMO Neves JFNP, Monteiro GA, Almeida JR, Sant'Anna RS, Saldanha RM, Moraes JMS, Nogueira ES, Coutinho FL, Neves MMP, Araújo FP, Nó-brega PB Analgesia Pós-Operatória para Cesariana. A Adição de Clonidina à Morfina Subaracnóidea Melhora a Qualidade ...
Transfusion Medicine, 2000
Journal of Biomechanics, 2006
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2007
The concern about accidents involving radioactive materials has led to the search of alternative ... more The concern about accidents involving radioactive materials has led to the search of alternative methods to quickly identify and quantify radionuclides in workers and in the population. One of the options to face up an eventual demand for mass monitoring of internal contamination is the use of a nuclear medicine diagnostic equipment known as gamma camera, a device used to scan patients who have been administered specific amounts of radioactive materials for medical purposes. Although the gamma camera is used for image diagnosis, it can be calibrated with anthropomorphic phantoms or point sources for the quantification of radionuclide activities in the human body. This work presents a protocol for the calibration of gamma cameras for such application. In order to evaluate the suitability of this type of equipment, a gamma camera available in a public hospital located in Rio de Janeiro was calibrated for the in vivo measurement of 131 I. The calibration includes the determination of detection efficiencies and minimum detectable activities for each radionuclide. The results show that the gamma camera presents enough sensitivity to detect activity levels corresponding to effective doses below 1 mSv. The protocol is the basis to establish a network of Nuclear Medicine Centres, located in public hospitals in eight countries of Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay) and in Spain that could be requested to collaborate in remediation actions in the event of an accident involving incorporation of radioactive materials. This protocol is one of the most significant outputs of the IAEA-ARCAL Project (RLA/9/049-LXXVIII) aimed to the Harmonization of Internal Dosimetry Procedures.
Papers by Fernando Araujo