Papers by Fernando ARIAS GALICIA

Journal of Hypertension, 2019
The Lancet Commission on Hypertension identified that a key action to address the worldwide burde... more The Lancet Commission on Hypertension identified that a key action to address the worldwide burden of high blood pressure (BP) was to improve the quality of BP measurements by using BP devices that have been validated for accuracy. Currently, there are over 3000 commercially available BP devices, but many do not have published data on accuracy testing according to established scientific standards. This problem is enabled through weak or absent regulations that allow clearance of devices for commercial use without formal validation. In addition, new BP technologies have emerged (e.g. cuffless sensors) for which there is no scientific consensus regarding BP measurement accuracy standards. Altogether, these issues contribute to the widespread availability of clinic and home BP devices with limited or uncertain accuracy, leading to inappropriate hypertension diagnosis, management and drug treatment on a global scale. The most significant problems relating to the accuracy of BP devices can be resolved by the regulatory requirement for mandatory independent validation of BP devices according to the universally-accepted International Organisation for Standardization Standard. This is a primary recommendation for which there is an urgent international need. Other key recommendations are development of
La calidad de vida ha adquirido mayor importancia en el ambito mundial, personas organizaciones, ... more La calidad de vida ha adquirido mayor importancia en el ambito mundial, personas organizaciones, empresas y entidades en la esfera internacional, las cuales han dedicado tiempo y esfuerzo para incrementarla. Inclusive, desde el angulo de la economia, diversos autores la han relacionado con el bienestar y la felicidad, y han encontrado asociaciones importantes entre ambos elementos. Esta obra contiene, ademas de aspectos conceptuales, diagnosticos de diversos elementos de la calidad de vida en varias esferas de la existencia provenientes de organizaciones diversas. Ademas, incluye investigaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Mexico y Peru, las cuales abarcan diversos conglomerados como amas de casa, docentes, personal de salud y trabajadores en general. Esta obra contribuye a ampliar el conocimiento y la practica de acciones en cuanto a la calidad de vida.
Inventio, la génesis de la cultura universitaria en Morelos, Sep 1, 2007
Revista interamericana de psicología ocupacional, Mar 21, 2016

Introduction .This research had as a main goal to use the Subdimensional scale of relational func... more Introduction .This research had as a main goal to use the Subdimensional scale of relational functioning as a diagnostic tool, as a first step, and after to engage in the process of family therapy as well as evaluate its effectiveness. The theoretical approach employed was structural systemic therapy. Minuchin (1979) viewed families as open systems composed of subsystems, for instance, there is the sexual one (both parents), the parental subsystem, the one integrated by brothers and so on. In each there are values, behaviors, roles and rules, for instance. Each subsystem has its boundaries. Of course, all these facets are not fixed and absolute; on the contrary, there is a great deal of dynamism, leading to change. Problems arise when boundaries, rules, values, hierarchies, and roles are not clear. Therefore, the task of the therapist is to help families to clarify and accept all these Method. The research was undertaken with six families from Cuernavaca city, Morelos State, in Mex...

Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility
Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay sa... more Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration as a lens and frame dishonesty in the gains-losses domain (pay satisfaction-dissatisfaction, Level 1) and high-low probability (CPI, Level 2) to maximize expected utility and ultimate serenity. We challenge the myth: Pay satisfaction mitigates dishonesty across nations consistently. Based on 6500 managers in 32 countries, our cross-level three-dimensional visualization offers the following discoveries. Under high aspiration conditions, pay dissatisfaction excites the highest- (third-highest) avaricious justice-seeking dishonesty in high (medium) CPI nations, supporting the certainty effect. However, pay satisfaction provokes the second-highest avaricious opportunity-seizing dishonesty in low CPI entities, sustaining the possibility effect—maximizing expected utility. Under low aspiration conditions, high pay satisfaction consistently leads to low dishonesty, demonstrating risk aversion—achieving ultimate serenity. We expand prospect theory from a micro and individual-level theory to a cross-level theory of monetary wisdom across 32 nations. We enhance the S-shaped Curve to three 3-D corruption surfaces across three levels of the global economic pyramid, providing novel insights into behavioral economics, business ethics, the environment, and responsibility.
Boletín Científico de las Ciencias Económico Administrativas del ICEA, Dec 5, 2014
ABSTRACT Incluye bibliografía e índice Reimpresiones desde 1976 hasta 2004

Journal of Business Ethics, 2015
Monetary Intelligence Theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critica... more Monetary Intelligence Theory asserts that individuals apply their money attitude to frame critical concerns in the context and strategically select certain options to achieve financial goals and ultimate happiness. This study explores the bright side of Monetary Intelligence and behavioral economics, frames money attitude in the context of pay and life satisfaction, and controls money at the macro (GDP per capita) and micro levels (Z income). We theorize: Managers with low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior will have high subjective well-being: pay satisfaction and quality of life. Data collected from 6,586 managers in 32 cultures across six continents support our theory. Interestingly, GDP per capita is related to life satisfaction, but not to pay satisfaction. Individual income is related to both life and pay satisfaction. Neither GDP nor income is related to Happiness (money makes people happy). Our theoretical model across three GDP groups offers new discoveries: In high GDP (rich) entities, "high income" not only reduces aspirations-"Rich, Motivator, and Power", but also promotes stewardship behavior-"Budget, Give/Donate, and Contribute" and appreciation of "Achievement". After controlling income, we demonstrate the bright side of Monetary Intelligence: Low love of money motive but high stewardship behavior define Monetary Intelligence. "Good apples enjoy good quality of life in good barrels". This notion adds another explanation to managers' low magnitude of dishonesty in entities with high Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)(risk aversion for gains of high probability)

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1989
This study investigated the cross-cultural similarity of vocational interests of students and pro... more This study investigated the cross-cultural similarity of vocational interests of students and professional engineers in the United States and Mexico (N = 557). Multiple discriminant function analyses were used to investigate the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory scales that discriminate among the four groups. Results indicate similarity among all groups, but Mexican and U.S. professional engineers were dissimilar on a number of avocational interest scales. 0 1989 Academic Press, Inc. Assessment of vocational interests in the United States and other countries has grown to the extent that an interest inventory is often the only assessment tool used in vocational counseling. Vocational interest inventories have also been the focus of a large amount of research. One of the newest trends in vocational interest assessment research has been testing of U.S. minority students, foreign nationals in the United States, and testing in other countries. Cross-cultural research on vocational interests has focused on two major areas. The first area is the validity of using a U.S.-constructed and-normed interest inventory with minority populations in the United States (e.g., Fouad, Cudeck, & Hansen, 1984; Harrington & O'Shea, 1980). The second area is the feasibility of translating U.S. instruments for transfer into other cultures (e.g.,

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1986
This study investigated the cross-cultural similarity of vocational interests. Mexican and U.S. m... more This study investigated the cross-cultural similarity of vocational interests. Mexican and U.S. male law and engineering students and U.S. male professional engineers and lawyers (N = 814) were tested using the English or validated Spanish form of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII). Multiple discriminant function analyses were used to investigate the cross-cultural similarity of vocational interests of engineers and lawyers. Results indicated that all groups were significantly different (p s .05) but that group centroids of Mexican and U.S. student engineers were closer than were group centroids for U.S. and Mexican student lawyers. The results are discussed with implications for crosscultural interpretations of the SCH. o 1986 Academic PRSS. IX. Cross-cultural psychological research is identified primarily by its methodology: the comparative study of subjects from different cultural groups (either within one country or across national boundaries). Depression, intelligence, and the construct of need for achievement are some variables that have been studied across cultures (Brislin, 1983). Such cross-cultural research illuminates methodological and conceptual issues that contribute to the development and improvement of psychological theories (Malpass, 1977).
Trillas. México DF, 1994
la administración general de toda empresa está a cargo de la planificación estratégica, la direcc... more la administración general de toda empresa está a cargo de la planificación estratégica, la dirección y las decisiones; la organización eficaz, la asignación de personal y los controles; y el liderazgo, la coordinación y la motivación de todos los empleados de la compañía.
Papers by Fernando ARIAS GALICIA