furists, taqlidpcriod F u qah a, pct't ode t akli d Artikl ini dimaksudkan untul< mnghaji lebih m... more furists, taqlidpcriod F u qah a, pct't ode t akli d Artikl ini dimaksudkan untul< mnghaji lebih mendaldm terkait seberapa iauh pwa Fuqaha' berh,mtribusi dalanr perhanbangan hukum islam poda soflr mflsf, taklid dan Jumud yang d,iyakini terjadi pada periode Abbasiyalylebih rcpamya pada awal abad ke empdt hinah sampdi akhir abad ke delapan hrjria.r-pada periode ini, ulama enduang me*galami hclesuan gairah intelektualnya harena disebabkan odanya silnap merasa cukup han1,a dengan mengihti pendapat para
IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security, Apr 9, 2019
Optimizing the performance of an organization or government agency requires productivity. Product... more Optimizing the performance of an organization or government agency requires productivity. Productivity is important as a measure of the success of optimizing the resources of an organization or agency. The problem faced by most government agencies is that the administrative process is carried out through recordings in ledgers or file storage in the form of dossiers. It requires so many books and makes it difficult to dig up information. The employee management information system functions to facilitate managing employee data from rank, job-position data and family data. Employee management information system (SIMPEG) can play an important role in facilitating data collection, submission and reporting of information as the basis for employee management decision making.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim karya KH. Zainal Abidin Mun... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim karya KH. Zainal Abidin Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian difokuskan untuk menggali konsep pendidikan islam integratif-interkonektif yang terdapat dalam kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim, baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan termasuk dalam jenis penelitian pustaka. Oleh karena itu, pengumpulan data dilakukan hanya dengan dokumentasi dan wawancara. Untuk menganalisis data, metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa semua ilmu, baik ilmu agama ataupun umum, menurut Wadhaif al-Muta'allim bersumber dari Allah Swt. Oleh karena itu, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim menganjurkan agar tidak mempelajari satu ilmu saja dan meninggalkan yang lain. Selain itu, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim membagi ilmu menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu ilmu agama, ilmu lisan, dan ilmu kehidupan. Ilmu agama menjadi poros utama dalam pendidikan islam dengan didukung dan ditunjang oleh ilmu lisan dan ilmu kehidupan. Dalam praktik pendidikan, ketiga ilmu tersebut harus saling bertegur sapa dan bahu membahu satu sama lain untuk mewujudkan muslim yang cendekia dan berkahlak mulia. Kata kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Integratif-interkonektif, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim Pendahuluan Salah satu permasalahan akut dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini adalah adanya dikotomi ilmu pengetahuan. Dikotomi yang dimaksud adalah adanya pertentangan dan pemisahan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu non agama, baik secara konsep maupun praktik. Baik ilmu agama ataupun umum seringkali dianggap sebagai dua entitas berbeda dan berdiri sendiri-sendiri. Keduanya seakan memiliki wilayah masing-masing yang tidak bisa dijangkau satu sama lain. Ilmu agama dianggap sakral dan wajib dipelajari karena berasal dari wahyu. Sebaliknya, disiplin ilmu sains-sosial tidak perlu dipelajari karena merupakan hasil pemikiran manusia. Adanya dikotomi keilmuan ini berimbas pada model pendidikan yang digunakan. Pendidikan agama dan umum cenderung dipisah-pisah dan tidak bisa disatukan. Ilmu-ilmu umum dipelajari dan dikembangkan di sekolah dan universitas umum, sementara ilmu agama dikembangkan di pesantren, madrasah, dan perguruan tinggi agama. Akhirnya, perkembangan ilmu-ilmu sekuler berjalan seolah tercerabut dari nilai-nilai moral dan etik kehidupan manusia, sementara perkembangan ilmu agama hanya menekankan pada teks-teks Islam normatif sehingga dirasa kurang bisa menjawab tantangan zaman. Jarak yang cukup jauh ini kemudian menjadikan kedua bidang keilmuan ini mengalami proses pertumbuhan yang tidak sehat serta membawa dampak negatif bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kehidupan sosial, budaya, politik, dan keagamaan di Indonesia. 3 Menghadapi fakta demikian, maka dibutuhkan sebuah solusi untuk merekatkan kembali hubungan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu umum yang telah retak. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan mengintegrasikan dan mengaitkan satu keilmuan dengan keilmuan lain, atau lazim disebut dengan paradigma keilmuan integratif-interkonektif. Konsep
Imam al-Sha> tibi is a jurisprudence expert who successfully combines his maqa> s ideas with the ... more Imam al-Sha> tibi is a jurisprudence expert who successfully combines his maqa> s ideas with the theory of long jurisprudence. In al-Muwa> faqa> t, he has made changes to the system of Islamic law formulation which has been considered static and dead. The theories relating to the maqa> s} id, al-Sha> t} ibi> divide the maqa> s} id itself into two, namely: sha> ri 'intent and mean mukallaf. The essence of the lengthy discussion in the second chapter of his book al-Muwa> faqa> t is that the purpose of Allah set sha> ri'at on this earth is nothing but to bring benefit to human life both world and the hereafter. For that, then man must perform sha> ri'at it to gain prosperity in the world and achieve happiness in the afterlife. Keywords Maqa> s} id al-Syari> 'ah , al-Sya> t} ibi Maqa> s} id al-Syari> 'ah , al-Sya> t} ibi Abstrak Imam al-Sha> tibi adalah seorang ahli usul fiqih yang berhasil menggabungkan ide-ide maqa> s} id-nya dengan teori usul fiqih lama. Dalam al-Muwa> faqa> t, ia telah melakukan perubahan terhadap sistem perumusan hukum islam yang selama ini dinilai statis dan mati. Adapun teorinya yang berkaitan dengan maqa> s} id, al-Sha> t} ibi> membagi maqa> s} id itu sendiri menjadi dua, yakni : maksud sha> ri' dan maksud mukallaf. Inti dari pembahasan yang panjang lebar dalam bab kedua kitabnya al-Muwa> faqa> t tersebut adalah bahwa tujuan allah menetapkan sha> ri'at di muka bumi ini tidak lain hanyalah untuk mendatangkan kemaslahatan bagi kehidupan manusia baik dunia maupun akhirat. Untuk itu, maka manusia harus melaksankan sha> ri'at itu demi mendapatkan kesejahteraan di dunia dan mencapai kebahagiaan di akhirat.
Jagung merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk kebutuhan seha... more Jagung merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk kebutuhan sehari – harinya. Selain sebagai bahan makanan pokok, jagung juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak dan bahan industri serta komoditas eksport. Peningkatan akan hasil pertanian dalam masa panen menghasilkan peningkatan juga pada limbah hasil pertanian. Limbah – limbah ini kemudian menimbulkan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Umumnya limbah hasil pertanian ini masih memiliki kandungan nutrisi, sehingga masih bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi produk atau digunakan sebagai medium pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, salah satunya adalah tongkol jagung. Alternatif pemanfaatan tersebut yakni memfermentasi tongkol jagung dengan Rhizopus oryzae untuk menghasikan etanol yang dapat digunakan sebagai desinfektan untuk keperluan laboratorium. Selama ini ketersedian etanol untuk laboratorium terbatas, mengingat banyaknya pengguna laboratorium selalu membutuhkan etanol untuk meminimalisir adanya kontaminasi mikr...
Cases of poisonous snake bites around the world are estimated to occur around 421,000 cases and 2... more Cases of poisonous snake bites around the world are estimated to occur around 421,000 cases and 20,000 of them die every year. Identifying snake bite marks on victims will greatly help the medical team in handling victims of snake bites and will avoid fatal errors such as the death of the victim. This research will try to create a system that can classify snake bites images. The system has been built using the extraction method Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Naive Bayes. Parameter r is a radius, while paramter P is the number of neighbor . The best result of this system has accuracy 83.33%, precision 1.00, recall 0.75, and F1 Score 0.86,parameter that used are r = 1 with P = 8 and r = 3 with P = 16. The dataset used has 20 data, the data divided into 14 training data and 6 testing data.
Kegiatan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya telah diperoleh material insuliner berbasis e... more Kegiatan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya telah diperoleh material insuliner berbasis epoksi dan metode aplikasinya pada motor roket case bonded. Hasil penelitian ini juga telah diperoleh bahwa insuliner tersebut dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan pada motor roket case bonded yang menggunakan propelan radial burning sehingga perlu dibuktikan. Guna menguji kinerja insuliner tersebut telah dibuat dua unit motor roket case bonded mengggunakan insuliner berbasis epoksi dan satu unit motor roket free standing yang menggunakan insulasi termal berbasis epoksi dan lapisan fiber glass cloth untuk diuji statik. Tiga unit motor roket telah diuji statik. Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh bahwa insuliner berbasis epoksi yang dibuat dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Kegagalan motor roket case bonded yang kedua tidak disebabkan oleh gagalnya insuliner tetapi oleh proses perakitan motor roket yang kurang sempurna. Kata kunci: Insuliner,Motor roket, Case bonded, Free standing, Radial burning
Rice production is one of many ways to maintain the stability of food sufficiency in Yogyakarta P... more Rice production is one of many ways to maintain the stability of food sufficiency in Yogyakarta Province. Rice production can be increased through several factors that already exist in nature or created by humans. Several factors are used in this study to analyze the growth of rice production including, 1) the area of agricultural land, 2) the amount of labor force, 3) the amount of rainfall, and 4) the total population This study aims to find out how strong the area of agricultural land, the amount of labor, the amount of rainfall, and the number of inhabitants affect rice production. The research method uses panel data regression using the Eviews program for data processing. Based on the results of the F test, land area (X1), labor force (X2), and population (X3) affect rice production in Yogyakarta Province meaning that these three factors can be used as factors that are taken into account for increasing rice production. The conclusion of this study is that three of the four inde...
: The objectives of this research are to design a valid inquiry-based learning material about eco... more : The objectives of this research are to design a valid inquiry-based learning material about ecosystem and environmental pollution for grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang and to discover its effect towards critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attitude of grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang students. This research was conducted in two phases. The first phase is making the learning material including syllable, course outline, handout, student worksheet, and scoring instrument. The second phase is a quasi-experiment. Two sample groups are given different treatment to see the effect for critical thinking skills, conceptual comprehension, and student attitude. The results of the study showed that the learning material based on inquiry learning is valid and could be used for grade X students of Senior High School 3 Malang and there is a significant effect of the learning material towards the students critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attit...
Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that is progre... more Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that is progressive, the disease is marked by shortness of breath, cough and sputum. Objectives: to determine the benefits of Nebulizer, Acbt (active active cycle of breathing technique) in cases of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Results: after 6 weeks of therapy, there was a decrease in the degree of shortness of breath T0: 6 to T6: 2, an increase in thoracic cage expansion in axilla T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,9 cm, in ICS 4 T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,5 cm, on xyphoid procesus T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,5 cm, and there is increased functional activity ability T0: 4 to T6: 2. Conclusion: Nebulizer, Acbt (active active cycle of breathing technique) can improve of breathing, thoracic and functional activity.
Increasing economic growth is felt by most of society and government. It can be easily seen from ... more Increasing economic growth is felt by most of society and government. It can be easily seen from the volume of trade balance higher each year. Even the very significant growth. The impact of economic growth is also felt by the people both small businesses and middle-class entrepreneurs. The more varied the level of consumerism has also increased business opportunities. This makes the higher trade competition. Things that piecemeal change the paradigm of most people to change the way the sale of the traditional way of buying and selling a conventional sale online by means of internet and websites that provide online trading services. Computer technology advances and internet that brought big changes. Thought transasksi simple market should be converted into a global sales, both locally, nationally and internationally. Between sellers with buyers can be met easily without face-to-face and without the clock. Transactions can be done anytime. Such sale and purchase transactions that occ...
Abstrack As has been explained in the Qur'an that there are several levels in the human soul ... more Abstrack As has been explained in the Qur'an that there are several levels in the human soul which is better known as the level of anger and lust for lawamah and lust muthmainnah. Q.Susuf verse 53 has explained that there is a lust that always invites evil or evil deeds. Furthermore lust lawwamah has been explained in al-Qu'an surah al-Qiyamah verse 2. In the letter explains that he is a lust that resides in the human soul and it is he who always invites to maintain the wholeness as the most perfect human figure of God. The mutmainah lust has clearly been interpreted in QS al-Fajr verse 27, which most people interpret as lust that always invites goodness. On this basis this paper was born with the focus of his study of the meaning of the muthmainnah soul in the Koran surah al-fajr verses 27-30 and its implementation in mental health This paper illustrates that kosep al-nafs al-muthmainnah (quiet soul) is the concept of the soul who is a believer, as well as a soul who is dev...
Skripsi ini adalah hasil penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana Bagaimana das... more Skripsi ini adalah hasil penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana Bagaimana dasar hukum pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan No.37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR tentang penyalahgunaan narkotika golongan I bagi dirinya sendiri dan bagaimana analisa hukum pidana Islam terhadap putusan No.37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR Data dihimpun melalui studi pustaka, yang selanjutnya diolah dan dianalisa menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer berupa putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kota Baru No. 37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa hukuman dirasa terlalu berat namun cukup adil karena adanya waktu untuk pengobatan atau rehabilitasi dalam masa tahanan sehingga bisa memperbaiki kejiwaannya. Hal ini diambil berdasarkan unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam kasus tersebut dan juga melihat fakta-fakta pesidangan. Dalam hukum pidana Islam sanksi terhadap penyalahgunaan narkotika golongan I bagi...
Beban pekerjaan dan target yang harus dicapai yang membuat karyawan harus sering melakukan lembur... more Beban pekerjaan dan target yang harus dicapai yang membuat karyawan harus sering melakukan lembur bahkan membawa tugas ke rumah. Hal tersebut tentu saja menjadi penyebab karyawan merasa tertekan dan stress yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan, selain stres kerja terdapat varaibel lain yaitu motivasi diyakini dapat menjadi pemicu meningkatnya kinerja karyawan, tidak terkecuali di PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah Cabang Kudus. Perusahaan memang sangat memperhatikan dan memandang begitu pentingnya motivasi ini. Oleh karena itu perusahaan selalu berusaha meningkatkan motivasi karyawan, melalui budaya organisasi yang baik dapat semakin meningkatkan kinerja dan menurunkan tingkat stres kerja karyawa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah karyawan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah Cabang Kudus. sebanyak 120 responden dan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 108 responden. Jenis dan sumber daya menggunakan data primer, dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket ...
There is an understanding that some of sufi orders to find h{aqi>qah through the sufi t{ari>... more There is an understanding that some of sufi orders to find h{aqi>qah through the sufi t{ari>qah no longer need the shari > ’ah . Shari > ’ah is seen as the outer skin of religion, and h{aqi>qah is the core. Because of getting the core of religion, the skin has no use anymore. This understanding is a rasionable understanding of the sufi mystics of the past that most no longer pay attention to the rules of shari>’ah in its suluk. Most sufis, at that time, preferred a more philosophical sufism which emphasize thinking to achive rather than the worship of god and morality. It can be seen from the popularity of the doctrine of wah{dat al-wuju>d which so dominates the teaching of classical sufism. This phenomenon invites the attention of Ahmad Sirhindi, on of sufi and mursyid of naqshabandi order. He moved to reform of the sufi orders who was then filled with heretical practices and doctrines which dominated wah{dat al-wuju>d . This study aims to discover and devel...
2020 3rd International Conference on Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2020
PT. XYZ is an insurance company that currently provides a variety of services using electronic sy... more PT. XYZ is an insurance company that currently provides a variety of services using electronic systems in 80 service offices throughout Indonesia. At the end of 2019, the company experienced an IT security incident. The core application was hit by a malware attack that caused slow system performance and disruption of insurance operational services. These events have a negative impact on the company both operationally and to customers, so that it becomes a serious concern of management. Therefore, this research aims to see how companies develop infrastructure to ensure the reliability and improvement of IT security. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach by collecting data through documentation and interview studies. Based on the results of the assessment, there were 16 out of 20 controls that exceeded the threshold value. These results illustrate that the security of the IT infrastructure of PT. XYZ is very weak. Therefore, the company must carry out 13 recommendations for improvement that will be carried out in stages. This research is expected to be a lesson for other organizations especially insurance companies to improve the reliability and security of IT infrastructure.
EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 2020
This article discusses the traditional Aswaja practices that implemented in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) ... more This article discusses the traditional Aswaja practices that implemented in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara as a means of preventing radicalism. There are two issues that will be discussed in this article, namely the forms of the Aswaja tradition that took place in MA Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara and the habituation of the Aswaja tradition within the MA Matholi'ul Huda Jepara. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study method. The data in this study were collected using participatory observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The data were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively through three stages, namely presentation, reduction and verification. From the results of this analysis, it is known that the traditions that are accustomed to in MA Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara are khatmil quran, tahlilan, istigtsah, pilgrimage to the grave, and tawassul. Khatmil Qur'an and Tahlilan habituated once a week. ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of opening dimension in shear wall on the behavio... more The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of opening dimension in shear wall on the behavior of high-rise building structure due to earthquake load. The 20-story building prototype with shear wall placement as core wall with various sizes of opening are analyzed with the help of software MIDAS GEN, using equivalent lateral force and response spectrum method in X and Y direction. The shape of opening is square with width vary from 0.8 m – 1.3 m and height set at 2.2 m. This analysis will discuss structure’s natural time period, core wall distribution between shear wall and frame, lateral deflection, and story drift. The results show that the greater the opening will increase the natural time period by 1.72% and 1.67%, increase lateral deflection by 21.7932% and 23.5964%, and increase story drift by 24.6910% and 29.077% in each direction.
Saat ini aktifitas dakwah tidka hanya melalui mimbar-mimbar masjid, pengajian, dan ceramah saja. ... more Saat ini aktifitas dakwah tidka hanya melalui mimbar-mimbar masjid, pengajian, dan ceramah saja. Pada tulisan ini telah menyoroti bahwa adanya metode dakwah bil kitabah yaitu melaui tulisan. Tulisan yang mampu mempengaruhi semua yang membaca tulisan tersebut dengan tujuan menyeru kepada allah SWT, maka tulisan tersebut adalah dakwah. Komunikasi persuasif bukan saja hanya bisa dilakukan dengan lisan saja, namun bisa juga di terapkan dalam sebuah tulisan dan bisa di jadikan sebagai media dakwah. Sebuah karya tulis berupa novel karya Ahmad Fuadi, adalah karya tulis yang di dalamnya menyampaikan pesan menggunakan teknik komunikasi persuasif dengan gaya bahasa yang sangat renyah mudah di pahami sehingga menjadi sebuah pesan dakwah yang mudah diterima oleh masyarakat yang kemudian dituangkan dalam karya tulis berupa novel yang berjudul “Anak Rantau”. Hasil analisis dalam novel tersebut adalah dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Fuadi melalui karya novelnya yang berjudul Novel Islami A...
furists, taqlidpcriod F u qah a, pct't ode t akli d Artikl ini dimaksudkan untul< mnghaji lebih m... more furists, taqlidpcriod F u qah a, pct't ode t akli d Artikl ini dimaksudkan untul< mnghaji lebih mendaldm terkait seberapa iauh pwa Fuqaha' berh,mtribusi dalanr perhanbangan hukum islam poda soflr mflsf, taklid dan Jumud yang d,iyakini terjadi pada periode Abbasiyalylebih rcpamya pada awal abad ke empdt hinah sampdi akhir abad ke delapan hrjria.r-pada periode ini, ulama enduang me*galami hclesuan gairah intelektualnya harena disebabkan odanya silnap merasa cukup han1,a dengan mengihti pendapat para
IJNS - Indonesian Journal on Networking and Security, Apr 9, 2019
Optimizing the performance of an organization or government agency requires productivity. Product... more Optimizing the performance of an organization or government agency requires productivity. Productivity is important as a measure of the success of optimizing the resources of an organization or agency. The problem faced by most government agencies is that the administrative process is carried out through recordings in ledgers or file storage in the form of dossiers. It requires so many books and makes it difficult to dig up information. The employee management information system functions to facilitate managing employee data from rank, job-position data and family data. Employee management information system (SIMPEG) can play an important role in facilitating data collection, submission and reporting of information as the basis for employee management decision making.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim karya KH. Zainal Abidin Mun... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim karya KH. Zainal Abidin Munawwir Krapyak Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian difokuskan untuk menggali konsep pendidikan islam integratif-interkonektif yang terdapat dalam kitab Wadhaif al-Muta'allim, baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan termasuk dalam jenis penelitian pustaka. Oleh karena itu, pengumpulan data dilakukan hanya dengan dokumentasi dan wawancara. Untuk menganalisis data, metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa semua ilmu, baik ilmu agama ataupun umum, menurut Wadhaif al-Muta'allim bersumber dari Allah Swt. Oleh karena itu, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim menganjurkan agar tidak mempelajari satu ilmu saja dan meninggalkan yang lain. Selain itu, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim membagi ilmu menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu ilmu agama, ilmu lisan, dan ilmu kehidupan. Ilmu agama menjadi poros utama dalam pendidikan islam dengan didukung dan ditunjang oleh ilmu lisan dan ilmu kehidupan. Dalam praktik pendidikan, ketiga ilmu tersebut harus saling bertegur sapa dan bahu membahu satu sama lain untuk mewujudkan muslim yang cendekia dan berkahlak mulia. Kata kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Integratif-interkonektif, Wadhaif al-Muta'allim Pendahuluan Salah satu permasalahan akut dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini adalah adanya dikotomi ilmu pengetahuan. Dikotomi yang dimaksud adalah adanya pertentangan dan pemisahan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu non agama, baik secara konsep maupun praktik. Baik ilmu agama ataupun umum seringkali dianggap sebagai dua entitas berbeda dan berdiri sendiri-sendiri. Keduanya seakan memiliki wilayah masing-masing yang tidak bisa dijangkau satu sama lain. Ilmu agama dianggap sakral dan wajib dipelajari karena berasal dari wahyu. Sebaliknya, disiplin ilmu sains-sosial tidak perlu dipelajari karena merupakan hasil pemikiran manusia. Adanya dikotomi keilmuan ini berimbas pada model pendidikan yang digunakan. Pendidikan agama dan umum cenderung dipisah-pisah dan tidak bisa disatukan. Ilmu-ilmu umum dipelajari dan dikembangkan di sekolah dan universitas umum, sementara ilmu agama dikembangkan di pesantren, madrasah, dan perguruan tinggi agama. Akhirnya, perkembangan ilmu-ilmu sekuler berjalan seolah tercerabut dari nilai-nilai moral dan etik kehidupan manusia, sementara perkembangan ilmu agama hanya menekankan pada teks-teks Islam normatif sehingga dirasa kurang bisa menjawab tantangan zaman. Jarak yang cukup jauh ini kemudian menjadikan kedua bidang keilmuan ini mengalami proses pertumbuhan yang tidak sehat serta membawa dampak negatif bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kehidupan sosial, budaya, politik, dan keagamaan di Indonesia. 3 Menghadapi fakta demikian, maka dibutuhkan sebuah solusi untuk merekatkan kembali hubungan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu umum yang telah retak. Salah satu solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan mengintegrasikan dan mengaitkan satu keilmuan dengan keilmuan lain, atau lazim disebut dengan paradigma keilmuan integratif-interkonektif. Konsep
Imam al-Sha> tibi is a jurisprudence expert who successfully combines his maqa> s ideas with the ... more Imam al-Sha> tibi is a jurisprudence expert who successfully combines his maqa> s ideas with the theory of long jurisprudence. In al-Muwa> faqa> t, he has made changes to the system of Islamic law formulation which has been considered static and dead. The theories relating to the maqa> s} id, al-Sha> t} ibi> divide the maqa> s} id itself into two, namely: sha> ri 'intent and mean mukallaf. The essence of the lengthy discussion in the second chapter of his book al-Muwa> faqa> t is that the purpose of Allah set sha> ri'at on this earth is nothing but to bring benefit to human life both world and the hereafter. For that, then man must perform sha> ri'at it to gain prosperity in the world and achieve happiness in the afterlife. Keywords Maqa> s} id al-Syari> 'ah , al-Sya> t} ibi Maqa> s} id al-Syari> 'ah , al-Sya> t} ibi Abstrak Imam al-Sha> tibi adalah seorang ahli usul fiqih yang berhasil menggabungkan ide-ide maqa> s} id-nya dengan teori usul fiqih lama. Dalam al-Muwa> faqa> t, ia telah melakukan perubahan terhadap sistem perumusan hukum islam yang selama ini dinilai statis dan mati. Adapun teorinya yang berkaitan dengan maqa> s} id, al-Sha> t} ibi> membagi maqa> s} id itu sendiri menjadi dua, yakni : maksud sha> ri' dan maksud mukallaf. Inti dari pembahasan yang panjang lebar dalam bab kedua kitabnya al-Muwa> faqa> t tersebut adalah bahwa tujuan allah menetapkan sha> ri'at di muka bumi ini tidak lain hanyalah untuk mendatangkan kemaslahatan bagi kehidupan manusia baik dunia maupun akhirat. Untuk itu, maka manusia harus melaksankan sha> ri'at itu demi mendapatkan kesejahteraan di dunia dan mencapai kebahagiaan di akhirat.
Jagung merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk kebutuhan seha... more Jagung merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk kebutuhan sehari – harinya. Selain sebagai bahan makanan pokok, jagung juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pakan ternak dan bahan industri serta komoditas eksport. Peningkatan akan hasil pertanian dalam masa panen menghasilkan peningkatan juga pada limbah hasil pertanian. Limbah – limbah ini kemudian menimbulkan masalah pencemaran lingkungan. Umumnya limbah hasil pertanian ini masih memiliki kandungan nutrisi, sehingga masih bisa dimanfaatkan menjadi produk atau digunakan sebagai medium pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, salah satunya adalah tongkol jagung. Alternatif pemanfaatan tersebut yakni memfermentasi tongkol jagung dengan Rhizopus oryzae untuk menghasikan etanol yang dapat digunakan sebagai desinfektan untuk keperluan laboratorium. Selama ini ketersedian etanol untuk laboratorium terbatas, mengingat banyaknya pengguna laboratorium selalu membutuhkan etanol untuk meminimalisir adanya kontaminasi mikr...
Cases of poisonous snake bites around the world are estimated to occur around 421,000 cases and 2... more Cases of poisonous snake bites around the world are estimated to occur around 421,000 cases and 20,000 of them die every year. Identifying snake bite marks on victims will greatly help the medical team in handling victims of snake bites and will avoid fatal errors such as the death of the victim. This research will try to create a system that can classify snake bites images. The system has been built using the extraction method Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Naive Bayes. Parameter r is a radius, while paramter P is the number of neighbor . The best result of this system has accuracy 83.33%, precision 1.00, recall 0.75, and F1 Score 0.86,parameter that used are r = 1 with P = 8 and r = 3 with P = 16. The dataset used has 20 data, the data divided into 14 training data and 6 testing data.
Kegiatan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya telah diperoleh material insuliner berbasis e... more Kegiatan penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya telah diperoleh material insuliner berbasis epoksi dan metode aplikasinya pada motor roket case bonded. Hasil penelitian ini juga telah diperoleh bahwa insuliner tersebut dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan pada motor roket case bonded yang menggunakan propelan radial burning sehingga perlu dibuktikan. Guna menguji kinerja insuliner tersebut telah dibuat dua unit motor roket case bonded mengggunakan insuliner berbasis epoksi dan satu unit motor roket free standing yang menggunakan insulasi termal berbasis epoksi dan lapisan fiber glass cloth untuk diuji statik. Tiga unit motor roket telah diuji statik. Berdasarkan pengujian diperoleh bahwa insuliner berbasis epoksi yang dibuat dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Kegagalan motor roket case bonded yang kedua tidak disebabkan oleh gagalnya insuliner tetapi oleh proses perakitan motor roket yang kurang sempurna. Kata kunci: Insuliner,Motor roket, Case bonded, Free standing, Radial burning
Rice production is one of many ways to maintain the stability of food sufficiency in Yogyakarta P... more Rice production is one of many ways to maintain the stability of food sufficiency in Yogyakarta Province. Rice production can be increased through several factors that already exist in nature or created by humans. Several factors are used in this study to analyze the growth of rice production including, 1) the area of agricultural land, 2) the amount of labor force, 3) the amount of rainfall, and 4) the total population This study aims to find out how strong the area of agricultural land, the amount of labor, the amount of rainfall, and the number of inhabitants affect rice production. The research method uses panel data regression using the Eviews program for data processing. Based on the results of the F test, land area (X1), labor force (X2), and population (X3) affect rice production in Yogyakarta Province meaning that these three factors can be used as factors that are taken into account for increasing rice production. The conclusion of this study is that three of the four inde...
: The objectives of this research are to design a valid inquiry-based learning material about eco... more : The objectives of this research are to design a valid inquiry-based learning material about ecosystem and environmental pollution for grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang and to discover its effect towards critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attitude of grade X of Senior High School 3 Malang students. This research was conducted in two phases. The first phase is making the learning material including syllable, course outline, handout, student worksheet, and scoring instrument. The second phase is a quasi-experiment. Two sample groups are given different treatment to see the effect for critical thinking skills, conceptual comprehension, and student attitude. The results of the study showed that the learning material based on inquiry learning is valid and could be used for grade X students of Senior High School 3 Malang and there is a significant effect of the learning material towards the students critical thinking ability, conceptual comprehension, and attit...
Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that is progre... more Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic lung disease that is progressive, the disease is marked by shortness of breath, cough and sputum. Objectives: to determine the benefits of Nebulizer, Acbt (active active cycle of breathing technique) in cases of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Results: after 6 weeks of therapy, there was a decrease in the degree of shortness of breath T0: 6 to T6: 2, an increase in thoracic cage expansion in axilla T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,9 cm, in ICS 4 T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,5 cm, on xyphoid procesus T0: 1 cm to T6: 2,5 cm, and there is increased functional activity ability T0: 4 to T6: 2. Conclusion: Nebulizer, Acbt (active active cycle of breathing technique) can improve of breathing, thoracic and functional activity.
Increasing economic growth is felt by most of society and government. It can be easily seen from ... more Increasing economic growth is felt by most of society and government. It can be easily seen from the volume of trade balance higher each year. Even the very significant growth. The impact of economic growth is also felt by the people both small businesses and middle-class entrepreneurs. The more varied the level of consumerism has also increased business opportunities. This makes the higher trade competition. Things that piecemeal change the paradigm of most people to change the way the sale of the traditional way of buying and selling a conventional sale online by means of internet and websites that provide online trading services. Computer technology advances and internet that brought big changes. Thought transasksi simple market should be converted into a global sales, both locally, nationally and internationally. Between sellers with buyers can be met easily without face-to-face and without the clock. Transactions can be done anytime. Such sale and purchase transactions that occ...
Abstrack As has been explained in the Qur'an that there are several levels in the human soul ... more Abstrack As has been explained in the Qur'an that there are several levels in the human soul which is better known as the level of anger and lust for lawamah and lust muthmainnah. Q.Susuf verse 53 has explained that there is a lust that always invites evil or evil deeds. Furthermore lust lawwamah has been explained in al-Qu'an surah al-Qiyamah verse 2. In the letter explains that he is a lust that resides in the human soul and it is he who always invites to maintain the wholeness as the most perfect human figure of God. The mutmainah lust has clearly been interpreted in QS al-Fajr verse 27, which most people interpret as lust that always invites goodness. On this basis this paper was born with the focus of his study of the meaning of the muthmainnah soul in the Koran surah al-fajr verses 27-30 and its implementation in mental health This paper illustrates that kosep al-nafs al-muthmainnah (quiet soul) is the concept of the soul who is a believer, as well as a soul who is dev...
Skripsi ini adalah hasil penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana Bagaimana das... more Skripsi ini adalah hasil penelitian kepustakaan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana Bagaimana dasar hukum pertimbangan hakim dalam putusan No.37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR tentang penyalahgunaan narkotika golongan I bagi dirinya sendiri dan bagaimana analisa hukum pidana Islam terhadap putusan No.37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR Data dihimpun melalui studi pustaka, yang selanjutnya diolah dan dianalisa menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif. Data penelitian ini bersumber dari data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data primer berupa putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kota Baru No. 37/Pid.B/2014/PN.KBR Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa hukuman dirasa terlalu berat namun cukup adil karena adanya waktu untuk pengobatan atau rehabilitasi dalam masa tahanan sehingga bisa memperbaiki kejiwaannya. Hal ini diambil berdasarkan unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam kasus tersebut dan juga melihat fakta-fakta pesidangan. Dalam hukum pidana Islam sanksi terhadap penyalahgunaan narkotika golongan I bagi...
Beban pekerjaan dan target yang harus dicapai yang membuat karyawan harus sering melakukan lembur... more Beban pekerjaan dan target yang harus dicapai yang membuat karyawan harus sering melakukan lembur bahkan membawa tugas ke rumah. Hal tersebut tentu saja menjadi penyebab karyawan merasa tertekan dan stress yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan, selain stres kerja terdapat varaibel lain yaitu motivasi diyakini dapat menjadi pemicu meningkatnya kinerja karyawan, tidak terkecuali di PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah Cabang Kudus. Perusahaan memang sangat memperhatikan dan memandang begitu pentingnya motivasi ini. Oleh karena itu perusahaan selalu berusaha meningkatkan motivasi karyawan, melalui budaya organisasi yang baik dapat semakin meningkatkan kinerja dan menurunkan tingkat stres kerja karyawa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah karyawan PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Tengah Cabang Kudus. sebanyak 120 responden dan sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 108 responden. Jenis dan sumber daya menggunakan data primer, dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket ...
There is an understanding that some of sufi orders to find h{aqi>qah through the sufi t{ari>... more There is an understanding that some of sufi orders to find h{aqi>qah through the sufi t{ari>qah no longer need the shari > ’ah . Shari > ’ah is seen as the outer skin of religion, and h{aqi>qah is the core. Because of getting the core of religion, the skin has no use anymore. This understanding is a rasionable understanding of the sufi mystics of the past that most no longer pay attention to the rules of shari>’ah in its suluk. Most sufis, at that time, preferred a more philosophical sufism which emphasize thinking to achive rather than the worship of god and morality. It can be seen from the popularity of the doctrine of wah{dat al-wuju>d which so dominates the teaching of classical sufism. This phenomenon invites the attention of Ahmad Sirhindi, on of sufi and mursyid of naqshabandi order. He moved to reform of the sufi orders who was then filled with heretical practices and doctrines which dominated wah{dat al-wuju>d . This study aims to discover and devel...
2020 3rd International Conference on Computer and Informatics Engineering (IC2IE), 2020
PT. XYZ is an insurance company that currently provides a variety of services using electronic sy... more PT. XYZ is an insurance company that currently provides a variety of services using electronic systems in 80 service offices throughout Indonesia. At the end of 2019, the company experienced an IT security incident. The core application was hit by a malware attack that caused slow system performance and disruption of insurance operational services. These events have a negative impact on the company both operationally and to customers, so that it becomes a serious concern of management. Therefore, this research aims to see how companies develop infrastructure to ensure the reliability and improvement of IT security. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach by collecting data through documentation and interview studies. Based on the results of the assessment, there were 16 out of 20 controls that exceeded the threshold value. These results illustrate that the security of the IT infrastructure of PT. XYZ is very weak. Therefore, the company must carry out 13 recommendations for improvement that will be carried out in stages. This research is expected to be a lesson for other organizations especially insurance companies to improve the reliability and security of IT infrastructure.
EL-BANAT: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam, 2020
This article discusses the traditional Aswaja practices that implemented in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) ... more This article discusses the traditional Aswaja practices that implemented in Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara as a means of preventing radicalism. There are two issues that will be discussed in this article, namely the forms of the Aswaja tradition that took place in MA Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara and the habituation of the Aswaja tradition within the MA Matholi'ul Huda Jepara. This study was conducted using a qualitative approach with a case study method. The data in this study were collected using participatory observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The data were then analyzed descriptively qualitatively through three stages, namely presentation, reduction and verification. From the results of this analysis, it is known that the traditions that are accustomed to in MA Matholi'ul Huda Kedung Jepara are khatmil quran, tahlilan, istigtsah, pilgrimage to the grave, and tawassul. Khatmil Qur'an and Tahlilan habituated once a week. ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of opening dimension in shear wall on the behavio... more The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of opening dimension in shear wall on the behavior of high-rise building structure due to earthquake load. The 20-story building prototype with shear wall placement as core wall with various sizes of opening are analyzed with the help of software MIDAS GEN, using equivalent lateral force and response spectrum method in X and Y direction. The shape of opening is square with width vary from 0.8 m – 1.3 m and height set at 2.2 m. This analysis will discuss structure’s natural time period, core wall distribution between shear wall and frame, lateral deflection, and story drift. The results show that the greater the opening will increase the natural time period by 1.72% and 1.67%, increase lateral deflection by 21.7932% and 23.5964%, and increase story drift by 24.6910% and 29.077% in each direction.
Saat ini aktifitas dakwah tidka hanya melalui mimbar-mimbar masjid, pengajian, dan ceramah saja. ... more Saat ini aktifitas dakwah tidka hanya melalui mimbar-mimbar masjid, pengajian, dan ceramah saja. Pada tulisan ini telah menyoroti bahwa adanya metode dakwah bil kitabah yaitu melaui tulisan. Tulisan yang mampu mempengaruhi semua yang membaca tulisan tersebut dengan tujuan menyeru kepada allah SWT, maka tulisan tersebut adalah dakwah. Komunikasi persuasif bukan saja hanya bisa dilakukan dengan lisan saja, namun bisa juga di terapkan dalam sebuah tulisan dan bisa di jadikan sebagai media dakwah. Sebuah karya tulis berupa novel karya Ahmad Fuadi, adalah karya tulis yang di dalamnya menyampaikan pesan menggunakan teknik komunikasi persuasif dengan gaya bahasa yang sangat renyah mudah di pahami sehingga menjadi sebuah pesan dakwah yang mudah diterima oleh masyarakat yang kemudian dituangkan dalam karya tulis berupa novel yang berjudul “Anak Rantau”. Hasil analisis dalam novel tersebut adalah dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Fuadi melalui karya novelnya yang berjudul Novel Islami A...
Papers by Fathur Rohman