Papers by Fabricio Moreira Sobreira
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), May 29, 2023

Comunicata Scientiae, Jun 30, 2023
Ipomoea batatas, popularly known as sweet potato, is a species of the Convolvulaceae family, with... more Ipomoea batatas, popularly known as sweet potato, is a species of the Convolvulaceae family, with probable origin between Mexico and northern South America. Among the genotypes with economic potential, the biofortified cultivar Beauregard (Ipomoea batatas) stands out due to its rusticity and easy handling. Controlledrelease fertilizers were mostly used in studies developed in other countries, and their study being necessary in Brazilian soil and climatic conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the development of Beauregard biofortified cultivar, submitted to different fertilization technologies in vertical farming system. The plantlets received different doses of controlled-release fertilizer: 0.0 (control); 30; 60; 90; 120g and a dose of 40g per pit of NPK 13-13-28 of ready solubility. At 180 days, biometric and production parameter data were collected and submitted to regression analysis and variance analysis followed by the Scott-Knott test for mean separation. The application of controlled-release fertilizer showed a positive effect on the production of the studied cultivar, favoring the performance of the plants and promoting the increase especially in height, length of branches and number of leaves. The base application of controlled-release fertilizer at a dose of 30g per plant and traditional NPK fertilizer at a dose of 40g per plant promote higher yields of dry mass of shoots and root when compared to unfertilized plants in the cultivation of sweet potatoes in vertical farming.
Anais do(a) Anais da 6ª Semana de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão: SEPE 2021

Corretivos de solo e fertilizantes devem ser utilizados de forma equilibrada, de acordo com as ca... more Corretivos de solo e fertilizantes devem ser utilizados de forma equilibrada, de acordo com as caracteristicas edafoclimaticas da regiao e as boas praticas agricolas adotadas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as caracteristicas quimicas do solo e o estado nutricional nas folhas de cafe arabica em plantio convencional, com uso de diferentes tipos de poda de esqueletamento e nas condicoes edafoclimaticas do municipio de Marechal Floriano, ES. O estudo foi conduzido em Marechal Floriano/ES (655 m altitude), em lavoura de cafe ‘Catuai Vermelho IAC–44’ com 26 anos de idade, espacamento 3,3 x 1,5 m, recepada em 2006, decotada em 2014 e conduzida com seis hastes/planta em solo LVA. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, om seis tratamentos, tres repeticoes de tres linhas com 07 plantas/linha. O trabalho teve inicio em agosto/2016, quando todas as parcelas foram podadas com diferentes tipos de poda de esqueletamento. Os resultados mostraram que nao ocorreu diferenca signif...

A producao de cafes de qualidade nas regioes das Montanhas e do Caparo Capixaba e uma realidade a... more A producao de cafes de qualidade nas regioes das Montanhas e do Caparo Capixaba e uma realidade atual e com sucesso economico e da sustentabilidade do cultivo de cafe em Regioes de condicoes edafoclimaticas e de agricultura familiar como essas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as caracteristicas sensoriais de diferentes cultivares de cafe arabica em sistema de plantio adensado processadas na forma de cereja descascado nao desmucilado. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Celina, municipio de Alegre-ES a 680m de altitude, implantado em 2009, espacamento de 2,00 X 0,60 m, regiao do Caparao Capixaba. Os tratamentos foram 16 cultivares de cafe arabica de porte baixo, de quatro diferentes epocas de maturacao dos frutos dispostas no campo sob delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repeticoes e seis plantas. Apos a colheita os frutos cerejas foram processados via umida do tipo cereja descascado nao desmucilado. Foram realizadas avaliacoes do rendimento, produtividade, tipo de pene...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2017
How to cite: Guarçoni A, Sobreira FM. Classical methods and calculation algorithms for determinin... more How to cite: Guarçoni A, Sobreira FM. Classical methods and calculation algorithms for determining lime requirements. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2017;41:e0160069.

Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2016
The production of specialty coffees is the main criterion to add value to the product. However, t... more The production of specialty coffees is the main criterion to add value to the product. However, there is a lack of information regarding genetic variability of C. arabica for quality improvement. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic divergence among Coffee arabica genotypes regarding the potential cup quality, possible limitations and their potential use in breeding programs to improve quality. We evaluated 101 coffee genotypes from the Germplasm Active Bank of Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, covering different groups of genealogical origin. A randomized block design was used with two replications. Sensory analysis of the beverage was performed by two tasters per sample (repetition), using the Cup of Excellence methodology enhanced by the Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association. The attributes assessed were clean cup, sweetness, acidity, body, flavor, aftertaste, balance, overall and final score. K-means and Ward clustering methods were used to study the genotypes divergence. Based on sensory scores, the formed clusters differed with regards to all sensory characteristics (P ≤ 0.01). Three K-means clusters were formed among 40, 45 and 16 genotypes, with final average scores of 80.11, 83.17 and 87.56 points, respectively. Ninety percent of the genotypes evaluated have the genetic potential to produce specialty coffees. The observed divergence indicates the potential of genetic gains for quality and the Híbrido de Timor germplasm can be used for this purpose.

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2016
©FUNPEC-RP Genetics and Molecular Research 15 (1): gmr.15017724 genotypes wit... more ©FUNPEC-RP Genetics and Molecular Research 15 (1): gmr.15017724 genotypes with the highest cultivation potential in the studied region. The experiment followed a randomized block design with 16 genotypes, four repetitions, and six plants per experimental plot. Plant spacing was 2.00 x 0.60 m, with a total of 8333 plants per hectare, representing a high-density cultivation system. Coffee plants were cultivated until the start of their reproductive phenological cycles and were evaluated along four complete reproductive cycles. Genotypes with high crop yield and beverage quality, short canopy, and rust resistance were selected. C. arabica genotypes showed variability in almost all characteristics. It was possible to identify different responses among genotypes grown in a high plant density cultivation system. Although the chlorophyll a content was similar among genotypes, the genotypes Acauã, Araponga MG1, Sacramento MG1, Tupi, and Catuaí IAC 44 showed a higher chlorophyll b content than the other genotypes. Among these, Sacramento MG1 also showed high leafiness and growth of vegetative structures, whereas Araponga MG1, Pau-Brasil MG1, and Tupi showed high fruit production. In addition, Araponga MG1 had also a higher and more stable crop yield over the years.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the most adequate parceling and dose of nitrogen and ... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the most adequate parceling and dose of nitrogen and potassium for the first and second years of coffee shrub (Coffea arabica) formation, under a drip fertigation system, in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. Two experiments with high plant density (6.666 plants ha-1) were carried out simultaneously: in one of them, the fertilization was done in 4 applications yearly, and in the other one, in 12 applications. Arandomized block design was used with five treatments and four replicates in both experiments. Treatments consisted of N and K2O doses applied via fertigation: 70, 100, 130, 160 and 190% from the N and K2O recommended doses for the rainfed cropping. Acontrol treatment was carried out in rainfed conditions and fertilized with the standard dose (100%). In the first and second years, in both parceling types, there were no significant differences among doses regarding coffee shrub vegetative growth. Parceling into 12 applications is more sui...

Scientia Agraria, 2010
A variedade ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’ de café conilon (Coffea canephora), apresenta produtividade su... more A variedade ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’ de café conilon (Coffea canephora), apresenta produtividade superior a todas as demais até então lançadas. Esta é composta por treze clones elites, cujo plantio é realizado em linhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o desenvolvimento inicial dos clones que compõem a variedade ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, sob o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com 13 tratamentos (clones) e sete repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos e avaliadas até os 210 dias após o plantio. Os clones 1V, 2V, 8V, 11V e 13V apresentaram desenvolvimento superior aos demais nas variáveis número de folhas, altura de planta, taxa de emissão de ramos plagiotrópicos, matéria seca de caule, matéria seca de raiz, matéria seca de parte aérea e matéria seca total. Em geral, essa cultivar apresenta, dois grupos de clones quanto ao desenvolvimento até os 210 dias do plantio. Os dados encontrados indicam que o ma...

Planta Medica, 1997
The study was designed to verify the gastroprotective and antidiarrhoeal effects of ternatin, tet... more The study was designed to verify the gastroprotective and antidiarrhoeal effects of ternatin, tetramethoxyflavone isolated from Egletes viscosa Less. The gastroprotective function of ternatin was evaluated in rats against gastric mucosal damage induced by hypothermic restraint stress, absolute ethanol, and indomethacin, whereas the antidiarrhoeal activity was investigated by studying its influence on gastrointestinal transit as measured by a charcoal marker and on castor oil-induced accumulation of intestinal fluid in mice and also on contractile responses evoked by acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, and barium chloride in isolated guinea-pig ileum. The results demonstrate that pretreatment of animals with the plant flavonoid (25 and 50 mg/kg, i.p.) produces a significant inhibition of gastric lesions induced by ethanol but not those induced by restraint stress or indomethacin and suggest a probable involvement of a prostaglandins-independent mechanism of gastroprotection. At similar doses, both the intestinal transit as well as the accumulation of intestinal fluids induced by castor oil in mice were significantly inhibited by ternatin. Furthermore, the flavonoid antagonised the contractile responses evoked by different agonists on guinea-pig ileum in vitro and its inhibitory potential for the drugs are in the order of acetylcholine > histamine > serotonin > barium chloride. Taken together, these results point out a possible antidiarrhoeal effect of ternatin since inhibition of intestinal motility and secretion can greatly control clinical diarrhoea.

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 2011
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as consequências da redução no espaçamento entre linhas e e... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as consequências da redução no espaçamento entre linhas e entre plantas na linha de plantio sobre o crescimento, a produtividade e a bienalidade de produção do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, em esquema fatorial 4x3. Foram utilizadas quatro distâncias entre as linhas (2,0, 2,5 3,0 e 3,5 m) e três distâncias entre as plantas na linha de plantio (0,50, 0,75 e 1,00 m), o que totalizou 12 tratamentos. A produtividade e a produção por planta foram avaliadas anualmente entre 1994 e 2001, e o crescimento foi avaliado em 2002. A redução no espaçamento entre as linhas e entre as plantas na linha de plantio aumenta a produtividade da lavoura cafeeira. Os espaçamentos entre as linhas e entre as plantas influenciam o crescimento e a arquitetura dos cafeeiros.
… -Facultad Nacional de …, 2009
Studies were conducted to demonstrate the viability of using path analysis of postharvest resista... more Studies were conducted to demonstrate the viability of using path analysis of postharvest resistance in salad type tomatoes, analyse the key variables involved and guide the selection of materials for breeding programmes. Data analysis adopted was a causal diagram illustrating ...
Agronomía …, 2009
El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las principales variables asociadas a la resistencia pos... more El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las principales variables asociadas a la resistencia poscosecha del tomate Cherry (tomate tipo cereza (Solanum lycopersicumvar. cerasiforme), y con base en ello, orientar la selección de materiales para programas de mejoramiento. Se utilizó un ...
Papers by Fabricio Moreira Sobreira