Videos by Fabiana Barreda
#videoart #digitalart #instagramfilters #avatar #gamer
Habitat Project is a platform in instagra... more #videoart #digitalart #instagramfilters #avatar #gamer
Habitat Project is a platform in instagram research the social as artworks Thesis Chapters by Fabiana Barreda
Fabiana Barreda Catalogo , 2004
Architrcture and Contemporary art by Fabiana Barreda
Eugenia belin Sarmiento El linaje feminista , 1988
Thesis on Argentine art and feminism from an artistic and affective rescue between women artists ... more Thesis on Argentine art and feminism from an artistic and affective rescue between women artists and art historians
#Project SEVEN - Art body and technology, 2019
PROYECT #SEVEN -2019 2020
#newbody #newworld #socialbody
Art, body and technology
Between Decem... more PROYECT #SEVEN -2019 2020
#newbody #newworld #socialbody
Art, body and technology
Between December 2019 and all of 2020, from the quarantine of the Coronavirus pandemic, I developed a series of digital videos with animations format for the I Phone platform and future video installations, reconstructing the technological bonds based on mandatory social isolation. (ASPO)
I developed a critical technological theory about a new body, a new world and a new social body, a new society in the context of medicalization and population control, a biopolitical perspective according to Foucault.
Think the body, technology and society so that people and I can feel better about the pandemic social crisis.
Art as healing and social politics of the bodies.
Fabiana Barreda
The essays about the body and the architecture in the society post pandemic
Arte Contemporaneo - Pandemia
#Conferencia sobre Coleccion Malba - Lectura social del arte en tiempos de Pandemia y Cuarentena
Teoria del cuerpo en el arte contemporaneo
Cuerpo y Deseo
#Catalogo libro #fundacion Arte x Arte - Argentina
Inevstigacion Teorica y exposicion sobre fotog... more #Catalogo libro #fundacion Arte x Arte - Argentina
Inevstigacion Teorica y exposicion sobre fotografia contemporanea y erotismo - artistas internacionales
Contemporary photography art book
Arquitectura del Deseo
#architecture of #desire Photography art book

Gabriel Orozco, 2005
Elegí esta obra porque es bella y conmovedora. Es pura, contemporánea, biográfica, universal. A l... more Elegí esta obra porque es bella y conmovedora. Es pura, contemporánea, biográfica, universal. A la vez es directa y experimental. Cuando me invitaron a elegir "una" imagen, a la noche soñé con ella. Hoy, ahora, una imagen. Muchas otras pasaron por mi mente, imágenes de artistas que admiré profundamente. En otro momento, veinte años atrás, hubiese sido sin dudar Nan Goldin o Ana Mendieta o Mariko Mori, o mi siempre venerada Grete Stern. Pero hoy es Gabriel Orozco, porque esta pieza es un "Infraleve", una huella contingente de un acto de vida hecho obra, esa categoría de Marcel Duchamp-hallada en sus manuscritos-que cambió radicalmente la designación de acto artístico de una forma tan poderosa como una proposición de Wittgenstein. Topología del accidente, o morfología de lo contingente, la fotografía aquí es parte de un todo: de un procedimiento, de una lógica específica, es una pieza que es performance, imagen, escultura y accidente, todo al unísono, como una composición sonora perfecta. Y desde su profunda ternura emotiva en el proceso que me propone también deconstruye, como una obra de Matta Clark, Grippo o Testa. Deconstruye la forma de hacer arte, de pensar los lenguajes estéticos por separado o como fines en sí mismos, como decía Nietzsche al pensar la filosofía, los lenguajes son herramientas para construir esa realidad poética que crea un gesto artístico, ellos forman parte de una lógica total de procedimiento. A partir de esta perspectiva, arte y filosofía son equivalentes; ambas son formas de creación de conocimiento sobre preguntas existenciales y éticas que crean lo real. En esta obra, el autorretrato aparece como un sistema conceptual y emotivo, traspasa la identidad del uno para ser otro en un gesto de máxima entrega. Es chakra cardíaco. Orgánico y latino, sensual y mexicano. La obra es una paradoja en acto: antigua y vanguardista, natural y urbana, abre sentidos bifurcados. Posee una delicadeza doméstica, receptiva y activa, femenina y masculina. En este gesto, el artista nos permite pensar y sentir una imagen, donde el cuerpo es la medida espacial de las emociones. Crea un corazón-huella de accidentar sus manos con la materia, descubre la plasticidad de la arcilla o la plastilina cuyo atributo es recepcionar-como un recipiente vacío-las formas contingentes de lo real. Así, la obra nos abre un universo nuevo, se convierte en una intensa arquitectura física, un dulce infraleve, un breve encuentro con el amor.
Books by Fabiana Barreda
#Psychospace Body and Architecture, 2020
Psychospace is a project that has been developed for several years in relation to the body, the p... more Psychospace is a project that has been developed for several years in relation to the body, the psyche and architecture.
I developed an avatar in the context of a pandemic during quarantine that, through its virtual body, represents me circulating in reality and virtuality.
A woman with her fantasies and thoughts that is self-materialized in the different virtual platforms that developed exponentially during the mandatory preventive social isolation in Argentina and in the world.
From the perspective of Jacques Lacan, Gaston Bachelard, Walter Benjamin, Marc Auge and Gut Debord with the situationists, space and subjectivity are a social process.
Temporary architecture.
This series of videos and AR augmented reality for instagram , digitally creates that psychic space of timeless and binary dystopia between digital devices and the material body.
Cuerpo y Deseo, 2016
Body and Desire essay about contemporary photography
#PorcelainLnadscape - Paisajes de Porcelana, 2009
Photography Art Book - Tribute to Alice in wonderland of Lewis Carroll
#architectureofdesire, 2004
Photography art book
Drafts by Fabiana Barreda
The body of artist, 2015
Conferencia visual sobre el cuerpo en el arte conetmporaneo
Videos by Fabiana Barreda
Habitat Project is a platform in instagram research the social as artworks
Thesis Chapters by Fabiana Barreda
#newbody #newworld #socialbody
Art, body and technology
Between December 2019 and all of 2020, from the quarantine of the Coronavirus pandemic, I developed a series of digital videos with animations format for the I Phone platform and future video installations, reconstructing the technological bonds based on mandatory social isolation. (ASPO)
I developed a critical technological theory about a new body, a new world and a new social body, a new society in the context of medicalization and population control, a biopolitical perspective according to Foucault.
Think the body, technology and society so that people and I can feel better about the pandemic social crisis.
Art as healing and social politics of the bodies.
Fabiana Barreda
Inevstigacion Teorica y exposicion sobre fotografia contemporanea y erotismo - artistas internacionales
Contemporary photography art book
Books by Fabiana Barreda
I developed an avatar in the context of a pandemic during quarantine that, through its virtual body, represents me circulating in reality and virtuality.
A woman with her fantasies and thoughts that is self-materialized in the different virtual platforms that developed exponentially during the mandatory preventive social isolation in Argentina and in the world.
From the perspective of Jacques Lacan, Gaston Bachelard, Walter Benjamin, Marc Auge and Gut Debord with the situationists, space and subjectivity are a social process.
Temporary architecture.
This series of videos and AR augmented reality for instagram , digitally creates that psychic space of timeless and binary dystopia between digital devices and the material body.
Drafts by Fabiana Barreda
Habitat Project is a platform in instagram research the social as artworks
#newbody #newworld #socialbody
Art, body and technology
Between December 2019 and all of 2020, from the quarantine of the Coronavirus pandemic, I developed a series of digital videos with animations format for the I Phone platform and future video installations, reconstructing the technological bonds based on mandatory social isolation. (ASPO)
I developed a critical technological theory about a new body, a new world and a new social body, a new society in the context of medicalization and population control, a biopolitical perspective according to Foucault.
Think the body, technology and society so that people and I can feel better about the pandemic social crisis.
Art as healing and social politics of the bodies.
Fabiana Barreda
Inevstigacion Teorica y exposicion sobre fotografia contemporanea y erotismo - artistas internacionales
Contemporary photography art book
I developed an avatar in the context of a pandemic during quarantine that, through its virtual body, represents me circulating in reality and virtuality.
A woman with her fantasies and thoughts that is self-materialized in the different virtual platforms that developed exponentially during the mandatory preventive social isolation in Argentina and in the world.
From the perspective of Jacques Lacan, Gaston Bachelard, Walter Benjamin, Marc Auge and Gut Debord with the situationists, space and subjectivity are a social process.
Temporary architecture.
This series of videos and AR augmented reality for instagram , digitally creates that psychic space of timeless and binary dystopia between digital devices and the material body.