Papers by Friesland Tuapetel

Agrikan Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan
Pterocaesio tile are generally caught by encircling gill nets using the schooling behavior of the... more Pterocaesio tile are generally caught by encircling gill nets using the schooling behavior of these species. The purpose of this study was analyze the biological reproduction of P. tile which induced sex ratio, gonadal maturity level, gonadal maturity index and size at first maturity. Data collection was carried out from October to December 2022. The data collection method was conducted using experimental fishing methods by operating unit gill net with mesh size of 1,75 and 2,0 inch. Fish samples of each actual fishing were measured total length and weight, dissected to determine sex, measured gonad weight and determined the level of gonadal maturity. The results showed that the sex ratio of male fish was higher than female fish. The GML phase is in phases I-V where the immature gonads are more dominant than the mature gonads, the GSI increases as GML increases. The size at first maturity for males is 20.6 cm and 18.6 cm for females.
PAPALELE (Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan dan Kelautan)
Marine fish supply chain is an integrated process that combines production until shipping, as wel... more Marine fish supply chain is an integrated process that combines production until shipping, as well efforts to cut coasts through shipping so as to provide consumers with good service. Eri’s fish landing center is one of the contributors to the stock availability of layang fish in the Ambon. The purpose of the research is to analyze the supply chain layang fish and the level of efficiency. Data were collected by purposive sampling with primary and secondary data from September-December 2019. The results of the study obtained three supply chains with four actors involved in it. Strategies to reduce margins and shorren supply chains by involving key players at high prices, namely papalele and the government at low prices, It is hoped that this alternative is one of the supporting the national fish barn.

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2015
Ceram Sea is new resources area of catching flying fish. The purpose of study is to determine the... more Ceram Sea is new resources area of catching flying fish. The purpose of study is to determine the species composition, size and distribution of flying fish caught by drifting baits. Flying fish data collection was conducted in June until October 2013 in three locations i.e: Kaimana, East Ceram and Fak-Fak. There are three flying fish species collected namely Hirundichthys oxycephalus (Torani), Cypselurus poecilopterus (Banggulung) and Chellopogon abeia (yellow wing). The results was showed that in Fak-Fak and Kaimana, there are two types of fly fishing that H. oxycephalus andC. poecilopterus, whereas in East Ceram found three types including: H. oxycephalus, C. poecilopterus and C. abeia. The dominant type of flying fish in three locations is H. oxycephalus. Flying fish has a variety size range of body size from 195.6 to 243.6 mm in Kaimana; East Ceram range from 206.3 to 284.3 mm while Fak-Fak range from 187.1 to 243.1 mm. The result is expected to be a reference literature as basi...

This study aims to determine the conditions of tuna utilization, and to analyze the monitoring of... more This study aims to determine the conditions of tuna utilization, and to analyze the monitoring of tuna fisheries resources in preventing IUU fishing in Seram Sea Waters. Methods This research uses descriptive methods including primary and secondary data. Primary data comes from tuna fishermen respondents, fisheries monitoring agencies using purposive sampling and in-depth interviews, secondary data through literature studies. The results showed that the average tuna production in West Seram Regency was 4.10%, yellowfin tuna was 0.20%, the average CPUE of handline tuna fishermen was 505.86 kg/month/unit. The institutional capacity of fisheries supervisors needs to be improved, even though the vessel compliance indicator reaches 136%. Fishery violations during 2016-2018 are: violations of fishing routes and areas, violations of VMS, violations of fishing permits, and prohibitions on fishing by foreign people or vessels.

PAPALELE (Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan dan Kelautan), 2018
This research was taken in Ambon (Latuhalat and Laha) and in Central Maluku Regency (Waai) in May... more This research was taken in Ambon (Latuhalat and Laha) and in Central Maluku Regency (Waai) in May – July 2018. It was aimed at mapping the value chain of small pelagic fish in Ambon through: 1) mapping of product, financial and information flows and 2). analysis of percentage distribution of small pelagic fish caught. The data used in this study was primary and secondary data, and analyzed by using value chain analysis. The results show that small pelagic fish marketing chain in Ambon consisted of six models with five actors. Each chain is formed due to the conditions and situation of market, resulted by the influencing of catches of fishermen and traders' capital. The broker plays an important role in marketing small pelagic fish in the market and obtaining 10% of the fishermen's catch that can be distributed, both to retailers and cold storage. Fish caught by the fishermen is still fresh in general when arrives in the consumers, because the fishing area is not too far, the...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This research was conducted in Pasar Mardika-Ambon, on June to July 2018. Five of the ten brokers... more This research was conducted in Pasar Mardika-Ambon, on June to July 2018. Five of the ten brokers in that market were taken as samples and observed as well as interviewed in depth. The results show that the role of the Brokers in the fresh fish marketing process, especially in that market, which is known as the main traditional market in Ambon is very large. It can be seen from the percentage of fish passing through them. Approximately 90% of the fishermen’s catch (especially purse seine) must pass the brokers for further distribution to consumers through retailers. For this job, they will earn 10% of fishermen’s sale, both those distributed to retailers and those sold to Cold Storage. Some fishermen argue that the existence of broker is very helpful in the marketing process, but some fishermen also complain about their presence in the market. When fishermen experience problems and need assistance (money), the broker will immediately reach out to help. The assistance must still be r...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Fish is very perishable, soon after caught and death, deterioration took place quickly especially... more Fish is very perishable, soon after caught and death, deterioration took place quickly especially in a high-temperature environment. Quality control is a necessity to keep the freshness of fish and the prime nutritional quality. In this study interview and observation were done on the focus group to investigate quality control activities carried out by the artisanal fisher community. In many places in Maluku, small pelagic fish caught by using purse seine net. The fishing ground is relatively close to the landing site at the coastal area and landed in 1-2 hours after death. Shortly after landed ice treating is applied on the fishes with the ratio of ice to fish roughly 1:2 and also a small amount of clean sea water added onto the fish-ice mixture in order to chilling fish and keep it fresh. Most fish are transported to the central market in town by using cars which takes one to two hours, and the rest taken by the small retailers and distribute to the closest markets in the village....

Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2019
The waters surrounding Ambon Island is a potential fishing gound for demersal fish resources, yet... more The waters surrounding Ambon Island is a potential fishing gound for demersal fish resources, yet information regarding species diversity is still slightly understood. This research aimed to analyze the diversity of species and size of demersal fish around Ambon Island oceans. Data was collected based on experimental fishing using fish trap at two locations, in northern and southern waters of Ambon Island. The data were collected by experimental capture using fishing gear at two locations, namely northern waters (March-April 2015) and south of Ambon Island (July-October 2016). Methods of demersal resource diversity analysis are several ecological indexes i.e. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou uniformity index, and Simpson's dominance index. The result showed that 21 family and 57 species with details of 35 species in the northern waters and 32 species in the southern water. Species diversity based on Shannon-Wiener Index (H´) ranged between 1,61-3,10 while species evenness ...

TRITON: Jurnal Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
This research was carried out in the waters of Tulehu, Ambon Island between February and April 20... more This research was carried out in the waters of Tulehu, Ambon Island between February and April 2020 to study the reproductive aspects of dark-banded fusilier (Pterocaesio tile) which covers sex ratio, gonad maturity level, gonado somatic index, and first maturity size. Dark-banded fusilier samples were collected on weekly interval from gill net fishers operating in the waters of Tulehu village. The fish samples collected were separated by sex, weighed and measured for its total length. All samples collected were then dissected to take the gonads, determined the gonad maturity stage (GMS) and weighed. The Chi Square test (χ2) with p=0.05 was used to analyze whether there is difference between the ratio of male and female. Gonadal maturity level was determined morphologically based on standard literature, while gonad somatic index was determined based on proportion of gonad weight and fish body weight. The length at first maturity was determined by using logistic curve. The results sh...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
Flyingfish, Hirundichthys oxycephalus together with its congener species has become a major artis... more Flyingfish, Hirundichthys oxycephalus together with its congener species has become a major artisanal fishery resource from the Seram Sea, an area between Seram and Papua Island. However, biological information about this species has been poorly documented. Our current study focused on the growth and morphometric relationships of spawning cohorts during spawning season (June to October 2013). Flyingfish which were trapped in bale-bale, an egg aggregation device for flying fish, were collected offshore of the Southeastern Seram Sea. Total samples of 1693 with Fork Length (FL) ranged from 156.15mm to 245.52mm and total weight from 53.15gr to 115.45gr. Von Bertalanffy growth functions (L∞) for-pooled sexes were FL = 251mm [1-e (1.82 (t+0.060)], K=1.82 and t0 = 0.060. Morphometrically, significant differences were observed for all individuals between sexes (F=14.20, P=0.0002), sampling locations (F=88.48 P<0.0001) and sampling period (F=138.84, P<0.0001). Condition factor of the fish generally declined in July-August. During spawning season, this fish tended to form single spawning cohort. The results of this study provide a significant understanding of the life history of this valuable fish inhabiting this particular region that rarely receives scientific investigation. For management purposes, harvesting eggs including broodstocks will lead to critical population depletion.

Hasil tangkapan purse seine memberi kontribusi terbesar terhadap stok ikan di pasar kota Ambon, n... more Hasil tangkapan purse seine memberi kontribusi terbesar terhadap stok ikan di pasar kota Ambon, namun sayangnya informasi produksi dan biologinya belum banyak terungkap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hasil tangkapan purse seine baik jenis, jumlah dan ukuran mijah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan FGD yang dilakukan di tiga TPI yakni: Latuhalat, Laha dan Waai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan jenis ikan tangkapan purse seine terdapat 12 spesies dan 3 famili. Jumlah hasil tangkapan yang terbanyak berturut-turut dari famili carangidae, scombridae dan engrailidae. Auxis thazard dan Decapterus macrosoma merupakan dua spesies yang mendominasi hasil tangkapan. Puncak penangkapan A. thazard pada bulan Mei-Juli dengan ukuran mijah 27,4-29,3 cm. Sedangkan D. macrosoma pada September-November dengan ukuran mijah 15,8-16,2 cm. Informasi kedua spesies ini diharapkan menjadi dasar pengelolaan penangkapan sehingga menjamin jumlah produksi dipasar tetap tersedia...

E3S Web of Conferences
There are 71 species of flying fish (exocoetidae) in the world, 18 species in Indonesia, and ten ... more There are 71 species of flying fish (exocoetidae) in the world, 18 species in Indonesia, and ten species in Maluku. The southern waters of Ambon Island are potential areas for catching flying fish, but the species distribution has not been reported. This study aimed to determine the composition and distribution of flying fish species caught by gillnet in the southern Ambon Island waters. The study of flying fish species was carried out from February to June 2021. There were five dominant flying fish species distributed consistently based on their respective zones. The morphological identification revealed flying fish species which broadcast on the coast of the island respectively, namely: Cypselurus poecilopterus, Cheilopogon abei, Cheilopogon spilopterus with geographical position - 3°73′07″S – -3°92′01″S and 128°15′04″E – 128°44′08″E. The high seas were dominated by Cheilopogon furcatus dan Hirundichthys oxycephalus with position -4°14′08″S – -4°72′16″S and 128°28′05″E – 129°42′09...

Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia
Eco-biological information of Cheilopogon abei in Geser Streit is unknown. The objective of this ... more Eco-biological information of Cheilopogon abei in Geser Streit is unknown. The objective of this research is to observe the sex ratio, first size maturity, gonad maturity and gonado somatic index (GSI) with fecundity of flying fish Ch abei in Geser East Seram Strait waters. Sampling was done for ten months started from February to November 2018, using gill net measuring 1.50 inch. All fish samples were measured in fork length and weighted so dissected to make observations on the level of gonad maturity and the number of eggs in female fish. A total of 682 flying fish was found during the study with a fork length range of 182.6-243.3 mm and a weight of 73.98-115.45 g. The results of the analysis showed that the proportion of the number of male fish was less than that of the female fish for almost every month of observation. The first size gonad mature of male and female is 210.5 mm and 214.1 mm FL. The gonad maturity index of male fish ranges from 0,963-7,967 and female fish ranges 1...

Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia, 2018
Oceans surrounding Ambon Island is a potential fishing gound for demersal fish resources, yet inf... more Oceans surrounding Ambon Island is a potential fishing gound for demersal fish resources, yet information regarding species diversity is still slightly understood. This research aimed to analyze the diversity of species and size of demersal fish around Ambon Island oceans. Data was collected based on experimental fishing using fish trap at two locations, in northern and southern oceans of Ambon Island. The data were collected by experimental capture using fishing gear at two locations, namely northern oceans (March-April 2015) and south of Ambon Island (July-October 2016). Methods of demersal resource diversity analysis are several ecological indexes i.e. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou uniformity index, and Simpson's dominance index. The result showed that 21 family and 57 species with details of 35 species in the northern waters and 32 species in the southern water. Species diversity based on Shannon-Wiener Index (H´) ranged between 1,61-3,10 while species evenness index (E) was around 0,83-0,95. The abundance of demersal fish was not dominated by any fish species, showed by the average Simpson index of dominant (D) around 0,05-0,26.
Keywords: demersal fish, diversity index, species richness, Ambon Island.

Sumberdaya perikanan ikan terbang di Laut Seram khusus telurnya merupakan komoditi yang paling ti... more Sumberdaya perikanan ikan terbang di Laut Seram khusus telurnya merupakan komoditi yang paling tinggi pemasukannya untuk pemerintah dan masyarakat Fak-Fak. Laut Seram termasuk daerah penangkapan sumberdaya ikan terbang yang baru, sejak ditemukan pertama kali oleh Daeng Ngerang pada tahun 2001 dan telah dimanfaatkan sampai sekarang. Namun disayangkan masih belum diketahui sejauh mana tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan ini terkait dengan perkembangan jumlah kapal dan kapasitas alat tangkap yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis trend CPUE tahunan dan potensi MSY serta trend CPUE bulanan. Pengumpulan data tahun 2001-2013 melalui review data Dinas Kelautan Perikanan Fak-Fak Papua Barat dan diverifikasi dengan mewawancarai beberapa nelayan, punggawa dan eksportir terkait dengan data upaya dan hasil tangkapan. Sedangkan data bulan Juni-Oktober 2013 diperoleh dengan mengikuti langsung nelayan di lapangan. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukan terjadi penurunan nilai CPUE dengan puncaknya pada tahun 2007 dengan tingkat pemanfaatan potensi MSY terendah yakni -484641 kg, dan nilai MSY 402269 kg serta upaya optimal 614 unit kapal. Sedangkan produksi bulanan alat tangkap rumpong hanyut tahun 2013 menghasilkan rata-rata telur sebesar 149,4 kg/trip dengan total produksi 747 kg/musim. Jika dibandingkan dengan rata-rata produksi tahunan pada tahun yang sama yakni 561 kg/unit maka tingkat pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan terbang di Laut Seram tergolong dalam tahap berkembang. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi acuan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya ikan terbang di Laut Seram dengan membatasi jumlah kapal sesuai hasil analisis.
Papers by Friesland Tuapetel
Keywords: demersal fish, diversity index, species richness, Ambon Island.
Keywords: demersal fish, diversity index, species richness, Ambon Island.