Papers by Ezequiel Araujo
10th International Symposium on Technological Innovation, Dec 4, 2019
Atualmente discutir as questoes relacionadas a saude da mulher carcereira e a inexistencia de pol... more Atualmente discutir as questoes relacionadas a saude da mulher carcereira e a inexistencia de politicas publicas efetivas tem suscitado questionamentos de educadores e profissionais de saude sobre as acoes relacionadas a integralidade da assistencia no contexto do sistema prisional.Tratou-se de um Projeto de pesquisa-acao que surgiu diante da necessidade de ampliacao dos espacos que promovam articulacao entre os pilares da Universidade - Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensao - com as Politicas e Programas do Ministerio da Saude, tendo como objetivo executar acoes de educacao em saude visando preparar gestantes presidiaria para questoes relativas ao processo de gestacao, parto e puerperio, saude sexual e reprodutiva e prevencao de DST/HIV. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratoria ancorada na Teoria das Representacoes Sociais. O cenario do estudo foi o Complexo Penitenciario da cidade do Salvador/BA, a amostra foi de 14 mulheres presas em regime fechado. Para coleta dos...
Arquivos Do Museu Nacional, 2010
Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web, 2012
ABSTRACT A key challenge in mobile social media applications is how to present personalized conte... more ABSTRACT A key challenge in mobile social media applications is how to present personalized content that is both geographically and temporally relevant. In this paper, we propose a new and generic temporal weighting function for improving location recommendations. First, we identify areas of interest to recommend by clustering geographic activity based on a trace of geotagged photos. Next, the clusters are temporally weighted using TF-IDF, in order to capture seasonality, and a decay scoring function to capture preference drift. Finally, these weights are combined with the cluster scores based on geographic relevance. We evaluate our recommender on a large dataset collected from Panoramio consisting of the top-100 most populated cities in the world and show that incorporating the proposed temporal weighting function improves recommendation quality.
… Ambiental: Pesquisa e …
ABSTRACT Studies on the accumulation of combustible material in native forests and plantations ar... more ABSTRACT Studies on the accumulation of combustible material in native forests and plantations are mainly important tool for estimating the risk of forest fires. This study aimed to determine the amount of combustible material in forest stands and in the remaining rain forest located in the municipality of Areia, in Brejo of Paraiba. The collection of combustible material was carried out in plots of 1m ², randomly selected areas. The fuel accumulated in the different areas were classified according to the physiological state of alive and dead. The largest amount of combustible material was obtained in the area of the Atlantic with 19.47 Mg ha-1. The amount of combustible material alive did not differ between the studied areas.
Papers by Ezequiel Araujo