Papers by Enrique Jadresic

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Dec 1, 2007
Quien no conoce el bosque chileno, no conoce este planeta", expresó Neruda en sus memorias. Difíc... more Quien no conoce el bosque chileno, no conoce este planeta", expresó Neruda en sus memorias. Difícilmente una frase puede capturar mejor la trama de una experiencia subjetiva y, al mismo tiempo, dar cuenta de la realidad. La obra que surge desde la interioridad del artista, admite en sus fundamentos la presencia de elementos experienciales enlazados con el mundo real. Así, cuando los organizadores del congreso de 2005 me invitaron a pintar con motivo de nuestro encuentro anual, no dudé en apelar a la imagen del enmarañado bosque de araucarias, gigantes vegetales del tiempo y del espacio. Como fósiles vivos, estas coníferas se yerguen milenarias sobre la generosa selva de verdes profundos, iluminada por la calidez de los amarillos en el centro del cuadro, tras el tronco de mayor altura. Hacia lo alto predominan los azules, en un intento-simultáneo-por alcanzar la mímesis y por extender hacia el cielo la atmósfera fría de la selva subyacente. Las palabras y la paleta se tornan insuficientes para transmitir la experiencia estética que entraña habitar, sea en la realidad o sólo en la imaginación y por un momento, un santuario natural. De mayor valor que cualquier resultado pictórico es lo que la experiencia del arte le puede proporcionar al psiquiatra, sea creación (poiesis) o recepción (aisthesis). Nuestra especialidad es, desde luego, una disciplina científica. Pero es, también, y por sobre todo, un vehículo de ayuda entre personas. Por ello, nos compete mirar la realidad de nuestros pacientes con los criterios, metodologías y objetivos propios de las ciencias, pero igualmente comprender el vivenciar y la experiencia personal. Los procesos de enfermar/sanar, susceptibles de ser interpretados técnicamente, son, además, construcciones individuales que el ser humano hace de si mismo y de la realidad. En esa medida, el acceso al arte, o la incursión en la creación artística, amplía nuestra mirada médica y nos permite aproximarnos mejor a la dimensión humana de nuestros pacientes. "Bosque de Araucarias" Araucaria woods Enrique Jadresic (2005) Óleo sobre tela, 50 x 65 cms.

Medwave, Jul 5, 2016
Until recently, social blushing was rarely discussed in the medical literature. It was usually co... more Until recently, social blushing was rarely discussed in the medical literature. It was usually considered only a normal and occasional physiological reaction associated with emotions such as embarrassment brought on by social situations. This has changed in recent years with attention increasingly being paid to blushing, either in the context of social anxiety disorder or in its own right. Some argue that blushing has adaptive value, so it may not make sense to treat people for blushing, a view we do not agree with since the blushing experience is not the same for everyone and those who seek medical help do so because their blushing impairs their quality of life. Furthermore, the fact that a symptom is adaptive does not place it beyond the scope of medical treatment. Quite the contrary: physicians treat many symptoms that cause discomfort, e.g. pain and vomiting, which may be regarded as adaptive, yet few doubt the value of treating such problems. The same is true for blushing. Recognizing its potential adaptive value does not mean that it should not be treated. The distress of those who blush easily and seek help justifies attempts to find ways to help them. This article underlines the need to distinguish between normal social blushing and pathological social blushing and, at the same time, reviews current available treatments for individuals who seek help for this condition.
Seizure-european Journal of Epilepsy, Jun 1, 2000
The parents of 41 young people with epilepsy who were living in the same household as the patient... more The parents of 41 young people with epilepsy who were living in the same household as the patients were interviewed using the Camberwell Family Interview, and ratings of expressed emotion (EE) carried out according to standard criteria. The presence of any seizures in the 6 months prior to interview was found to be a predictor of EE (p = 0.0017). Absolute seizure frequency, as well as presence or absence of seizures was also found to vary with the EE score. Fathers may exhibit high EE by critical comments, mothers by emotional over involvement. Although it is unclear whether high EE is the result of seizures, or whether high EE makes seizures more likely to occur, an intervention study aimed at assessing the effect of lowering parental EE levels on young people's seizure frequency might be worth pursuing.

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Dec 1, 2010
Background: Depression, a disorder than mostly affects fertile women, is the leading cause of dis... more Background: Depression, a disorder than mostly affects fertile women, is the leading cause of disease burden in Chilean adult women. Objective: To highlight the main facts currently known about depression in pregnancy and the puerperium. Method: Results of several studies are summarized in the context of a review of the literature. Results: A third of Chilean women have depressive and/or anxiety symptoms during pregnancy, while prevalence fi gures in the postpartum period increase to more than 40%. If strict operational criteria describing well defi ned depressive disorders are used, one out of ten pregnant/postpartum women is found to be depressed. Persistent depression in pregnant women was shown to be associated with developmental delay in their children at 18 months of age and a 4.7 higher risk of depression in adolescence. Postpartum depression has been associated to lower IQ scores in preadolescents, and to violent behavior. Different types of psychotherapy and antidepressant medication, which can be used at this time of life, are currently available. Conclusions: Pre and postpartum depression are highly prevalent and the impact of both, untreated and treated perinatal depression, must be taken into account when managing depressed childbearing women.
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Oct 1, 2004

Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Mar 1, 2007
Carmen Aldunate, pintora y dibujante, es una de las artistas visuales chilenas más destacadas. Su... more Carmen Aldunate, pintora y dibujante, es una de las artistas visuales chilenas más destacadas. Su dilatada trayectoria profesional se traduce en un número considerable de exposiciones individuales (26) y colectivas (64), en Chile y el extranjero. En 2004, fue la primera artista visual mujer en ser incorporada a la Academia Chilena de Bellas Artes. Su obra Esquizofrenia, cedida en préstamo a la Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía (SONEPSYN), fue realizada en el contexto del proyecto "Arte y Psicopatología" organizado por nuestra sociedad en 1998. Se trató de una iniciativa que convocó a reconocidos profesionales chilenos ¿doce artistas visuales y un número similar de psiquiatras? cuyo trabajo en duplas culminó con propuestas plásticas hechas por los artistas, referidas a las principales patologías psiquiátricas. En el caso particular de esta obra, la pintora fue asesorada por el doctor Eduardo Durán. En el cuadro, en realidad un tríptico, las tonalidades grises y azules enfrían la atmósfera, quizás procurando rememorar la lejanía afectiva tan propia de la enfermedad. Al centro sobresale una mujer de rostro pálido y mirada perdida en la distancia, en el vacío. Su cabeza se escinde en la parte superior y con ello ¿según el psiquiatra? su alma. Aquí están los dos mundos propios de lo esquizo, lo dividido y lo que aun no se quebranta del todo y es necesario retener. El drama de la esquizofrenia se refleja, magistralmente, en el acto de intentar abrazar la propia corporalidad, con las manos pellizcándose los brazos, tocándose, re-encontrándose consigo misma, como en un desesperado último intento de preservar la cohesión interna amenazada. Los brazos están maniatados, presos de poder hacer o deshacer. Al mismo tiempo, clavos atraviesan dolorosamente la piel, didáctico ejemplo de las alucinaciones cenestésicas. Se aprecia a la mujer envuelta en ropajes, portados sin erotismo alguno, y aun más, la zona genital cosida, vedada a toda sexualidad. De una mano cuelga una llave, sugiriendo la esperanza de abrir algún día las tantas puertas que se cierran. El entorno es amenazante, de rejas y objetos cortantes del mundo. No obstante, la mujer sigue impertérrita con su mirada en lontananza. El yo espectador está conmovido por este dolor existencial y lo hace suyo. Frente a una mujer autista tenemos aquí a un arte no autista, que recoge el dolor y lo ofrece más allá de su inmediatez.
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd eBooks, Sep 18, 2009
... of Chile Graciela Rojas1 and Enrique Jadresic2 ... This means applying strictly defined crite... more ... of Chile Graciela Rojas1 and Enrique Jadresic2 ... This means applying strictly defined criteria to a constellation of symptoms that are clearly disturbing and interfere with daily functioning and relationship with others. Page 9. ... 16. Jadresic, E., Jara, C., Miranda, M. et al. ...
Revista Medica De Chile, Nov 1, 2022
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Dec 1, 2005
![Research paper thumbnail of [Depression in pregnancy and puerperium: study of risk factors]](
PubMed, Mar 1, 1993
This study was aimed at determining risk factors associated to depression in pregnancy and/or the... more This study was aimed at determining risk factors associated to depression in pregnancy and/or the puerperium. By means of both observer-rated, and self-rated scales a 108-expectant mother sample was assessed by the co-investigators, interviewed by the principal investigator later on. The Psychiatric Assessment Schedule was used to obtain an RDC diagnosis. The same procedure was repeated 2 to 3 months after delivery. A greater exposure to life events, prior consultation for emotional problems as well as economic difficulties arising of late were all associated to depression in pregnancy and the puerperium. Getting separated from significant persons in a woman's life, and/or difficult relationships with either husband or mother have been strongly associated to depression at both periods. As regards puerperium depression, several associations directly related to childbirth (having had a low-weight baby) or the postnatal period (lactation problems) were detected. Anxiety and depressive symptoms during pregnancy have been also clearly linked to postpartum depression. The predictive value of such risk factors is discussed. It is suggested that questions on these factors should be included into ordinary health assessments of both pregnant and puerperal women.
PubMed, Jun 1, 1995
The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and factors associated to postpartum depress... more The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and factors associated to postpartum depression (PPD) in a sample of women attending clinics representative of different socioeconomic levels in Santiago. A total of 542 mothers selected from five health centres filled in the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale which was used as the diagnostic criteria, a score of 10 and above being considered diagnostic of depression. Based in our findings, the prevalence of PPD would be 36.7% after adjusting for socioeconomic distribution in Santiago. An inverse relationship was found between socioeconomic status and prevalence of PPD. Mothers with lower incomes had a three-fold increase in prevalence of PPD in comparison to mothers with higher incomes. Single mothers (unmarried, separated and widows) were twice more likely to be cases of PPD.

Revista Medica De Chile, 2010
Characterization of depressed mothers in the postpartum Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) i... more Characterization of depressed mothers in the postpartum Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a mood disorder that occurs during a specific period of women's lifetime: puerperium. The prevalence of PPD ranges from 8% to 30%, and a threefold increase is seen in emerging as compared to developed countries. Aim: To characterize women consulting in primary care facilities for PPD. Material and Methods: Social and demographic features, obstetrical history, clinical symptoms and puerperal care of 440 postpartum women that sought help in primary care and were diagnosed as depressed, are described. Results: These women had no paid employment (82.7%), had unplanned pregnancies (62.5%) and lacked adequate social support (59.4%). From the clinical viewpoint, most of these puerperal women had a family history of depression (64.2%) and 31% had suffered from previous depressive episodes. The clinical symptoms of these patients consisted of depressed mood (93.2%), anhedonia (87.9%) and fatigue (87%). Conclusions: Women depressed postpartum form a group that requires more clinical attention due to its great biological vulnerability, active depressive symptoms, and enormous psychosocial risk. The mother and child program, which benefits them, needs to be combined with a mental health component that can offer them a treatment adapted to their psychosocial context.

Carmen Aldunate is a Chilean visual artist devoted for more than forty years to painting, drawing... more Carmen Aldunate is a Chilean visual artist devoted for more than forty years to painting, drawing and engraving. Despite having neither an ordinary education nor a university degree, she has had a fruitful artistic life, receiving national and international recognition. In 2004 she became the first woman visual artist to be made a member of the Chilean Academy of Fine Arts. This study examines the main features of Aldunate's psycho-pathobiography, showing the influence of her family background, life history and mood disorder on her artistic work. The manner Aldunate creates art, using refinement and purity of style, remarkably parallels the way she approaches life: having to fight permanently with extreme mood states that threaten her, she resorts to self control, obsessive artistic work and search for beauty. While for Aldunate creative expression is an end in itself, determining her way of living, it also becomes a medium to preserve or restore her health
Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes, Nov 1, 2014
El estrecho contacto que los profesionales de la ginecoobstetricia mantienen con las embarazadas/... more El estrecho contacto que los profesionales de la ginecoobstetricia mantienen con las embarazadas/puérperas, proporciona una oportunidad única para diagnosticar y tratar precozmente la depresión perinatal. El trastorno puede ocasionar consecuencias negativas a la madre, el entorno familiar y, en especial, a

Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 1995
A validity study of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) against the Research Diagnost... more A validity study of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) against the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) was carried out on a sample ofwomen attending a health care center in Santiago. One hundred and eight middle-class mothersfilled in the EPDS and were later interviewed by the main author using the Psychiatric Assessment Schedule (PAS). The internal consistency of the EPDS was reasonably good (Cronbach's a 0.77). Validity coefiientsfor the scale were calculated to determine the best caselnon-case threshold which was found to be 9/10. Sensitivity, spec8city and positive predictive value for this threshold were loo%, 80% and 37% correspondingly. The same best cut-ojpoint (9/10) was found by other Chilean investigators in a sample of working-class women. The EPDS was shown to be a usejhl screening instrument f o r postnatal depression in these settings.
Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría, Jul 1, 1985
Papers by Enrique Jadresic