Papers by Ellinor Torsein
INTED Proceedings, 2018
This paper draws on the experiences of work-integrated learning from a Swedish-Norwegian cross-se... more This paper draws on the experiences of work-integrated learning from a Swedish-Norwegian cross-sector research project where actors from university, industry, government and volunteer sector collab ...
En gransoverskridande workshop om Hvordan kan vi bruke undersokelser til a skape et bedre sentrum... more En gransoverskridande workshop om Hvordan kan vi bruke undersokelser til a skape et bedre sentrum? genomfordes den 27 oktober 2016 i Fredrikstad under stormote 2 i projektet Urban Platsinnovation. ...
Hogskolan Vasts Rapport 3 - Samverkan och utveckling i Gamlebyen bestar av en studie av Gamlebyen... more Hogskolan Vasts Rapport 3 - Samverkan och utveckling i Gamlebyen bestar av en studie av Gamlebyen Fredrikstads kommune, Norge. Denna studie baseras pa 18 djupintervjuer med 21 aktorer i och kring G ...
Crossing the Border in a Cross-border Region : The Role of Networks in Small Firms' Internati... more Crossing the Border in a Cross-border Region : The Role of Networks in Small Firms' Internationalization
ICERI2018 Proceedings, 2018
Firms’ small size is commonly considered as a disadvantage in internationalization (Jansson, 2007... more Firms’ small size is commonly considered as a disadvantage in internationalization (Jansson, 2007), which is mainly associated with the lack of resources needed to expand internationally (Jansson & ...
Denna studie designades och analyserades av Hogskolan Vast 2016-2017. Undersokningen kompletterar... more Denna studie designades och analyserades av Hogskolan Vast 2016-2017. Undersokningen kompletterar den besokar- och boendestudie som Hogskolan Vast tidigare genomforde inom projektet i Lysekil under sensommaren 2016 (se Hogskolan Vast Rapport 2 Urban Platsinnovation Besokar- och boendestudie i Lysekil sensommaren 2017). Denna studie genomfordes under tiden 26 maj - 11 augusti 2017 med 363 svarande respondenter, varav 165 var besokare och 198 permanent boende i Lysekil. Syftet med studien var att oka kunskapen om bade besokares och boendes uppfattningar om Lysekil. Hogskolan Vast har aven genomfort en intervjustudie med centrumaktorer i Lysekil under 2017 (se Hogskolan Vast Rapport 4 Urban Platsinnovation Att utveckla Lysekils centrum tillsammans - utmaningar och mojligheter). Studierna1 avser aven att bidra gransoverskridande inspiration samt vara ett underlag for planering och utveckling av kommande centrumutvecklande aktiviteter saval inom som utanfor projektets regi. Undersokninge...
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2020
This study seeks to gain a better understanding of how small late internationalising (mature) fir... more This study seeks to gain a better understanding of how small late internationalising (mature) firms operating in mature industry contexts, which seem largely ignored in international entrepreneurship research, identify primary and subsequent international opportunities. Integrating international opportunity and network literature, as well as adopting a multiple case study design, we build on the evidence obtained from two Swedish and two Norwegian late internationalising firms operating in medium-technology industries. Our findings highlight the vital importance of business ties for identification of both primary and subsequent international opportunities by mature firms operating in mature industries. We find that such firms may identify their primary international opportunities by both discovery and creation. Furthermore, the firms’ reputation in the domestic market, accumulated technological knowledge and needs for product customisation and/or customer involvement in product deve...
Uddevalla Symposium 2018: Diversity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship – Regional, Urban, National and International Perspectives, the 21 Uddevalla Symposium, 14–16 June, 2018, Luleå, Sweden, 2018
In the development of city centers and tourist destinations it is, as for any development of attr... more In the development of city centers and tourist destinations it is, as for any development of attractive offers, imperative to be informed about who the customer is and what s/he needs, wants and de ...
Papers by Ellinor Torsein