Economic Reforms Journal
The founder of the scientific-analytical journal "Economic Reforms" is the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ISSN 2790-2188, E-ISSN:2790-2196). The journal was registered with the number 4362 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 21.10.2021
Purpose and Scope. The Journal of "Economic Reforms" serves as a platform for analysis and research at the macro and microeconomic levels, as well as medium- and long-term forecasts, to ensure the country's sustainable economic development. The journal publishes articles and analytical comments, including proposals for economic reforms.
The articles are published in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, English and Russian).
The Journal of "Economic Reforms" is being published not less than twice every year.
Articles should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “Periodicals recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan". Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be published.
The scientific-analytical journal "Economic Reforms" adopted the policy that claims to be an open-access journal, to be scanned by databases by providing access easily by readers.
The scientific-analytical journal "Economic Reforms" team check each article which is loaded into the system with separate diligence and forward to the reviewers. This process continues into a great privacy policy. After the completion of the reviewer process of articles, works are lining up to publish. Works are lining up according to the time of completion of the reviewer process.
Address: AZ 1073, Baku city, Yasamal district, Gurban Khalilov 47
Purpose and Scope. The Journal of "Economic Reforms" serves as a platform for analysis and research at the macro and microeconomic levels, as well as medium- and long-term forecasts, to ensure the country's sustainable economic development. The journal publishes articles and analytical comments, including proposals for economic reforms.
The articles are published in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, English and Russian).
The Journal of "Economic Reforms" is being published not less than twice every year.
Articles should be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “Periodicals recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan". Articles that do not meet these requirements will not be published.
The scientific-analytical journal "Economic Reforms" adopted the policy that claims to be an open-access journal, to be scanned by databases by providing access easily by readers.
The scientific-analytical journal "Economic Reforms" team check each article which is loaded into the system with separate diligence and forward to the reviewers. This process continues into a great privacy policy. After the completion of the reviewer process of articles, works are lining up to publish. Works are lining up according to the time of completion of the reviewer process.
Address: AZ 1073, Baku city, Yasamal district, Gurban Khalilov 47
Papers by Economic Reforms Journal
Budget documents published by the Ministry of Finance were used for further analysis in the Article. The opportunities to improve the country's ranking on the Open Budget Index were explored using a systematic approach and comparative analysis methods.
The analysis of economic literature and international experience indicates that there is currently no universally accepted approach, norms, or standards for public-private partnerships. At present, concession agreements are the most widespread form of public-private partnership. They ensure the improvement of service quality by distributing risks and financing capital and current expenses through a private partner (investor). This allows for adaptation to dynamically changing market requirements.
The article discusses the economic nature and significance of concession agreements, as well as their characteristics, distinguishing features, and differences from other public-private partnership mechanisms.
This article examined the problem of food security in the context of state agricultural policies, as well as the state's financial assistance to the agricultural sector globally and examined the connections between the two. However, because food security is such a broad topic, the analysis was limited to looking at agricultural productivity. Furthermore, rather than being a review of a particular product, the essay assessed a single product within a broader framework. Materials and research techniques from around the world in this sector were used in the study.
Budget documents published by the Ministry of Finance were used for further analysis in the Article. The opportunities to improve the country's ranking on the Open Budget Index were explored using a systematic approach and comparative analysis methods.
The analysis of economic literature and international experience indicates that there is currently no universally accepted approach, norms, or standards for public-private partnerships. At present, concession agreements are the most widespread form of public-private partnership. They ensure the improvement of service quality by distributing risks and financing capital and current expenses through a private partner (investor). This allows for adaptation to dynamically changing market requirements.
The article discusses the economic nature and significance of concession agreements, as well as their characteristics, distinguishing features, and differences from other public-private partnership mechanisms.
This article examined the problem of food security in the context of state agricultural policies, as well as the state's financial assistance to the agricultural sector globally and examined the connections between the two. However, because food security is such a broad topic, the analysis was limited to looking at agricultural productivity. Furthermore, rather than being a review of a particular product, the essay assessed a single product within a broader framework. Materials and research techniques from around the world in this sector were used in the study.