Papers by Dwipendra Thakuria
Frontiers in plant science, Mar 1, 2024
Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 2021

Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science, 2016
This study characterized the slope, terrace (young and mature), and lowland hill rice ecosystems ... more This study characterized the slope, terrace (young and mature), and lowland hill rice ecosystems in terms of biological pools of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The biological pools like soil microbial biomass C, N and P (MBC, MBN and MBP), soil organic C (SOC), dissolved organic C (DOC), extractable organic N (EON), potentially mineralizable N (PMN), basal respiration (BAS), and the activity of dehydrogenase and phosphatase (DHA and PHA) varied significantly among rice ecosystem types and these pools were strongly influenced by the soil moisture gradient. Soils of lowland contained 33, 55 and 60% more SOC over that in soils of mature terrace, slope land and young terrace, respectively. The C:N:P ratio within microbial biomass ranged from 41:5:1 to 59:6:1 with the indication of narrow ratio in lowlands and stable terraces and wider ratio in slope land and young terrace. The mineralization potential of C, N and P is higher in the stabilized rice soils as compared to that in the disturbed rice soils. The C and N components of soils in lowland and stabilized upland terrace rice ecosystems seem to be self-sustained, but the major limiting factor was the availability of P. The rice ecosystems were significantly different from each other at 5% level of significance (as determined by Kruskal Wallis H Test incorporating Monte Carlo significance). The principal component analysis plot grouped rice fields according to rice ecosystem type with distinct soil moisture gradient, and such effects masked the impact of locational difference in biological pools. Overall, it can be concluded that moisture content in soils controls the size and dynamics of biological pools of C, N and P and the interrelationships among these parameters.

Current Agriculture Research Journal, Jun 12, 2019
The activity of amylase (AMY), arylsulphatase (ASA), β-glucosidase (GSA), dehydrogenase (DHA), ac... more The activity of amylase (AMY), arylsulphatase (ASA), β-glucosidase (GSA), dehydrogenase (DHA), acid-phosphomonoestarase (PHA) and protease (PRO) enzymes were analyzed in rhizospheric soils of broom grass, Thysanolaena maxima (TM) collected from fallow phases of 5 and 20 years Jhum cycles (F5 and F20, respectively) and their corresponding bulk soils. The activities of soil enzymes from rhizospheric soil of TMF5 were significantly higher relative to that of bulk soils and the rhizospheric soils from TMF20. The counts of rhizobacteria [0.74 ± 0.056 x 10 7 colony forming unit (cfu) g-1 soil] and root endophytic bacteria (0.083 ± 0.004 x 10 4 cfu g-1 roots) of TM from F20 fallow phase were higher compared to the counts of rhizobacteria and endophytic bacteria (0.27 ± 0.029 x 10 7 cfu g-1 soil and 0.05 ± 0.008 x 10 4 cfu g-1 roots, respectively) of TM from F5 fallow phase. Altogether 63 isolates associated with TM were screened for multifaceted plant growth promoting (PGP) traits viz. production of pectinase and cellulase, IAA like substances, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACCD), N2-fixation, solubilisation of inorganic phosphorus (iP) from Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 , AlPO 4 and FePO 4 and mineralization of organic phosphorus (Na-phytate). The PGP screening results indicated that the percent incidence of rhizobacteria and root endophytic bacteria for PGP traits was higher in F5 fallow phase as compared to F20 fallow phase. These results provided clear indication that TM plants play an important role in rejuvenating the biological activities (in terms of higher activities of enzymes in rhizospheric soils and greater population of beneficial rhizobacteria and root endophytes) in frequently burnt soils under shorter Jhum cycles.
Soils and root samples collected from teak and gomar plantations at 18 locations under 11 reserve... more Soils and root samples collected from teak and gomar plantations at 18 locations under 11 reserve forests of Assam, India were analysed for spore numbers, levels of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) colonization and VAMF species. Effect of two common VAMF on teak ...

Frontiers in Plant Science
Trichoderma spp. (Hypocreales) are used worldwide as a lucrative biocontrol agent. The interactio... more Trichoderma spp. (Hypocreales) are used worldwide as a lucrative biocontrol agent. The interactions of Trichoderma spp. with host plants and pathogens at a molecular level are important in understanding the various mechanisms adopted by the fungus to attain a close relationship with their plant host through superior antifungal/antimicrobial activity. When working in synchrony, mycoparasitism, antibiosis, competition, and the induction of a systemic acquired resistance (SAR)-like response are considered key factors in deciding the biocontrol potential of Trichoderma. Sucrose-rich root exudates of the host plant attract Trichoderma. The soluble secretome of Trichoderma plays a significant role in attachment to and penetration and colonization of plant roots, as well as modulating the mycoparasitic and antibiosis activity of Trichoderma. This review aims to gather information on how Trichoderma interacts with host plants and its role as a biocontrol agent of soil-borne phytopathogens, ...
Land Degradation & Development

A sustainable method of phosphorus (P) fertilizer application is needed to support crop productio... more A sustainable method of phosphorus (P) fertilizer application is needed to support crop production, due to the limited P reserves and negative environmental impact caused by excessive P application in agriculture. This study proposes a comparison of P management that enhance P nutrition of Chilli seedlings (variety: Arka Khyati) through seedling root-dipping (SRD) into P-enriched slurry (SSP-amended soil slurry; pH of 8.1), micro-dose placement (MDP; drill and place closer to plant root), and full dose placement by broadcasting (FD). In SRD method, seedlings were dipped in three different P concentrations (0, 50, and 100 mg P2O5 kg-1) for varying durations (0, ½, 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours) and then transplanted into pots, along with the MDP and FD treatments, resulting in 15 total treatments with 5 replications. The amount of P adhered to the seedling roots in the SRD treatments was 21 and 90 times lower than that P applied in MDP and FD treatments, respectively. The best performance in ...
Journal of Chemical Education

Journal of Agrometeorology
The water requirement and crop evapotranspiration (ETc)is determined using reference evapotranspi... more The water requirement and crop evapotranspiration (ETc)is determined using reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and crop-coefficient (kc). Numerous models are available for estimation of ET0,among which Penman-Monteith (FAO-56) model is considered to be the most accurate and universally acceptable. In present study eight models for estimation of ET0viz. Modified Penman method, Hargreaves equation, Samani-Hargreaves equation, Thornthwaite equation, Solar radiation method, Net radiation method, Blaney-Criddle method and Radiation method were compared with Penman-Monteith model to find out the accuracy of prediction with limited weather parameters. Among these, Net radiation and Solar radiation models were found to yield relatively closer values. A field experiment was also conducted withfrench bean (Phesiolus vulgaris.) crop in UMS-GmbH cylindrical field lysimeter of 30 cm diameter and 120 cm deep for determination of crop coefficient taking Penman-Monteith FAO-56 model as the base mode...
The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021
There has been a resurgence of interest in the quest for Plant growth-promoting fungus (PGPF) for... more There has been a resurgence of interest in the quest for Plant growth-promoting fungus (PGPF) for sustainable crop production in recent years. PGPF are heterogeneous collection of nonpathogenic fungi that are connected with plant and mediate improvements in plant development and health. In agriculture, the usage of PGPF is constantly expanding, and it offers an appealing alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The queen of cereals, maize is one of the most important cereal crop, and it is susceptible to a variety of fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens. Through extensive surveys conducted in different maize growing areas of Meghalaya, soil samples were collected from maize rhizosphere region from eight (8) districts viz.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2018
Nutrient management is one of the major challenges in organic farming practices. This study asses... more Nutrient management is one of the major challenges in organic farming practices. This study assessed how different forms of nutrient management can influence quality and biological activities in rhizosphere of broccoli. Application of VC+FYM and bioinoculants (Azotobacter isolate RazoB and phosphate solubilizer Bacillus megaterium MTCC4714) along with 100% K increased the contents of phytochemicals and soil biological properties significantly (P

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
Rocky tomato seeds variety was treated with endophytic Bacillus isolates to determine their effic... more Rocky tomato seeds variety was treated with endophytic Bacillus isolates to determine their efficacy and ability to enhance seedling vigour and germination per cent as a potential plant growth promoter. Twelve screened endophytic Bacillus isolates were evaluated for their germination and vigour of tomato seeds in in vitro condition. Seed germination percent ranged between 60-95% with lowest in uninoculated control. Among them, Bacillus velezensis ERBS51 treated seeds had the highest germination per cent (95%) and vigour index (1073.50 and 1472.5) at both 7th and 14th day which was the best performing isolate among the twelve. Bacillus sp. ERBS10 also gave significant good result with 88% germination per cent along with 953 and 1287 vigour indexes at 7th and 14th days. The root length and shoot length were also found higher in both the isolates. The result indicates that Bacillus velezensis ERBS51 was found most effective in enhancing plant growth.

Legume Research, 2018
Most leguminous crops including lentil require neutral to slightly acidic range of soil pH for fa... more Most leguminous crops including lentil require neutral to slightly acidic range of soil pH for favourable nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The quest for acid soil compatible Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae strain is important for promotion of lentil crop under rice-lentil rotation in acid soil regions. In this investigation, native R. leguminosarum strains were isolated from the nodules of pea plants grown in pots using acid soil and isolated native Rhizobium strains were confirmed on CRYEMA (congo red Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar) media. Four native R. leguminosarum strains (NR1, NR2, NR3 and NR4) obtained from four acid soil types were further screened for nodulation efficiency and yield attributes of lentil crop against a reference exotic strain R. leguminosarum CK1 (ER). The results indicated that the performance of native Rhizobium strain (NR2) was the best among native isolates and performed on par with the reference strain (CK1) in acid soils of Meghalaya.

Nutrient management is one of the major challenges in organic farming practices. This study asses... more Nutrient management is one of the major challenges in organic farming practices. This study assessed how different forms of nutrient management can influence yield and quality of broccoli as a part of M.Sc., research programme. Application of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers either alone or in combination increased yield and contents of the phytochemicals of broccoli significantly compared to that in no-input plot. Application of vermicompost with FYM and bioinoculants along with 100%K increased broccoli head yield which was at par with that in 100% NPK alone and increased the contents of phytochemicals significantly compared to that in all other nutrient management practices. Findings of this study clearly revealed higher content of phytochemicals in broccoli head was achieved under organic manure with bioinoculants application and this nutrient management practice may be recommended for organically grown broccoli in acidic soils on hill terrace.

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2019
Inappropriate land use system in Meghalaya aggravates to soil erosion and other soil degradation.... more Inappropriate land use system in Meghalaya aggravates to soil erosion and other soil degradation. The land use is an important factor affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation and storage in soils. The study was conducted at Bhoirymbong of Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya in eight (8) different land use systems viz. Jhum, Upland Rice, Terrace Rice, Rice mono-culture, Rice-Potato, Pineapple, Mixed forest and Broom grass. The soil texture, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), Exchangeable Ca+Mg and hot water extractable carbon (HWEC) were measured in soil of different land uses. Aggregates were fractionated using a wet-sieving procedure to obtain the distribution of water-stable aggregates. Mean Weight Diameter (MWD) is found highest in Upland Rice (2 mm) and Terrace Rice (1.72 mm) at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depth, respectively in the study area. Furthermore, higher MWD in surface soil was obtained from Upland rice which indicated that as the Upland rice cul...

Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2020
Potential adjacent coal mine paddy soils often endure low soil and plant productivity through uns... more Potential adjacent coal mine paddy soils often endure low soil and plant productivity through unscientific mining activities causing acid mine drainage. But the extent of its effect to soil is not known, therefore the study was taken to characterize coal mine affected lowland fields on the basis of soil acidity, identify the best amelioration practices and evaluate the performance on rice productivity at farmers’ field level. An experiment with a completely randomised block design (5 replicates) was performed to determine the effects of poultry manure (PM), compost (C), lime (L), paper mill sludge (PMS) and microbial consortium (MC) with their suitable combination through pot experimentation at College of Post Graduate Studies followed by the preeminent selected practices at field trials at Khliehriat, Meghalaya. The factors used were PM and C (10 t ha-1), L as CaCO3, PMS (250 and 500 kg ha-1) and MC were incorporated at appropriate rates. On categorization, two locations were found...

The topological settings of the 10 locations of adjacent paddy field near coal mine belt of East ... more The topological settings of the 10 locations of adjacent paddy field near coal mine belt of East Jaintia Hills significantly influenced in causing extreme soil acidity and affect the bio-availability of soil nutrients. It was found that two categories of acidities such as extreme acidity (mean pH 3.16) and moderately acidity (mean pH 4.22) were generated. Results indicate decreased of acidity along the topological settings from top to toe with affirmative relationship with Ex. acidity (0.37 to 1.19 meq/100g), Ex. aluminium (2.86 to 4.35 meq/100g), change in lime requirement (13.75 to 28.67 t/ha) and slight changes in effective CEC (ECEC). Soil contain high organic carbon (SOC, 2.08-2.43%), available nitrogen (N, 293.35 to 319.71 kg/ha), sulphur (S,21.01 to 30.98 kg/ha) and iron (Fe, 222.17 to 241.78 ppm), but low available phosphorus (P 2 O 5 , 14.36 to 19.31 kg/ha), DTPA extractable zinc (Zn, 0.27 to 0.44 ppm) and microbial activities. Observations reveals that soils in low laying topographical settings of the paddy field were found maximum in almost all the parameters in comparison with other topographical settings of the study area.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2019
Papers by Dwipendra Thakuria