Druga velika tema v tej številki Naravoslovne solnice, ki je namenjena predvsem širjenju obzorja ... more Druga velika tema v tej številki Naravoslovne solnice, ki je namenjena predvsem širjenju obzorja bralcev in razumevanju enega težjih naravoslovnih konceptov, tj. evolucije, predstavlja vlogo Darwina pri razvoju teorij o razvoju človeka
Samoocenjevanje učitelja in vzgojitelja-vprašalnik Fibonacci v okviru projekta Fibonacci je nasta... more Samoocenjevanje učitelja in vzgojitelja-vprašalnik Fibonacci v okviru projekta Fibonacci je nastal tudi vprašalnik * za vrednotenje pouka z raziskovanjem. nekatera vprašanja so specifična za ta pristop k učenju naravoslovja, kar nekaj vprašanj pa je precej splošnih in jih lahko učitelji uporabi za vrednotenje svojega pouka naravoslovja ne glede na metodo, po kateri je pouk izvedel. vprašalnik za samoocenjevanje omogoča učiteljem in vzgojiteljem, da odkrijejo tista področja pouka naravoslovja, ki jih je mogoče izboljšati. vprašalnik vsebuje zbirko vprašanj na katera učitelj/vzgojitelj odgovori po izvedenem pouku.
Pogledali smo "čez planke", kako je s poukom naravoslovja v sosednji državi. Tudi tu izpostavljaj... more Pogledali smo "čez planke", kako je s poukom naravoslovja v sosednji državi. Tudi tu izpostavljajo pomembnost praktičnega dela in izvajanja poskusov, čeprav kot ugotavljajo avtorice, to še ni dovolj prisotno ne v učnih načrtih kot tudi ne v učbenikih.
Zakaj so kristali pravilnih oblik Za nekatere so pravilne oblike kristalov eden od redkih empirič... more Zakaj so kristali pravilnih oblik Za nekatere so pravilne oblike kristalov eden od redkih empiričnih dokazov na makroravni o obstoju delcev. naj si bodo kristali neke snovi veliki ali majhni, da jih komaj še vidimo skozi povečevalno steklo, imajo vsi enako obliko.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2009
This paper addresses the use of e-materials in learning. Under pressure from the public, which is... more This paper addresses the use of e-materials in learning. Under pressure from the public, which is becoming increasingly conversant with IT, schools and also other non-formal types of learning are changing into e-classrooms and e-learning. Among parents and teachers, too, there is a widespread opinion that e-learning is more motivating and is more effective. On the other hand, a mass of research shows that e-materials are more effective only in specific areas, where a multimedia approach is needed, for instance in ophthalmic surgery, while everywhere else they are comparable to traditional teaching and learning in terms of both effectiveness and motivation. The paper also highlights the methodological problems of measuring motivation and learning success. Finally it presents e-material which was created taking into account the results of research in this field. Zusammenfassung: Im Beitrag wird die Benutzung von E-Materialien im Unterricht problematisiert. Der Druck der immer mehr informatisierter werdenden Öffentlichkeit macht die Schule-und auch andere Arten des nicht-formalen Lernens-zu E-Klassenzimmern und zum E-Lernen. Auch unter den Lehrern und Eltern ist die Meinung verbreitet, dass die Lernenden durch das E-Lernen motivierter werden und dass diese Unterrichtsart effektiver ist. Demgegenüber beweisen zahlreiche Forschungen jedoch, dass E-Materialien nur in spezifischen Bereichen effektiver sind, nämlich in jenen, wo der Einsatz von Multimedia notwendig ist, wie z. B. in der Augenchirurgie. In allen anderen Bereichen sind sie mit dem traditionellen Unterricht und Lernen sowohl hinsichtlich der Effizienz als auch hinsichtlich der Motivation vergleichbar. Des Weiteren werden auch die methodologischen Probleme der Motivations-und Lerneffizienzmessung herausgestellt. Am Ende des Beitrags werden die E-Materialien vorgestellt, die unter der Berücksichtigung der in diesem Bereich gewonnenen Forschungsergebnisse entstanden sind.
The aim of environmental education is environmental literacy which includes not only knowledge bu... more The aim of environmental education is environmental literacy which includes not only knowledge but also awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. This study included pupils who are provided environmental education as part of the curriculum during regular class hours, as well as those who are included in the Eco-school project. The aim of the study was to determine whether there were any differences between the two groups of pupils regarding their knowledge, awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour, and whether more extensive knowledge of environmental issues is related to greater awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. Our research was based on a questionnaire (test of knowledge and opinion scale) drafted especially for the purposes of the study. Statistical comparisons of the results of the tests of knowledge showed that the knowledge level is slightly higher in ecoschool pupils than in pupils attending only regular class hours. On the other hand, the results of the research indicated that as regards pupils' awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour, the differences between the two groups are not statistically significant. Based on these findings, it may be concluded that environmental knowledge does not result in greater awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. As regards the Ecoschool as a Way of Life project, it can be determined that the project raises only the level of knowledge, but fails to produce the desired results in terms of a more responsible way of life.
The development of the concept of matter was explored in children aged 3-13. Eighty four children... more The development of the concept of matter was explored in children aged 3-13. Eighty four children were asked to classify four sets of objects and matter and to explain their classifications during interviews. Younger children tended to classify using a mixture of extensive properties (properties of objects) and intensive properties (properties of matter), whereas older children (above 9 years old) tended to use intensive properties most of the time. The effect of using sets of objects and matter with different characteristics was explored. The different sets of objects and matter consisted of ones made of different substances, of various shapes and particle size, and of different states of matter. The ways in which children classified were analyzed from a Piagetian perspective, which hypothesizes that the epigenesis of concepts takes place through children acting on the world. Through their actions children gradually develop more elaborated schema which enable them to distinguish between extensive and intensive properties and hence between object and matter.
International Journal of Science Education, Mar 1, 1998
This paper presents a survey and analysis of research related to the development of concepts of m... more This paper presents a survey and analysis of research related to the development of concepts of matter. It is proposed that the clarity with which pupils understand the distinction between matter and objects influences their explanations of composition and phenomena. A theoretical framework for the development of the concept of matter via ‘action’ in the sense of Piaget is given.
V rokah imate prvo številko Naravoslovne solnice, ki jo je izdala Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v ... more V rokah imate prvo številko Naravoslovne solnice, ki jo je izdala Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot je bilo napovedano, smo izdajanje Naravoslovne solnice prenesli z založbe Modrijan na Pedagoško fakulteto v Ljubljani. S tem smo vsaj za nekaj časa rešili dobro in potrebno revijo pred ukinitvijo. Mesto glavne urednice je ponovno prevzela dolgoletna urednica Solnice Zvonka Kos, razširili smo uredniški odbor in krog strokovnih sodelavcev. Vse to naj bi vodilo k še večji aktualnosti in uporabnosti prispevkov v šoli in vrtcu
In the popular experiment in which a burning candle in an airtight cylinder purports to demonstra... more In the popular experiment in which a burning candle in an airtight cylinder purports to demonstrate the percentage of oxygen in the air, the main reason for the change in volume is the expansion and contraction of gases because of warming up or cooling down, not because the oxygen is used for burning. To support this explanation we have devised
Druga velika tema v tej številki Naravoslovne solnice, ki je namenjena predvsem širjenju obzorja ... more Druga velika tema v tej številki Naravoslovne solnice, ki je namenjena predvsem širjenju obzorja bralcev in razumevanju enega težjih naravoslovnih konceptov, tj. evolucije, predstavlja vlogo Darwina pri razvoju teorij o razvoju človeka
Samoocenjevanje učitelja in vzgojitelja-vprašalnik Fibonacci v okviru projekta Fibonacci je nasta... more Samoocenjevanje učitelja in vzgojitelja-vprašalnik Fibonacci v okviru projekta Fibonacci je nastal tudi vprašalnik * za vrednotenje pouka z raziskovanjem. nekatera vprašanja so specifična za ta pristop k učenju naravoslovja, kar nekaj vprašanj pa je precej splošnih in jih lahko učitelji uporabi za vrednotenje svojega pouka naravoslovja ne glede na metodo, po kateri je pouk izvedel. vprašalnik za samoocenjevanje omogoča učiteljem in vzgojiteljem, da odkrijejo tista področja pouka naravoslovja, ki jih je mogoče izboljšati. vprašalnik vsebuje zbirko vprašanj na katera učitelj/vzgojitelj odgovori po izvedenem pouku.
Pogledali smo "čez planke", kako je s poukom naravoslovja v sosednji državi. Tudi tu izpostavljaj... more Pogledali smo "čez planke", kako je s poukom naravoslovja v sosednji državi. Tudi tu izpostavljajo pomembnost praktičnega dela in izvajanja poskusov, čeprav kot ugotavljajo avtorice, to še ni dovolj prisotno ne v učnih načrtih kot tudi ne v učbenikih.
Zakaj so kristali pravilnih oblik Za nekatere so pravilne oblike kristalov eden od redkih empirič... more Zakaj so kristali pravilnih oblik Za nekatere so pravilne oblike kristalov eden od redkih empiričnih dokazov na makroravni o obstoju delcev. naj si bodo kristali neke snovi veliki ali majhni, da jih komaj še vidimo skozi povečevalno steklo, imajo vsi enako obliko.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2009
This paper addresses the use of e-materials in learning. Under pressure from the public, which is... more This paper addresses the use of e-materials in learning. Under pressure from the public, which is becoming increasingly conversant with IT, schools and also other non-formal types of learning are changing into e-classrooms and e-learning. Among parents and teachers, too, there is a widespread opinion that e-learning is more motivating and is more effective. On the other hand, a mass of research shows that e-materials are more effective only in specific areas, where a multimedia approach is needed, for instance in ophthalmic surgery, while everywhere else they are comparable to traditional teaching and learning in terms of both effectiveness and motivation. The paper also highlights the methodological problems of measuring motivation and learning success. Finally it presents e-material which was created taking into account the results of research in this field. Zusammenfassung: Im Beitrag wird die Benutzung von E-Materialien im Unterricht problematisiert. Der Druck der immer mehr informatisierter werdenden Öffentlichkeit macht die Schule-und auch andere Arten des nicht-formalen Lernens-zu E-Klassenzimmern und zum E-Lernen. Auch unter den Lehrern und Eltern ist die Meinung verbreitet, dass die Lernenden durch das E-Lernen motivierter werden und dass diese Unterrichtsart effektiver ist. Demgegenüber beweisen zahlreiche Forschungen jedoch, dass E-Materialien nur in spezifischen Bereichen effektiver sind, nämlich in jenen, wo der Einsatz von Multimedia notwendig ist, wie z. B. in der Augenchirurgie. In allen anderen Bereichen sind sie mit dem traditionellen Unterricht und Lernen sowohl hinsichtlich der Effizienz als auch hinsichtlich der Motivation vergleichbar. Des Weiteren werden auch die methodologischen Probleme der Motivations-und Lerneffizienzmessung herausgestellt. Am Ende des Beitrags werden die E-Materialien vorgestellt, die unter der Berücksichtigung der in diesem Bereich gewonnenen Forschungsergebnisse entstanden sind.
The aim of environmental education is environmental literacy which includes not only knowledge bu... more The aim of environmental education is environmental literacy which includes not only knowledge but also awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. This study included pupils who are provided environmental education as part of the curriculum during regular class hours, as well as those who are included in the Eco-school project. The aim of the study was to determine whether there were any differences between the two groups of pupils regarding their knowledge, awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour, and whether more extensive knowledge of environmental issues is related to greater awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. Our research was based on a questionnaire (test of knowledge and opinion scale) drafted especially for the purposes of the study. Statistical comparisons of the results of the tests of knowledge showed that the knowledge level is slightly higher in ecoschool pupils than in pupils attending only regular class hours. On the other hand, the results of the research indicated that as regards pupils' awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour, the differences between the two groups are not statistically significant. Based on these findings, it may be concluded that environmental knowledge does not result in greater awareness and environmentally responsible behaviour. As regards the Ecoschool as a Way of Life project, it can be determined that the project raises only the level of knowledge, but fails to produce the desired results in terms of a more responsible way of life.
The development of the concept of matter was explored in children aged 3-13. Eighty four children... more The development of the concept of matter was explored in children aged 3-13. Eighty four children were asked to classify four sets of objects and matter and to explain their classifications during interviews. Younger children tended to classify using a mixture of extensive properties (properties of objects) and intensive properties (properties of matter), whereas older children (above 9 years old) tended to use intensive properties most of the time. The effect of using sets of objects and matter with different characteristics was explored. The different sets of objects and matter consisted of ones made of different substances, of various shapes and particle size, and of different states of matter. The ways in which children classified were analyzed from a Piagetian perspective, which hypothesizes that the epigenesis of concepts takes place through children acting on the world. Through their actions children gradually develop more elaborated schema which enable them to distinguish between extensive and intensive properties and hence between object and matter.
International Journal of Science Education, Mar 1, 1998
This paper presents a survey and analysis of research related to the development of concepts of m... more This paper presents a survey and analysis of research related to the development of concepts of matter. It is proposed that the clarity with which pupils understand the distinction between matter and objects influences their explanations of composition and phenomena. A theoretical framework for the development of the concept of matter via ‘action’ in the sense of Piaget is given.
V rokah imate prvo številko Naravoslovne solnice, ki jo je izdala Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v ... more V rokah imate prvo številko Naravoslovne solnice, ki jo je izdala Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani. Kot je bilo napovedano, smo izdajanje Naravoslovne solnice prenesli z založbe Modrijan na Pedagoško fakulteto v Ljubljani. S tem smo vsaj za nekaj časa rešili dobro in potrebno revijo pred ukinitvijo. Mesto glavne urednice je ponovno prevzela dolgoletna urednica Solnice Zvonka Kos, razširili smo uredniški odbor in krog strokovnih sodelavcev. Vse to naj bi vodilo k še večji aktualnosti in uporabnosti prispevkov v šoli in vrtcu
In the popular experiment in which a burning candle in an airtight cylinder purports to demonstra... more In the popular experiment in which a burning candle in an airtight cylinder purports to demonstrate the percentage of oxygen in the air, the main reason for the change in volume is the expansion and contraction of gases because of warming up or cooling down, not because the oxygen is used for burning. To support this explanation we have devised
Papers by Dušan Krnel