Papers by Dewi Urip Wahyuni
Webology, 2022
Creating a green hospital environment is a variety of maintaining environmental cleanliness, wate... more Creating a green hospital environment is a variety of maintaining environmental cleanliness, water, electricity, and green nutrition. This study determines the implementation of green hospitals by creating the quality of nutrition provided through training and training to create sustainable employability at the Arifin Nu'mang Hospital, Indonesia. This research method is quantitative, and the study uses 2 types of population, so that the authors conducted a cluster, the population this study were 27 Nutrition Installation officers using total sampling and 250 hospitalized patients in the last 3 months using simple random sampling and the final sample used was 180 with the solving formula. The results showed that the quality of nutrition services in hospitals was more supported by the increase in the work capacity of nutrition installation officers. The workability creates a high level of work awareness and responsibility, and the workability variable is a good intervening variabl...
DIAJAR: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran
The purpose of this study is to examine the entrepreneurial motivation of students who use the au... more The purpose of this study is to examine the entrepreneurial motivation of students who use the audio-visual e-module as a learning resource by utilization, the effect of using the audio-visual e-module on managing the business as a learning resource by utilization with learning outcomes, and the impact of entrepreneurial motivation on managing learning outcomes. By utilizing student entrepreneurial practice learning outcomes, a business can be used as a source of learning. Quantitative methods with questionnaires and tests were used to analyze the data. The research subjects were 50 students consisting of 25 control class students and 25 experimental class students. Linear Regression Test Technique using SPSS version 24 is used to determine the effect of student entrepreneurship motivation with student learning outcomes. This study concludes that (1) the entrepreneurial motivation of students using the audio-visual e-module to manage their business as a learning resource is in the v...
DedikasiMU : Journal of Community Service
Memenuhi program merdeka belajar kampus merdeka yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan masyarakat pada u... more Memenuhi program merdeka belajar kampus merdeka yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan masyarakat pada umumnya setiap perguruan tinggi di harapkan bisa bekerja sama dengan aktivitas yang di selenggarakan oleh masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan usaha masyarakat yang mempunyai nilai – nilai secara kultur salah satunya adalah batik. Sampai saat ini batik merupakan keunggulan handycraft dari masyarakat dari berbagai daerah tentunya harus di lestarikan keberadaannya terutama dari kualitas agar dapat sesuai dengan yang di harapkan oleh konsumen. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka diperlukan pengelolaanya secara konsisten dan continue untuk mengembangkan kreativitasnya dan seni karakter batik yang mana disesuaikan dengan daerahnya masing–masing. Mengingat berkembangnya kondisi lingkungan yang semakin mengglobal baik secara local maupun internasional maka kreativitas dan inovasi sangat di butuhkan agar dapat menumbuhkan ciri khas pada masing-masing daerah terhadap produksi sehingga dapat di kembangk...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 20, 2022
The impact of covid 19 makes a person struggle to fulfill his life needs, namely through entrepre... more The impact of covid 19 makes a person struggle to fulfill his life needs, namely through entrepreneurship. The results of the study The role of the government has an effect on business motivation, Product innovation has a positive and significant effect on business motivation, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on business motivation, The role of the government has no effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Product innovation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center. The higher the entrepreneurial orientation, the higher the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation effects the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the influence of the Government's role on the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the effect of product innovation on performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the effect of product orientation on the performance of culinary tourism center in East Surabaya.
International Journal of Social Science And Human Research
The impact of covid 19 makes a person struggle to fulfill his life needs, namely through entrepre... more The impact of covid 19 makes a person struggle to fulfill his life needs, namely through entrepreneurship. The results of the study The role of the government has an effect on business motivation, Product innovation has a positive and significant effect on business motivation, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on business motivation, The role of the government has no effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Product innovation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center. The higher the entrepreneurial orientation, the higher the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation effects the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the influence of the Government's role on the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the effect of product innovation on performa...
The biggest responsibility of current teachers in this globalization era is to increase their kno... more The biggest responsibility of current teachers in this globalization era is to increase their knowledge so that they could give high contribution to better students’ characters. One of the best ways is to really comprehend rigidly the curriculum goals for preferable and optimum classroom settings. Education curriculum in surabaya, in particular, has changed since 2012 in which the government used to kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan ( KTSP ). Since 2013 then the government changed it into curriculum 2013 ( K-13) which has been implemented for two years particularly for the first and second levels at secondary and high schools. Many teachers have been trainned in order to support the policy through workshops at local or national levels. But in 2015 the government changed the curriculum again to refer back to previous KTSP model. These changes bring about difficulties for teachers who have already sticked to apply previous teaching materials and text books, meanwhile the government ...
International Journal of Professional Business Review
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of knowledge sharing and Organ... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of knowledge sharing and Organizational Learning on Innovation and Organizational Performance, the innovation role as a mediator of knowledge sharing and Organizational. Theoretical framework: Good organizational learning affects organizational performance (Kittikunchotiwut, 2020). Besides, the company need not only source for information from the external environment. Rather, it also needs to search internally to create new ideas and organizational learning conducive and acceptable to the employees (Millmore, 2007). knowledge sharing in the organization ultimately contributes to employee performance Buckley & Carter (2002). Design/methodology/approach: This is causality research with a sample comprising of 217 managers of manufacturing companies in East Java, Indonesia. Primary data were obtained using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire and analyzed using the PLS-SEM approach. Structural equation mode...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on ... more This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance through competitive advantage at the center of bag craftsmen. This research is a quantitative study using accidental sampling with primary data by distributing questionnaires to the center for bag craftsmen in Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo. The samples in this study used 110. The data analysis method uses PLS. The result showed that entrepreneurial orientation had a significant positive effect on competitive advantage, market orientation has positif not significant on competitive advantage, entrepreneurial orientation has a significant positive effect on business performance, market orientation has a significant positive effect on business performance, competitive advantage has a positive effect on business performance.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes commitment of companies or business sector to contr... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes commitment of companies or business sector to contribute in developing the sustainable economy by viewing social responsibility as materialization of the company‟s care to its surrounding environment. This research is intended to know the direct and indirect influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program to the Company Existence and to the Benefits obtained by community at the surrounding. This research is carried out in Regency of Gresik. The samples of research consist of 75 respondents receiving the CSR program from the Limited Liability Company PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali Unit Pelaksana Gresik, or commonly abbreviated to „PT. PJB UP Gresik‟. This research applies the PLS – Partial Least Square Analysis using the PLS Smart Software. Output of this research indicates that the program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) does not influence the Company existence, but it gives influence to the Benefits received by community a...
This research is intended to analyze the influence of organizational commitment, transactional le... more This research is intended to analyze the influence of organizational commitment, transactional leadership and servant leadership to the work motivation, work satisfaction and work performance of the private senior high school teachers in Surabaya. Work motivation, work satisfaction, and work performance are all intervening and dependent variables. There are three independent variables, namely organizational commitment, transactional leadership and servant leadership. Population of this research consist of 511 private senior high school teachers deriving from all over areas of Surabaya whose schools have already been accredited A and whose teachers have already been certified as well. The samples used in this research consist of 186 certified teachers deriving from private senior high schools available in 5 areas in Surabaya, namely in the north, west, east, south and central part of Surabaya. The samples are taken by using cluster random sampling technique while their data are colle...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
From the results of interviews and preliminary observations that the development of Small and Med... more From the results of interviews and preliminary observations that the development of Small and Medium Enterprises is essentially a shared responsibility between the government and society. In order to support the empowerment and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, especially in encouraging the distribution of credit to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Medokan Ayu Urban Village, for the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Medokan Ayu Village, Surabaya, the strategies included in the first Bank Partner Financial Consultants in fostering and mentoring Micro Small Enterprises and Medium prospects who apply for business loans; second, socializing profit sharing or venture capital financing; third Increasing the participation of credit guarantee institutions for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and prospects who are faced with collateral requirements. It is expected that with the implementation of the above strategies, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises will no longer experience difficulties in the submission of business capital loans from Credit Distribution Agencies. From each solution above, it is building and mentoring Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises, prospects who will apply for business loans. The results of the study showed that the community in the Medokan Ayu Village with the optimization of the role of the Bank Partner Financial Consultant (KKMB), the requirements and procedures established by the credit channeling institutions, were no longer an obstacle for Micro and Small Businesses in obtaining business capital loans. The success of this approach will be seen from the increasing number of bankable Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and obtaining business capital loans, and having a Bank Partner Financial Consultant (KKMB) operating on a business (mutually beneficial) basis so that it can finance itself.
This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy and family e... more This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education, self-efficacy and family environment on entrepreneurial spirit through personality. This research is a quantitative study using an approachcluster proportional sampling with primary data by distributing questionnaires to vocational high school students in Surabaya. The number of samples in this study were 180 vocational students. The data analysis method uses SEM. The results showed that entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial personality, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial personality, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality, entrepreneurship education influences entrepreneurial spirit, self-efficacy influences entrepreneurial spirit, family environment influences entrepreneurial personality and entrepreneurial personality influences entrepreneurial spirit entrepreneurship.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of personality and emotional intelligence on ... more The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of personality and emotional intelligence on the performance of private senior high school teachers in East Surabaya through motivation and job satisfaction. Results showed that personality had no effect on motivation, emotional intelligence had an effect on motivation, personality had no effect on job satisfaction, emotional intelligence had an effect on job satisfaction, personality had no effect on teacher performance, emotional intelligence had no effect on teacher performance and job satisfaction had an effect on teacher performance.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2019
Retirement should not be feared of, but it should be faced with confidence, enthusiasm and good e... more Retirement should not be feared of, but it should be faced with confidence, enthusiasm and good emotional management. The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate that retirement is not an end of a career, but a resumable pending career. The present study was quantitative. The population was retired teachers in Surabaya. The samples were 98 retired teachers, which were calculated using the Lemeshow formula. The present study used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with the Smart PLS software. Results showed that self-efficacy had an effect on entrepreneurial intention, motivation had an effect on entrepreneurial intention, emotional intelligence had an effect on entrepreneurial intention, anxiety moderated the effect of selfefficacy on entrepreneurial intention, anxiety moderated the effect of motivation on entrepreneurial intention, and anxiety moderated the effect of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention.
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2020
The study aimed to examine the effect of personality on self-efficacy, locus of control, and the ... more The study aimed to examine the effect of personality on self-efficacy, locus of control, and the success of Javanese female merchants in the modern market, Surabaya, Indonesia. Questionnaire was used as a research instrument in this study. This study involved 100 Javanese female merchants as respondents. The samples were collected through a non-probability sampling technique. The data were analyzed based on Partial Least Square analysis using Smart PLS software. The findings of this study indicated that all five research hypotheses proposed in this study were accepted. First, personality affected self-efficacy. Second, personality affected the locus of control. Third, personality affected the success of the Javanese female merchants. Fourth, self-efficacy affected the success of the Javanese female merchants and the locus of control affected the success of Javanese female merchants in the modern market,
Pada umumnya masyarakat kurang memperhatikan proses tumbuh kembang anak sehingga anak dibiarkan u... more Pada umumnya masyarakat kurang memperhatikan proses tumbuh kembang anak sehingga anak dibiarkan untuk mencari jati diri sendiri. Orang tua kurang memperhatikan apa yang menjadi kebutuhan anaknya. Program KP-KAS sangat membantu para orang tua untuk memberikan kesadaran akan pentingnya nasib anak untuk di kemudiaan hari. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang upaya pemerintah melalui program KP-KAS khususnya di kampung menur agar dapat tercipta kampung yang nyaman, aman, ramah dan perduli akan tumbuh kembang anak. Lokasi kegiatan di RT 01 , RT 02, RT 03 dan RW 01 Menur Surabaya. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya dukungan dari Kampung Menur untuk memberikan semangat kepada warganya terutama anak-anaknya untuk selalu memperhatikan tumbuh kembang anaknya melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada di kampung dan pemasangan banner yang ada di setiap kampung yang isinya untuk selalu menghimbau para orang tua agar selalu memperhatikan nasib anaknya.
European Journal of Business and Management, 2016
The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Personal... more The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of Organizational Culture and Personality to the Work Motivation and Performance of employees through the Organizational Commitment of the Medical Analyst Officers at the BIO-TEST Company in Surabaya. The result of this research indicates that the Organizational Culture and Personality give positive and significant influences to the Work Motivation and Performance of employees, and so does the Organizational Commitment positively and significantly influences Performance of the Medical Analyst Officers at the BIO-TEST Company in Surabaya. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Personality, Work Motivation, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Employees.
Papers by Dewi Urip Wahyuni