printing supported by . Visit Chiesi at Stand D.30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 2011 value of C5 to pr... more printing supported by . Visit Chiesi at Stand D.30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 2011 value of C5 to predict MI on the efficacy of BDT on cough was solution number of 4.5 (2.8 mmol/L) with a sensitivity of 0.81 and specificity of 0.72. Conclusions: Measurement of C5 may be useful for predicting efficacy of BDT on chronic non-productive cough, in other words for diagnosis of CVA. P4056 Systemic inflammation in COPD: Is there a link with body composition? Adèle Lo Tam Loi1, Susan Hoonhorst2 , Nick ten Hacken2, Jan-Willem Lammers1, Leo Koenderman1. 1Respiratory Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Pulmonary Diseases, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Introduction: COPD is characterized by a low grade systemic inflammation which has an effect on body composition. We examined the relationship between systemic inflammation and body composition using the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI). Methods: A cohort of 37 stable C...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 18, 2022
Pandémia COVID-19 a jej celosvetové rozšírenie spojené s vysokou mortalitou viedla okrem vyhlásen... more Pandémia COVID-19 a jej celosvetové rozšírenie spojené s vysokou mortalitou viedla okrem vyhlásenia protiepidemických opatrení aj k hľadaniu všetkých možných prostriedkov, ktoré by dokázali chrániť ľudí pred šíriacou sa nákazou. Spomedzi množstva publikovaných vedeckých štúdií zaoberajúcich sa prevenciou a liečbou CO-VID-19 sa medializovalo najmä užívanie stopových prvkov (zinok, selén) a vitamínov (C, D vitamín). Odozvou na tieto informácie v populácii bol výrazný nárast predaja prípravkov s obsahom týchto látok, voľnopredajné prípravky s obsahom vitamínu D nevynímajúc, čo sme mali možnosť pozorovať i v našej verejnej lekárni. Kľúčové slová: pandémia COVID-19; vitamín D; vyšetrenie hladín vitamínu D; prípravky s obsahom vitamínu D
Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané la... more Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané laboratórne parametre z pohľadu ich potenciálu pre odhad prognózy a vývoja tohto ochorenia. Pomocou grafických, štatistických a epidemiologických analytických metód porovnávali laboratórne nálezy v skupine 54 zomrelých pacientov voči skupine 250 pacientov, ktorí ochorenie úspešne prekonali. Pri všetkých sledovaných parametroch: močovina (urea), C-reaktívny proteín (CRP), interleukín-6 (IL-6), počet leukocytov (LEU), podiel lymfocytov v leukograme (%LYM), pomer počtu neutrofilov k lymfocytom (NLR), saturácia artériovej krvi kyslíkom (SaO 2) a D-dimér zistili už pri iniciálnom vyšetrení pri prijatí na hospitalizáciu významné štatistické rozdiely (Mann-Whitneyho U-test), s výnimkou D-diméru. Pre tieto parametre definovali rozhodovacie limity (dis-kriminačnú hodnotu, cutoff value) s následným určením základných prognostických ukazovateľov-relatívne riziko (RR) úmrtia, pomery šancí (odds ratio-OR) pri súčasnom stanovení diagnostickej účinnosti (DÚ) jednotlivých laboratórnych testov. Tieto ukazovatele sú nasledovné: urea: cutoff value ≥ 7,00 mmol/l, RR = 3,47 (CI 95 %
Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané la... more Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané laboratórne parametre z pohľadu ich potenciálu pre odhad prognózy a vývoja tohto ochorenia. Pomocou grafických, štatistických a epidemiologických analytických metód porovnávali laboratórne nálezy v skupine 54 zomrelých pacientov voči skupine 250 pacientov, ktorí ochorenie úspešne prekonali. Pri všetkých sledovaných parametroch: močovina (urea), C-reaktívny proteín (CRP), interleukín-6 (IL-6), počet leukocytov (LEU), podiel lymfocytov v leukograme (%LYM), pomer počtu neutrofilov k lymfocytom (NLR), saturácia artériovej krvi kyslíkom (SaO 2) a D-dimér zistili už pri iniciálnom vyšetrení pri prijatí na hospitalizáciu významné štatistické rozdiely (Mann-Whitneyho U-test), s výnimkou D-diméru. Pre tieto parametre definovali rozhodovacie limity (dis-kriminačnú hodnotu, cutoff value) s následným určením základných prognostických ukazovateľov-relatívne riziko (RR) úmrtia, pomery šancí (odds ratio-OR) pri súčasnom stanovení diagnostickej účinnosti (DÚ) jednotlivých laboratórnych testov. Tieto ukazovatele sú nasledovné: urea: cutoff value ≥ 7,00 mmol/l, RR = 3,47 (CI 95 %
Prezentovaný súbor 15 krátkych odporučení týkajúcich sa racionálnej indikácie laboratórnych vyšet... more Prezentovaný súbor 15 krátkych odporučení týkajúcich sa racionálnej indikácie laboratórnych vyšetrení je výstupom projektu realizovaného Slovenskou spoločnosťou klinickej biochémie v rámci medzinárodnej iniciatívy Choosing Wisely. Cieľom projektu bolo vyvolať odbornú diskusiu o neefektívnych postupoch pri indikácii laboratórnych vyšetrení, s ktorými sa stretávame vo svojej praxi.
Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is in close relation to chronic system... more Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is in close relation to chronic systemic inflammation involving an extrapulmonary patholgy. The results can be weight and muscle loss and nutritional abnormalities. FFMI (Fat Free Mass-index) assessment is important, because using Body Mass Index (BMI) does not distinguish between two people with a similar BMI but different body composition (BC). Aims: To determine FFMI and BMI in COPD patients (pts). Methods: In 2010, we began BC analysis on COPD patients with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA) in a prospective study trial. We analysed BC of 30 clinically stable COPD pts in stage II-IV GOLD. There were 24 M, median age 69 yrs (49-84 yrs) and 6 F, median age 74 yrs (51-85 yrs). For body composition analysis by DEXA we used Hologic Discovery Wi including the software “Whole Body Composition Analysis”. Reference intervals (by Schutz) for FFMI were used. Results: In M median BMI was 23 (17.7-33.99) and 23.34 (14.79-37.49) ...
Eosinophilic pneumonia (EP) is a rare disease. Some EP could be caused by concomitant diseases (C... more Eosinophilic pneumonia (EP) is a rare disease. Some EP could be caused by concomitant diseases (CD), while in others the cause is unclear (idiopathic). EP is divided into acute (AEP) and chronic (CEP) forms. The aim: The authors share their own experience with EP diagnosis and treatment. Methods: EP was diagnosed in 23 patients (pts). Clinical examination, X-ray, CT, laboratory examinations with a peripheral blood count of eosinophils (Eo), microbiology, mycobacteriology, fiberbronchoscopy or histology were used. The pts were divided into two groups: AEP and CEP. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: 15 F, median age 66 yrs (36-87) and 8 M, median 67 yrs (55-85) had one of the two forms: AEP in 7 pts and CEP in 16 pts. The main clinical symptoms were dyspnoe in 20 pts (95.2%), cough in 19 pts (90.5%), fever in 17 pts (80.9%), pain in 5 pts (23.8%). AEP or CEP was the result of CD in 3 pts (toxoplasmosis), in 1 pt. with sarcoidosis, rhinitis and in 2 with allergic bronchopulmo...
Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Universitatis Comenianae, 2012
Respiratory diseases and pneumoniamanifestof seasonal variability an example from Nitra region in... more Respiratory diseases and pneumoniamanifestof seasonal variability an example from Nitra region in Slovakia The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of some respiratory diseases in outpatient's pneumology departments along three years period and point out seasonal variation in these diseases. The number of examined ambulatory patients suffered from all causes of respiratory diseases and pneumonia on monthly basis were applied to create a time-series analysis in numerical and graphical output of data. Significant differences in all followed diseases between winter season and summer season were observed. These data are in accordance with data of other authors and epidemiological surveys on long year's basis. Possible reasons of these observations are discussed, and it may speculate about seasonally driven viral circulation. Deficiency in vitamin D levels in wintertime is another possible reason for winter peak in the incidence of respiratory diseases. Our results can ...
Indacaterol is a novel, inhaled, once-daily beta2-agonist. To investigate the safety and tolerabi... more Indacaterol is a novel, inhaled, once-daily beta2-agonist. To investigate the safety and tolerability of indacaterol at doses of 400 and 800 microg/d. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter, 28-day study. Patients with persistent asthma (forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] > or =-60% predicted, < or =1,600 microg of beclomethasone dipropionate or equivalent daily) received indacaterol, 400 microg (n = 59) or 800 microg (n = 59), or placebo (n = 26) once daily via a single-dose dry powder inhaler. Safety assessments were performed before and after dosing on days 1, 14, and 28, with particular attention to key beta2-agonist safety variables. A total of 144 patients were randomized, with 135 (93.8%) completing the study. Indacaterol was well tolerated: the incidence of adverse events (AEs) was similar between the active and placebo groups, and AEs, when they occurred, were mild or moderate for most (98.2%). There was no dose-response relationship between indacaterol and the incidence of AEs (400 microg, 40.7%; 800 microg, 37.3%; and placebo, 38.5%). Few AEs considered as beta2-agonist class effects occurred (none leading to withdrawal). Small differences between indacaterol and placebo in mean serum potassium (< or =-0.29 mmol/L) and glucose (< or =0.93 mmol/L) levels were occasionally statistically significant (P < .05) but not regarded as clinically meaningful. As expected for a beta2-agonist, there was some indication of a trend in QTc prolongation with increasing exposure (maximum mean change, 8.9 milliseconds; P < .05 vs placebo). Significant increases in FEV1 (P < .05) were seen at all postbaseline time points for both indacaterol doses vs placebo, with indacaterol-placebo differences 30 minutes after dosing of 0.21 to 0.25 L and before dosing on days 14 and 28 (approximately 24 hours after the previous dose) of 0.15 to 0.23 L. Indacaterol had a good overall safety profile and was well tolerated at both doses, with predose FEV1 results on days 14 and 28 indicating 24-hour bronchodilator efficacy.
Civilization diseases, including cardiovascular, are major health problems in current modern soci... more Civilization diseases, including cardiovascular, are major health problems in current modern society. Numerous studies provided sufficient evidence that variety of risk factors are involved in cardiovascular diseases formation. Of the most important is the lifestyle that largely contributes to our health, up to 50 – 60%. Lifestyle includes all modifiable risk factors that together affect the development of these diseases. In our study we searched and evaluated the nutritional parameters and lifestyle of patients hospitalized in Cardiocentre Nitra. In order to obtain the necessary information we chose the questionnaire method. In our survey 194 patients were included, of which 155 were men (79.89%) and 39 (20.11%) women. These patients were hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction diagnosis. The vast majority of patients had overweight and obesity caused by improper eating habits. The high prevalence of overweight, BMI in the range 25 – 30 kg/m 2 , was also confirmed as statisti...
SÚHRN Autori analyzujú údaje vývoja prevalencie sérových reaktívnych protilátok typu IgM/IgG voči... more SÚHRN Autori analyzujú údaje vývoja prevalencie sérových reaktívnych protilátok typu IgM/IgG voči nukleokapsidovému antigénu vírusu SARS-CoV-2 v období pandémie (21. týždeň 2020–7. týždeň 2021) vyšetrovaných u pacientov špecializovanej nemocnice s vybranými skupinami diagnóz. Za využitia diagnostickej súpravy Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 bolo realizovaných 5547 vyšetrení (m = 3028, ž = 2519). Podiely pozitívnych identifikácií reaktívnych protilátok (prevalencia) zo všetkých vyšetrených sér boli vyhodnocované v týždňových intervaloch. Významný vzostup sérovej pozitivity zaznamenaný od 44. týždňa 2020 dosiahol ku koncu sledovania nárast na 35 až 47 %, čím kopíroval trend nárastu kumulatívnej incidencie prípadov infekcie diagnostikovanej RT-PCR metódami v regióne Nitra, ktorá ku koncu sledovania presiahla 7 %. Rozdiel medzi podielom jedincov s infekciou potvrdenou RT-PCR metódami a podielom pacientov, ktorí na základe prítomnosti sérových reaktívnych protilátok skutočne infekciu prekonali,...
Introduction: Drain is simple or complicated device or entire system, which serves to evacuate un... more Introduction: Drain is simple or complicated device or entire system, which serves to evacuate unwanted secretions or air from the pleural space. Today, the chest drainage (CD) is frequently used in pneumology. Its application is pathophysiologically favourable, because the accumulation of fluid/air in body cavities prevents oxygenation of the cells, slows down mobilisation of collagen, prevents lymphatic drainage and creates a bounded space, resulting to delay the healing process. Aims: Upon nurse assistance during CD to share own experience with formation the local procedural standards. Methods: From 2007 to 2009 CD was performed on 159 patients (pts). Empyema had 88 pts, malignant pleural effusion 58 pts and pneumothorax 13 pts. Results: CD was without complications in 134 pts (84.3%). The complications occurred in 31 pts (19.5%). In 7 pts (4.4%) occurred trapped lungs; pain occurred in 6 pts (3.8%); the CD had to be repeated in 6 pts (3.8%), in 4 pts (2.5%) occurred clogging of ...
printing supported by . Visit Chiesi at Stand D.30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 2011 value of C5 to pr... more printing supported by . Visit Chiesi at Stand D.30 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 2011 value of C5 to predict MI on the efficacy of BDT on cough was solution number of 4.5 (2.8 mmol/L) with a sensitivity of 0.81 and specificity of 0.72. Conclusions: Measurement of C5 may be useful for predicting efficacy of BDT on chronic non-productive cough, in other words for diagnosis of CVA. P4056 Systemic inflammation in COPD: Is there a link with body composition? Adèle Lo Tam Loi1, Susan Hoonhorst2 , Nick ten Hacken2, Jan-Willem Lammers1, Leo Koenderman1. 1Respiratory Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2Pulmonary Diseases, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands Introduction: COPD is characterized by a low grade systemic inflammation which has an effect on body composition. We examined the relationship between systemic inflammation and body composition using the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI). Methods: A cohort of 37 stable C...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 18, 2022
Pandémia COVID-19 a jej celosvetové rozšírenie spojené s vysokou mortalitou viedla okrem vyhlásen... more Pandémia COVID-19 a jej celosvetové rozšírenie spojené s vysokou mortalitou viedla okrem vyhlásenia protiepidemických opatrení aj k hľadaniu všetkých možných prostriedkov, ktoré by dokázali chrániť ľudí pred šíriacou sa nákazou. Spomedzi množstva publikovaných vedeckých štúdií zaoberajúcich sa prevenciou a liečbou CO-VID-19 sa medializovalo najmä užívanie stopových prvkov (zinok, selén) a vitamínov (C, D vitamín). Odozvou na tieto informácie v populácii bol výrazný nárast predaja prípravkov s obsahom týchto látok, voľnopredajné prípravky s obsahom vitamínu D nevynímajúc, čo sme mali možnosť pozorovať i v našej verejnej lekárni. Kľúčové slová: pandémia COVID-19; vitamín D; vyšetrenie hladín vitamínu D; prípravky s obsahom vitamínu D
Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané la... more Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané laboratórne parametre z pohľadu ich potenciálu pre odhad prognózy a vývoja tohto ochorenia. Pomocou grafických, štatistických a epidemiologických analytických metód porovnávali laboratórne nálezy v skupine 54 zomrelých pacientov voči skupine 250 pacientov, ktorí ochorenie úspešne prekonali. Pri všetkých sledovaných parametroch: močovina (urea), C-reaktívny proteín (CRP), interleukín-6 (IL-6), počet leukocytov (LEU), podiel lymfocytov v leukograme (%LYM), pomer počtu neutrofilov k lymfocytom (NLR), saturácia artériovej krvi kyslíkom (SaO 2) a D-dimér zistili už pri iniciálnom vyšetrení pri prijatí na hospitalizáciu významné štatistické rozdiely (Mann-Whitneyho U-test), s výnimkou D-diméru. Pre tieto parametre definovali rozhodovacie limity (dis-kriminačnú hodnotu, cutoff value) s následným určením základných prognostických ukazovateľov-relatívne riziko (RR) úmrtia, pomery šancí (odds ratio-OR) pri súčasnom stanovení diagnostickej účinnosti (DÚ) jednotlivých laboratórnych testov. Tieto ukazovatele sú nasledovné: urea: cutoff value ≥ 7,00 mmol/l, RR = 3,47 (CI 95 %
Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané la... more Autori na súbore 304 hospitalizovaných pacientov s COVID-19 retrospektívne analyzovali vybrané laboratórne parametre z pohľadu ich potenciálu pre odhad prognózy a vývoja tohto ochorenia. Pomocou grafických, štatistických a epidemiologických analytických metód porovnávali laboratórne nálezy v skupine 54 zomrelých pacientov voči skupine 250 pacientov, ktorí ochorenie úspešne prekonali. Pri všetkých sledovaných parametroch: močovina (urea), C-reaktívny proteín (CRP), interleukín-6 (IL-6), počet leukocytov (LEU), podiel lymfocytov v leukograme (%LYM), pomer počtu neutrofilov k lymfocytom (NLR), saturácia artériovej krvi kyslíkom (SaO 2) a D-dimér zistili už pri iniciálnom vyšetrení pri prijatí na hospitalizáciu významné štatistické rozdiely (Mann-Whitneyho U-test), s výnimkou D-diméru. Pre tieto parametre definovali rozhodovacie limity (dis-kriminačnú hodnotu, cutoff value) s následným určením základných prognostických ukazovateľov-relatívne riziko (RR) úmrtia, pomery šancí (odds ratio-OR) pri súčasnom stanovení diagnostickej účinnosti (DÚ) jednotlivých laboratórnych testov. Tieto ukazovatele sú nasledovné: urea: cutoff value ≥ 7,00 mmol/l, RR = 3,47 (CI 95 %
Prezentovaný súbor 15 krátkych odporučení týkajúcich sa racionálnej indikácie laboratórnych vyšet... more Prezentovaný súbor 15 krátkych odporučení týkajúcich sa racionálnej indikácie laboratórnych vyšetrení je výstupom projektu realizovaného Slovenskou spoločnosťou klinickej biochémie v rámci medzinárodnej iniciatívy Choosing Wisely. Cieľom projektu bolo vyvolať odbornú diskusiu o neefektívnych postupoch pri indikácii laboratórnych vyšetrení, s ktorými sa stretávame vo svojej praxi.
Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is in close relation to chronic system... more Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is in close relation to chronic systemic inflammation involving an extrapulmonary patholgy. The results can be weight and muscle loss and nutritional abnormalities. FFMI (Fat Free Mass-index) assessment is important, because using Body Mass Index (BMI) does not distinguish between two people with a similar BMI but different body composition (BC). Aims: To determine FFMI and BMI in COPD patients (pts). Methods: In 2010, we began BC analysis on COPD patients with Dual-Energy X-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA) in a prospective study trial. We analysed BC of 30 clinically stable COPD pts in stage II-IV GOLD. There were 24 M, median age 69 yrs (49-84 yrs) and 6 F, median age 74 yrs (51-85 yrs). For body composition analysis by DEXA we used Hologic Discovery Wi including the software “Whole Body Composition Analysis”. Reference intervals (by Schutz) for FFMI were used. Results: In M median BMI was 23 (17.7-33.99) and 23.34 (14.79-37.49) ...
Eosinophilic pneumonia (EP) is a rare disease. Some EP could be caused by concomitant diseases (C... more Eosinophilic pneumonia (EP) is a rare disease. Some EP could be caused by concomitant diseases (CD), while in others the cause is unclear (idiopathic). EP is divided into acute (AEP) and chronic (CEP) forms. The aim: The authors share their own experience with EP diagnosis and treatment. Methods: EP was diagnosed in 23 patients (pts). Clinical examination, X-ray, CT, laboratory examinations with a peripheral blood count of eosinophils (Eo), microbiology, mycobacteriology, fiberbronchoscopy or histology were used. The pts were divided into two groups: AEP and CEP. Statistical analysis was performed. Results: 15 F, median age 66 yrs (36-87) and 8 M, median 67 yrs (55-85) had one of the two forms: AEP in 7 pts and CEP in 16 pts. The main clinical symptoms were dyspnoe in 20 pts (95.2%), cough in 19 pts (90.5%), fever in 17 pts (80.9%), pain in 5 pts (23.8%). AEP or CEP was the result of CD in 3 pts (toxoplasmosis), in 1 pt. with sarcoidosis, rhinitis and in 2 with allergic bronchopulmo...
Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae Universitatis Comenianae, 2012
Respiratory diseases and pneumoniamanifestof seasonal variability an example from Nitra region in... more Respiratory diseases and pneumoniamanifestof seasonal variability an example from Nitra region in Slovakia The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of some respiratory diseases in outpatient's pneumology departments along three years period and point out seasonal variation in these diseases. The number of examined ambulatory patients suffered from all causes of respiratory diseases and pneumonia on monthly basis were applied to create a time-series analysis in numerical and graphical output of data. Significant differences in all followed diseases between winter season and summer season were observed. These data are in accordance with data of other authors and epidemiological surveys on long year's basis. Possible reasons of these observations are discussed, and it may speculate about seasonally driven viral circulation. Deficiency in vitamin D levels in wintertime is another possible reason for winter peak in the incidence of respiratory diseases. Our results can ...
Indacaterol is a novel, inhaled, once-daily beta2-agonist. To investigate the safety and tolerabi... more Indacaterol is a novel, inhaled, once-daily beta2-agonist. To investigate the safety and tolerability of indacaterol at doses of 400 and 800 microg/d. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter, 28-day study. Patients with persistent asthma (forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] > or =-60% predicted, < or =1,600 microg of beclomethasone dipropionate or equivalent daily) received indacaterol, 400 microg (n = 59) or 800 microg (n = 59), or placebo (n = 26) once daily via a single-dose dry powder inhaler. Safety assessments were performed before and after dosing on days 1, 14, and 28, with particular attention to key beta2-agonist safety variables. A total of 144 patients were randomized, with 135 (93.8%) completing the study. Indacaterol was well tolerated: the incidence of adverse events (AEs) was similar between the active and placebo groups, and AEs, when they occurred, were mild or moderate for most (98.2%). There was no dose-response relationship between indacaterol and the incidence of AEs (400 microg, 40.7%; 800 microg, 37.3%; and placebo, 38.5%). Few AEs considered as beta2-agonist class effects occurred (none leading to withdrawal). Small differences between indacaterol and placebo in mean serum potassium (< or =-0.29 mmol/L) and glucose (< or =0.93 mmol/L) levels were occasionally statistically significant (P < .05) but not regarded as clinically meaningful. As expected for a beta2-agonist, there was some indication of a trend in QTc prolongation with increasing exposure (maximum mean change, 8.9 milliseconds; P < .05 vs placebo). Significant increases in FEV1 (P < .05) were seen at all postbaseline time points for both indacaterol doses vs placebo, with indacaterol-placebo differences 30 minutes after dosing of 0.21 to 0.25 L and before dosing on days 14 and 28 (approximately 24 hours after the previous dose) of 0.15 to 0.23 L. Indacaterol had a good overall safety profile and was well tolerated at both doses, with predose FEV1 results on days 14 and 28 indicating 24-hour bronchodilator efficacy.
Civilization diseases, including cardiovascular, are major health problems in current modern soci... more Civilization diseases, including cardiovascular, are major health problems in current modern society. Numerous studies provided sufficient evidence that variety of risk factors are involved in cardiovascular diseases formation. Of the most important is the lifestyle that largely contributes to our health, up to 50 – 60%. Lifestyle includes all modifiable risk factors that together affect the development of these diseases. In our study we searched and evaluated the nutritional parameters and lifestyle of patients hospitalized in Cardiocentre Nitra. In order to obtain the necessary information we chose the questionnaire method. In our survey 194 patients were included, of which 155 were men (79.89%) and 39 (20.11%) women. These patients were hospitalized with acute myocardial infarction diagnosis. The vast majority of patients had overweight and obesity caused by improper eating habits. The high prevalence of overweight, BMI in the range 25 – 30 kg/m 2 , was also confirmed as statisti...
SÚHRN Autori analyzujú údaje vývoja prevalencie sérových reaktívnych protilátok typu IgM/IgG voči... more SÚHRN Autori analyzujú údaje vývoja prevalencie sérových reaktívnych protilátok typu IgM/IgG voči nukleokapsidovému antigénu vírusu SARS-CoV-2 v období pandémie (21. týždeň 2020–7. týždeň 2021) vyšetrovaných u pacientov špecializovanej nemocnice s vybranými skupinami diagnóz. Za využitia diagnostickej súpravy Elecsys® Anti-SARS-CoV-2 bolo realizovaných 5547 vyšetrení (m = 3028, ž = 2519). Podiely pozitívnych identifikácií reaktívnych protilátok (prevalencia) zo všetkých vyšetrených sér boli vyhodnocované v týždňových intervaloch. Významný vzostup sérovej pozitivity zaznamenaný od 44. týždňa 2020 dosiahol ku koncu sledovania nárast na 35 až 47 %, čím kopíroval trend nárastu kumulatívnej incidencie prípadov infekcie diagnostikovanej RT-PCR metódami v regióne Nitra, ktorá ku koncu sledovania presiahla 7 %. Rozdiel medzi podielom jedincov s infekciou potvrdenou RT-PCR metódami a podielom pacientov, ktorí na základe prítomnosti sérových reaktívnych protilátok skutočne infekciu prekonali,...
Introduction: Drain is simple or complicated device or entire system, which serves to evacuate un... more Introduction: Drain is simple or complicated device or entire system, which serves to evacuate unwanted secretions or air from the pleural space. Today, the chest drainage (CD) is frequently used in pneumology. Its application is pathophysiologically favourable, because the accumulation of fluid/air in body cavities prevents oxygenation of the cells, slows down mobilisation of collagen, prevents lymphatic drainage and creates a bounded space, resulting to delay the healing process. Aims: Upon nurse assistance during CD to share own experience with formation the local procedural standards. Methods: From 2007 to 2009 CD was performed on 159 patients (pts). Empyema had 88 pts, malignant pleural effusion 58 pts and pneumothorax 13 pts. Results: CD was without complications in 134 pts (84.3%). The complications occurred in 31 pts (19.5%). In 7 pts (4.4%) occurred trapped lungs; pain occurred in 6 pts (3.8%); the CD had to be repeated in 6 pts (3.8%), in 4 pts (2.5%) occurred clogging of ...
Papers by Daniel Magula