Dan Makumbi
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Aalto University
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Manipal Academy of Higher Education
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Princeton University
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Ben Gurion University of the Negev
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Cairo University
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University of Exeter
taufik budhi pramono
Jenderal Soedirman University
Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnologia
Universidad del Bio-bio
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi Ghana
Papers by Dan Makumbi
(L.) Kuntze severely affect maize (Zea mays L.) production
in sub-Saharan Africa. A single Striga plant
produces a large number of seeds that form a bank
of viable but dormant seed in the soil until they get
a chemical signal from suitable maize host roots.
Imidazolinone-resistant (IR) open-pollinated maize
varieties (OP Vs) developed for Striga control were
tested in diverse environments in four countries of
eastern Africa in 2004. The objective of the study
was to assess the agronomic performance of IR
maize and genotype environment interactions
(GE) for grain yield (GY) and the number of emerged
Striga plants across 17 environments under Strigainfested
and Striga-free conditions. In the combined
analysis of variance across Striga-infested and
Striga-free locations, mean squares for genotypes
and GE were significant for most measured traits.
The best IR maize variety (STR-VE-216) outyielded
the Striga-tolerant and commercial genotypes by
113 and 89%, respectively, under Striga-infested
conditions. IR OP Vs supported significantly fewer
emerged Striga plants relative to the check varieties.
Under Striga-free conditions, IR OP Vs showed
GY advantage over commercial varieties. Under
Striga-infested conditions genotypic variance ( 2
G )
was larger than genotype location variance ( ´ 2
G L )
for GY and number of emerged Striga plants at 12
wk after planting. The genetic correlations among
locations under Striga-infested conditions were
high (0.990), suggesting little GE between most
environments used. Cluster analysis of genotypes
under Striga-infested locations revealed two major
groups that separated the IR OP Vs from the check
varieties. The outstanding performance of selected
IR OP Vs indicates that their use for Striga control
would reduce the Striga seed bank while benefiting
farmers with high GY
(L.) Kuntze severely affect maize (Zea mays L.) production
in sub-Saharan Africa. A single Striga plant
produces a large number of seeds that form a bank
of viable but dormant seed in the soil until they get
a chemical signal from suitable maize host roots.
Imidazolinone-resistant (IR) open-pollinated maize
varieties (OP Vs) developed for Striga control were
tested in diverse environments in four countries of
eastern Africa in 2004. The objective of the study
was to assess the agronomic performance of IR
maize and genotype environment interactions
(GE) for grain yield (GY) and the number of emerged
Striga plants across 17 environments under Strigainfested
and Striga-free conditions. In the combined
analysis of variance across Striga-infested and
Striga-free locations, mean squares for genotypes
and GE were significant for most measured traits.
The best IR maize variety (STR-VE-216) outyielded
the Striga-tolerant and commercial genotypes by
113 and 89%, respectively, under Striga-infested
conditions. IR OP Vs supported significantly fewer
emerged Striga plants relative to the check varieties.
Under Striga-free conditions, IR OP Vs showed
GY advantage over commercial varieties. Under
Striga-infested conditions genotypic variance ( 2
G )
was larger than genotype location variance ( ´ 2
G L )
for GY and number of emerged Striga plants at 12
wk after planting. The genetic correlations among
locations under Striga-infested conditions were
high (0.990), suggesting little GE between most
environments used. Cluster analysis of genotypes
under Striga-infested locations revealed two major
groups that separated the IR OP Vs from the check
varieties. The outstanding performance of selected
IR OP Vs indicates that their use for Striga control
would reduce the Striga seed bank while benefiting
farmers with high GY