Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, Apr 30, 2023
Women and nature have a bonding which reflect the connectedness between humans and non-humans. Th... more Women and nature have a bonding which reflect the connectedness between humans and non-humans. The exploitation of women affects nature and viceversa. The novels Entrok, written by Okky Madasari, Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini, and Trilogi Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari narrate the experiences of women struggling to survive in cultures dominated by the patriarchal system. This article uses qualitative research methods to describe data about the women's experiences of their encounters with exploitation in these three novels. All data were decoded using the ecofeminism theory. The results show that their nurturing character is a power in the spirituality of women, and it was used in patriarchal systems. The notion of feminization, which preserves both nurture and love, proved insufficient for this purpose as it objectifies women and weakens the struggle. To strengthen the advancement of women, it is important to develop the ethical relationship between humans and nature.
Proceedings of the 3rd Sriwijaya International Conference on Environmental Issues, SRICOENV 2022, October 5th, 2022, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Purbawidya: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Arkeologi, Dec 31, 2022
The Bumiayu temple area is located in a swamp and is affected by the tides of the Lematang River.... more The Bumiayu temple area is located in a swamp and is affected by the tides of the Lematang River. The problem in this research concerns the application of local wisdom in aspects of a) the location, b) the types of water resources and c) the benefits of water resources. The objectives of the research are a) to find out the location such as the height and slope of the land, b) to know the types of water resources c) to find out the benefits of resources. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with an explanatory descriptive study of the data. Data were collected through literature observation and field observations. Analysis of the position with morphography, morphometry, and the benefits of features with interview studies. The results showed that the enshrinement area is in the lowlands with an elevation of 0-40 masl and a gentle slope (8%-13%
Jurnal Didactique Bahasa Indonesia
Sastra Lisan hiring-hiring merupakan pantun berirama berasal dari etnis Komering di Kabupaten Oga... more Sastra Lisan hiring-hiring merupakan pantun berirama berasal dari etnis Komering di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur (OKUT), Sumatera Selatan. Di dalam teks sastra lisan tersebut terkandung makna yang bernilai tinggi. Sebagai salah satu bagian dari kekayaan khazanah sastra Indonesia, ia turut membangun sastra Indonesia dalam konteks kebinnekaan. Eksistensi hiring-hiring di wilayah pakainya setakat ini sudah jarang ditemui. Asumsi tersebut selanjutnya dibuktikan dengan kajian vitalitas sastra terhadap hiring-hiring. Tujuan artikel ini adalah mengungkapkan hasil kajian vitalitas hiring-hiring tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Metode yang dipergunakan yaitu secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Penjaringan data secara kuantitatif mengguakan instrumen angket dan dari sisi kualitatif menggunakan metode wawancara. Kedua hasil tersebut dipakai sebagai dasar penentuan vitalitas sastra hiring-hiring. Sejumlah warga di beberapa desa di Kabupaten OKUT dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa hiringhiring sudah dalam keadaan terancam punah dengan indeks rerata 0,37 serta berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan warga terpiih menunjukkan bahwa hiring-hiring sudah dalam kondisi menuju kepunahan. Beberapa alternatif solusi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut adalah dengan melakukan revitalisasi, konservasi, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat/komunitas.
Besemah adalah nama suku yang mendiami daerah lembah Gunung Dempo di Kota Pagaralam, Sumatra Sela... more Besemah adalah nama suku yang mendiami daerah lembah Gunung Dempo di Kota Pagaralam, Sumatra Selatan dan sekitarnya. Menurut kisah para orang tua, ada tiga dewa yang menjadi puyang (nenek moyang) orang Besemah, yaitu Dewa Gumay, Dewa Semidang, dan Dewa Atung Bungsu. Mereka bertigalah yang membuka lahan, membuat peradaban, dan menyebarkan jurai (keturunan) suku Besemah hingga hampir menguasai wilayah Sumatra Selatan, sebagian Jambi, dan Bengkulu. Kisah Tiga Dewa Pendiri Jagat Besemah ini diolah kembali dari sebagian penuturan narasumber jeme (orang) Besemah tentang legenda Besemah. Kisah yang diceritakan oleh narasumber ini merupakan salah satu versi dari berbagai kisah legenda jagat Besemah. Dalam versi buku ini, legenda Besemah dibuat sebagai kisah dengan imajinasi yang diramu dari sumber utama ditambah sumber lainnya. Dengan demikian, adalah wajar apabila pembaca menemukan kisah yang agak berbeda tentang legenda Besemah ini. Tiga dewa yang menjadi tokoh dalam buku ini, Dewa Gumay,...
BIDAR: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebahasan & Kesastraan, 2020
JSSH (Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Humaniora), 2020
Mengapresiasi puisi dimulai dari membaca kemudian memahami maknanya. Perlu sarana khusus untuk me... more Mengapresiasi puisi dimulai dari membaca kemudian memahami maknanya. Perlu sarana khusus untuk memahami puisi karena puisi itu merupakan sebuah struktur yang terdiri atas unsur-unsur atau lapis-lapis norma. Karena itulah puisi perlu dianalisis dan ditafsirkan. Puisi juga menyatakan sesuatu secara tidak langsung, yaitu menyatakan suatu hal dan berarti yang lain. Di samping itu, puisi menyimpan ‘sebuah dunia’ yang dituangkan lewat simbol-simbol bahasa yang bermakna. Makalah ini bertujuan menyarankan apresiasi sastra genre puisi dengan menggunakan teori strata norma Roman Ingarden. Teori analisis puisi Roman Ingarden memandang puisi sebagai lapisan-lapisan atau strata norma yang bermakna. Lapisan yang bermakna tersebut meliputi lapis bunyi, lapis arti, lapis objek, lapis ‘dunia’, dan lapis metafisis. Untuk melakukan analisis dengan teori strata norma ini digunakan pendekatan saintifik dan disajikan dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Dengan analisis strata norma Roman Ingarden dalam mem...
Proceedings of the 1st Konferensi Internasional Berbahasa Indonesia Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, KIBAR 2020, 28 October 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022
The novel Burung Kayu (Wooden Bird) by Niduparas Erlang (2020) presented the problem of identity ... more The novel Burung Kayu (Wooden Bird) by Niduparas Erlang (2020) presented the problem of identity changes of a Mentawai tribal child named Legeumanai, from primitive to modern life, then back to jungle life. The changes in identity were analyzed by Hall's cultural identity theory, in which cultural identity was seen as always in process and non-essentialist in nature. The purpose of this research was to describe the representation of identity changes of the Legeumanai character in the novel. Data obtained from the facts of the story in the novel. The data analysis was carried out by using the descriptive analysis method. The results of the analysis showed that the changes experienced by Legeumanai from childhood to adulthood symbolize changes in the Mentawai ethnicity.
Makalah ini membahas ‘Legenda Putri Pinang Masak’ Sumatera Selatan untuk dijadikan sebagai identi... more Makalah ini membahas ‘Legenda Putri Pinang Masak’ Sumatera Selatan untuk dijadikan sebagai identitas destinasi wisata yang berlokasi di Desa Senuro, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Daerah tersebut merupakan tempat ziarah karena diyakini sebagai makam Putri Pinang Masak. Mengingat popularitas legenda tersebut, maka ‘Legenda Putri Pinang Masak’ sangat potensial dijadikan sebagai identitas untuk pengembangan Desa Senuro sebagai destinasi wisata. Dengan mengedepankan identitas tersebut, destinasi wisata itu akan memiliki keunikan sebagai daya tarik wisata. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini ada dua tahap. Pertama, analisis teks (cerita legenda) dengan hasil skenario representasi sebagai dasar pembentukan tema-tema destinasi wisata; kedua, metode analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, dan Threaths) sebagai alternatif saran bagi pembangunan destinasi wisata yang menghubungkan antara kenyataan di ...
This paper describes the actualization of marginalized people in the capital city of Jakarta base... more This paper describes the actualization of marginalized people in the capital city of Jakarta based on the theory of humanistic personality perceived by Abraham Maslow. The stressing on the marginalized people in this paper becomes important since the selfactualization of these people is extremely different from the self-actualization of other ordinary people. Maslow's humanistic personality theory views individuals or societies' personalities, including the personality of marginalized people. Maslow mentioned that humanistic personality contains multilevel needs arranged from the needs of physiological, security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. The approach used in this research is psychological literature. The data used is a short story entitled “Anak Ini Mau Mengencingi Jakarta?” (This Child Wants to Urinate Jakarta?) by Ahmad Tohari. The result of the discussion shows that marginalized people could actualize themselves in their own freedom portion...
Indonesian Goverment is vigorously carrying out the program of BIPA teaching. BIPA teaching const... more Indonesian Goverment is vigorously carrying out the program of BIPA teaching. BIPA teaching constitutes the embodiment of the mandate of implementation of Indonesian Republic regulation No. 24 Year 2009 about Flag, Language, Nation Symbols, and National Anthem, especially Article 44, namely enacting Indonesian language as the international language. This BIPA teaching is not only implemented in domestic but also in overseas. Indonesian government has carried out BIPA teaching in almost all of continents in the world. Therefore, related to this BIPA teaching, approaches, methods, strategies, and techniques have been also already applied. One of the offerings to enrich the BIPA teaching technique is poetry musicalisasion. Research method used is qualitative by functioning library study. The steps of poetry musicalisasion are choosing, reading, understanding, and interpreting poetry, determining rhytm, determining composition, and arranging composition. The literature, that is poetry, ...
Abstrak Masyarakat etnis Aji (suku Haji) yang berada di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Prov... more Abstrak Masyarakat etnis Aji (suku Haji) yang berada di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan salah satu bagian etnis besar Melayu yang memiliki tradisi bermantra. Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap bentuk dan isi mantra masyarkat Aji ditemukan kecenderungan adanya sinkretisme, khususnya sinkretis fenomenologis. Sinkretisme tersebut dengan sendirinya memunculkan sebuah identitas ambivalen, satu sisi mempertahankan tradisi leluhur yang menganut ajaran Hindu-Budha dan satu sisi menganut ajaran Islam sebagai agama mereka. Kata kunci: mantra, sinkretisme, identitas Abstract Aji’s ethnic society (Haji ethnic) in South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatera is one of the big Malay ethnics possessing mantra tradition. Based on the observation towards the form and the content of the mantra, it shows a tendency of syncretism, especially the phenomenological syncretism. This syncretism, by its own way, emerges an ambivalent identity. The society not only kee...
— Children are unique individuals with the development of extraordinary linguistic abilities. Chi... more — Children are unique individuals with the development of extraordinary linguistic abilities. Children need guidance, support and positive stimulus from parents, educators, and the environment, including early childhood. The characteristics of each child are different, including with adults in terms of the learning process. The most enjoyable learning process for young children is playing, through playing children can learn and get new lessons, as well as learn to socialize with their peers. To communicate children need language, by speaking as a medium for delivery. One of the tasks of child development is to develop language skills, including honing their verbal linguistic intelligence. Development of children's verbal linguistic intelligence must be fostered from an early age. One means to help develop verbal linguistic intelligence is word play. The Word Tree Game is an educational tool in comprehensively honing, guiding, and directing the development of children's verba...
LOA: Jurnal Ketatabahasaan dan Kesusastraan, 2019
This article discusses about the short story of TPT by Benny Arnas. It uses the concept of symbol... more This article discusses about the short story of TPT by Benny Arnas. It uses the concept of symbolic definition of George Herbert Mead’s perspective of symbolic interactions involving mind, self, and society. The definition of the symbol, in this case, must be the same among participants. If there is any difference, it would potentially raise conflicts and the dissimilarity of the symbol definition would be described. The method used in this data analysis is descriptive-analysis. The result shows that there is binary opposition towards symbol meaning in the interaction among participants. It reveals that there is a conceptual conflict about the characters’ point of view on the same symbols.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Democracy and Social Transformation, ICON-DEMOST 2021, September 15, 2021, Semarang, Indonesia, 2022
Javanese is not only used as the mother tongue or social language among Javanese users, but also ... more Javanese is not only used as the mother tongue or social language among Javanese users, but also used through the realm of social media. Hate speech is one of the bad effects of using Javanese on social media. The use of hate speech in Javanese includes vocabularies related to humans. It makes users to deal with the law. The analysis of the language use related with legal cases is the forensic linguistic study. Descriptive analysis method is used in this article to describe the meaning of Javanese vocabularies based on context and references. Based on the analysis, the Javanese related to humans in social media is the swear and denotative words which refer to the rough connotation due to the morphological process. The clitic-mu becomes the most common modifier of denotative words into rough connotation of Javanese vocabularies related to humans.