Papers by Cristina Cachero
Workshop Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE’07), Italy, Jul 1, 2007
Abstract. Current model-driven Web Engineering approaches (such as OO-H, UWE or WebML) provide a ... more Abstract. Current model-driven Web Engineering approaches (such as OO-H, UWE or WebML) provide a set of methods and supporting tools for a systematic design and development of Web applications. Each method addresses different concerns using separate models (content, navigation, presentation, business logic, etc.), and provide model compilers that produce most of the logic and Web pages of the application from these models. However, these proposals also have some limitations, especially for exchanging ...

La Red IDOi (Investigacion Docencia e Innovacion;) fue creada en el curso 2006/2007 con el objeti... more La Red IDOi (Investigacion Docencia e Innovacion;) fue creada en el curso 2006/2007 con el objetivo de investigar e innovar en temas docentes []. Este curso, el trabajo del equipo se ha planteado desde una doble perspectiva: 1) “Proyecto Speaking Library”: que consiste en, por un lado, dar continuidad a la grabacion y publicacion de documentos de trabajos sobre investigacion en docencia en soportes mas accesibles, atractivos y utiles para los estudiantes con NEE (Necesidades Educativas Especiales) y el publico en general, fundamentalmente audiovisuales, y, por otro, en mejorar el canal de YouTube de la Red; y 2) “Proyecto Reciclaje”: que plantea comenzar un proyecto innovador. En concreto, introducir el reciclado de una categoria de producto que, en estos momentos no se recicla en la UA y que se propone para todo el campus de la Universidad de Alicante y, trabajar en la puesta en valor del reciclado y de los medios y lugares para el recicla...

7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 2012
Software Product Lines (SPL) is a Software Engineering approach to systematically reuse software ... more Software Product Lines (SPL) is a Software Engineering approach to systematically reuse software assets in order to produce a family of software products. To represent this set of products and how different features can be assembled SPL frameworks normally offer a Feature Modeling Language. In spite of most of these language share concepts they present several differences. The result of this situation is a contemporary set of dialects with syntax and semantic dissimilarities that hampers interoperability, engineering communication and adoption by practitioners. In this paper we review different SPL approaches focused on Feature Models (FM) to show missed elements in semantic problems. In order to classify them we propose four types of semantic anomalies based on a formal framework coming from philosophy of science. We conclude that most of semantic approaches do not point to real semantic problems. Moreover, most of basic FM's constructs present semantic anomalies.
El model docent en …, 2006
Autores: C Cachero Castro, E. Gómez Ballester, P Martínez Barco, María Paloma Moreda Pozo, Andrés... more Autores: C Cachero Castro, E. Gómez Ballester, P Martínez Barco, María Paloma Moreda Pozo, Andrés Montoyo Guijarro, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Manuel Javier Palomar Sanz, Armando Suárez Cueto, Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar, S. Vázquez Pérez
La configuración del …, 2005
... Autores: Andrés Montoyo Guijarro, Manuel Javier Palomar Sanz, Patricio Martínez Barco, Armand... more ... Autores: Andrés Montoyo Guijarro, Manuel Javier Palomar Sanz, Patricio Martínez Barco, Armando Suárez Cueto, Eusebi Gómez Ballesteros, Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar, J. Gómez Ortega, Rafael Muñoz Guillena, C Cachero Castro, María Paloma Moreda Pozo; ...

7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 2012
Feature models are at the core of Software Product Lines. Along the years different feature model... more Feature models are at the core of Software Product Lines. Along the years different feature modeling languages have been proposed. Although they share a set of core concepts, feature languages present differences such as specification metalanguage, visual and textual emphasis and language constructs, among others. The result of this situation is a contemporary set of dialects with syntax and semantic dissimilarities that hampers interoperability, engineering communication and adoption by practitioners. This paper presents a proposal for a unified feature language metamodel which has been obtained from a comparison of existing metamodels. The analysis includes the maturity evaluation of existing metamodels and their ability to produce well-formed feature models and to reject ill-formed ones. Final conclusions suggest additional work on semantics and pragmatics of feature models.

7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2012), 2012
The Software Engineering discipline has devoted much effort to the definition of new methods and ... more The Software Engineering discipline has devoted much effort to the definition of new methods and paradigms that, even if empirically proven to provide certain gains in terms of process productivity and product quality, are difficult to transfer to industry. We claim that this fact is largely due to methodologists not taking into account the - largely subjective - set of variables that influence innovation adoption, together with its tailoring and operationalization to the particulars of software methodologies: we lack reliable and valid measurement instruments that allow for the early detection of methodologies weaknesses with respect to their ability to catch among practitioners. This paper reports on the development of one such instrument designed to measure the various perceptions that an individual may have with respect to adopting a software development methodology innovation. Our questionnaire is aimed at allowing methodologists not only to compare their methodologies with res...
ABSTRACT The paper presents an summary of Leonardo da Vinci project called “GUI usability and acc... more ABSTRACT The paper presents an summary of Leonardo da Vinci project called “GUI usability and accessibility: exchanging knowledge and experiences (AUKEE)”, which is realized in the cooperation between three European universities with an industrial partner. In particular the objectives of this paper are twofold. First, the results of project in form of MOOCs are described. Moreover, the evaluation of courses performed by students, who took part in courses’ pilots, is presented. Second, the evaluation of the project performed during final project meeting is presented. Not only the challenges and problems met throughout the project in international team, but also lesson learned, are outlined.
Viii Jornades De Xarxes D Investigacio En Docencia Universitaria Recurso Electronico Noves Titulacions I Canvi Universitari Viii Jornadas De Redes De Investigacion En Docencia Universitaria Nuevas Titulaciones Y Cambio Universitario 2010 Isbn 978 84 693 6845 9 Pags 1963 1978, 2010
… de investigación en …, 2004
Información del artículo NTIC aplicadas a la docencia de las bases de datos e ingeniería del soft... more Información del artículo NTIC aplicadas a la docencia de las bases de datos e ingeniería del software.
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Papers by Cristina Cachero