Papers by Cosmin Briciu
The first objective of the paper is to offer a synthetic account of the main research coordinates... more The first objective of the paper is to offer a synthetic account of the main research coordinates of scientific literature on poverty in Romania. In this respect, three main stages are distinguished: (i) accumulation of expertise at the national level with a divergence of methodologies and approaches being developed (ii) the temporary consensual adoption of the absolute poverty line; and (iii) the official alignment to the European relative poverty lines in parallel with a new mix of approaches: a social development-oriented approach, concurrently with the study of poverty and extreme poverty at the territorial and community level. The second main objective is to look at the level and dynamic of poverty in Romania using the most important measurement methodologies in order to establish linkages between poverty research and the actual situation and to stress research needs in the following period.
tudiul descrie procesul dificil al asimilării inovaţiei sociale in sistemul decizional, adesea pa... more tudiul descrie procesul dificil al asimilării inovaţiei sociale in sistemul decizional, adesea parţial si fără garanţia sustenabilităţii. Cazul unei strategii evaluate ca având un potenţial ridicat de inovare la nivelul societăţii românesti, respectiv strategia antisărăcie elaborată in 2002, ilustrează această idee. După schimbarea guvernării in ciclul căreia a fost elaborată, impactul diferitelor componente ale strategiei a fost diferit: in timp ce structura instituţională construită in acea perioadă a fost, practic, abandonată, influenţa planului antisărăcie a fost difuză si este dificil de evaluat (unele documente de planificare elaborate ulterior au preluat parţial principiile strategice si obiectivele planului atisărăcie). Componenta de măsurare a sărăciei si incluziunii sociale, rolul instrumental de ghidare si monitorizare a politicilor sociale, a fost insă mai bine (mai vizibil) asimilată. Studiul propune câteva explicaţii posibile asupra cauzelor de succes sau de esec in as...
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
The paper is dedicated to the analysis of homelessness in Romania, in its transformations during ... more The paper is dedicated to the analysis of homelessness in Romania, in its transformations during transition, as well as the dynamic of the set up aiming to tackle it. The wider context of the analysis is twofold: (i) for comparative purposes, the problem of homelessness worldwide is mainly addressed at the level of measurement methods and policies; innovative measurement techniques and programs implemented overseas are mentioned, in order to understand how the Romanian policies and research compare, and to highlight the range of development opportunities ahead; (ii) the various factors contributing to the occurrence of the social problem are put under scrutiny; homelessness is approached as a structural failure of the society, i.e. an extreme limit of the social inclusion and social development strategy, rather than an individual rebuff. The paper offers an understanding of the factors shaping life trajectories of homeless people. Researches show that family events play a prominent role (divorce, separation, eviction by the household members). The loss or inability to procure a dwelling (as in the case of youth exiting the social protection system) represents also crucial personal event, with a major explanatory role for homelessness. These factors are far more important than poverty per se, as many of the studies show. The paper profiles the multidimensional nature of the social exclusion of the homeless: lack of adequate and sufficient food, repeated sexual, physical and psychological abuses, chronic diseases, discrimination and stigma, total lack of access to social services, lack of identity papers and other categories of interrelated problems. Researches suggest that the phenomenon of homelessness has become acute in Romania, reaching at least its second proliferation wave, as some of the post-revolutionary homeless have given birth to offspring of their own, while the institutional capacity has been almost inexistent for a long time and it is still far insufficient, in conditions of uncertainty regarding the real size and nature of the phenomenon. Most of the intervention capacity is shaped as emergency response to crises situations. The "invisibility" of the phenomenon for the society has been increased by the lack of credible administrative data or research estimates. Interviews conducted by the author complement the scarce supply of recent literature on homelessness, in an attempt to bring this social problem into the focus of research and policy.
tudiul descrie procesul dificil al asimilării inovaţiei sociale în sistemul decizional, adesea pa... more tudiul descrie procesul dificil al asimilării inovaţiei sociale în sistemul decizional, adesea parţial şi fără garanţia sustenabilităţii. Cazul unei strategii evaluate ca având un potenţial ridicat de inovare la nivelul societăţii româneşti, respectiv strategia antisărăcie elaborată în 2002, ilustrează această idee. După schimbarea guvernării în ciclul căreia a fost elaborată, impactul diferitelor componente ale strategiei a fost diferit: în timp ce structura instituţională construită în acea perioadă a fost, practic, abandonată, influenţa planului antisărăcie a fost difuză şi este dificil de evaluat (unele documente de planificare elaborate ulterior au preluat parţial principiile strategice şi obiectivele planului atisărăcie). Componenta de măsurare a sărăciei şi incluziunii sociale, rolul instrumental de ghidare şi monitorizare a politicilor sociale, a fost însă mai bine (mai vizibil) asimilată. Studiul propune câteva explicaţii posibile asupra cauzelor de succes sau de eşec în asimilarea selectivă, în difuzarea şi asigurarea sustenabilităţii diferitelor componente ale strategiei.
Articles and books by Cosmin Briciu
Books by Cosmin Briciu
Papers by Cosmin Briciu
Articles and books by Cosmin Briciu
Books by Cosmin Briciu