Papers by Christine Kirby

AIDS and behavior, Jan 26, 2017
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) requires lifelong daily oral therapy. While patient characteristics ... more Antiretroviral therapy (ART) requires lifelong daily oral therapy. While patient characteristics associated with suboptimal ART adherence and persistence have been described in cohorts of HIV-infected persons, these factors are poor predictors of individual medication taking behaviors. We aimed to create and test instruments for the estimation of future ART adherence and persistence for clinical and research applications. Following formative work, a battery of 148 items broadly related to HIV infection and treatment was developed and administered to 181 HIV-infected patients. ART adherence and persistence were assessed using electronic monitoring for 3 months. Perceived confidence in medication taking and self-reported barriers to adherence were strongest in predicting non-adherence over time. Barriers to adherence (e.g., affordability, scheduling) were the strongest predictors of non-adherence, as well as 3- and 7-day non-persistence. A ten-item battery for prediction of these outc...

BMC health services research, Jan 31, 2016
Nearly one in three Americans are financially burdened by their medical expenses. To mitigate fin... more Nearly one in three Americans are financially burdened by their medical expenses. To mitigate financial distress, experts recommend routine physician-patient cost conversations. However, the content and incidence of these conversations are unclear, and rigorous definitions are lacking. We sought to develop a novel set of cost conversation definitions, and determine the impact of definitional variation on cost conversation incidence in three clinical settings. Retrospective, mixed-methods analysis of transcribed dialogue from 1,755 outpatient encounters for routine clinical management of breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and depression, occurring between 2010-2014. We developed cost conversation definitions using summative content analysis. Transcripts were evaluated independently by at least two members of our multi-disciplinary team to determine cost conversation incidence using each definition. Incidence estimates were compared using Pearson's Chi-Square Tests. Three cost c...

Health affairs (Project Hope), 2016
Some experts contend that requiring patients to pay out of pocket for a portion of their care wil... more Some experts contend that requiring patients to pay out of pocket for a portion of their care will bring consumer discipline to health care markets. But are physicians prepared to help patients factor out-of-pocket expenses into medical decisions? In this qualitative study of audiorecorded clinical encounters, we identified physician behaviors that stand in the way of helping patients navigate out-of-pocket spending. Some behaviors reflected a failure to fully engage with patients' financial concerns, from never acknowledging such concerns to dismissing them too quickly. Other behaviors reflected a failure to resolve uncertainty about out-of-pocket expenses or reliance on temporary solutions without making long-term plans to reduce spending. Many of these failures resulted from systemic barriers to health care spending conversations, such as a lack of price transparency. For consumer health care markets to work as intended, physicians need to be prepared to help patients navigat...

Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Jan 19, 2016
More than 1 in 4 Americans report difficulty paying medical bills. Cost-reducing strategies discu... more More than 1 in 4 Americans report difficulty paying medical bills. Cost-reducing strategies discussed during outpatient physician visits remain poorly characterized. We sought to determine how often patients and physicians discuss health care costs during outpatient visits and what strategies, if any, they discussed to lower patient out-of-pocket costs. Retrospective analysis of dialogue from 1755 outpatient visits in community-based practices nationwide from 2010 to 2014. The study population included 677 patients with breast cancer, 422 with depression, and 656 with rheumatoid arthritis visiting 56 oncologists, 36 psychiatrists, and 26 rheumatologists, respectively. Thirty percent of visits contained cost conversations (95% confidence interval [CI], 28 to 32). Forty-four percent of cost conversations involved discussion of cost-saving strategies (95% CI, 40 to 48; median duration, 68 s). We identified 4 strategies to lower costs without changing the care plan. They were, in order ...

Fertility and sterility, 1984
The development of 1-cell mouse zygotes to the blastocyst stage in vitro has been used as a quali... more The development of 1-cell mouse zygotes to the blastocyst stage in vitro has been used as a quality control for the media employed for human in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). The following procedures were associated with high rates of mouse embryo development and human pregnancies following IVF-ET: adequate gassing and equilibration of the medium, double rinsing of pipettes and catheters used to handle embryos, use of a HEPES-buffered medium for manipulating embryos in the absence of an atmosphere containing 5% CO2, control of excessive temperature in the vicinity of the embryos, and ET using medium containing 50% patient's serum. The institution of these procedures gave more consistent pregnancy rates. However, there was no obvious association between fertilization and cleavage of human oocytes and the quality of the medium ascertained by the mouse embryo development test.
The Medical journal of Australia, Jan 2, 2007

Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 1994
The present study compares 465 singleton live deliveries from in-vitro fertilization/gamete intra... more The present study compares 465 singleton live deliveries from in-vitro fertilization/gamete intra-Fallopian transfer (IVF/GIFT) pregnancies with a large control population to evaluate the incidence of pre-term delivery and small for gestational age (SGA) or very small for gestation age (VSGA) babies resulting from IVF/GIFT pregnancies. Overall the incidence of SGA or VSGA from an IVF/GIFT pregnancy is higher than from the normal obstetric population (SGA odds ratio 1.76, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.38-2.25 and VSGA odds ratio 1.61, 95% CI: 1.05-2.46) particularly among primiparous women (SGA odds ratio 1.99, 95% CI: 1.25-3.16 and VSGA odds ratio 1.97, 95% CI: 1.49-2.62). After stratifying by the cause of infertility, only women with unexplained infertility had a significantly higher proportion of SGA/VSGA babies. There was a significantly higher incidence of pre-term deliveries among the young primiparae (odds ratio 5.02, 95% CI: 3.09-8.13). Thus the excess risk of delivering a ...

Fertility and sterility, 1983
A prospective study is presented in order to determine the frequency of the luteinized unruptured... more A prospective study is presented in order to determine the frequency of the luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) in a population of 66 regularly cycling women. They were monitored by daily ultrasound for a total of 183 cycles, and the LUF was detected in 9 cycles, giving an incidence of 4.9%. The results of daily changes of luteinizing hormone, estradiol, and progesterone provide support for the thesis that the LUF behaves steroidogenically as a corpus luteum and that the luteal phase duration is normal. Continued monitoring in 35 cycles revealed a recurrence in only one case during a fourth subsequent cycle. Thus, the findings indicate that the LUF is a sporadic and infrequent phenomenon. It is therefore an uncommon cause of infertile cycles in potentially fertile women and represents a biologic variable rather than a syndrome. Based on ultrasonic and endocrine observations, a mechanism is proposed for the resolution of the LUF.

Fertility and sterility, 1989
Fifty patients (normal responders) received either human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) alone (con... more Fifty patients (normal responders) received either human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) alone (control group) or leuprolide + hMG (leuprolide group). The use of leuprolide was associated with a reduction of hMG requirements (14.8 versus 17.8 ampules, P = 0.02) and the abolition of spontaneous luteinizing hormone surges (nil versus 3, P = 0.006). The rate of fertilization (87% versus 65%, P = 0.003) was higher in the leuprolide group. Pituitary and ovarian suppression was effected for 16 subjects who had previously shown a poor follicular response and a further 19 subjects who had previously responded abnormally. The poor responders required more hMG (43.9 versus 27.1 ampules, P less than 0.001), achieved a lower estradiol maximum (5.1 versus 12.1 nmol/l, P less than 0.001), and had fewer oocytes recovered (4.1 versus 11.5, P less than 0.001), than the abnormal responders.
A review is presented summarizing the in vitro fertilization experience at the University of Adel... more A review is presented summarizing the in vitro fertilization experience at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Initial attempts utilizing the normal cycle were unsuccessful in obtaining a pregnancy. Since 1982 the overall ongoing pregnancy rate has been 21% per embryo transfer, 16% per laparoscopy, and 12% per treatment cycle. A detailed description of presently utilized methodology is presented.

Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey, 1992
The efficacy of intrauterine insemination (IUI) of selected motile sperm. Prospective randomized ... more The efficacy of intrauterine insemination (IUI) of selected motile sperm. Prospective randomized sequential alternating cycle trial comparing IUI with luteinizing hormone (LH)-timed intercourse. Clinical infertility service. Couples selected included unexplained infertility (n = 73), cervical mucus hostility (n = 24), moderate semen defect (n = 110), and severe semen defect (n = 78). Two hundred eighty-five couples undertook 600 IUI cycles and 505 LH-timed intercourse. Overall, IUI was slightly more effective than LH-timed intercourse with a pregnancy rate of 6.2% versus 3.4% per cycle. When individual categories were considered only, IUI for severe semen defect was significantly better (5.6% versus 1.3%, P less than 0.05). The first IUI cycle was more effective when compared with both subsequent IUI cycles and the initial LH-timed cycle. Overall, 74% (27/37) of IUI pregnancies occurred in the first cycle. Compared with LH-timed intercourse, IUI provided little or no improved expectation of pregnancy but was beneficial in couples with severe semen defect. The occurrence of pregnancy was limited per cycle and confined essentially to the initial cycle of treatment. Continued IUI is considered to be unrewarding.

The Lancet, 1983
7 multiple pregnancies occurred in a series of 20 pregnancies after oocyte recovery for in-vitro ... more 7 multiple pregnancies occurred in a series of 20 pregnancies after oocyte recovery for in-vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer. After ovarian stimulation with clomiphene alone or with human menopausal gonadotropin, 102 laparoscopies were carried out in 62 women and the ongoing pregnancy rate beyond the first trimester was 17/102 laparoscopies (17%), including 5 sets of twins. 1 triplet and 1 twin pregnancy showed evidence of regression of two sacs and one sac, and both are progressing as singleton pregnancies at 16 and 34 weeks, respectively. 3 abortions occurred at 7, 8, and 9 weeks--a spontaneous abortion rate of 15%. The pregnancy and multiple pregnancy rates after stimulation with clomiphene alone or with human menopausal gonadotropin were comparable, but oocyte pickup based on a knowledge of the duration of the endogenous rise in luteinising hormone, rather than 36 h after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin, increased the pregnancy rate. As the quality and number of embryos transferred to the uterus increased, the risk of multiple pregnancy also rose. Consideration should therefore be given to restricting the number of embryos transferred to limit multiple pregnancies to twins.
Journal of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, 1989
Journal of In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer, 1988
Page 1. 238 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Table I. Results of IVF-ET Program at Kaplan Hospital, Israel ... more Page 1. 238 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Table I. Results of IVF-ET Program at Kaplan Hospital, Israel No. of patients 84 No. of cycles 158 Cancellation (cycle) 50 Ovum pickups Laparoscopies 56 Ultrasound 52 No. of retrieved oocytes 602 No. ...
Fertility and Sterility, 2003
Ovulation induction with gonadotropins is a common first-line treatment for infertile patients wi... more Ovulation induction with gonadotropins is a common first-line treatment for infertile patients with anovulatory disorders who fail to ovulate under the treatment by clomiphene citrate. It is a relatively safe, effective, and cost-efficient infertility treatment (1). Although stimulation resulting in a single mature follicle is usually the objective, overstimulation can and often does lead to a high risk of multiple pregnancy (2, 3). A large proportion of iatrogenic high-order multiple pregnancies is due to ovulation induction (4).
The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1982

The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1985
It has been suggested that the polypeptide hormone relaxin is an early pregnancy factor which fac... more It has been suggested that the polypeptide hormone relaxin is an early pregnancy factor which facilitates implantation and pregnancy maintenance. To test this hypothesis a double blind randomized placebo controlled trial was conducted where 2 mg purified porcine relaxin or distilled water was given in a vaginal gel on the day of embryo transfer and again 3 days later in a human in vitro fertilization (IVF) programme. There were 96 patients in the randomized trial and 73 patients who were treated concurrently in the same IVF programme acted as a further control group. Of the 51 patients who received relaxin, 10 pregnancies were confirmed and 8 continued successfully. In the 45 patients treated with placebo 10 pregnancies were also confirmed and 6 continued successfully. Amongst the 73 patients concurrently treated outside the trial 14 achieved a pregnancy and 10 continued to term. Thus, porcine relaxin given in these circumstances in a human IVF programme did not appear to improve or interfere with the pregnancy rate. Possible factors that affected the implantation rates in this trial are discussed.
Papers by Christine Kirby