Books by Christian Ganzer
Berghahn Books, 2015
Eastern European museums represent traumatic events of World War II, such as the Siege of Leningr... more Eastern European museums represent traumatic events of World War II, such as the Siege of Leningrad, the Warsaw Uprisings, and the Bombardment of Dresden, in ways that depict the enemy in particular ways. This image results from the interweaving of historical representations, cultural stereotypes and beliefs, political discourses, and the dynamics of exhibition narratives. This book presents a useful methodology for examining museum images and provides a critical analysis of the role historical museums play in the contemporary world. As the catastrophes of World War II still exert an enormous influence on the national identities of Russians, Poles, and Germans, museum exhibits can thus play an important role in this process.
Die „heldenhafte Verteidigung der Brester Festung“ vom Sommer 1941 gehörte in der Sowjetunion zu ... more Die „heldenhafte Verteidigung der Brester Festung“ vom Sommer 1941 gehörte in der Sowjetunion zu den zentralsten Staatsmythen und zu den wichtigsten Erinnerungsorten. Hier soll der Krieg begonnen haben, hier sollen die „ersten Ziegel im Fundament des Großen Sieges“ gelegt worden sein. Die Dauer der Kämpfe wurde von realen acht auf 32 Tage aufgebauscht, für Kriegsgefangene war im Narrativ kein Raum. In diesem Buch wird die Militärgeschichte des Ereignisses neu geschrieben. Dabei werden Topoi des offiziellen sowjetischen Narrativs mit Quellenbefunden kontrastiert und dessen Entstehung und Entwicklung nachgezeichnet. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Umgang mit den in deutsche Gefangenschaft geratenen Festungsverteidigern. Schließlich werden Geschichte und Formen der Erinnerung untersucht. Im Zentrum steht die Gedenkstätte „Brester Heldenfestung“ mit ihren Museen.
Второе издание 2017 года.
Брест – лето 1941 г. С этими с... more Второе издание 2017 года.
Брест – лето 1941 г. С этими словами у многих ассоциируется, прежде всего, оборона Брестской крепости. Однако Брест летом 1941 г. – это больше, чем просто бои за крепость. Уже в первые недели войны немецкие оккупанты начали устанавливать в городе свою власть, кроме того – совершили первые массовые преступления, что стало началом Холокоста на белорусской земле.
Этот сборник является результатом международного научно-исследовательского проекта. Он содержит 188 немецких, советских и польских текстовых источников, каждый из которых приводится на языке оригинала и в переводе на русский язык, а также 122 изобразительных источника. Сгруппированные в тематические комплексы под названием «Боевые действия», «Ситуация в городе» и «Начало террора» служебные и личные документы позволяют высказаться о событиях разным действующим лицам: от генералов и чиновников до простых солдат и жителей города Бреста, от свидетелей и жертв до преступников. Рассматриваемый период – первые четыре недели войны: с 22 июня до середины июля 1941 г., когда Брест был передан в подчинение командующему войсками в Генерал-губернаторстве, а в крепости прозвучали последние одиночные выстрелы. Сборник предлагает основу для научных исследований начального периода войны в Бресте, однако ориентирован не только на специалистов, но и на всех, кто интересуется микроисторией войны.
Eastern European museums represent traumatic events of World War II, such as the Siege of Leningr... more Eastern European museums represent traumatic events of World War II, such as the Siege of Leningrad, the Warsaw Uprisings, and the Bombardment of Dresden, in ways that depict the enemy in particular ways. This image results from the interweaving of historical representations, cultural stereotypes and beliefs, political discourses, and the dynamics of exhibition narratives. This book presents a useful methodology for examining museum images and provides a critical analysis of the role historical museums play in the contemporary world. As the catastrophes of World War II still exert an enormous influence on the national identities of Russians, Poles, and Germans, museum exhibits can thus play an important role in this process.
List of Illustrations
Preface: Project's History (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Acknowledgements (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Introduction: The Enemy on Display
Chapter 1. Temple of Heroic Community: Soviet people, Leningraders and German-Fascists in the State Museum of the History of St Petersburg
Chapter 2. Temple of Romantic Martyrdom: Poles, Germans and Jews in the Historical Museum of Warsaw
Chapter 3. Forum Revising National Myths: Second World War in the Dresden City Museum
Appendix: Museum descriptions: The Second War World and City History
Notes on Contributors
The topic of Zaporozhian Cossacks today constitutes a pivotal issue in Ukrainian national discour... more The topic of Zaporozhian Cossacks today constitutes a pivotal issue in Ukrainian national discourse. The Cossack is believed to be the incarnation of the Ukrainian as such. He is perceived as the carrier of national characteristics, of the soul of the Ukrainian people. These characteristics are, of course,
exclusively positive: Cossacks are associated with braveness, strength, love of liberty, democracy, individualism, patriotism, and with enjoying good company.
In addition, a part of the Cossack's era is considered to be one of the Golden Ages of Ukrainian history: Trying to construct a continuity of Ukrainian statehood back into the times of medieval Kievan Rus, the 17th century Cossack Hetmanate is regarded as a Ukrainian national state. However, as a result of the different historical trajectories of the various parts of the country, Ukraine today is characterized by deep political, cultural, and linguistic west-east divisions.
The Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia is located on the Khortytsia Island in the Dnipro River; the island is said to be a holy place for the Ukrainian people.
This book is the first scholarly study of this museum. It follows the everchanging history of the museum project on Khortytsia Island beginning with the era of Petro Shelest in the mid-1960s, and examines how the Ukrainian national discourse is displayed in the current museum's exhibition. Which parts of this discourse are presented and in which way? Which elements are missing? In what way does the exhibition, located in an area characterized by national indifference, deal with the central element of national discourse, the Cossacks? How does the exhibition deal with the omnipresent Soviet legacy?
The narrative is supplemented with several photographs of the museum's exhibition.
The study covers the time from the beginning of the museum project in the 1960s until summer 2004, shortly before the so called Orange Revolution in winter 2004/2005 has come to open a new chapter of Ukrainian history— along with a new chapter in the history of the museum on Khortytsia Island.
Hitherto unpublished sources from inside the Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in both Ukrainian and German round off the study.
So does the first German language publication of the Theses on the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954), approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – a main source of the Soviet concept of Ukrainian history.
Papers by Christian Ganzer
Historische Zeitschrift, 2021
Osteuropa, 2020
In its effort to suppress the protest movement, the Lukashenka regime used violence and repressio... more In its effort to suppress the protest movement, the Lukashenka regime used violence and repression on the one hand, and defamation and propaganda on the other, involving Telegram channels such as Zheltye Slivy (Fake) and YaMyBat’ka (IWeFather). These channels disseminate hatred against women in its most primitive form, as well as violent fantasies. At times, they characterise the opposition as being controlled by Poland, and at others as modern-day versions of the collaborators with the National Socialist occupiers. The base level of this propaganda is an indication of how far the regime has lost faith in its own power of persuasion.
Zeit für Beziehungen?, 2009
Kampf um die Brester Festung 1941, 2020
Deutsche Besatzung in der Sowjetunion 1941-1944, 2014
The Enemy on Display, 2015
Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift, 2017
ZusammenfassungDie Kämpfe um die Brester Festung vom 22. bis 29. Juni 1941 gehören zu den weniger... more ZusammenfassungDie Kämpfe um die Brester Festung vom 22. bis 29. Juni 1941 gehören zu den weniger bekannten Ereignissen an der Ostfront während des Deutsch-Sowjetischen Krieges. In der Sowjetunion hingegen wurde die »heldenhafte Verteidigung der Brester Festung« als Schlüsselereignis dieses Krieges aufgefasst. Nach der offiziellen Version dauerte sie 32 Tage, gerieten nur wenige Rotarmisten in deutsche Gefangenschaft, alle kämpften bis zur letzten Patrone. Dies war die Grundlage, auf welcher der Festung der Titel »Heldenfestung« verliehen und eine monumentale Gedenkstätte eingerichtet wurde.In einer dichten Beschreibung zeichnet der Autor den Verlauf der Kampfhandlungen auf der Mikro-Ebene nach. Darüber hinaus wendet er sich kontroversen Fragen wie den Verlustzahlen beider Seiten sowie einigen populäreren Motiven des offiziellen Narrativs zu. Er kommt zu dem Schluss, dass das offizielle Narrativ dem Gewicht der Quellen kaum standzuhalten vermag.
The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 2014
According to the official Soviet historiography, the defenders of the Brest fortress (today in Be... more According to the official Soviet historiography, the defenders of the Brest fortress (today in Belarus) resisted the German troops who attacked on 22 June 1941, for 32 days. The Soviet soldiers would rather perish than surrender; hardly anybody would be captured. On this basis the Fortress was granted the title ‘Hero-Fortress’, and a huge memorial was built on the site of the battles of June 1941. The author of this article analyzed German documents concerning the daily losses in dead and wounded of the Wehrmacht and captured Red Army soldiers. He concludes that these numbers can be used as an indicator of endurance and intensity of the fighting for the Brest fortress. The conclusions differ strongly from the assertions of the official narrative.
Forum für osteuropäische Ideen -und Zeitgeschichte, 2012
The topic of Zaporozhian Cossacks today constitutes a pivotal issue in Ukrainian national discour... more The topic of Zaporozhian Cossacks today constitutes a pivotal issue in Ukrainian national discourse. The Cossack is believed to be the incarnation of the Ukrainian as such. He is perceived as the carrier of national characteristics, of the soul of the Ukrainian people. These characteristics are, of course, exclusively positive: Cossacks are associated with braveness, strength, love of liberty, democracy, individualism, patriotism, and with enjoying good company. In addition, a part of the Cossack's era is considered to be one of the Golden Ages of Ukrainian history: Trying to construct a continuity of Ukrainian statehood back into the times of medieval Kievan Rus, the 17th century Cossack Hetmanate is regarded as a Ukrainian national state. However, as a result of the different historical trajectories of the various parts of the country, Ukraine today is characterized by deep political, cultural, and linguistic west-east divisions. The Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia is located on the Khortytsia Island in the Dnipro River; the island is said to be a holy place for the Ukrainian people. This book is the first scholarly study of this museum. It follows the everchanging history of the museum project on Khortytsia Island beginning with the era of Petro Shelest in the mid-1960s, and examines how the Ukrainian national discourse is displayed in the current museum's exhibition. Which parts of this discourse are presented and in which way? Which elements are missing? In what way does the exhibition, located in an area characterized by national indifference, deal with the central element of national discourse, the Cossacks? How does the exhibition deal with the omnipresent Soviet legacy? The narrative is supplemented with several photographs of the museum's exhibition. The study covers the time from the beginning of the museum project in the 1960s until summer 2004, shortly before the so called Orange Revolution in winter 2004/2005 has come to open a new chapter of Ukrainian history— along with a new chapter in the history of the museum on Khortytsia Island. Hitherto unpublished sources from inside the Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in both Ukrainian and German round off the study. So does the first German language publication of the Theses on the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954), approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – a main source of the Soviet concept of Ukrainian history.
Berliner Debatte Initial, 2021
Books by Christian Ganzer
Брест – лето 1941 г. С этими словами у многих ассоциируется, прежде всего, оборона Брестской крепости. Однако Брест летом 1941 г. – это больше, чем просто бои за крепость. Уже в первые недели войны немецкие оккупанты начали устанавливать в городе свою власть, кроме того – совершили первые массовые преступления, что стало началом Холокоста на белорусской земле.
Этот сборник является результатом международного научно-исследовательского проекта. Он содержит 188 немецких, советских и польских текстовых источников, каждый из которых приводится на языке оригинала и в переводе на русский язык, а также 122 изобразительных источника. Сгруппированные в тематические комплексы под названием «Боевые действия», «Ситуация в городе» и «Начало террора» служебные и личные документы позволяют высказаться о событиях разным действующим лицам: от генералов и чиновников до простых солдат и жителей города Бреста, от свидетелей и жертв до преступников. Рассматриваемый период – первые четыре недели войны: с 22 июня до середины июля 1941 г., когда Брест был передан в подчинение командующему войсками в Генерал-губернаторстве, а в крепости прозвучали последние одиночные выстрелы. Сборник предлагает основу для научных исследований начального периода войны в Бресте, однако ориентирован не только на специалистов, но и на всех, кто интересуется микроисторией войны.
List of Illustrations
Preface: Project's History (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Acknowledgements (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Introduction: The Enemy on Display
Chapter 1. Temple of Heroic Community: Soviet people, Leningraders and German-Fascists in the State Museum of the History of St Petersburg
Chapter 2. Temple of Romantic Martyrdom: Poles, Germans and Jews in the Historical Museum of Warsaw
Chapter 3. Forum Revising National Myths: Second World War in the Dresden City Museum
Appendix: Museum descriptions: The Second War World and City History
Notes on Contributors
exclusively positive: Cossacks are associated with braveness, strength, love of liberty, democracy, individualism, patriotism, and with enjoying good company.
In addition, a part of the Cossack's era is considered to be one of the Golden Ages of Ukrainian history: Trying to construct a continuity of Ukrainian statehood back into the times of medieval Kievan Rus, the 17th century Cossack Hetmanate is regarded as a Ukrainian national state. However, as a result of the different historical trajectories of the various parts of the country, Ukraine today is characterized by deep political, cultural, and linguistic west-east divisions.
The Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia is located on the Khortytsia Island in the Dnipro River; the island is said to be a holy place for the Ukrainian people.
This book is the first scholarly study of this museum. It follows the everchanging history of the museum project on Khortytsia Island beginning with the era of Petro Shelest in the mid-1960s, and examines how the Ukrainian national discourse is displayed in the current museum's exhibition. Which parts of this discourse are presented and in which way? Which elements are missing? In what way does the exhibition, located in an area characterized by national indifference, deal with the central element of national discourse, the Cossacks? How does the exhibition deal with the omnipresent Soviet legacy?
The narrative is supplemented with several photographs of the museum's exhibition.
The study covers the time from the beginning of the museum project in the 1960s until summer 2004, shortly before the so called Orange Revolution in winter 2004/2005 has come to open a new chapter of Ukrainian history— along with a new chapter in the history of the museum on Khortytsia Island.
Hitherto unpublished sources from inside the Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in both Ukrainian and German round off the study.
So does the first German language publication of the Theses on the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954), approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – a main source of the Soviet concept of Ukrainian history.
Papers by Christian Ganzer
Брест – лето 1941 г. С этими словами у многих ассоциируется, прежде всего, оборона Брестской крепости. Однако Брест летом 1941 г. – это больше, чем просто бои за крепость. Уже в первые недели войны немецкие оккупанты начали устанавливать в городе свою власть, кроме того – совершили первые массовые преступления, что стало началом Холокоста на белорусской земле.
Этот сборник является результатом международного научно-исследовательского проекта. Он содержит 188 немецких, советских и польских текстовых источников, каждый из которых приводится на языке оригинала и в переводе на русский язык, а также 122 изобразительных источника. Сгруппированные в тематические комплексы под названием «Боевые действия», «Ситуация в городе» и «Начало террора» служебные и личные документы позволяют высказаться о событиях разным действующим лицам: от генералов и чиновников до простых солдат и жителей города Бреста, от свидетелей и жертв до преступников. Рассматриваемый период – первые четыре недели войны: с 22 июня до середины июля 1941 г., когда Брест был передан в подчинение командующему войсками в Генерал-губернаторстве, а в крепости прозвучали последние одиночные выстрелы. Сборник предлагает основу для научных исследований начального периода войны в Бресте, однако ориентирован не только на специалистов, но и на всех, кто интересуется микроисторией войны.
List of Illustrations
Preface: Project's History (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Acknowledgements (Zuzanna Bogumił)
Introduction: The Enemy on Display
Chapter 1. Temple of Heroic Community: Soviet people, Leningraders and German-Fascists in the State Museum of the History of St Petersburg
Chapter 2. Temple of Romantic Martyrdom: Poles, Germans and Jews in the Historical Museum of Warsaw
Chapter 3. Forum Revising National Myths: Second World War in the Dresden City Museum
Appendix: Museum descriptions: The Second War World and City History
Notes on Contributors
exclusively positive: Cossacks are associated with braveness, strength, love of liberty, democracy, individualism, patriotism, and with enjoying good company.
In addition, a part of the Cossack's era is considered to be one of the Golden Ages of Ukrainian history: Trying to construct a continuity of Ukrainian statehood back into the times of medieval Kievan Rus, the 17th century Cossack Hetmanate is regarded as a Ukrainian national state. However, as a result of the different historical trajectories of the various parts of the country, Ukraine today is characterized by deep political, cultural, and linguistic west-east divisions.
The Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia is located on the Khortytsia Island in the Dnipro River; the island is said to be a holy place for the Ukrainian people.
This book is the first scholarly study of this museum. It follows the everchanging history of the museum project on Khortytsia Island beginning with the era of Petro Shelest in the mid-1960s, and examines how the Ukrainian national discourse is displayed in the current museum's exhibition. Which parts of this discourse are presented and in which way? Which elements are missing? In what way does the exhibition, located in an area characterized by national indifference, deal with the central element of national discourse, the Cossacks? How does the exhibition deal with the omnipresent Soviet legacy?
The narrative is supplemented with several photographs of the museum's exhibition.
The study covers the time from the beginning of the museum project in the 1960s until summer 2004, shortly before the so called Orange Revolution in winter 2004/2005 has come to open a new chapter of Ukrainian history— along with a new chapter in the history of the museum on Khortytsia Island.
Hitherto unpublished sources from inside the Museum of the History of Zaporozhian Cossackdom in both Ukrainian and German round off the study.
So does the first German language publication of the Theses on the Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Reunion of the Ukraine with Russia (1654-1954), approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – a main source of the Soviet concept of Ukrainian history.
Это интервью я дал беларускому журналисту в феврале 2021 г. Он его предложил разным редакциям, но все отказались; все боялись, что за такую публикацию режим посадит редакторов или закроет редакцию.
Ці адбываўся Галакост пад бел-чырвона-белым сьцягам? Ці дапушчальна параўноўваць рэпрэсіі ў Беларусі зь генацыдам, нацызмам, фашызмам і зьнішчэньнем габрэяў падчас ІІ сусьветнай вайны? Чаму ў палітычнай барацьбе выкарыстоўваецца антысэмітызм?
У дыскусіі Свабоды пра выкарыстаньне гісторыі падчас палітычнага крызісу ў Беларусі бяруць удзел: Ірына Раманава і Ўладзімер Ляхоўскі (Беларусь), Леанід Сьмілавіцкі (Ізраіль), Андрэй Катлярчук (Швэцыя), Крыстыян Генцэр і Аляксандар Фрыдман (Нямеччына).
У Беларусі ідзе кампанія ачарненьня бел-чырвона-белага сьцяга. Яго называюць «калябаранцкім» і сьцьвярджаюць, што пад ім адбывалася зьнішчэньне габрэяў падчас ІІ Сусьветнай вайны. Як вы, гісторыкі, дасьледнікі, ставіцеся да такіх заяваў?