Papers by Carlos Monteiro
Proceedings of the 12th Wseas International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Nov 3, 2010
This paper discusses an approach able to simultaneously compare the importance of performance and... more This paper discusses an approach able to simultaneously compare the importance of performance and relationship marketing variables in building satisfaction among frequent customers. Multivariate statistical techniques are used -factor analysis and multiple regression analysis -to model the satisfaction of frequent customers of a group of hotels in the north of Portugal. The conclusion is that the relationship marketing policies are not strong determinants as regards the overall satisfaction of this kind of customers.
Revista Brasileira De Crescimento E Desenvolvimento Humano, Feb 1, 2014
Journal of Human Growth and Development, Aug 23, 2013
This study sought to evaluate motor development in children aged 6 to 11 years with learning diff... more This study sought to evaluate motor development in children aged 6 to 11 years with learning difficulties and school characteristics of delayed motor development, before and after application of a motor intervention program. The sample consisted of 28 children with a mean age of 107.21 ± 16.56 months, who were evaluated by the Motor Development Scale and received motor intervention for 6 months, followed by reassessment. We observed a statistically significant difference between the average of the motor activity ratios in all areas of the evaluation and reevaluation. Also verified in the evaluation were the concentration ratios of children with motor activity greater than or equal to 80 and there was a revaluation increase in this concentration on re-evaluation, the areas with the greatest increase in concentration and significant differences being: Body Schema, Space and temporal Organization. In the overall evaluation of MDS, most children presented the classification of "low normal". However, in the reassessment most have evolved into the "average normal", only 4 of themremaining in the same classification. Therefore, in this study, children with learning disabilities also showed motor deficits and the intervention applied contributed to an increase in the motor ratios with consequent improvement in motor development. Besides psychopedagogical asistance, it is essential to reassess them and if necessary apply the intervention in the motor development of children with learning difficulties.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Jun 1, 2002
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 164239 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 164239 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Monteiro, Carlos Augusto. Mondini, Lenise. Monteiro, Carlos Augusto ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Dec 1, 2004
A landmark review of studies published prior to 1989 on socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity su... more A landmark review of studies published prior to 1989 on socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity supported the view that obesity in the developing world would be essentially a disease of the socioeconomic elite. The present review, on studies conducted in adult populations from developing countries, published between 1989 and 2003, shows a different scenario for the relationship between SES and obesity. Although more studies are necessary to clarify the exact nature of this relationship, particularly among men, three main conclusions emerge from the studies reviewed: 1. Obesity in the developing world can no longer be considered solely a disease of groups with higher SES. 2. The burden of obesity in each developing country tends to shift towards the groups with lower SES as the country's gross national product (GNP) increases. 3. The shift of obesity towards women with low SES apparently occurs at an earlier stage of economic development than it does for men. The crossover to higher rates of obesity among women of low SES is found at a GNP per capita of about US$ 2500, the mid-point value for lower-middle-income economies. The results of this review reinforce the urgent need to: include obesity prevention as a relevant topic on the public health agenda in developing countries; improve the access of all social classes in these countries to reliable information on the determinants and consequences of obesity; and design and implement consistent public actions on the physical, economic, and sociocultural environment that make healthier choices concerning diet and physical activity feasible for all. A significant step in this direction was taken with the approval of the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health by the World Health Assembly in May 2004. 82:940-946.
A higher risk of obesity in stunted chil dren has been described in Hispanic-American, Jamai can ... more A higher risk of obesity in stunted chil dren has been described in Hispanic-American, Jamai can and Andean populations, but little systematic ex ploration has been done concerning this area in nutri tion. This paper examines the relationship between stunting and overweight status for children aged 3-6 and 7-9 y in nationally representative surveys in Rus sia, Brazil, and the Republic of South Africa and a large nationwide survey in China, using identical cut-offs for body mass index, the prevalence of child overweight in these countries ranges from 10.5 to 25.6% (based on the 85th percentile); recent NHANES HIresults in dicate that this prevalence is around 22% in the U.S. Stunting is also common in the surveyed countries af fecting 9.2-30.6% of all children. Our results showed a significant association between stunting and over weight status in children of all countries. The incomeadjusted risk ratios of being overweight for a stunted child ranged from 1.7 to 7.8. Clearly, there is an im portant association between stunting and high weightfor-height in a variety of ethnic environmental and so cial backgrounds. Although the underlying mecha nisms remain unexplored, this association has serious public health implications particularly for lower income countries. As these countries enter the nutrition transi tion experiencing large changes in dietary and activity patterns, they may face, among other problems, addi tional difficulties in their fight against obesity. J. Nutr. 126:3009-3016, 1996.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 2105 Ajph 2011 300313, Nov 17, 2011
ABSTRACT The goals of this article are to describe the “Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative” implan... more ABSTRACT The goals of this article are to describe the “Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative” implantation at the University Hospital of Northern Paraná, situated in Londrina, and point out the difficulties and advantages of this process. The methodology consisted of two inquiries based on the “Tem steps for the success of breast feeding” which were carried out before and after the “Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative” implantation at the hospital. The inquiry carried out after the implantation at the hospital showed the accomplishment of the ten steps and the significant increase of the levels of exclusive breast-feeding (6,7% to 95%). Considering that this work was developed at a school hospital, it was a great challenge for the health professional group, showing changes in behavior and breast-feeding practices, therefore, resulting in an important increase of breast-feeding levels. Este artigo tem como objetivos descrever o processo de implantação da Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança (IHAC) no Hospital Universitário Regional do Norte do Paraná (HURNP) e destacar as dificuldades e benefícios advindos dessa implantação. A metodologia empregada foi a utilização de inquéritos, com base nos “Dez Passos”, realizados antes e após a implantação do IHAC no HURNP. O inquérito realizado após a implantação, revelou o cumprimento dos “Dez Passos” e o aumento significativo dos índices de aleitamento exclusivo (de 6,7% para 95,0%). A implantação da IHAC no HURNP, por ser um hospital universitário, representou um grande desafio para a equipe, porém levou a mudança no comportamento e práticas relativas à amamentação, resultando no aumento dos índices de aleitamento materno e aleitamento materno exclusivo dos bebês que nasceram neste hospital.
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, Aug 1, 1988
... City of Sao Paulo by Carlos A. Monteiro, MD, DTPH,* Hilda PP Zuniga, BDSc, MPH," Maria H... more ... City of Sao Paulo by Carlos A. Monteiro, MD, DTPH,* Hilda PP Zuniga, BDSc, MPH," Maria Helena D'A. Benicio, MD, DrPH,* and Marina F. Rea, MD, MPH*" * Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Av. ... Arch Lat Am Nutr 1980; 30:400-16. 14. Albuquerque MAB. ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Dec 1, 2004
The Journal of Nutrition, Dec 1, 2000
The possibility that underweight and overweight coexist within households and understanding such ... more The possibility that underweight and overweight coexist within households and understanding such an occurrence have not been studied sufficiently. In fact, underweight and overweight are thought of as resulting from very different environmental, behavioral and individual risk factors. This study identified households in which overweight and underweight coexist and explored household-level associations such as urban residence and income. Using three large national surveys from Brazil, China and Russia, the prevalence of such households ranged from 8% in China and Russia to 11% in Brazil. Even more important from the public health perspective is the finding that these under/over households accounted for a high proportion of all households with an underweight member in China (23%), Brazil (45%), and Russia (58%). The prevalence of the underweight/overweight household was highest in the urban environment in all three countries. There was no clear pattern in the prevalence of the underweight/overweight household type by income. Multivariable logistic regression was used to test the significance of the association of household type with urban residence and income while controlling for household size and household demographics by gender. Further analysis was done to consider the age relationships within the underweight/overweight pair. The underweight child coexisting with an overweight nonelderly adult was the predominant pair combination in all three countries. These findings illustrate the need for public health programs that are able to address underweight and overweight simultaneously.
International Journal of Obesity, 2005
Papers by Carlos Monteiro