Explica cómo se va desarrollando la alienación en todos los campos hasta producir la crisis ecoló... more Explica cómo se va desarrollando la alienación en todos los campos hasta producir la crisis ecológica, social, psicológica, económica y podríamos decir total que caracteriza a nuestra época, y sugiere una vía para erradicar esa alienación y así curar la mente, la sociedad y el ecosistema.
Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, a... more Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, always showed knowledge and perception to be inherently delusive. " Higher " forms of Buddhism have a degenerative philosophy of history according to which a sort of Golden Age was disrupted by the rise and gradual development of knowledge and the delusion inherent in it, which have reached their apex in our time—the final phase of the " Era of Darkness. " From this standpoint, this paper intends to show science, in which Marcuse saw an inherent instrumental / technological interest, to have been developed by delusion and to have simultaneously furthered the development of delusion, to the point at which they begot the deadly ecological crisis proper to this concluding phase of the Era of Darkness—which reveals as such the delusion at its root, achieving the latter's empirical reductio ad absurdum and offering us the possibility of eradicating it and thus healing our minds and, hopefully, our world. Elias Capriles has published fourteen books in five countries, posted five book drafts in his University Webpage and published forty-nine articles and thirteen book chapters in many countries, on an array of subjects. He has lectured worldwide and his work is discussed in many publications. He sits on the Board of the International Transpersonal Association and several Boards of Editors.
Work on ontology asserting Being to be a delusion and sustaining this view in a discussion with m... more Work on ontology asserting Being to be a delusion and sustaining this view in a discussion with many Western philosophers including Heidegger, Sartre and many other personalities in the history of Western ontology.
Since I hope to be able to finish the definitive version very soon and have it published, and sin... more Since I hope to be able to finish the definitive version very soon and have it published, and since commercial publishers will not allow the definitive version to be available freely on the web, this draft is the last version of this volume to be posted on my webpage. The regular text and the footnotes are missing a last proofreading, revision and correction. The footnotes involve excessive repetition because I decided they should serve the function of a glossary. The reasons for this are that often the same term is rendered in different ways according to context; that different terms are often rendered in the same way; and that I did not want the reader to have to stop reading to go to the end of the book in order to find out what was the term that was being rendered in a certain way. Therefore, before the book's publication I will have to reduce repetition in footnotes to the minimum necessary for the reader to keep track of the terminology and be able to easily find the terms that a given word is rendering without having to search throughout the book. Also, I introduced new sections after the revision that gave rise to the version the reader has in her or his hands, which might not be in the most appropriate places of the text, and which might be moved to the most suitable place in the final revision that is still to be undertaken (in particular, in the discussions of the Second, Third and Fourth Noble Truths I introduced references to the way in which saṃsāra arises from the base-of-all that might have to be moved elsewhere) Finally, during the last correction the word processing program failed and when I recovered the file, the italics in endnotes were no longer in italics, having been replaced by normal type. I began putting the damaged words I detected back into italics, but it would have taken too long and I had deadlines to meet, so I left most of the words that should be in italics in non-italic, normal characters
Robert Thurman es uno de los occidentales que ha sido mas cercano al Dalai Lama, ademas de ser un... more Robert Thurman es uno de los occidentales que ha sido mas cercano al Dalai Lama, ademas de ser uno de sus traductores mas connotados.
En el libro Bolívar y Gandhi: Paradigmas libertarios, me ocupé de tres movimientos en India: (1) ... more En el libro Bolívar y Gandhi: Paradigmas libertarios, me ocupé de tres movimientos en India: (1) el liderado por Gandhi-el Partido del Congreso-que tras su muerte, Jawaharlal Nehru reorientó; (2) el de la extrema derecha fascista y casteísta, que ha comprendido varios movimientos y tiene como su partido político el Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), actualmente en el poder, y (3) el movimiento de los que el brahmanismo había designado como "intocables", el cual adoptó el budismo como estandarte y promueve un ideal socialista basado en principios budistas más que marxista-leninistas. En este trabajo se ahondará en los movimientos fascistas y sus raíces y aliados, en cuanto enemigos de los dalits y de la diversidad. Palabras clave: Gandhi, intocables, dalits, fascismo indio, casteísmo, Ambedkar, musulmanes, partición del Indostán del British Raj, comunalismo.
The current ecological crisis is an element of the ecological crisis: a crisis of the oikos unlea... more The current ecological crisis is an element of the ecological crisis: a crisis of the oikos unleashed by its economic management that represents the empirical reductio ad absurdum, not only of capitalism, but also of the project of modernity and of the human delusion / alienation, the exacerbation of which gave rise to that project. The solution does not lie in Marxism-Leninism, which achieved its own reductio ad absurdum toward the end of the 20 th ; what we require is a new theory and a revolutionary practice leading to a true 21 st Century Socialism.
Kierkegaard y luego el existencialismo afirmaron que la autentici dad radica en la Angst, la ango... more Kierkegaard y luego el existencialismo afirmaron que la autentici dad radica en la Angst, la angoisse, la nausee, que para Sartre constituye el ser del individuo pero que evadimos por medio de "mala fe". Si bien es cierto que dichos estados son más au ténticos que su evasión por medio de la mala fe, es posible alcanzar una condi ción aún más auténtica que el ser de lo humano, superando el ser y el no ser en el estado originario no-conceptual. Como en la Divina Comedia, el infier no no es el límite sino la vía más allá de lo humano.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, 2015
espanolEn este articulo se evalua muy brevemente un ejemplo de la obra literaria del profesor Jos... more espanolEn este articulo se evalua muy brevemente un ejemplo de la obra literaria del profesor Jose Manuel Briceno Guerrero, haciendo mencion a sus intereses misticos,para luego discutir su obra filosofica escrita, que es basicamente el libro Que es la filosofia, y considerar brevemente un par de puntos que el tocaba en sus seminarios,y finalmente discutir los tres textos antropologicos y en parte politicos recogidos en el libro El laberinto de los tres minotauros, para entonces llegar a una breve conclusion sobre todo lo evaluado. EnglishThis paper briefly assesses a sample of the literary work of professor Jose ManuelBriceno Guerrero, mentioning his mystical interests; then, after touching briefly ona couple of points that he used to discuss in his philosophical seminars, his writtenphilosophical work is addressed, which is basically his short book Que es la filosofia(What is philosophy), and finally the three anthropological and partly political textsgathered in the book El laberinto de los tres minotauros (The Labyrinth of the ThreeMinotaurs) are discussed, so as to then arrive at a conclusion concerning all thatwas assessed.
... Abstract. Incluye bibliografía. Details der Publikation. Download, http://platon.serbi.ula.ve... more ... Abstract. Incluye bibliografía. Details der Publikation. Download, http://platon.serbi.ula.ve/librum/ librum_ula/ver.php?ndoc=217947. Herausgeber, España : La Llave. Archiv, OAI Repositorio (Sistema LIBRUM), SERBIULA - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela (Venezuela). ...
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, Jul 1, 2009
This paper gives continuity to the criticism, undertaken in two papers previously published in th... more This paper gives continuity to the criticism, undertaken in two papers previously published in this journal, of transpersonal systems that fail to discriminate between nirvanic, samsaric, and neithernirvanic-nor-samsaric transpersonal states, and which present the absolute sanity of Awakening as a dualistic, conceptually-tainted condition. It also gives continuity to the denunciation of the false disjunction between ontogenically ascending and descending paths, while showing the truly significant disjunction to be between existentially ascending and metaexistentially descending paths. However, whereas in the preceding paper the focus was on Wilber's so-called integral system, in this paper the focus of the main body is on the systems of Washburn and Grof. It features an appendix discussing psychedelics and the use of the term entheogens in their regard, and another appendix showing Wilber's system to give continuity to the Orphic dualism of Pythagoreans, Eleatics, and Plato, and the covert Orphic dualism of Neo-Platonics.
Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, a... more Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, always showed knowledge and perception to be inherently delusive. "Higher" forms of Buddhism have a degenerative philosophy of history according to which a sort of Golden Age was disrupted by the rise and gradual development of knowledge and the delusion inherent in it, which have reached their apex in our time-the final phase of the "Era of Darkness." From this standpoint, this paper intends to show science, in which Marcuse saw an inherent instrumental/technological interest, to have been developed by delusion and to have simultaneously furthered the development of delusion, to the point at which they begot the deadly ecological crisis proper to this concluding phase of the Era of Darkness-which reveals as such the delusion at its root, achieving the latter's empirical reductio ad absurdum and offering us the possibility of eradicating it and thus healing our minds and, hopefully, our world.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, 2007
¿El ecosocialismo como vía hacia el ecomunismo? Una propuesta pragmática* Resumen El economicismo... more ¿El ecosocialismo como vía hacia el ecomunismo? Una propuesta pragmática* Resumen El economicismo marxista impide la construcción del socialismo y subsiguiente transición al comunismo en la medida en que plantea que el primero deberá incrementar los volúmenes de producción generados por el capitalismo para posibilitar la transición al segundo. Si el socialismo no es ecosocialismo (frugal y con tecnologías ecológicas) incrementará la destrucción de la ecosfera y no será posible la transición al ecomunismo que es la condición de posibilidad de nuestra supervivencia. El artículo considera los obstáculos a la transformación total que haría posible nuestra supervivencia y sugiere posibles soluciones destinadas a hacer viable la revolución imprescindible.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, Dec 1, 2009
En este trabajo, en base a textos originales de la tradición tibetana Bön que ha presentado al Oc... more En este trabajo, en base a textos originales de la tradición tibetana Bön que ha presentado al Occidente el estudioso y maestro de dzogchén Chöguîal Namkhai Norbu, se postula e investiga la tesis según la cual el daoísmo podría haber tenido su origen en las enseñanzas dzogchén (rdzogs chen) que habría dictado el tönpa Shenrab Miwoche al pie del Monte Kailash en 1800 (o 16000) AEC, y se discuten los posibles desarrollos que habrían dado lugar a las distintas formas de daoísmo surgidas con el paso de los años (entre las cuales se consideran tres grupos de enseñanzas y maestros).
Explica cómo se va desarrollando la alienación en todos los campos hasta producir la crisis ecoló... more Explica cómo se va desarrollando la alienación en todos los campos hasta producir la crisis ecológica, social, psicológica, económica y podríamos decir total que caracteriza a nuestra época, y sugiere una vía para erradicar esa alienación y así curar la mente, la sociedad y el ecosistema.
Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, a... more Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, always showed knowledge and perception to be inherently delusive. " Higher " forms of Buddhism have a degenerative philosophy of history according to which a sort of Golden Age was disrupted by the rise and gradual development of knowledge and the delusion inherent in it, which have reached their apex in our time—the final phase of the " Era of Darkness. " From this standpoint, this paper intends to show science, in which Marcuse saw an inherent instrumental / technological interest, to have been developed by delusion and to have simultaneously furthered the development of delusion, to the point at which they begot the deadly ecological crisis proper to this concluding phase of the Era of Darkness—which reveals as such the delusion at its root, achieving the latter's empirical reductio ad absurdum and offering us the possibility of eradicating it and thus healing our minds and, hopefully, our world. Elias Capriles has published fourteen books in five countries, posted five book drafts in his University Webpage and published forty-nine articles and thirteen book chapters in many countries, on an array of subjects. He has lectured worldwide and his work is discussed in many publications. He sits on the Board of the International Transpersonal Association and several Boards of Editors.
Work on ontology asserting Being to be a delusion and sustaining this view in a discussion with m... more Work on ontology asserting Being to be a delusion and sustaining this view in a discussion with many Western philosophers including Heidegger, Sartre and many other personalities in the history of Western ontology.
Since I hope to be able to finish the definitive version very soon and have it published, and sin... more Since I hope to be able to finish the definitive version very soon and have it published, and since commercial publishers will not allow the definitive version to be available freely on the web, this draft is the last version of this volume to be posted on my webpage. The regular text and the footnotes are missing a last proofreading, revision and correction. The footnotes involve excessive repetition because I decided they should serve the function of a glossary. The reasons for this are that often the same term is rendered in different ways according to context; that different terms are often rendered in the same way; and that I did not want the reader to have to stop reading to go to the end of the book in order to find out what was the term that was being rendered in a certain way. Therefore, before the book's publication I will have to reduce repetition in footnotes to the minimum necessary for the reader to keep track of the terminology and be able to easily find the terms that a given word is rendering without having to search throughout the book. Also, I introduced new sections after the revision that gave rise to the version the reader has in her or his hands, which might not be in the most appropriate places of the text, and which might be moved to the most suitable place in the final revision that is still to be undertaken (in particular, in the discussions of the Second, Third and Fourth Noble Truths I introduced references to the way in which saṃsāra arises from the base-of-all that might have to be moved elsewhere) Finally, during the last correction the word processing program failed and when I recovered the file, the italics in endnotes were no longer in italics, having been replaced by normal type. I began putting the damaged words I detected back into italics, but it would have taken too long and I had deadlines to meet, so I left most of the words that should be in italics in non-italic, normal characters
Robert Thurman es uno de los occidentales que ha sido mas cercano al Dalai Lama, ademas de ser un... more Robert Thurman es uno de los occidentales que ha sido mas cercano al Dalai Lama, ademas de ser uno de sus traductores mas connotados.
En el libro Bolívar y Gandhi: Paradigmas libertarios, me ocupé de tres movimientos en India: (1) ... more En el libro Bolívar y Gandhi: Paradigmas libertarios, me ocupé de tres movimientos en India: (1) el liderado por Gandhi-el Partido del Congreso-que tras su muerte, Jawaharlal Nehru reorientó; (2) el de la extrema derecha fascista y casteísta, que ha comprendido varios movimientos y tiene como su partido político el Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), actualmente en el poder, y (3) el movimiento de los que el brahmanismo había designado como "intocables", el cual adoptó el budismo como estandarte y promueve un ideal socialista basado en principios budistas más que marxista-leninistas. En este trabajo se ahondará en los movimientos fascistas y sus raíces y aliados, en cuanto enemigos de los dalits y de la diversidad. Palabras clave: Gandhi, intocables, dalits, fascismo indio, casteísmo, Ambedkar, musulmanes, partición del Indostán del British Raj, comunalismo.
The current ecological crisis is an element of the ecological crisis: a crisis of the oikos unlea... more The current ecological crisis is an element of the ecological crisis: a crisis of the oikos unleashed by its economic management that represents the empirical reductio ad absurdum, not only of capitalism, but also of the project of modernity and of the human delusion / alienation, the exacerbation of which gave rise to that project. The solution does not lie in Marxism-Leninism, which achieved its own reductio ad absurdum toward the end of the 20 th ; what we require is a new theory and a revolutionary practice leading to a true 21 st Century Socialism.
Kierkegaard y luego el existencialismo afirmaron que la autentici dad radica en la Angst, la ango... more Kierkegaard y luego el existencialismo afirmaron que la autentici dad radica en la Angst, la angoisse, la nausee, que para Sartre constituye el ser del individuo pero que evadimos por medio de "mala fe". Si bien es cierto que dichos estados son más au ténticos que su evasión por medio de la mala fe, es posible alcanzar una condi ción aún más auténtica que el ser de lo humano, superando el ser y el no ser en el estado originario no-conceptual. Como en la Divina Comedia, el infier no no es el límite sino la vía más allá de lo humano.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, 2015
espanolEn este articulo se evalua muy brevemente un ejemplo de la obra literaria del profesor Jos... more espanolEn este articulo se evalua muy brevemente un ejemplo de la obra literaria del profesor Jose Manuel Briceno Guerrero, haciendo mencion a sus intereses misticos,para luego discutir su obra filosofica escrita, que es basicamente el libro Que es la filosofia, y considerar brevemente un par de puntos que el tocaba en sus seminarios,y finalmente discutir los tres textos antropologicos y en parte politicos recogidos en el libro El laberinto de los tres minotauros, para entonces llegar a una breve conclusion sobre todo lo evaluado. EnglishThis paper briefly assesses a sample of the literary work of professor Jose ManuelBriceno Guerrero, mentioning his mystical interests; then, after touching briefly ona couple of points that he used to discuss in his philosophical seminars, his writtenphilosophical work is addressed, which is basically his short book Que es la filosofia(What is philosophy), and finally the three anthropological and partly political textsgathered in the book El laberinto de los tres minotauros (The Labyrinth of the ThreeMinotaurs) are discussed, so as to then arrive at a conclusion concerning all thatwas assessed.
... Abstract. Incluye bibliografía. Details der Publikation. Download, http://platon.serbi.ula.ve... more ... Abstract. Incluye bibliografía. Details der Publikation. Download, http://platon.serbi.ula.ve/librum/ librum_ula/ver.php?ndoc=217947. Herausgeber, España : La Llave. Archiv, OAI Repositorio (Sistema LIBRUM), SERBIULA - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela (Venezuela). ...
International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, Jul 1, 2009
This paper gives continuity to the criticism, undertaken in two papers previously published in th... more This paper gives continuity to the criticism, undertaken in two papers previously published in this journal, of transpersonal systems that fail to discriminate between nirvanic, samsaric, and neithernirvanic-nor-samsaric transpersonal states, and which present the absolute sanity of Awakening as a dualistic, conceptually-tainted condition. It also gives continuity to the denunciation of the false disjunction between ontogenically ascending and descending paths, while showing the truly significant disjunction to be between existentially ascending and metaexistentially descending paths. However, whereas in the preceding paper the focus was on Wilber's so-called integral system, in this paper the focus of the main body is on the systems of Washburn and Grof. It features an appendix discussing psychedelics and the use of the term entheogens in their regard, and another appendix showing Wilber's system to give continuity to the Orphic dualism of Pythagoreans, Eleatics, and Plato, and the covert Orphic dualism of Neo-Platonics.
Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, a... more Buddhism has always produced epistemological systems, and those of the Mahāyāna, in particular, always showed knowledge and perception to be inherently delusive. "Higher" forms of Buddhism have a degenerative philosophy of history according to which a sort of Golden Age was disrupted by the rise and gradual development of knowledge and the delusion inherent in it, which have reached their apex in our time-the final phase of the "Era of Darkness." From this standpoint, this paper intends to show science, in which Marcuse saw an inherent instrumental/technological interest, to have been developed by delusion and to have simultaneously furthered the development of delusion, to the point at which they begot the deadly ecological crisis proper to this concluding phase of the Era of Darkness-which reveals as such the delusion at its root, achieving the latter's empirical reductio ad absurdum and offering us the possibility of eradicating it and thus healing our minds and, hopefully, our world.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, 2007
¿El ecosocialismo como vía hacia el ecomunismo? Una propuesta pragmática* Resumen El economicismo... more ¿El ecosocialismo como vía hacia el ecomunismo? Una propuesta pragmática* Resumen El economicismo marxista impide la construcción del socialismo y subsiguiente transición al comunismo en la medida en que plantea que el primero deberá incrementar los volúmenes de producción generados por el capitalismo para posibilitar la transición al segundo. Si el socialismo no es ecosocialismo (frugal y con tecnologías ecológicas) incrementará la destrucción de la ecosfera y no será posible la transición al ecomunismo que es la condición de posibilidad de nuestra supervivencia. El artículo considera los obstáculos a la transformación total que haría posible nuestra supervivencia y sugiere posibles soluciones destinadas a hacer viable la revolución imprescindible.
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, Dec 1, 2009
En este trabajo, en base a textos originales de la tradición tibetana Bön que ha presentado al Oc... more En este trabajo, en base a textos originales de la tradición tibetana Bön que ha presentado al Occidente el estudioso y maestro de dzogchén Chöguîal Namkhai Norbu, se postula e investiga la tesis según la cual el daoísmo podría haber tenido su origen en las enseñanzas dzogchén (rdzogs chen) que habría dictado el tönpa Shenrab Miwoche al pie del Monte Kailash en 1800 (o 16000) AEC, y se discuten los posibles desarrollos que habrían dado lugar a las distintas formas de daoísmo surgidas con el paso de los años (entre las cuales se consideran tres grupos de enseñanzas y maestros).
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, Dec 1, 2013
El capitalismo imperialista y cuasi-fascista chino vs. el marxismo libertario del Dalai Lama Elía... more El capitalismo imperialista y cuasi-fascista chino vs. el marxismo libertario del Dalai Lama Elías Capriles Anatomía de un triple delito: El desafío al Dalai Lama por la nueva alianza entre China y los adoradores de espíritus Raimondo Bultrini Testimonios de vida sobre el Tíbet Rowena Hill Gendün Chöphel: Erudito iconoclasta y polifacético del siglo XX Mayda Hočevar Medicina tibetana: La modernidad de un antiguo sistema médico Luigi Vitiello El linaje espiritual y las tres transmisiones del dzogchen
Humania del Sur: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Africanos y Asiáticos, Dec 1, 2011
Aquí se amplía el foco del artículo del profesor Adrián Muñoz en el número 10 de esta revista sob... more Aquí se amplía el foco del artículo del profesor Adrián Muñoz en el número 10 de esta revista sobre las relaciones entre la mística islámica y no islámica en India, a tradiciones derivadas del dzogchén del Monte Kailāśā o afi nes a éste, y a distintas formas de budismo. Se exploran, particularmente, las relaciones entre ṣūfīsmo e ismā'īlīsmo, y entre éstos y el dzogchén y el tantrismo del budismo, el hinduismo y el Bön. Como en mi artículo sobre los orígenes del daoísmo en el número 7 de esta revista, se especula sobre la infl uencia de Shenrab Miwoche sobre otras tradiciones.
This is the 2016, most recent version of this book. Since I hope to be able to finish the definit... more This is the 2016, most recent version of this book. Since I hope to be able to finish the definitive version very soon and have it published, and since commercial publishers will not allow the definitive version to be available freely on the web, this draft is the last version of this volume to be posted on my webpage. The regular text and the footnotes are missing a last proofreading, revision and correction. The footnotes involve excessive repetition because I decided they should serve the function of a glossary. The reasons for this are that often the same term is rendered in different ways according to context; that different terms are often rendered in the same way; and that I did not want the reader to have to stop reading to go to the end of the book in order to find out what was the term that was being rendered in a certain way. Therefore, before the book's publication I will have to reduce repetition in footnotes to the minimum necessary for the reader to keep track of the terminology and be able to easily find the terms that a given word is rendering without having to search throughout the book. Also, I introduced new sections after the revision that gave rise to the version the reader has in her or his hands, which might not be in the most appropriate places of the text, and which might be moved to the most suitable place in the final revision that is still to be undertaken (in particular, in the discussions of the Second, Third and Fourth Noble Truths I introduced references to the way in which saṃsāra arises from the base-of-all that might have to be moved elsewhere) Finally, during the last correction the word processing program failed and when I recovered the file, the italics in endnotes were no longer in italics, having been replaced by normal type. I began putting the damaged words I detected back into italics, but it would have taken too long and I had deadlines to meet, so I left most of the words that should be in italics in non-italic, normal characters
Philosophy of History, Political Philosophy and Postmodernity from a Buddhist and Dzogchen Ourloo... more Philosophy of History, Political Philosophy and Postmodernity from a Buddhist and Dzogchen Ourlook. “This remarkable manuscript presents the Buddhist Dzogchen insights in reader-friendly English that will instruct and inspire its readers. Its importance cannot be underestimated. Indeed, it is destined to become a classic guide to spiritual development.” —Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University “I can’t pretend to understand all of what Profes- sor Elias Capriles has written in these magnificent four volumes, yet I have the utmost appreciation for the rare combination of impeccable scholarship and lived wisdom that Capriles has shared.” —Harris L. Friedman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Saybrook University, Senior Editor, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies “A challenging but exhilarating adventure for any readers interested in existential, humanistic, and/or transpersonal psychologies and their intersection with Dzogchen philosophy and practice.” —Douglas A. MacDonald, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Detroit Mercy, Editor Emeritus, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies “These volumes exemplify precisely the direction in which I for one would like to see transpersonal psy- chology grow: Capriles articulates profoundly innova- tive ideas about the nature of mind and transforma- tional processes through a solid grasp of the insights from a specific religious tradition.” —Les Lancaster, Professor Emeritus of Transpersonal Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Current President of the International Transpersonal Association
(Elías Capriles) lucidly challenges Wilber's well-known ontogenetic holarchy model, claiming it i... more (Elías Capriles) lucidly challenges Wilber's well-known ontogenetic holarchy model, claiming it is based on a delusion and its complicated gradations are only gradations of delusion; (he) also challenges other well-known transpersonal models, such as Washburn's and Grof's. Compellingly, (he) presents a strong case for an alternative view that could have major impact on transpersonal thought (due to the) powerful perspective (it presents).
Books by Elias Capriles
Papers by Elias Capriles
“This remarkable manuscript presents the Buddhist Dzogchen insights in reader-friendly English that will instruct and inspire its readers. Its importance cannot be underestimated. Indeed, it is destined to become a classic guide to spiritual development.”
—Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University
“I can’t pretend to understand all of what Profes- sor Elias Capriles has written in these magnificent four volumes, yet I have the utmost appreciation for the rare combination of impeccable scholarship and lived wisdom that Capriles has shared.”
—Harris L. Friedman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Saybrook University, Senior Editor, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
“A challenging but exhilarating adventure for any readers interested in existential, humanistic, and/or transpersonal psychologies and their intersection with Dzogchen philosophy and practice.”
—Douglas A. MacDonald, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Detroit Mercy, Editor Emeritus, International Journal of Transpersonal Studies
“These volumes exemplify precisely the direction in which I for one would like to see transpersonal psy- chology grow: Capriles articulates profoundly innova- tive ideas about the nature of mind and transforma- tional processes through a solid grasp of the insights from a specific religious tradition.”
—Les Lancaster, Professor Emeritus of Transpersonal Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Current President of the International Transpersonal Association