Papers by Burcu Tuncel
This article delves into the multifaceted nature of grief, emphasizing its transformative potenti... more This article delves into the multifaceted nature of grief, emphasizing its transformative potential. Drawing insights from various existentialist perspectives, including Emmy van Deurzen, Viktor Frankl, and Irvin D. Yalom, it explores how grief can be a response to various losses, challenging one's sense of meaning, connection, freedom, and authenticity. Grief is seen as an existential dilemma that addresses fundamental aspects of an individual's existence. Existential therapy encourages individuals to grapple with the paradox of love and loss, emphasizing the need for therapists to connect deeply with the pain and yearning that grief generates. It challenges individuals to confront their mortality and find personal growth through the realization of their finitude. In the existential perspective, grief is viewed not just as a response to loss, but also as a confrontation with the reality of our mortality and the transient nature of all things. Listening to grief is pivotal in understanding its profound impact. Grief is recognized as a unique and individual process, longing to convey a story. David Kessler emphasizes the importance of listening to grief's messages, which can uncover insights Exploring Grief: A Journey of Healing, Self-Discovery and Existential Insight challenges and reshapes an individual's understanding of existence. By acknowledging the body's expression of grief, creating narratives, and examining the strategies that sustain bonds, individuals can navigate the complexities of grief and emerge with a renewed sense of meaning and connection to the transient nature of life, much like a river flowing towards its ultimate destination.
Heidegger's work played a pivotal role not only in inspiring French Existentialism but also in ca... more Heidegger's work played a pivotal role not only in inspiring French Existentialism but also in catalyzing a new movement within existential therapy. In his later years, Heidegger's focus shifted towards the human potential for releasement (Gelassenheit), or letting be, as rather than the earlier emphasis on resolution (Entschlossenheit). This transition remained of significant importance, especially within the French iteration of existential thought. Both concepts, resolution and releasement, share the purpose of revealing the true nature of existence, leading us to a deeper awareness towards life. It is not surprising to witness such quests for meaning and liberation in other philosophies as well. Two concepts from Samkhya philosophy share some common elements with two Heideggerean terms above. Samkhya philosophy is still relevant as it is a part of daily lives of many people through yoga and eastern meditation practices. These concepts which share some common elements and seek to answer some common questions with existential philosophy, surpass the long journey of time and are potent enough to leak to a routine in a day of life. This article aims to create a synoptic inquiry and analyze two philosophical transitions in different periods and geographies which are still relevant in current debates.
The practice of architectural history altered dramatical changes in the last two and a half centu... more The practice of architectural history altered dramatical changes in the last two and a half centuries. What had been a basic building documentation of an archaelogist’s or historian’s job, now is a multi-cultural, trans-disciplinary field with its own unique narrative, specified to each scholar. When the topics, mediums and methods of producing architectural history reached to a great variety, one approach appeared to be limited and problematic. “Limited”, in the sense that architectural history did not boil down to a timeline. And “Problematic”, because, by its nature, periodization was incapable of covering all the angles of a subject. For that reason for the most of the innovative studies, it became an unfavoured option.
Sivil Mimari Bellek için Kaynak Çalışması: Teras Ev, 2016
1960-80 dönemi, Türk Kamu Mimarlığı açısından en sorunlu dönemdir. Bunun pek çok sebebi vardır. ... more 1960-80 dönemi, Türk Kamu Mimarlığı açısından en sorunlu dönemdir. Bunun pek çok sebebi vardır. Ama bunlardan en önemlisi büyük ölçekli yapıların olabildiğince düşük bütçe ve emekle ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılması ve tasarım sürecinin de bundan nasibini almasıdır. Dönemin kısır döngüsünden, mimarlık pratiği açısından kendini az sayıda yapı tipi kurtarabilmiştir. Bunlardan biri fabrikadır; örnekler çok sayıda değildir. Lokaller, lojmanlar ve kooperatifler diğer üçüdür; bu yapı tipleri de istenilen sonucu duyarlı, tasarıma saygılı ve yapı ve simgeleriyle bir ölçüde bağ kurmuş kullanıcılar sayesinde elde etmiştir. Sonuncusu ise, konut tipi yapılardır. Konut pratiği, daha az aracı ile, daha küçük ölçekte, fakat daha olgun ve çeşitli ürünler verme şansına sahip olmuştur. Böyle olabilmesinin pek çok sebebi vardır. İlk konu mütehait-mimar ilişkisi. Mimari değer taşıyan yapıların neredeyse tamamında rant kaygısından arınmış, bireysel dostluk düzeyinde yürümüş bir ilişki görürüz. Bir diğer sebep ise imar kanunları. Pek çok yapı tipi için yönetmelik sınırlarının çizilmediği
dönemin Türkiye’sinde, bu şekilde ortaya çıkan kimi yapılar, türünün ilk örneği olup, bu makalede çalışılan Teras Ev gibi imar kanunlarının düzenleniş süreçlerinde de şekillendirici rol oynuyor.
A polysemantic hypocrite ; "Chaos" is the new pokerface . Let's ask some people around the facult... more A polysemantic hypocrite ; "Chaos" is the new pokerface . Let's ask some people around the faculty whether they would like a chaos or not. The old fashioned capitalist and conformist lifestyle(pardon my labelling), and the modernist-ish education we had gone through would probably shout the long way from our forebrain; "NO".; unless there aren't any interventions -meaning; family, intellectual background and a probable number of life changing experiences.
The historiography of Seljuk Empire, starts with various histories. “Seljuks” is a topic, that ha... more The historiography of Seljuk Empire, starts with various histories. “Seljuks” is a topic, that had been studied especially in European and American universities. But that, does not suggest that it had never been studied elsewhere. Apart from the scholars originated in Turkey, many indivuduals’ contributions are incontrovertible. But in this discussion the aim is to unite, the widely accepted historiography in a single geography(which will be named as “Western”) and the historiography which is created in the land of Seljuk; for this paper, “Turkey”. The aim of this paper is to constitute a continuous timeline from historiography to the architectural history, When the chronological method become insufficient in conveying the argument; approaching to the end the methodology will follow a pattern that is composed of several headlines which scholars specialized in their studies on Seljuk Architecture.
Anadolu tarihinde, Roma döneminden beri birçok medeniyetin izlerini taşıyan Bacıköy, 14.yy.da Tap... more Anadolu tarihinde, Roma döneminden beri birçok medeniyetin izlerini taşıyan Bacıköy, 14.yy.da Taptuk Emre'nin kızı Bacı Sultan'ın yatırı ve camii ile yörede adını perçinledi. Bugün karşımızda terk edilmiş, topraktan bir yıkıntı olarak duran yerleşme, yaşamının izlerini sürdürmeye devam ediyor. Yapılan sözlü tarih ve alan çalışmasında, bu izlerin orada daha evvel yaşamış Bacıköy'lüler tarafından nasıl hatırlandığı saptanırken, bu saptamalardan mekan ve kültür arasındaki etkileşim ile mekan ve hikayenin birlikteliği, sürdürülebilir kentsel tasarım kıstasları çerçevesinde gözlemlendi. Çalışmada, Bacıköy özelinde, mimarlığın yaşam, bellek ve kültür ile olan ilişkisi; kullanıcıların mekansal değişimler sonucunda yeniden şekillenen toplumsal hiyerarşileri, üretim ve yaşam şekilleri; değişimin getirdiği soru ve sorunları ile topluluk olarak birbirleriyle ve kent ile sahip oldukları ilişkiler incelendi. Köyün yer olarak tarihsel bağlamının kentlileştirme kültürü üzerinden, göçlerle birlikte yaşadığı aşınmanın sonuçları belgelendi. Marc Auge'nin antropolojik yaklaşımı çerçevesinde Bacıköy'de kimlik ve aidiyet duygularının evrensel çizgisi tarihi ve mekansal kurgusu ile dayanışma, sevgi ve saygı içinde devam ettirilmeye çalışıldığı gözlemlendi.
Thesis Chapters by Burcu Tuncel
This thesis analyzes the iwan and its typological variations in architecture in terms of
its deve... more This thesis analyzes the iwan and its typological variations in architecture in terms of
its development, migration and cosmological references. Medieval Islamic mysticism
(Sufism) with its original theory and practice coalesced ancient lore. Its efflorescence
coincides the 11th
-13th centuries when Seljuk architecture became developed in Iran
and Anatolia. This era is considered as the final stage when the four-iwan-plan
reached complete fruition. The geographical route of the Silk Road interconnects
Greco-Roman, Iranian and Central Asian Turkish traditions that became the ground
where iwan, its precursors and analogues became formed as the end product of
various local developments. Among them are the vaulted reed hut, cave niche,
banquet hall, exedra, canopus, pedimented shrine, aedicula, apse, triumphal arch,
mihrab and portal. This study in the iwan’s history focuses on the western end of the
Silk Road and traces its beginning in the Iron Age Anatolia. The structural, formal and
semantic transformations of the iwan in this route became possible after numerous
interactions which are for the first time studied in this thesis.
Drafts by Burcu Tuncel
These notes are of a memory value from the musical performance I gave, for the final exam of Dipl... more These notes are of a memory value from the musical performance I gave, for the final exam of Diploma Syllabus of Royal Academy of Music in 2010.
The practice of architectural history altered dramatical changes in the last two and a half centu... more The practice of architectural history altered dramatical changes in the last two and a half centuries. What had been a basic building documentation of an archaelogist’s or historian’s job, now is a multi-cultural, trans-disciplinary field with its own unique narrative, specified to each scholar. When the topics, mediums and methods of producing architectural history reached to a great variety, one approach appeared to be limited and problematic. “Limited”, in the sense that architectural history did not boil down to a timeline. And “Problematic”, because, by its nature, periodization was incapable of covering all the angles of a subject. For that reason for the most of the innovative studies, it became an unfavoured option.
Review of Il Redentore: The church of a plague by Palladio, 2012
When the planning of the church of Il Redentore started three years before the death of Palladio,... more When the planning of the church of Il Redentore started three years before the death of Palladio, the most critical combats of Venice were going on between the church, the senate, the architects, religious orders, diplomats and patrons. There were sevaral questions unanswered around 1577; should the church be constructed with the central or longitudinal plan? Which site should have been used? Till which point would Milan's and Ottoman Empire's architectural inspiration reach to the church?
Conference Presentations by Burcu Tuncel
Heidegger's work played a pivotal role in catalyzing a new movement within existential therapy. I... more Heidegger's work played a pivotal role in catalyzing a new movement within existential therapy. In his later years, Heidegger's focus shifted towards the human potential for releasement (Gelassenheit), or letting be, as rather than the earlier emphasis on resolution (Entschlossenheit). Both concepts, presenting a transformation, share the purpose of revealing the true nature of existence, leading us to a deeper awareness towards life. Similar quests for meaning and liberation existed in other philosophies as well. Two concepts from Samkhya philosophy as potent ancient therapeutic approaches, share some common elements with two Heideggerean terms above. These concepts surpass the long journey of time and are potent enough to leak into the contemporary riddles of existence and meaning. This article aims to create a synoptic inquiry in the backdrop of İstanbul, a land that bridges many, hoping to shed new light on existential theraphy through connecting philosophies of different eras and styles.
Papers by Burcu Tuncel
dönemin Türkiye’sinde, bu şekilde ortaya çıkan kimi yapılar, türünün ilk örneği olup, bu makalede çalışılan Teras Ev gibi imar kanunlarının düzenleniş süreçlerinde de şekillendirici rol oynuyor.
Thesis Chapters by Burcu Tuncel
its development, migration and cosmological references. Medieval Islamic mysticism
(Sufism) with its original theory and practice coalesced ancient lore. Its efflorescence
coincides the 11th
-13th centuries when Seljuk architecture became developed in Iran
and Anatolia. This era is considered as the final stage when the four-iwan-plan
reached complete fruition. The geographical route of the Silk Road interconnects
Greco-Roman, Iranian and Central Asian Turkish traditions that became the ground
where iwan, its precursors and analogues became formed as the end product of
various local developments. Among them are the vaulted reed hut, cave niche,
banquet hall, exedra, canopus, pedimented shrine, aedicula, apse, triumphal arch,
mihrab and portal. This study in the iwan’s history focuses on the western end of the
Silk Road and traces its beginning in the Iron Age Anatolia. The structural, formal and
semantic transformations of the iwan in this route became possible after numerous
interactions which are for the first time studied in this thesis.
Drafts by Burcu Tuncel
Conference Presentations by Burcu Tuncel
dönemin Türkiye’sinde, bu şekilde ortaya çıkan kimi yapılar, türünün ilk örneği olup, bu makalede çalışılan Teras Ev gibi imar kanunlarının düzenleniş süreçlerinde de şekillendirici rol oynuyor.
its development, migration and cosmological references. Medieval Islamic mysticism
(Sufism) with its original theory and practice coalesced ancient lore. Its efflorescence
coincides the 11th
-13th centuries when Seljuk architecture became developed in Iran
and Anatolia. This era is considered as the final stage when the four-iwan-plan
reached complete fruition. The geographical route of the Silk Road interconnects
Greco-Roman, Iranian and Central Asian Turkish traditions that became the ground
where iwan, its precursors and analogues became formed as the end product of
various local developments. Among them are the vaulted reed hut, cave niche,
banquet hall, exedra, canopus, pedimented shrine, aedicula, apse, triumphal arch,
mihrab and portal. This study in the iwan’s history focuses on the western end of the
Silk Road and traces its beginning in the Iron Age Anatolia. The structural, formal and
semantic transformations of the iwan in this route became possible after numerous
interactions which are for the first time studied in this thesis.