Papers by Burak Öztornacı
Heliyon, 2024
Although many studies have been conducted in recent years on the environmental damage caused
by t... more Although many studies have been conducted in recent years on the environmental damage caused
by the livestock sector, there are some gaps in terms of possible positive impacts. In this study, in
order to investigate the possible positive environmental impacts of the livestock sector, the
relationship between agricultural fires and livestock in Turkey between 2012 and 2021 is
analyzed. Within the scope of the study, micro-level data, remote sensing datasets and fixed ef
fects panel data method were used. As a result of the analysis at the district level, it was concluded
that the development of the livestock sector and the decline in second crop corn production
caused by this phenomenon reduced stubble fires. This result reveals that this maturity should be
taken into account in future studies on the environmental impacts of the livestock sector.
AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Jun 30, 2024
The fluctuations in food prices have highlighted the significance of analysing the factors influe... more The fluctuations in food prices have highlighted the significance of analysing the factors influencing household food consumption. Recent advancements in data analysis have opened new avenues for investigating this subject. While studies have employed novel data analysis methods to examine the factors impacting household food consumption, the effect of the chosen analysis method on the research outcome remains unexplored. In this study, we aimed to investigate household food consumption in Turkey between 2012-2019 using various data analysis techniques (Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, eXtreme Gradient Boosting, and Multi-Layer Perception). Our findings reveal that income emerged as the most influential factor in household food consumption across all methods. However, the impact of other factors varied depending on the method employed. This suggests that the method chosen to analyse factors other than income in studies of this nature can significantly impact the results. Researchers should exercise caution when selecting their analysis method..
One of the biggest problems of agriculture in Turkey is the small sized, scattered and joint-owne... more One of the biggest problems of agriculture in Turkey is the small sized, scattered and joint-owned agricultural lands. In order to eliminate this problem, legal arrangements have been made and on the one hand and land consolidation projects have been carried out on the other hand. However, farmers have raised their concerns about some points such as not being able to efficiently benefit from land consolidation activities, parceling, shape, and size, etc. These problems cannot be solved adequately and such problems have been remained unsolved and also implementations vary from person to person. This research has examined the effects of results of land consolidation activities with regard to farmer satisfaction in Adıyaman Province. Research data has been obtained from 97 farmers via a questionnaire in Adıyaman Province where land consolidation activities were realized in 2017. The effects of consolidation practices on the farmers and farmers' satisfaction were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. According to the research results, there has been a decrease in the total land size, the parcel numbers, and the joint-owned parcel numbers; there has also been an increase in the average parcel size and number.
Tarım ekonomisi dergisi, Jul 31, 2018
'Green Revolution', a production form based on heavy use of chemicals, hybrid seeds, agricultural... more 'Green Revolution', a production form based on heavy use of chemicals, hybrid seeds, agricultural machinery and intensive irrigation has become widespread almost all around the world. It is claimed to have increased food production and solved the problem of starvation, but today is under debate because of its harmfull effects on environment and human health. The related literature has focused specifically on manufacturers and users of agricultural chemicals. However, there is an intermediate retailer ring, mostly agricultural engineers, where agricultural producers obtain their inputs and get information and advice on agricultural production. For this reason, in terms of public health and food safety, it is important to determine the retailers' level of sensitivity to environment and human health. The present study focused on the agricultural input retailers in the city of Adana, which is one of the most important basins in Turkey. Totally, 513 agricultural input retailers are located in Adana. In study, approximately 10% of these agricultural input retailers (50 retailers) were interviewed using face to face questionnaires. The study investigated their sensitivity to the environment and human health and also focused on the concept of alienation. Data obtained were evaluated using SPSS software and employing Chisquare independence tests. The study shows that, regardless of the level of education and income, the agricultural input retailers acknowledge that the products they market are harmful to the environment and human health but prefer to ignore this issue on account of financial and technical concerns.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 31, 2021
Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi dergisi, Jun 30, 2022
This study determines the perspectives of older adult women, who are living in rural areas, on ol... more This study determines the perspectives of older adult women, who are living in rural areas, on old age as well as the causal factors affecting these perspectives. The population of this cross-sectional study included older adult women aged 65 and above. The survey method, a quantitative data collection technique, was used, and 145 older adult women were surveyed through face-to-face interviews. Of the women interviewed, 44.1% were unsatisfied with their health status. Old age was highly associated with illness, death, and the need for nursing. Social perceptions about old age seem to influence the self-perceptions of older adults. One of the most important findings of the study is that one's level of education level and social environment have a significantly greater influence on a person's perspective regarding old age than their ethnic identity.
Reducing poverty is a critical priority for developing countries. Despite the government allocati... more Reducing poverty is a critical priority for developing countries. Despite the government allocating approximately 13% of the GDP to social support expenditures, poverty affects around 15% of the population in Turkey. However, there is a need for more research that measures the effects of social expenditures, which is a fundamental tool in the fight against poverty, while also considering the current developments in poverty measurement methods. This study aims to measure the impact of social support expenditures on poverty in Turkey. The study compares a multidimensional poverty approach to a one-dimensional approach. The effects of social support expenditures on households in Turkey were analyzed using econometric methods. The study finds that multidimensional poverty values are approximately 2.5 times higher than one-dimensional values. Government spending was found to have no impact on multidimensional poverty, while private expenditure had a relatively minor impact. The paper concludes by discussing the inefficiency and ineffectiveness of government social expenditures in Turkey.
Tarım ekonomisi dergisi, Dec 31, 2019
Her geçen gün önem daha çok anlaşılan kooperat fç l k, özell kle kırsal alanda yaşanan pek çok so... more Her geçen gün önem daha çok anlaşılan kooperat fç l k, özell kle kırsal alanda yaşanan pek çok sorunun çözümünde k l t öneme sah pt r. Türk ye'de tarımsal kooperat flere da r yapılan pek çok b l msel araştırmada se kooperat fler n sten len düzeyde başarı sağlayamadıkları anlaşılmaktadır. Kooperat f g b örgütler n başarılarını etk leyen öneml faktörler n başında çalışanların ş tatm n ve örgütsel bağlılıkları gelmekted r. Bu araştırmada T re Süt Kooperat fi çalışanlarının ş tatm n ve örgütsel bağlılık düzeyler tesp t ed lm ş ve bunlara etk eden faktörler, faktör anal z yöntem le anal z ed lm şt r. Araştırma bulgularına göre kooperat f çalışanlarının şyer nde terfi mkanlarını yeters z buldukları, kend fik rler n özgürce açıklayab lecekler b r çalışma ortamı sted kler ve de kooperat fe da r alınan kararlarda daha fazla söz sah b olmak sted kler sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Tarım ekonomisi dergisi, Dec 31, 2019
Bu çalışmada yoksulluk ölçüm alanında Dünya genel nde yaşanan gel şmeler çerçeves nde d kkate alı... more Bu çalışmada yoksulluk ölçüm alanında Dünya genel nde yaşanan gel şmeler çerçeves nde d kkate alınarak, Türk ye'dek kırsal yoksulluk farklı ve yen b r yaklaşımla hesaplanmıştır. Mevcut yoksulluk ölçüm yaklaşımlarına kaynaklık eden "Tek Boyutlu" bakış açısı yer ne "Çok Boyutlu" b r bakış açısı le Türk ye'dek kırsal yoksulluk yen den ele alınmıştır. Elde ed len sonuçlara göre ncelenen dönem ç n çok boyutlu yoksulluk değer Türk ye genel ç n ortalama 0.41 olarak bulunmuştur. Çok boyutlu kırsal yoksulluk değer se ortalama 0.51'd r. Bölgeler, hane büyüklükler ve hane re s n n eğ t m sev yes ne göre hesaplanan çok boyutlu yoksulluk değerler , hemen hemen her değ şkende tek boyutlu yoksulluk değerler nden yüksek bulunmuştur. Hem Türk ye genel nde hem de kırsal alanda 2.5 kat daha fazladır. Hem Türk ye genel hem de kırsal alan ç n, haneler n en büyük çok boyutlu yoksulluk neden konuta da r ödemeler n aksatmalarıdır. Ayrıca ncelenen dönemde, hem Türk ye genel hem de kırsal alan ç n bütün çok boyutlu yoksulluk göstergeler nde azalışlar gözlemlenmes ne rağmen, "Hane halkının 2 günde 1 et, tavuk veya balık y yememe", "Konut har c ödemeler aksatma" ve "Hanede çalışab lecek durumda olan en az 1 şs z b rey olması" göstergeler nde artışlar tesp t ed lm şt r.
Tarım sektörü ve kırsal nüfus Türkiye ekonomisinde gittikçe azalan paylarına rağmen sosyo-ekonomi... more Tarım sektörü ve kırsal nüfus Türkiye ekonomisinde gittikçe azalan paylarına rağmen sosyo-ekonomik olarak oldukça önemlidir. Bunun yanı sıra kırsal nüfus için tarım halen önemli bir istihdam alanı olmaya devam etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, özellikle son yıllarda, tarım sektörünün içinde bulunduğu sosyo-ekonomik sorunlar, uygulanan tarım politikaları, AB uyum süreci, iklim vb. faktörlerin olumsuz etkileri, üreticileri tarımdan kopma aşamasına getirmekte; özellikle üçüncü ve genç kuşakta tarımı terk etme eğilimleri oldukça yüksek düzeye ulaşmaktadır. Yine kırsal kesimde tarımın meslek olarak tercih edilmemesine bağlı olarak, gençlerin iş ve eğitim amaçlı köyden göçleri ve sonuçta gençler tarafından tarımın terk edilme eğiliminin artması, hemen her bölgede karşımıza çıkan ve süregelen önemli bir sorundur. Bu durum önümüzdeki yıllarda, zaten hâlihazırda yaşanan ve oldukça yüksek olan genç işsizlik oranlarını artıracak olup; buna bağlı olarak uzun vadede tarımda kendine yeterliliğin azalmasına, tarım topraklarının amaç dışı kullanımına, yerinde kırsal kalkınma hedeflerinden uzaklaşmaya ve sonuçta yine işsizliğe neden olacaktır. Bu döngü ise birbirini karşılıklı olarak etkilemeye devam edecektir.Bu çalışmada ilk olarak Türkiye'de tarımsal istihdam açısından tarım sektörünün ve kırsal gençlerin bu konudaki önemi vurgulanmıştır. Daha sonra kırsal gençlik açısından istihdam rakamları ikincil verilere bağlı olarak incelenmiş; kırsal gençlerin istihdam alanları ve mevcut istihdam politikaları kırsal gençler açısından değerlendirilerek kırsal gençlerde işsizliğin ve tarımın terk edilme nedenleri ortaya konmuştur. Son olarak istihdam ve kırsal gençlik açısından geleceğe dönük senaryolar ve SWOT analizi yapılarak öneriler sunulmuştur.Genç kuşağı kırsalda tutacak doğru istihdam ve sosyal politikaların uygulanması tarımsal istihdam, tarımsal üretim ve özellikle kırsal gençlerin istihdamı ve yerinde kalkınma açısından oldukça önemli olacaktırAlthough decreasing proportion of rural population and agriculture in Turkish economy, it is still important as socio-economic. In addition, it remains an important employment area for the rural population. However, especially in recent years, socio-economic problems in the agricultural sector, applied agricultural policies, EU harmonization process, negative effects of the factors like climate, etc. bringing the producers to the stage of breakage from agriculture and tendency of abandonment of agriculture by the third and young generations is increasing day by day. Due to the increasing interest in education in rural areas and the preference of agriculture as a last choice for profession, the migration of young people to work and education for agriculture and the tendency of abandonment of agriculture by young people are very important problem that we face. This situation will greatly increase the youth unemployment rates that already exist and very high in the coming years. Depend on this situation some problems will occur like decreasing of self-sufficiency in agriculture, destructive use of agricultural land, deviation from local agricultural development goals and again unemployment of rural youth. This cycle will continue to affect each other mutually. This study first emphasized the importance of agriculture sector and rural youth in terms of agricultural employment in Turkey. Then the employment figures in terms of rural youth were examined depending on the secondary data; the employment areas of rural youth and the current employment policies were evaluated in terms of rural youth ant the reasons for the abandonment of agriculture and unemployment of rural youth have been revealed. Last, scenarios and the SWOT Analysis for the future regarding rural youth in terms of employment were given and suggestions were made. The application of the right employment and social policies to keep the young generation in the rural area will be very important in terms of agricultural employment, agricultural production and employment and rural development, especially for rural yout
Tarım ekonomisi dergisi, Dec 1, 2015
Bu calismada, yoksullugun parasal yaklasim cercevesinde olcumu icin kullanilan esdegerlik olcekle... more Bu calismada, yoksullugun parasal yaklasim cercevesinde olcumu icin kullanilan esdegerlik olceklerinin, yoksulluk degerlerine etkileri incelenmistir. Calismada gunumuzde yaygin olarak kullanilan yoksulluk gostergeleri ve esdegerlik olcekleri secilmistir. Secilen yoksulluk gostergeleri her bir esdegerlik olcegine gore, Turkiye icin, “TUIK Gelir ve Yasam Kosullari Arastirmasi 2010 Mikro Veri Seti (Kesit)” kullanilarak hesaplanmistir. Hesaplama sonucunda, Turkiye icin, temel yoksulluk gostergelerinin, esdegerlik olceklerine gore degisiklikler gosterdigi, bu degisikliklerin kent ve kir bazinda daha da arttigi tespit edilmistir. Soz konusu esdegerlik olcekleri gelismis ulkeler ve uluslararasi kuruluslar tarafindan gelistirilmistirler. Gelismekte olan ulkelerin kirsal nufuslarinin gorece daha fazla oldugu goz onune alindiginda, esdegerlik olceklerinin gelismekte olan ulkeler icin kullanilmasinin oldukca farkli sonuclar yarattigi bu calisma ile ortaya konmustur. Ozellikle gelismekte olan ulkelerin gelire bagli degerlendirmelerde esdegerlik olceklerinin etkisini dikkate almasinin onemi vurgulanmistir
Papers by Burak Öztornacı
by the livestock sector, there are some gaps in terms of possible positive impacts. In this study, in
order to investigate the possible positive environmental impacts of the livestock sector, the
relationship between agricultural fires and livestock in Turkey between 2012 and 2021 is
analyzed. Within the scope of the study, micro-level data, remote sensing datasets and fixed ef
fects panel data method were used. As a result of the analysis at the district level, it was concluded
that the development of the livestock sector and the decline in second crop corn production
caused by this phenomenon reduced stubble fires. This result reveals that this maturity should be
taken into account in future studies on the environmental impacts of the livestock sector.
by the livestock sector, there are some gaps in terms of possible positive impacts. In this study, in
order to investigate the possible positive environmental impacts of the livestock sector, the
relationship between agricultural fires and livestock in Turkey between 2012 and 2021 is
analyzed. Within the scope of the study, micro-level data, remote sensing datasets and fixed ef
fects panel data method were used. As a result of the analysis at the district level, it was concluded
that the development of the livestock sector and the decline in second crop corn production
caused by this phenomenon reduced stubble fires. This result reveals that this maturity should be
taken into account in future studies on the environmental impacts of the livestock sector.