In Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Prehistory, Linguistics, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize., edited by John E. Staller, Robert H. Tykot, and Bruce F. Benz., pp. 665-673. , 2006
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005
The objective of this study is to investigate whether ethnolinguistic diversity influences crop d... more The objective of this study is to investigate whether ethnolinguistic diversity influences crop diversity. Factors suggest a correlation between biological diversity of crops and cultural diversity. Although this correlation has been noted, little systematic research has focused on the role of culture in shaping crop diversity. This paper reports on research in the Maya highlands (altitude > 1,800 m) of central Chiapas in southern Mexico that examined the distribution of maize (Zea mays) types among communities of two groups, the Tzeltal and Tzotzil. The findings suggest that maize populations are distinct according to ethnolinguistic group. However, a study of isozymes indicates no clear separation of the region's maize into two distinct populations based on ethnolinguistic origin. A reciprocal garden experiment shows that there is adaptation of maize to its environment but that Tzeltal maize sometimes out-yields Tzotzil maize in Tzotzil environments. Because of the proximity of the two groups and selection for yield, we would expect that the superior maize would dominate both groups' maize populations, but we find that such domination is not the case. The role of ethnolinguistic identity in shaping social networks and information exchange is discussed in relation to landrace differentiation.
Histories of Maize in Mesoamerica: Multidisciplinary Approaches., 2010
Domestication genetic change in population due to interaction with humans that leads to a depende... more Domestication genetic change in population due to interaction with humans that leads to a dependence relation. Agriculture the mutual dependence of crop plant and humans Anagenesis the persistence of one or a suite of biological traits that over time leads to varietal divergence Cladogenesis the development of evolutionary novelty through the extinction of preexisting forms Dietary reliance subsistent dependence on a specific crop or trophic level.
"Data utilized in this document were developed during performance of the Dolores Archaeologi... more "Data utilized in this document were developed during performance of the Dolores Archaeological Program funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Dept. of Interior." Thesis (M.A.)--University of Colorado, 1981. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-104).
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. .
One of the objectives of the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve (Jalisco, México) is the conse... more One of the objectives of the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve (Jalisco, México) is the conservation in situ of the teosinte Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley, Guzman & Pazzi. Zea diploperennis is perennial, shade intolerant and its 1-3 m shoots are architecturally similar to maize. Clonal growth is of the phalanx type. Genets are iteroparous (modules semelparous). The demography of seven module and genet populations was studied in seven sites representing three stages of old-field succession. Seven permanent one-meter-square plots were randomly established in each site. All genets initially present and those that became established during our study were mapped and labeled according to year of establishment. The magnitude of demographic fluctuations was greater in module populations. Genet population dynamics followed a seasonal rhythm with a maximum population size obtained at the onset of the rainy season. A relation was documented between percent annual mortality of a cohort a...
RESUMEN Se describe la estructura y la diversidad arbórea del agroecosistema de piña, el cual se ... more RESUMEN Se describe la estructura y la diversidad arbórea del agroecosistema de piña, el cual se desarrolla como componente principal del sotobosque en el bosque tropical subcaducifolio y encinares caducifolios, con combinaciones de especies introducidas, revelando un característico sistema agroforestal para la región del occidente de México (Jalisco y Nayarit). El cultivo de piña es extensivo, de bajos insumos y con una fuerte inversión de tecnología local. Se le establece principalmente, en pendientes por debajo del 25%, pero algunas veces hasta del 45%, en terrenos irregulares y altitudes de 67 a 610 m. Se registraron 1,161 individuos leñosos de 69 especies y 36 familias de las cuales 62 son nativas y siete introducidas. La familia con más especies fue Fabaceae con 11. Nayarit mostró la riqueza más baja y alta, la diversidad alfa de Fisher para el área mostró diferencias entre sitios y localidades (F=7.12, α>0.001; F=7.09, α>0.0006, respectivamente). Shannon mostro diferenc...
Ethnobotanical research in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve seeks to promote a local con... more Ethnobotanical research in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve seeks to promote a local conservation ethic through acknowledgement, documentation, and application of existing indigenous knowledge and use of the local flora by the rural population. Use of and knowledge about the native plant species has been documented in nine rural communities over a three year period through interviews with more than 100 informants. Informants have been selected on the basis of their self-acknowledged experience and willingness to collaborate. More than half of the more than 650 plant species discussed in interviews have been reported to be employed for one or more purposes.
... by Jason Swallen, the US National Herbarium specimen evidently had its original ink annotatio... more ... by Jason Swallen, the US National Herbarium specimen evidently had its original ink annotation bleached out and a new ink annotation, "Euchlaena mexicana," superimposed upon it by Swallen's fellow agrostologist, Agnes Chase. ... Bohn, Scheltema and Holkema, Utrecht. ...
; CACTACEAE] Jahsco, Mexwo. Economw Botany 51(2) 134-143. 1997. Pitaya fruit commercialized in so... more ; CACTACEAE] Jahsco, Mexwo. Economw Botany 51(2) 134-143. 1997. Pitaya fruit commercialized in southern Jahsco comes primardy from anthropogenic populations. These populations are associated with archaeological sites dating between 300 B.C. and A.D. 1200. Stand structure and productivity of five anthropogenic stands contrast sharply with that of natural and cultivated stands. Indivzduals from a natural stand have smaller-diameter trunks and canopies and produce less fruit than anthropogenic stands Structure and productivity of one stand may correlate with the assoctated archaeological occupation. Individual producttwty is highly correlated with dtameter of the canopy. Both men and women participate in the harvest and sale of pitaya fruit earnmg the same or as much as three times that paid as wage laborers. Conservation of these stands and the associated archaeological sites would require land purchase and protection but the sale of pttaya fruits could sustain the efforts necessary to protect and manage these populations over the long term. Estructura y productlvldad de rodales relictos de Pltaya (Stenocereus queretaroensis de Jahsco, Mexico). La mayor parte del fruto commerclahzado de la pttaya en el sur de Jahsco proviene de poblaciones antropog~mcas. Estas poblaciones se asoctan con sittos arqueol6gwos cuyo antzgtiedad es de 300 A.C hasta 1200 D.C. La estructura y productivldad de estas poblaciones contrasten drastwamente con las de poblactones naturales y cultlvadas. Individuos de poblaciones naturales tienen troncos y copas de menor diametro y producen menos fruto que las antropog~mcas. La estructura y productivldad de una poblacton rehcta se corelacionan con la fecha estlmada del sitio arqueoldgico asociado. La producttvldad de los indzviduos se correlaczona con el diametro de la copa Mujeres y hombres parttctpan en la cosecha y venta de frutos, ganando al menos el igual o hasta tres veces lo ganado en formas alternativas de trabajo como jornaleros. La conservacidn de estas poblactones y los sitios arqueol6gicos donde se encuentran, requerrers de la compra y protecci6n de las mismas, la venta del fruto de la pttaya podria sostener los esfuerzos necesarlos para protegerlos y manejarlos a largo plazo
ABSTRACT This volume reprints 20 chapters from the editorsâ comprehensive Histories of Maize (2... more ABSTRACT This volume reprints 20 chapters from the editorsâ comprehensive Histories of Maize (2006) that are relevant to Mesoamerican specialists and students. New findings and interpretations from the past three years have been included. Histories of Maize is the most comprehensive reference source on the botanical, genetic, archaeological, and anthropological aspects of ancient maize published. Included in this abridged volume are new introductory and concluding chapters and updated material on isotopic research. State of the art research on maize chronology, molecular biology, and stable carbon isotope research on ancient human diets have provided additional lines of evidence on the changing role of maize through time and space and its spread throughout the Americas. The multidisciplinary evidence from the social and biological sciences presented in this volume have generated a much more complex picture of the economic, political, and religious significance of maize.
Organic materials from the Huitzilapa shaft tomb (calibrated and averaged to date around AD 74 [R... more Organic materials from the Huitzilapa shaft tomb (calibrated and averaged to date around AD 74 [Ramos and López 1996]) were examined for clues to identify the contents of food (or other types of) offerings and determine the constituents of burial accoutrements found on and ...
Ecological investigations carried out in 1988 on Z. diploperennis populations in the Sierra de Ma... more Ecological investigations carried out in 1988 on Z. diploperennis populations in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve near Colima, Mexico, indicated that this species is intimately associated or may even depend on the conditions associated with active maize cultivation for its survival. In abandoned fields Z. diploperennis dominated early successional stages giving way to other species in the later stages of succession. In the largest population studied (covering 320 ha), Z. diploperennis was an integral part of the agroecosystem in which hybridization and perhaps introgression with maize cultivars occurred. Z. diploperennis is also an important fodder plant in this region which, to a large extent, explained its dispersal to other sites in the Sierra de Manantlan. Relationships between this species and prehistorically human-modified environments are also examined. It is concluded that preservation of the species requires conservation of the existing traditional land use and management systems.
... of San Marcos Cave. Controversy still rages over the character of the earliest Tehuacan cobs,... more ... of San Marcos Cave. Controversy still rages over the character of the earliest Tehuacan cobs, especially in regard to the stage they represent in maize's evolution (Beadle 1972, 1977, 1980; Flannery 1973; Galinat 1971, 1974, 1977, 1983; MacNeish 1985; Randolph 1973, 1976 ...
In Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Prehistory, Linguistics, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize., edited by John E. Staller, Robert H. Tykot, and Bruce F. Benz., pp. 665-673. , 2006
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005
The objective of this study is to investigate whether ethnolinguistic diversity influences crop d... more The objective of this study is to investigate whether ethnolinguistic diversity influences crop diversity. Factors suggest a correlation between biological diversity of crops and cultural diversity. Although this correlation has been noted, little systematic research has focused on the role of culture in shaping crop diversity. This paper reports on research in the Maya highlands (altitude > 1,800 m) of central Chiapas in southern Mexico that examined the distribution of maize (Zea mays) types among communities of two groups, the Tzeltal and Tzotzil. The findings suggest that maize populations are distinct according to ethnolinguistic group. However, a study of isozymes indicates no clear separation of the region's maize into two distinct populations based on ethnolinguistic origin. A reciprocal garden experiment shows that there is adaptation of maize to its environment but that Tzeltal maize sometimes out-yields Tzotzil maize in Tzotzil environments. Because of the proximity of the two groups and selection for yield, we would expect that the superior maize would dominate both groups' maize populations, but we find that such domination is not the case. The role of ethnolinguistic identity in shaping social networks and information exchange is discussed in relation to landrace differentiation.
Histories of Maize in Mesoamerica: Multidisciplinary Approaches., 2010
Domestication genetic change in population due to interaction with humans that leads to a depende... more Domestication genetic change in population due to interaction with humans that leads to a dependence relation. Agriculture the mutual dependence of crop plant and humans Anagenesis the persistence of one or a suite of biological traits that over time leads to varietal divergence Cladogenesis the development of evolutionary novelty through the extinction of preexisting forms Dietary reliance subsistent dependence on a specific crop or trophic level.
"Data utilized in this document were developed during performance of the Dolores Archaeologi... more "Data utilized in this document were developed during performance of the Dolores Archaeological Program funded by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Dept. of Interior." Thesis (M.A.)--University of Colorado, 1981. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-104).
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. .
One of the objectives of the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve (Jalisco, México) is the conse... more One of the objectives of the Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve (Jalisco, México) is the conservation in situ of the teosinte Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley, Guzman & Pazzi. Zea diploperennis is perennial, shade intolerant and its 1-3 m shoots are architecturally similar to maize. Clonal growth is of the phalanx type. Genets are iteroparous (modules semelparous). The demography of seven module and genet populations was studied in seven sites representing three stages of old-field succession. Seven permanent one-meter-square plots were randomly established in each site. All genets initially present and those that became established during our study were mapped and labeled according to year of establishment. The magnitude of demographic fluctuations was greater in module populations. Genet population dynamics followed a seasonal rhythm with a maximum population size obtained at the onset of the rainy season. A relation was documented between percent annual mortality of a cohort a...
RESUMEN Se describe la estructura y la diversidad arbórea del agroecosistema de piña, el cual se ... more RESUMEN Se describe la estructura y la diversidad arbórea del agroecosistema de piña, el cual se desarrolla como componente principal del sotobosque en el bosque tropical subcaducifolio y encinares caducifolios, con combinaciones de especies introducidas, revelando un característico sistema agroforestal para la región del occidente de México (Jalisco y Nayarit). El cultivo de piña es extensivo, de bajos insumos y con una fuerte inversión de tecnología local. Se le establece principalmente, en pendientes por debajo del 25%, pero algunas veces hasta del 45%, en terrenos irregulares y altitudes de 67 a 610 m. Se registraron 1,161 individuos leñosos de 69 especies y 36 familias de las cuales 62 son nativas y siete introducidas. La familia con más especies fue Fabaceae con 11. Nayarit mostró la riqueza más baja y alta, la diversidad alfa de Fisher para el área mostró diferencias entre sitios y localidades (F=7.12, α>0.001; F=7.09, α>0.0006, respectivamente). Shannon mostro diferenc...
Ethnobotanical research in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve seeks to promote a local con... more Ethnobotanical research in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve seeks to promote a local conservation ethic through acknowledgement, documentation, and application of existing indigenous knowledge and use of the local flora by the rural population. Use of and knowledge about the native plant species has been documented in nine rural communities over a three year period through interviews with more than 100 informants. Informants have been selected on the basis of their self-acknowledged experience and willingness to collaborate. More than half of the more than 650 plant species discussed in interviews have been reported to be employed for one or more purposes.
... by Jason Swallen, the US National Herbarium specimen evidently had its original ink annotatio... more ... by Jason Swallen, the US National Herbarium specimen evidently had its original ink annotation bleached out and a new ink annotation, "Euchlaena mexicana," superimposed upon it by Swallen's fellow agrostologist, Agnes Chase. ... Bohn, Scheltema and Holkema, Utrecht. ...
; CACTACEAE] Jahsco, Mexwo. Economw Botany 51(2) 134-143. 1997. Pitaya fruit commercialized in so... more ; CACTACEAE] Jahsco, Mexwo. Economw Botany 51(2) 134-143. 1997. Pitaya fruit commercialized in southern Jahsco comes primardy from anthropogenic populations. These populations are associated with archaeological sites dating between 300 B.C. and A.D. 1200. Stand structure and productivity of five anthropogenic stands contrast sharply with that of natural and cultivated stands. Indivzduals from a natural stand have smaller-diameter trunks and canopies and produce less fruit than anthropogenic stands Structure and productivity of one stand may correlate with the assoctated archaeological occupation. Individual producttwty is highly correlated with dtameter of the canopy. Both men and women participate in the harvest and sale of pitaya fruit earnmg the same or as much as three times that paid as wage laborers. Conservation of these stands and the associated archaeological sites would require land purchase and protection but the sale of pttaya fruits could sustain the efforts necessary to protect and manage these populations over the long term. Estructura y productlvldad de rodales relictos de Pltaya (Stenocereus queretaroensis de Jahsco, Mexico). La mayor parte del fruto commerclahzado de la pttaya en el sur de Jahsco proviene de poblaciones antropog~mcas. Estas poblaciones se asoctan con sittos arqueol6gwos cuyo antzgtiedad es de 300 A.C hasta 1200 D.C. La estructura y productivldad de estas poblaciones contrasten drastwamente con las de poblactones naturales y cultlvadas. Individuos de poblaciones naturales tienen troncos y copas de menor diametro y producen menos fruto que las antropog~mcas. La estructura y productivldad de una poblacton rehcta se corelacionan con la fecha estlmada del sitio arqueoldgico asociado. La producttvldad de los indzviduos se correlaczona con el diametro de la copa Mujeres y hombres parttctpan en la cosecha y venta de frutos, ganando al menos el igual o hasta tres veces lo ganado en formas alternativas de trabajo como jornaleros. La conservacidn de estas poblactones y los sitios arqueol6gicos donde se encuentran, requerrers de la compra y protecci6n de las mismas, la venta del fruto de la pttaya podria sostener los esfuerzos necesarlos para protegerlos y manejarlos a largo plazo
ABSTRACT This volume reprints 20 chapters from the editorsâ comprehensive Histories of Maize (2... more ABSTRACT This volume reprints 20 chapters from the editorsâ comprehensive Histories of Maize (2006) that are relevant to Mesoamerican specialists and students. New findings and interpretations from the past three years have been included. Histories of Maize is the most comprehensive reference source on the botanical, genetic, archaeological, and anthropological aspects of ancient maize published. Included in this abridged volume are new introductory and concluding chapters and updated material on isotopic research. State of the art research on maize chronology, molecular biology, and stable carbon isotope research on ancient human diets have provided additional lines of evidence on the changing role of maize through time and space and its spread throughout the Americas. The multidisciplinary evidence from the social and biological sciences presented in this volume have generated a much more complex picture of the economic, political, and religious significance of maize.
Organic materials from the Huitzilapa shaft tomb (calibrated and averaged to date around AD 74 [R... more Organic materials from the Huitzilapa shaft tomb (calibrated and averaged to date around AD 74 [Ramos and López 1996]) were examined for clues to identify the contents of food (or other types of) offerings and determine the constituents of burial accoutrements found on and ...
Ecological investigations carried out in 1988 on Z. diploperennis populations in the Sierra de Ma... more Ecological investigations carried out in 1988 on Z. diploperennis populations in the Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve near Colima, Mexico, indicated that this species is intimately associated or may even depend on the conditions associated with active maize cultivation for its survival. In abandoned fields Z. diploperennis dominated early successional stages giving way to other species in the later stages of succession. In the largest population studied (covering 320 ha), Z. diploperennis was an integral part of the agroecosystem in which hybridization and perhaps introgression with maize cultivars occurred. Z. diploperennis is also an important fodder plant in this region which, to a large extent, explained its dispersal to other sites in the Sierra de Manantlan. Relationships between this species and prehistorically human-modified environments are also examined. It is concluded that preservation of the species requires conservation of the existing traditional land use and management systems.
... of San Marcos Cave. Controversy still rages over the character of the earliest Tehuacan cobs,... more ... of San Marcos Cave. Controversy still rages over the character of the earliest Tehuacan cobs, especially in regard to the stage they represent in maize's evolution (Beadle 1972, 1977, 1980; Flannery 1973; Galinat 1971, 1974, 1977, 1983; MacNeish 1985; Randolph 1973, 1976 ...
This book addresses different cases in the Near East, Southeastern Asia, Mesoamerica and Southame... more This book addresses different cases in the Near East, Southeastern Asia, Mesoamerica and Southamerica where processes of domestication of plants and animals, as well as the emergence of urban societies have taken place.
The book reviews different approaches to the domestication of plants and animales, and to the beg... more The book reviews different approaches to the domestication of plants and animales, and to the beginnigs of urban life in the Near East, Southeastern Asia, Mesoamerican and Southamerica.
Papers by Bruce Benz