Books by Bogdanka Andric

Dec- Jan , 2019
Dirofilariasis belongs to the group of parasitic vector-borne zoo-noses. These systemic h... more Summary
Dirofilariasis belongs to the group of parasitic vector-borne zoo-noses. These systemic helmintiases have been
widespread distributed in the world, with over 50 million registered cases. Two main filarial species (spp.) have adapted to
canine, feline and human hosts: Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis. Human dirofiariases caused inflammatory
changes in lymph nodes, lung, irregular and prolonged fever. Different species of infected animals and humans are
reservoirs of microfilariae, for blood-sucking arthropod (mosquitoes, flies, ticks). In the vector phase (6 – 10 days),
through the process of metamorphosis microfilariae become invasive. In the next phases, feeding arthropods are donors of
the microfilariae to sensitive individuals of the humans. The geographical distribution and infectiveness of these vectorborne
parasites undergone modifications influenced by global environment and climate changes. Mediterranean area is an
endemic region for filarial diseases. Montenegro is a small country in the Balkan region. First three cases of
autochthonous dirofilariasis were registered in 2014 / 2015. In Montenegro, there are not data of dirofilariasis in
veterinary pathology. In our cases, identification of causes based on surgical extirpation of granulomas and
morphologically identification the worms has been performed in three cases.
Papers by Bogdanka Andric
The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012

Objective: HIV/AIDS represents a significant public health issue since the number of cases is con... more Objective: HIV/AIDS represents a significant public health issue since the number of cases is continuously on the rise. Even though contemporary medicine is rapidly developing, there is currently no effective cure for HIV. Mucocutaneous manifestations often represent the first recognized clinical manifestation. This study was carried out to note different presentations of HIV/AIDS on the skin. Material and Methods: The study included 150 patients who were hospitalized and have been confirmed as HIV positive either before the hospitalization or during the hospitalization. Results: Out of 150 patients, 50 of them had mucocutaneous presentations. Frequently, mucocutaneous lesions are the first manifestation of HIV/AIDS and a pointer toward setting up HIV/AIDS diagnosis. Moreover, the same patient was admitted more than once, because of a variety of skin manifestations. Conclusion: It was recognized that the greater the destruction of the immune system is, the more severe forms of mucoc...

Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers), 2012
Vector borne transmissible zoonoses are becoming more and more important in the group of emerging... more Vector borne transmissible zoonoses are becoming more and more important in the group of emerging and reemerging infections. We present the characteristics and actuality of this group of infectious diseases in Montenegro for the period 1998 -2011. In examinations, standard epidemiological, clinical, serological, pathohistological diagnostic methods are employed. Natural conditions in Montenegro make it an important endemic area for more vector borne transmissible zoonoses. The changes of ecological characteristics, the vectors and infective agents, present the accidence for expansion and increasing importance of these infections in national pathology. According to the fact that it is an international port of nautical, continental and air traffic, Montenegro has responsibility for control and management of diseases belonging to the group of the travel and tropical diseases.

Solid State Technology, 2020
- Infection caused by gram-negative bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and infection caused by HI... more - Infection caused by gram-negative bacterium Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and infection caused by HIV retrovirus have some similarities. Both of them cause infections in human population, and go through acute and chronic phase. Acute phase for both infections is mainly asymptomathic and lately continues in chronic phase. Hp chronic infection usually lasts for years, and if not curedit can possibly last for the life time. On the other side, chronic HIV infection is a life time infection and it demands the treatment throught the life. Spontaneous eradication of Hp is possible, but unfortunately very rare. When it comes to the coinfection of Hp and HIV, the eradication of Hp is not possible [1,2,3]. Back in 1996, FDA approved both using antibiotic therapy in treatment of eradication of Hp and HAART regimen [4,5]. However, even after 30 years of detecting the causes of these infections, both of them still representan important public health problem [6,7]. Patients with HIV/AIDS have frequent gastrointestinal distress [8,9]. The causes of gastrointestinal distress could be due to HIV per se, coinfections HIV/Hp, opportunistic and non-opportunistic infections, HAART, medications for opportunistic infections, comorbidities and life conditions. [9,10]. Hp infection in HIV patients is a coinfection [11], not an opportunistic infection and it is not present in AIDS patients, especially those with a severe degree of immunodeficiency. What determines the presence of HIV / Hp coinfection has not been conclusively identified so far. The role of demographic factors, immune function, ART (antiretroviral therapy) success, and diagnostic capabilities is indisputable.[11, 12, 13]. In the period of 10 years (2007-2017) at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Podgorica, the examined group (E) was represented by 103 PL / HIV examinees (patients living with HIV / AIDS), diagnosed with HIV / Hp coinfection. The control group (C) was represented by 96 , HIV negative examinees, with Hp monoinfection. The study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Hp infection and the association with clinical, immunological, virological parameters and therapy in the modern era of HAART (2011 - 2017) among examinees with HIV / Hp coinfection (E), and in the control (C) group.

Open Journal of Clinical Diagnostics
Bartonellosis has emerging zoonoses of the Vector Borne Diseases (VBD) complex. Progress in evolu... more Bartonellosis has emerging zoonoses of the Vector Borne Diseases (VBD) complex. Progress in evolution and changes of causer, enabled the expansion, and increased number of clinically manifest forms of disease appearance of severe disseminated forms of infections and co-infections in humans, difficult for diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. The Bartonellosis may have a benign and self-limiting evolution in a host, or potentially fatal infections. Etiological agents can provoke a granulomatous or an angioproliferative histology damages. In severely immunodeficient cases (pulmonary tuberculosis, carcinomatosis, HIV infection, patients who underwent organ transplantation etc.), Bartonella infections can be difficult and often with unpredictable course of the fatal prognosis. Present the large specter of clinical manifestations: prolonged fever, erythema nodosum like syndrome, and the other skin manifestations, sub-acute bacterial endocarditis, difficult pulmonary disturbances, bacillary angiomatosis (BA) and hepatic peliosis (HP), bacteriemia or a combination of these. In period 2007-2015 on Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Podgorica, 25 cases with Bartonella infection were diagnosed. In total sample, the most frequent were diagnosed CSD in 19 cases. During 2015 in two cases with HIV/AIDS infection, BA was diagnosed, and in four cases PH was diagnosed.

Bacterial purulent meningoencephalitis (BPME) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by ... more Bacterial purulent meningoencephalitis (BPME) is a life-threatening infectious disease caused by various pyogenic bacteria. Th e disease is defi ned as the infl ammatory process of leptomeninges (visceral layer, pia mater and arachnoid membrane) and brain parenchyma with exudates in the subarachnoid space and surrounding brain structures. Th e aim of the study was to defi ne the predisposing factors responsible for the occurrence of BPME, as well as the possible correlation between the presence of predisposing factors and patient demographic characteristics, etiology and outcome of the disease. Th is retrospective-prospective study included 90 patients with BPME confi rmed by clinical, neuroradiological and laboratory fi ndings. Multivariate logistic regression models were fi tted to analyze the impact of the predisposing factors on the disease outcomes. Predisposing factors that were related to BPME were found in 61% of patients. Cranial trauma as the leading factor was recorded in 23.3% of patients, followed by previous neurological disease in 14.4% of patients, while 13 patients were exposed to previous chemotherapy or long-term corticosteroid therapy. Cardiovascular diseases were reported in 12.2% and diabetes in 7.8% of patients. Th e existence of cardiovascular diseases signifi cantly infl uenced unfavorable outcome of the disease, i.e. "deceased" in comparison to "cured" (OR=8.418; 95% CI=1.007-76.270), independently of age and gender. None of the examined predisposing factors was signifi cantly related to the "recovered with sequels" outcome as compared with "cured" outcome. Older age and presence of cardiovascular disease as a predisposing factor signifi cantly increased the odds of the BPME unfavorable outcome "deceased" as compared to "cured" outcome.

Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Salmonella infections are one of the major global public health problems. During the last decade,... more Salmonella infections are one of the major global public health problems. During the last decade, antibiotic resistance and multiresistance of Salmonella spp. have increased a great deal, especially in developing countries with an increased and indiscriminate use of antibiotics in the treatment of humans and animals. This study aims to investigate and compare antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Salmonella during 2005 and 2010. A total of 186 Salmonella strain during 2005 and 140 Salmonella strain during 2010 were isolated from stool specimens using standard methods. The isolates were confirmed as Salmonella by using a battery of biochemical reactions. Specific antisera were used for serologic characterization of Salmonella strain. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by standard disk diffusion method using ampicillin, trimethoprimsulfamethoxasole, ceftriaxon, chloramphenicol, nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. One hundred eighty (96.8%) of 186 isolated Salmonella strains in 2005, and 133 (95%) of 140 isolated Salmonella strain in 2010 are recognized as Salmonella Enteritidis. Sensitivity of Salmonella isolates during 2005 and 2010 were 91.9% and 92.9% to ampicillin, 95.7% and 97.1% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole, 99.5% and 100% to chloramphenicol, 99.5% and 100% to ciprofloxacin, 98.9% and 97.1% to ceftriaxon, 73.1% and 95.7% to nalidixic acid, respectively. Sensitivity of Salmonella isolates to all tested antimicrobial agents except to ceftriaxon was been slightly improved over testing period. Resistance rate to ceftriaxon was higher in 2010 than in 2005, and this fact deserves attention. Significantly increase susceptibility rate to nalidixic acid was observed between the two surveys.

Immunopathology and Immunomodulation, 2015
Montenegro is an endemic country for a significant number of vector-borne diseases (VBD). Natural... more Montenegro is an endemic country for a significant number of vector-borne diseases (VBD). Natural conditions and geographical position (Mediterranean area) are favorable for the existence of the disease, and its expansion (1). Current vector-borne transmissible parasitic infections that haves been registered in Montenegro includes: leishmaniasis, babesiosis, malaria, and filariasis (dirofilariasis). The causers of leishmaniasis are the members of protozoa leishmania species (spp). The phlebotomies are the primary vectors in transmission of parasites. Documented cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) from 1992 to 2014 in Montenegro present 84 cases with of Kala-azar, and the 1 case of skin leishmaniasis. In 2014 the coinfection of leishmaniasis and HIV/AIDS for the first time was registered in one case. Babesiosis is a parasitic infection similar to malaria. In transmission of parasites, the primary vectors have different tick species, possibly the other blood meal vectors (sand flies, mosquitoes, and bugs). Dispersion of the infection in the worldwide is enabled by a wide range of reservoirs of parasites. Examinations in Europe proved that babesia is the most frequent agent of co-infection together with Borrelia burgdorferi. The first diagnosed cases of human babesiosis in Montenegro were registered in 2011. By the end of 2013, 12 cases were diagnosed. The coinfection of babesia and B.burgdorferi were registered in 73% cases. Malaria is the most known parasitic transmissible disease in the world. The causative agent is Plasmodium, a genus of Apicomplexa, which is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. In Montenegro, the disease was officially eradicated after World War II, but we continuously register 04 cases of imported malaria per year (sailors, travelers to endemic areas). These facts are significant because of the existence of the

Journal of Human Virology & Retrovirology, 2016
Medical records showed that in two young tourists, different gender from Macedonia developed at t... more Medical records showed that in two young tourists, different gender from Macedonia developed at the same time symptoms of acute alimentary toxiinfection. In male person, there was regression of symptoms after completion of home treatment (oral rehydratation and diet). In the female case (18 years) home treatment conducted under the same conditions, did not yield satisfactory results. Disease progression was monitored clinically from the appearance of sub febrile temperature, with vomiting, watery diarrhea and abdominal pain to development of hemorrhagic colitis (spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, then bloody diarrhea), which forced her to search medical help. The dramatic course of the development of clinical disease, occur 7-8 days after onset. Coincides with the early development of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and later development of acute renal failure. Those 18-th days from the onset of the disease ended in death. In the last stage of hospital treatment and analyzing, at the Nephrology Clinic in Skopje, swab of the mucous membrane proved verotoxin of E. coli O157.
Books by Bogdanka Andric
Dirofilariasis belongs to the group of parasitic vector-borne zoo-noses. These systemic helmintiases have been
widespread distributed in the world, with over 50 million registered cases. Two main filarial species (spp.) have adapted to
canine, feline and human hosts: Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis. Human dirofiariases caused inflammatory
changes in lymph nodes, lung, irregular and prolonged fever. Different species of infected animals and humans are
reservoirs of microfilariae, for blood-sucking arthropod (mosquitoes, flies, ticks). In the vector phase (6 – 10 days),
through the process of metamorphosis microfilariae become invasive. In the next phases, feeding arthropods are donors of
the microfilariae to sensitive individuals of the humans. The geographical distribution and infectiveness of these vectorborne
parasites undergone modifications influenced by global environment and climate changes. Mediterranean area is an
endemic region for filarial diseases. Montenegro is a small country in the Balkan region. First three cases of
autochthonous dirofilariasis were registered in 2014 / 2015. In Montenegro, there are not data of dirofilariasis in
veterinary pathology. In our cases, identification of causes based on surgical extirpation of granulomas and
morphologically identification the worms has been performed in three cases.
Papers by Bogdanka Andric
Dirofilariasis belongs to the group of parasitic vector-borne zoo-noses. These systemic helmintiases have been
widespread distributed in the world, with over 50 million registered cases. Two main filarial species (spp.) have adapted to
canine, feline and human hosts: Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis. Human dirofiariases caused inflammatory
changes in lymph nodes, lung, irregular and prolonged fever. Different species of infected animals and humans are
reservoirs of microfilariae, for blood-sucking arthropod (mosquitoes, flies, ticks). In the vector phase (6 – 10 days),
through the process of metamorphosis microfilariae become invasive. In the next phases, feeding arthropods are donors of
the microfilariae to sensitive individuals of the humans. The geographical distribution and infectiveness of these vectorborne
parasites undergone modifications influenced by global environment and climate changes. Mediterranean area is an
endemic region for filarial diseases. Montenegro is a small country in the Balkan region. First three cases of
autochthonous dirofilariasis were registered in 2014 / 2015. In Montenegro, there are not data of dirofilariasis in
veterinary pathology. In our cases, identification of causes based on surgical extirpation of granulomas and
morphologically identification the worms has been performed in three cases.