Edited volumes by Benedicte Gaillard
Between dream and reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing is a special issue of th... more Between dream and reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing is a special issue of the journal of Primitive tider. Primitive tider is a peer reviewed journal publishing articles in the fields of archaeology and heritage management. This special issue consists of a collection of articles developed from papers given at the conference “Between dream and reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing” held at the University of Oslo in November 2013. The articles tackle the question of impact using a variety of World Heritage Sites – from European cities such as Dresden, Liverpool and Visby to national parks such as Laponia in Sweden and Tongariro in New Zealand. The collection is transdisciplinary drawing on fields such as international law, international relations, anthropology, heritage studies, ethnology and urban planning.
Papers by Benedicte Gaillard
BSGLg, 2015
La Vallee de l’Elbe a Dresde a ete inscrite en 2004 sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESC... more La Vallee de l’Elbe a Dresde a ete inscrite en 2004 sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO en tant que paysage culturel. Mais, en 2009 le site a ete desinscrit de cette meme liste suite a la construction d’un pont (le Waldschloschenbrucke) en plein cœur de la zone protegee. En 40 ans d’inscriptions de sites culturels et naturels sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO c’est la premiere fois que le Comite du patrimoine mondial decide de desinscrire un site sans l’accord de l’Etat Partie sur le territoire duquel il est situe, ici la Republique Federale d’Allemagne. Ce conflit reste donc un cas isole dans l’histoire du programme du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. En revanche, les conflits entre d’une part la protection du patrimoine et d’autre part les projets de developpement urbain ne sont pas rares. Cet article propose d’approfondir le debat sur l’integration de projets de developpement urbain dans les paysages culturels en utilisant le cas de la Vallee de l’Elbe a Dresde comme exemple. Le but de cet article est de mettre en lumiere les origines du conflit entre l’Allemagne et l’UNESCO en ce qui concerne la Vallee de l’Elbe a Dresde et de proposer des solutions afin d’eviter des desinscriptions similaires de sites de la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO dans le futur.
This research comprises an analysis concerning the conflict between the State Party Germany to th... more This research comprises an analysis concerning the conflict between the State Party Germany to the World Heritage Convention and UNESCO in the case of the Dresden Elbe Valley. Through a historical and legal analysis, this research aims to ascertain the reasons for this conflict, as well as the impossibility of finding a compromise. First, the conflict in the core of the Dresden Elbe Valley World Heritage Site caused by the construction of the Waldschlößchenbrücke, which is the object of study in this research, is anchored in its context of the City of Dresden. Thus, the object of the conflict, the Waldschlößchenbrücke, is presented in its historical and geo-spatial context in order to shed light on the elements that triggered the conflict. Secondly, the conflict is anchored within the German legal context through the analysis of the legal procedures concerning the binding effects of the World Heritage Convention for the Federal Republic of Germany and the environmental concerns rendered by the construction of the Waldschlößchenbrücke. Based on legal commentaries of the courts' decisions, a discussion on the non-transposition of the World Heritage concepts in the Federal Republic of Germany is implemented. Thirdly, the State Party Germany to the World Heritage Convention and UNESCO are confronted. A review of the concept of cultural landscape in the context of the World Heritage Convention, adapted to the case of the Dresden Elbe Valley, is first implemented. Subsequently, a commentary on the legally binding effects for the States Parties to the World Heritage Convention is elaborated upon, as well as a deconstruction of the step-by-step decisions from the inscription to the delisting of the Dresden Elbe Valley from the World Heritage List. Fourthly, an evaluation is developed concerning the concept of Historic Urban Landscape as an action plan capable of solving the conflict between urban development and heritage protection, and adapted to the German context. Finally, as a conclusion to this research, recommendations are drawn based on the conflict opposing UNESCO and the State Party Germany to the World Heritage Convention towards the Dresden Elbe Valley. These recommendations are addressed to the City of Dresden, the Free State of Saxony, the Federal Republic of Germany and UNESCO. iii Zusammenfassung Diese Dissertation umfasst eine Analyse über den Konfliktfall zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Vertragsstaat der Welterbekonvention und der UNESCO in dem Fall des Dresdner Elbtals. Anhand einer geschichtlichen und rechtlichen Analyse, auf die diese Forschung abzielt, wird versucht, die Gründe dieses Konfliktes und die Unmöglichkeit eines Kompromisses aufzuzeigen. Der Konflikt wurde durch den Bau der im Herzen der Dresdner Weltkulturerbestätte liegenden Waldschlößchenbrücke verursacht. Im ersten Abschnitt wird dieser Konflikt-das Untersuchungsobjekt dieser Dissertation-im Kontext der Stadt Dresden erläutert. Die Waldschlößchenbrücke, als Ursache des Konfliktes, wird zunächst in ihrem geschichtlichen und räumlichen Kontext beleuchtet um den eigentlichen Auslöser des Konfliktes zu identifizieren. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird der Konflikt im Kontext der deutschen Gesetzgebung betrachtet. Durch den Bau der Waldschlößchenbrücke wurden zwei Rechtsverfahren eingeleitet-eines über die bindenden Wirkungen der Welterbekonvention mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ein anderes über Umweltanliegen. Auf der Grundlage von Kommentaren über Gerichtsentscheidungen wurde eine Debatte über die Nichtumsetzung der Welterbe-Konzepte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ausgelöst. Der dritte Abschnitt zeigt die Widersprüchlichkeiten zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Vertragsstaat der Welterbekonvention und der UNESCO auf. Eine Übersicht des Kulturlandschaftskonzeptes der Welterbekonvention, bezogen auf den Fall des Dresdner Elbtals, wird erstmals angefertigt. Eine Erläuterung zur rechtlich bindenden Wirkung der Vertragsstaaten der Welterbekonvention sowie das Nachvollziehen der schrittweisen Entscheidungen über die Ein-und Austragung des Dresdner Elbtals in die bzw. aus der Welterbeliste, werden ausgearbeitet. Im vierten Abschnitt wird eine Bewertung des Konzeptes der historischen Stadtlandschaft vorgenommen. Zur Überwindung des Konfliktes zwischen Stadtentwicklung und Denkmalschutz wird dieser Aktionsplan im deutschen Rechtskontext bewertet. Zum Abschluss dieser Forschungsarbeit werden Verbesserungsvorschläge aufgezeigt, die dabei helfen können, Konflikte wie den des Dresdner Elbtals, in Zukunft zu vermeiden. Die Verbesserungsvorschläge, die auf den Ergebnissen dieser Forschungsarbeit beruhen, richten sich an die Stadt Dresden, den Freistaat Sachsen, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die UNESCO.
Journal of Landscape Ecology, Oct 20, 2018
Journal of tourism and hospitality management, Feb 28, 2015
As of 2015 (UNESCO, 2015), the over-40-year-old Convention Concerning the Protection of the World... more As of 2015 (UNESCO, 2015), the over-40-year-old Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) has been ratified by 191 nations, making it a universal and internationally recognised instrument for the protection of cultural and natural heritage. In the meantime, 1007 World Heritage Sites have been inscribed on the World Heritage List (as of February 2015) and two sites have been delisted. This paper discusses the delisting procedure of a site from the World Heritage List based on the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (henceforth OG). First of all, the question of the possibility to delist a site from the World Heritage List, in general, is addressed. And based on this discussion, the necessity of the consent of the State Party to the WHC on whose territory the site to be delisted is located is then examined.
The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review, 2011
Primitive tider is a well-established Norwegian journal publishing peer-reviewed articles in the ... more Primitive tider is a well-established Norwegian journal publishing peer-reviewed articles in the fields of archaeology and heritage management. This special edition on World Heritage presents a collection of peer-reviewed articles developed from the interdisciplinary conference "Between dream and reality : Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing," held at the University of Oslo in November 2013.
The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice, 2015
The acceleration of development pressures in recent decades has focused attention on the spectrum... more The acceleration of development pressures in recent decades has focused attention on the spectrum of major challenges facing the diverse stakeholders charged with the safeguarding and protection of World Heritage Sites. This paper compares two sites that have highlighted these challenges, both of which were inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List in 2004: Dresden Elbe Valley, Federal Republic of Germany, placed on the World Heritage List in Danger in 2006 and delisted in 2009; and Liverpool-Maritime Mercantile City, UK, placed on the World Heritage List in Danger in 2012 and the subject of ongoing debate. The paper questions inconsistencies in the decisionmaking processes that may have triggered conflicts of interest in these two cases, positions the developing UNESCO concept of historic urban landscape as an enabler of integrative urban development, and draws lessons for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
Landinform, 2019
Most people agree on the need of renewable energies, but there is a huge number of people who do ... more Most people agree on the need of renewable energies, but there is a huge number of people who do not like to see them or to have them next to their living places. The article show some European examples how to overcome this NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) attitude.
The article is in German
The acceleration of development pressures in recent decades has focused attention on the spectrum... more The acceleration of development pressures in recent decades has focused attention on the spectrum of major challenges facing the diverse stakeholders charged with the safeguarding and protection of World Heritage Sites. This paper compares two sites that have highlighted these challenges, both of which were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004: Dresden Elbe Valley, Federal Republic of Germany, placed on the World Heritage List in Danger in 2006 and de-listed in 2009; and Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City, United Kingdom, placed on the World Heritage List in Danger in 2012 and the subject of ongoing debate. The paper questions inconsistencies in the decision-making processes that may have triggered conflicts of interest in these two cases, positions the developing UNESCO concept of historic urban landscape as an enabler of integrative urban development; and draws lessons for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.
Edited volumes by Benedicte Gaillard
Papers by Benedicte Gaillard
The article is in German
The article is in German