Papers by Bastian Fajar Kurniawan
... For first line, position of fault/cracking stays at point 25 m; 43 m; 57 m; 97,5 m; 110 m; 13... more ... For first line, position of fault/cracking stays at point 25 m; 43 m; 57 m; 97,5 m; 110 m; 136 m. While for second line position of fault stays at point 33 m; 50 m; 100 m, while third line not founded a fault/cracking. Contributor, : Dr. Ir. Widya Utama, DEA. Date Create, : 10/06/2009. ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1999
ABSTRACT Low-temperature specific heat and magnetization measurements have been performed on the ... more ABSTRACT Low-temperature specific heat and magnetization measurements have been performed on the quantum spin system NH4CuCl3 which has magnetization plateaus at one-quarter and three-quarters of the saturation magnetization. It is found that the present system undergoes three-dimensional magnetic ordering at TN = 1.3 K. It is suggested that one-quarter of the spins are ordered below TN, and the remaining spins are in the singlet state. The small magnetic entropy at TN indicates that the phase transition occurs under the condition of a well-developed spin correlation around TN. The field dependence of the three-dimensional ordering is also investigated on the basis of magnetization measurements. Based on this evidence, a magnetic phase diagram for NH4CuCl3 is proposed.
images.geknana.multiply. …
... BOBBY KURNIAWAN Andalas University SYAHRIL ALI Andalas University RAHMAT FEBRIANTO Andalas Un... more ... BOBBY KURNIAWAN Andalas University SYAHRIL ALI Andalas University RAHMAT FEBRIANTO Andalas University ... Meanwhile, however, company earnings may not be the only consideration for the firms to make adjusting in their corporate dividend decisions. ...
Limbah merupakan hasil dari sisa olahan yang telah di proses. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentan... more Limbah merupakan hasil dari sisa olahan yang telah di proses. Disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang dampak dari limbah pohon kelapa yang dapat menghasilkan suatu bisnis yang sangat menghangatkan. Pada dasarnya banyak pohon kelapa di Indonesia ...
Java is an easy language to learn. However, you need to master more than the language syntax to b... more Java is an easy language to learn. However, you need to master more than the language syntax to be a professional Java programmer. For one, object-oriented programming (OOP) skill is key to developing robust and effective Java applications. In ...
... Kurniawan , Bernanda (2004) EVALUASI PROGRAM BANGUN PRAJA: STUDI KASUS KOTA SEMARANG JAWA TEN... more ... Kurniawan , Bernanda (2004) EVALUASI PROGRAM BANGUN PRAJA: STUDI KASUS KOTA SEMARANG JAWA TENGAH. ... Degradation of environmental quality as a consequence of development activities needs effective and sound management in the framework of ...
ANALISIS PENGARUH VARIABEL KEUANGAN DAN ... ini mencoba untuk menganalisis fenomena tersebut deng... more ANALISIS PENGARUH VARIABEL KEUANGAN DAN ... ini mencoba untuk menganalisis fenomena tersebut dengan menduga bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ... terjadi di masa depan sehingga bisa dikatakan ukuran perusahaan mempengaruhi return saham. ...
Latar belakang: Kami melakukan penelitian selama 10 tahun terakhir untuk mendapatkan gambaran yan... more Latar belakang: Kami melakukan penelitian selama 10 tahun terakhir untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang komprehensif mengenai kelebihan besi, stres oksidatif, dan kerusakan sel pada pasien talasemia di Jakarta. Metode: Dari sampel darah 15 pasien yang bergantung transfusi (kelompok T), 5 pasien yang belum ditransfusi (kelompok N) dan 10 kontrol (kelompok C) dilakukan analisis plasma dan membran eritrosit yang diisolasi dan strukturnya diteliti dengan spekroskopi electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) menggunakan doxyl-stearic acid dan maleimido-proxyl spin lable. Data statistik dianalisis dengan ANOVA. Hasil: Terdapat nilai trigliserida lebih tinggi dan nilai kolesterol plasma lebih rendah pada penderita talasemia dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Kadar vitamin E (kelompok C: 21.8 vs T: 6.2 μmol/L) dan reactive thiols (C: 144 vs. T: 61 μmol/L) jauh lebih rendah pada pasien yang bergantung-transfusi. Tanda-tanda stres oksidatif (MDA, C: 1.96 vs. T: 9.2 μmol/L) dan kadar transaminase dalam serum sangat tinggi. Pasien belum ditransfusi memperlihatkan sedikit tanda-tanda terjadinya stres oksidatif, tetapi tidak terdapat tanda-tanda yang berarti adanya kerusakan jaringan atau sel. Parameter membran sel darah merah dari spektroskopi electron paramagnetic resonannce (EPR) menunjukkan hasil yang sangat berbeda-beda untuk setiap kelompok. Pada pasien bergantung-transfusi, struktur membran sel darah merah serta gradien polaritas dan fl uiditas dalam domain lipid menunjukkan rusak; kapasitas mengikat protein tiol di dalam membran lebih rendah dan statis.
SPE Annual Technical …, 2007
... constant value. The computation of regression slopes were done in two cases, correlated and u... more ... constant value. The computation of regression slopes were done in two cases, correlated and uncorrelated variable, using statistical software (SAS). Table 3 and Table 4 show the SAS result for both cases, respectively. In correlated ...
Recherche, 2002
This book teaches three of the most important technologies for Java web programming: Servlet, JSP... more This book teaches three of the most important technologies for Java web programming: Servlet, JSP, and EJB. The first part of the book discusses servlet and JSP and the relationship between both. Each topic offers real world examples. The second part ...
Tsuyoshi Takayama, Yuuta Hashiba, Shigeru Kikuchi, Tetsuo Ikeda, Yoshitoshi Murata, Axes rectifyi... more Tsuyoshi Takayama, Yuuta Hashiba, Shigeru Kikuchi, Tetsuo Ikeda, Yoshitoshi Murata, Axes rectifying of impression space in music impression-based retrieval and its evaluation, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, ...
Usaha toko bangunan adalah usaha yang sangat menjanjikan karena masih banyak pembangunan di sekit... more Usaha toko bangunan adalah usaha yang sangat menjanjikan karena masih banyak pembangunan di sekitar kita. Untuk memulai usaha bangunan ini harus tekun dan senang dalam hal kita lakukan ini karena dengan ketekunan usaha kita lebih maju di bandingkan sebelumnya, selain ...
Harga Satuan Tertinggi Bangunan Gedung (HST BGN) merupakan salah satu metode estimasi biaya penga... more Harga Satuan Tertinggi Bangunan Gedung (HST BGN) merupakan salah satu metode estimasi biaya penganggaran yang digunakan oleh Pemerintah dalam membangun suatu gedung negara. Faktor lokasi dan waktu pembangunan akan mempengaruhi besarnya biaya ...
... 2008. Page 31. 2. Siti Mu‟arofah (2008), dengan judul Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi Seb... more ... 2008. Page 31. 2. Siti Mu‟arofah (2008), dengan judul Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi Sebelum dan Sesudah Penerapan Sistem Syari‟ah (Study Kasus Pada Unit ... No Peneliti Tujuan Variabel Metode pengumpulan data Alat analisis Hasil 1 Latifatul Khoiriah (2009) ...
Tugas Akhir merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan bagi mahasisawa pada Program Studi Manajemen In... more Tugas Akhir merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan bagi mahasisawa pada Program Studi Manajemen Informatika dan Teknik Informatika untuk memperoleh gelar Ahli Madya Komputer. Mahasiswa diwajibkan membuat suatu karya ilmiah yang disebut Tugas Akhir, ...
Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 2007
Hydrocarbon bearing shaly formations can be detected using cation exchange capacity (CEC) shaly s... more Hydrocarbon bearing shaly formations can be detected using cation exchange capacity (CEC) shaly sand models. Most CEC shaly sand models still depend on a laboratory measurement of the CEC value. In addition, these models use one value of formation resistivity factor which is a function of the rocks's cementation exponent. Using one formation resistivity factor in shaly sand reservoirs can result in overestimation of the water saturation, which in turn results in overlooking formations with hydrocarbon potential. This paper introduces a new CEC shaly sand model, Ipek-Bassiouni (I-B), that improves the definition of the formation resistivity factor used in shaly sand formations. This model can also calculate the CEC value directly from the well log data. The Ipek-Bassiouni (I-B) Shaly Sand Model considers that an electric current follows two types of paths in shaly sand. One path represents current flow in free water, and another path represents current flow in bound water. The differentiation between these two paths is accomplished by using two different formation resistivity factors in free water and bound water. The two formation resistivity factors are expressed using two cementation exponents for free water and for bound water. The validity of the model was checked using the cation exchange capacity measured from core samples and drill cuttings. Calculated CEC values display a good agreement with the measured CEC values. The estimated water saturations from the model indicate better hydrocarbon detection in the zone of interest. Introduction Water saturation of hydrocarbon bearing shaly formations can be determined using available CEC shaly sand models. Current CEC models are based on cation exchange capacity and the ionic double layer concept. However, the use of these models is impractical because most of the time CEC data is not usually available to the log analyst, hence; a laboratory measurement of CEC is required. Different laboratory techniques to measure this parameter are found to yield different CEC values for the same core sample. Previous researchers at Louisiana State University (LSU)(1–7) have developed a shaly sand interpretation technique, referred herein as the LSU model, based on log data such as resistivity, spontaneous potential, neutron and density logs. This model is based on the Waxman and Smits(8) concept of supplementing water conductivity with clay counter ions conductivity. It also utilizes the dual water theory(9), which relates each conductivity term to a particular type of water, free and bound, each occupying a specific volume of the total pore space. The main assumption of the LSU model is that the counter ion conductivity is represented by a hypothetical sodium chlorite solution. The LSU model is a practical approach that represents the conductivity behaviour of shaly sand. However, same as all previous models, the LSU model also assumes that the electric current follows the same path in both free and bound water areas. This leads to the use of the same formation resistivity factor to evaluate the shaly formations. This assumption can cause hydrocarbon bearing shaly formations to be overlooked due to overestimation of water saturation in the zone of interest.
LSU, have introduced several petrophysical models expressing the electric properties of shaly san... more LSU, have introduced several petrophysical models expressing the electric properties of shaly sands. These models, to be used for hydrocarbon detection, are based on the Waxman and Smits concept of supplementing the water conductivity with a clay counterions conductivity.
We investigated a Cu-doped on a Mn-site at a compound of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 for an understanding of t... more We investigated a Cu-doped on a Mn-site at a compound of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 for an understanding of the influence on a structure and temperature transition of a magnetic. Characterization of the structure La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 compound has been performed. The result of the X-ray diffraction XRD measurement shows that material at room temperature is a single phase with the orthorhombic structure and a space group Pnma with lattice parameters a = 5.41792 Å,b = 7.63906 Å,c = 5.42265 Å and α = β = Γ = 90°. From the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy EDAX, we get the composition is La0.493Ca0.528Mn02.57. The compound of a La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 with a Cu-doped (La0.5Ca0.5Mn1−xCuxO3, with 0⩽x⩽0.2) is in characterization process. From the previous experiment, a Cu was doped on a Mn-site at the La0.1Ca0.9MnO3 compound (La0.1Ca0.9Mn0.9Cu0.1O3), we obtained that it also crystalilizes in the orthorhombic Pnma, but the lattice parameters is decreasing if it is compared without a Cu doping. This might be du...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010
The polycrystalline Ni–Zn ferrite powder with the chemical formula Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4 has been synth... more The polycrystalline Ni–Zn ferrite powder with the chemical formula Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4 has been synthesized using co-precipitation route. The toroidal and pellet form samples were sintered at various temperatures from 700 to 1300 °C/5 h in steps of 200 °C. The structures of samples were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). The magnetic and dielectric measurements were carried out using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and the impedance analyzer, respectively. The highest density of 4.48 g cm−3 was obtained for the sample sintered at 1300 °C. It was found that the initial permeability increased from 4 to 17 and the RLF was in the order of 10−3 to 10−4 in the frequency range of 1.0 MHz to 1.0 GHz. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss were lower compared to the reported values for conventional solid state technique. The electrical resistivity is in the order of 108 Ω cm. Therefore, l...
Papers by Bastian Fajar Kurniawan