Historical changes in land use and development over the last century were analysed to identify th... more Historical changes in land use and development over the last century were analysed to identify the main causes and directions of changes in depression wetland ecosystems in the Włoszczowa Basin, an area of 1600 km 2 in southern Poland. The analysis of Military Cartographic Institute maps and orthophotomaps, as well as field surveys, made it possible to determine the scale of degradation of 247 treeless depression wetlands. It was shown that the nature and extent of transformation of individual wetlands varied depending on the type of wetland and the method of land use in adjacent areas. However, the main anthropogenic factor affecting these changes was land drainage, of which the greatest intensity in Central Europe was pursued during the socialist rule between 1945 and 1989.
Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, an... more Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, and thus may influence the creation of taphocoenoses. In 2012, I quantified carpological remains in two types of algal mats from a small reservoir in southern Poland. Mats formed by filamentous algae participate primarily in the original transport of diaspores, and can influence their concentration and facilitate their migration, mainly between the shores of the reservoir. Diatom mats partake primarily in diaspore redeposition, but can also cause their dispersal between the shore zone and the central part of the reservoir. This research demonstrates that mats built by diatoms contain far more remains and are more biologically diverse than filamentous algal mats. Movement of carpological remains observed in both types of algal mats points to their role in the formation of taphocoenoses and suggests that algal mats must be considered when interpreting macrofossil records.
BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access t... more BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.
Bulletin of Geography: Physical Geography Series, Dec 1, 2011
The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood t... more The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood thanks to the results of multidisciplinary palaeobotanical studies. The perfectly preserved and abundant material from Nowiny Żukowskie in SE Poland has been the subject of numerous palaeobotanical analyses. The results both of initial pollen analysis and of the examination of plant macroremains provide a detailed view of changes in the palaeoenvironment of this area during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial. Originally, the water basin was mostly the habitat of plants indicative of low trophy. The frequent occurence of swamp plants evidences a change in hydrological and climatic conditions consistent with the intra-interglacial climatic oscillation. In the subsequent part of the optimum, an expansion of swamps with Aracites interglacialis and Dulichium arundinaceum was recorded. The development of a peat bog overgrown by i.a. Sphagnum sp., Eriophorum vaginatum, and Andromeda polifolia was also observed. The growth of swamp and peat vegetation resulted in the nearly complete disappearance of aquatic vegetation, apart from species typical of the climatic optimum of the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial: Brasenia borysthenica and Aldrovanda dokturovskyi. The close of the interglacial was marked by
Przedstawiono problem zróżnicowania gatunkowego na obszarze o różnej intensywności antro-pogenicz... more Przedstawiono problem zróżnicowania gatunkowego na obszarze o różnej intensywności antro-pogenicznej w czasie i przestrzeni. Główne źródła antropopresji pochodzą z obszarów przyległych do analizowanego. Zmiany antropogeniczne obejmują tu głównie stosunki wodne, wydeptywanie i utwardzenie gleby oraz zanieczyszcze-nie środowiska. W takich warunkach formowały się różne typy siedlisk, które zostały skolonizowanie przez różne eko-logicznie i geograficznie grupy roślin o zróżnicowanych wymaganiach siedliskowych. Na obszarze tym stwierdzono wy-stępowanie 149 gatunków roślin naczyniowych. Badana flora składa się z gatunków leśnych, muraw kserotermicznych, apofitów, antropofitów oraz z gatunków o szerokiej amplitudzie ekologicznej. Większość gatunków jest związana ze zbiorowiskami muraw kserotermicznych. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż w niektórych przypadkach wpływ antropopresji doprowadził do wzbogacenia gatunkowego na terenach o wyższej intensywności ludzkich działań
The Silesian Upland has been intensively exploited by industry, and particularly by the mining in... more The Silesian Upland has been intensively exploited by industry, and particularly by the mining industry. Since 1937, an ever increasing demand for supplies of sand to be used by the construction and mining industry has been met by increased sand exploitation and growth of working areas. Exploitation of the deposits is accompanied by process such as: drastic transformation of the environment, losses of biocenosis, and considerable areas of bedrock exposure. As the sand is extracted from lower and lower levels, the resulting deep sandpits are often flooded with karst water from the Triassic deposits and characteristic ecological conditions occur at the bottom of these pits. The.high dissolved calcium carbonate of the groundwater inputs, waterlogging of the ground and modification of the ground temperature regime by water inflows have a great influence on the formation of unusual plant associations as well as on the whole biocenotic structure at the bottom of workings. The annual temperature range is reduced, especially in the lower layers of the ground, because of the small temperature range of the water inflows (from 7-9°C in winter and up to 11°C in summer). This affects the near-ground layer microclimate which in turn has a great influence on the development of vegetation cover. The initial plant associations are a result of environmental conditioning and by the large number of variegated horsetail. Equisetum variegatum which belongs to the characteristic plant species associations that appeared in the area after glacier recession. Large numbers of rare and protected species of flora and fauna are associated with such initial biocenotic systems and where there has been no reclamation the flora in the excavations also consists of many rare and protected species.
The study presents results of investigations on relations between associations of carpological re... more The study presents results of investigations on relations between associations of carpological remains of aquatic plants preserved in the roof layer (2 cm) of deposits and the contemporary vegetation of small shallow reservoir. Carried out analy-ses of 40 samples of capacity of about 100 cm3 proved that associations of macrofossils generally well reflect the species com-position of parent phytocenoses. In deposits 60% of presently occurring species were represented. It was also stated that among many factors influencing the distribution of diaspores of aquatic plants in the environment investigated both distribution of patches of emerged vegetation and shape of its bowl are of crucial importance
Presented in this paper are the results of studies on the species of fauna (amphibians and birds)... more Presented in this paper are the results of studies on the species of fauna (amphibians and birds) of two groups of aquatic reservoirs which have formed in subsidence depressions. The studied reservoirs are located in one of those areas in Europe which were most transformed by mining, an area located in southern Poland. Studies have shown that groups of water reservoirs in subsidence depressions are, on a regional scale, important places where amphibians and birds reproduce; for birds, this is also where they feed and rest. On land where there were previously no natural lakes, such reservoirs may also function as important centres of biodiversity and refugees for rare species of animals. The results of this paper indicate that reservoirs which came into existence as a result of underground mining can have great importance for the improvement of the environment on lands disfigured by mining and should be a subject of interest for environmental engineering.
Zbiornik Zapadlisko II Misa tego zbiornika podzielona jest na dwie części połączone przesmykiem i... more Zbiornik Zapadlisko II Misa tego zbiornika podzielona jest na dwie części połączone przesmykiem i ma powierzchnię ok. 1,2 ha. Na otwarte lustro wody przypada tu ok. 0,53 ha. Maksymalna głębokość wody wynosi 1,15 m (ryc. 3). Ryc. 2. Plan batymetryczny zbiornika Z I i rozmieszczenie punktów poboru prób osadów: 1-punkty oceny procentowego pokrycia roślinnością, 2-próby reprezentujące strefę brzegową, 3-próby reprezentujące centralną część misy, 4-numery prób, 5-zasięg misy zbiornika, 6-zasięg roślinności szuwarowej, 7-szuwary, 8-drogi Fig. 2. Bathymetric plan of reservoir Z I and distribution of sediment sampling points: 1-points of evaluation of vegetation percentage coverage, 2-samples representing the nearshore zone, 3-samples representing the central part of reservoir, 4-sample number, 5-extent of reservoir bowl, 6-extent of reed bed vegetation, 7-reed bed vegetation, 8-roads 16 Zbiornik Zapadlisko III Jest to najmniejszy z analizowanych zbiorników. Jego misa ma powierzchnię ok. 0,76 ha, z czego na otwarte lustro wody przypada tylko ok. 0,25 ha. Maksymalna głębokość tego zbiornika wynosi 1,23 m (ryc. 4). Ryc. 3. Plan batymetryczny zbiornika Z II i rozmieszczenie punktów poboru prób osadów: 1-punkty oceny procentowego pokrycia roślinnością, 2-próby reprezentujące strefę brzegową, 3-próby reprezentujące centralną część misy, 4-numery prób, 5-zasięg misy zbiornika, 6-zasięg roślinności szuwarowej, 7-szuwary, 8-drogi * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Bez oospor Chara sp. ** Bez owocków Typha sp. * Without oospores Chara sp. ** Without fruits Typha sp.
Банашек Я., Шимчик А. Влияние антропогенной деятельности на дифференциацию растительных видов на ... more Банашек Я., Шимчик А. Влияние антропогенной деятельности на дифференциацию растительных видов на примере территории охраняемого ландшафта. Представлена проблема видового разнообразия на территории, отличающейся разной нитенсивностью антропогенного прессинга в пространстве и во времени. Основной источник данного прессинга связан с территорией, прилегающей к анализируемой. Антропогенные изменения проявляются здесь, в основном, в водных отношениях, в виде вытаптывания и уплотнения почвы, а также в загрязнении среды. В данных условиях формировались разные типы биотопов, в дальнейшем освоенных экологически и географически разными группами растений с дифференцированными биотопными требованиями. Нa данной территории выявлено наличие 149 видов сосудистых растений. Исследуемая флора состоит из видов: лесных, травянистых ксеротермических, aпофитов, антропофитов, а также видов с широкой экологической амплитудой. Большинство видов связаны с ксеротермическими травянистыми сообществами. Выявлено,...
The analyses of human-environment interactions in prehistoric and medieval mining and metallurgic... more The analyses of human-environment interactions in prehistoric and medieval mining and metallurgical centres in Europe result in various assessments of the environmental impact of early metal ore mining and metallurgy. In some mining and metallurgical sites or areas, such as the prehistoric basin on the Greek island of Kythnos or the later Morvan and Mont Lozère areas in France as well as Tjursbosjön in Sweden, the impact was significant and lasting. In others, such as: Cors Fochno in Wales, the Falkenstein region in Austria, or the Northern Vosges Mountains in France, the environmental changes were limited and reversible. The results of palaeobotanical research (pollen analysis and analysis of plant macroremains) in peat cores from southern Poland enabled the Holocene vegetation transformations in one of the oldest mining regions in Central Europe to be reconstructed. They also provided new data, used to assess the impact of settlements as well as the development of metallurgy on the environment in the region and changes in bog ecosystems. The first changes in vegetation caused by human activity were observed at the boundary between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. They are documented by pollen indicating shepherding activity and single grains of cereal pollen. The greatest intensity of change, reflected in sediment as a maximum concentration of charcoal, was recorded at the end of the Bronze Age and attributed to the Lusatian culture. The changes in the vegetation under the impact of human activity until the early Middle Ages were reversible and had a local scope. The intensification of slash-and-burn agriculture was indicated as the most probable and important cause.
On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of maps, published literature, and environmental ... more On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of maps, published literature, and environmental reconnaissance, this article discusses environmental transformations in the area of the Kuźnica Warężyńska sand mine in southern Poland over the years 1944–2015. A comprehensive ecological analysis was carried out concerning spatial development, mining activity, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions as well as the biotic environment. Among the unfavourable changes found were a drastic reduction in the agricultural function of the area (from 7.03 to 0.47 km2), mainly due to periodic activity of sand mine in 1967–2002, covering an area of about 5.80 km2, the destruction of the original biocenoses, the depletion and deterioration in quality of the groundwater resources, and man-made transformations of the hydrographic network (during the mine’s activity its length reached over 103 km). Vegetation changes during the 70-year period examined were closely related to human mining activity....
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This study focuses on the concentration of trace-, microelement- and organic components in initia... more This study focuses on the concentration of trace-, microelement- and organic components in initial horizons of sandy soil (Arenosole) and of the tissues of Corynephorus canescens, a pioneer species typical of unstable environments that initiates pedogenic processes by enriching poor quartz sand in organic- and mineral matter from its own tissues. Soil samples were taken from a root-zone humus horizon (A) averaging ∼15 cm in thickness and from parent rock. Concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Si, Al, Zn, Mn, Co, Cd, Pb, Sr, Mo, C, N and P in plant material and soil were analyzed. High concentrations of Si (6368±16.3 mg·kg-1), K (2310±165.2), Ca (302±24.6 mg·kg-1), Fe (2196±316.3) are found in the above-ground part of the plant whereas Si (9150±20), Fe (5948± 43), K 3752±3.21) and Al (2370±52.6 mg·kg-1) dominate in the roots. Soil organic carbon (OC) contents in the humus horizon and in parent rock are 0.276±0.041 and 0.206±0.041%, respectively. The concentration of nitrogen in the hu...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The work focuses on analyzing and reason of occurrences of rare and protected species by European... more The work focuses on analyzing and reason of occurrences of rare and protected species by European and Polish low. These species are growing in the areas of former sand exploitations quarry and have different ecological requirements. The origin of such quarries is strictly connected strictly connection with development of coal mining in the Silesian Upland (Southern Poland). From the end of exploitation the processes of spontaneous vegetation ecosystems have been observed. The research was conducted in Southern Poland in the area of the Kuznica Warężyńska sand quarry with an area of approximately 8 km2, exploited in the years 1972 - 2003. In results of work has been confirmed by 2 types of habitats which are included in I Annex Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora forms in zone of groundwater outflow. They are 7140-transition mires and quaking bogs and 7230 - alkaline fens. In these communities, numerous population of 22 prot...
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series, 2011
The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood t... more The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood thanks to the results of multidisciplinary palaeobotanical studies. The perfectly preserved and abundant material from Nowiny Żukowskie in SE Poland has been the subject of numerous palaeobotanical analyses. The results both of initial pollen analysis and of the examination of plant macroremains provide a detailed view of changes in the palaeoenvironment of this area during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial. Originally, the water basin was mostly the habitat of plants indicative of low trophy. The frequent occurence of swamp plants evidences a change in hydrological and climatic conditions consistent with the intra-interglacial climatic oscillation. In the subsequent part of the optimum, an expansion of swamps with Aracites interglacialis and Dulichium arundinaceum was recorded. The development of a peat bog overgrown by i.a. Sphagnum sp., Eriophorum vaginatum, and Andromeda polifolia...
Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, an... more Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, and thus may influence the creation of taphocoenoses. In 2012, I quantified carpological remains in two types of algal mats from a small reservoir in southern Poland. Mats formed by filamentous algae participate primarily in the original transport of diaspores, and can influence their concentration and facilitate their migration, mainly between the shores of the reservoir. Diatom mats partake primarily in diaspore redeposition, but can also cause their dispersal between the shore zone and the central part of the reservoir. This research demonstrates that mats built by diatoms contain far more remains and are more biologically diverse than filamentous algal mats. Movement of carpological remains observed in both types of algal mats points to their role in the formation of taphocoenoses and suggests that algal mats must be considered when interpreting macrofossil records.
Шимчик А.. Водорослевые маты как существенный фактор формирования карпологических остатков в негл... more Шимчик А.. Водорослевые маты как существенный фактор формирования карпологических остатков в неглубоких водоемах (предварительные исследования). Представлены результаты предварительных исследований, цель которых-выыявить, возможно ли перемешение диаспор и карпологических остатков растений образующимися в водоемах водорослевыми матами, а также, могут ли они со значением влиять на формирование т. наз. тафоценозов. Исследования проводились в 2012 г. в пределах небольшого водоема, возникшего в днище бывшего песчаного карьера "Семония". Обнаружены два типа водорослевых матов: слагаемые, в основном, зелеными водорослями и слагаемые диатомеями. В обоих случаях массштаб выявленного переноса диаспор и повторного отложения карпологических остатков водорослевыми матами свидетельствует, что их появление должн о учитываться при интерпретации анализов макроостатков. Szymczyk A. Algal mats as an important factor in the formation of assemblages carpological remains in shallow reservoirs (preliminary study). The presented paper contains the results of preliminary studies, which were suppose to verify whether forming in reservoirs algal mats may transport the diaspores and carpological remains plants and significantly influence formation of taphocenosis. The study was conducted in 2012 in a small reservoir created in a sand pit "Siemonia". In studied reservoir was found a formation of two types of algae mats: built mainly by filamentous algae or diatoms. In both cases, it proved that the scale identified in the studied reservoir transport of diaspores and redeposition of carpological remains with the participation of algal mats suggests that the possibility of their appearance should be taken into account in the interpretation of the macrofossil analysis.
Abstract This paper describes specimens of Pediastrum argentinense-type in Late Quaternary sedime... more Abstract This paper describes specimens of Pediastrum argentinense-type in Late Quaternary sediments, focusing on their morphological variability and stressing their value for palaeobotanical studies. Although the taxon strongly resembles P. argentinense Bourrelly et Tell in Tell, known only from South America, some morphological differences between P. argentinense and P. argentinense-type lead to the conclusion that we are dealing with a separate taxon provisionally named P. argentinense-type. To make its taxonomic position clear, there is a need for detailed morphological observations of living specimens and molecular analyses. This taxon was found in sections spanning the entire Late Glacial and Holocene periods across Central Europe. Its affinity to sediments originating in shallow and strongly overgrown water bodies makes it a good indicator of such conditions in past environments.
Historical changes in land use and development over the last century were analysed to identify th... more Historical changes in land use and development over the last century were analysed to identify the main causes and directions of changes in depression wetland ecosystems in the Włoszczowa Basin, an area of 1600 km 2 in southern Poland. The analysis of Military Cartographic Institute maps and orthophotomaps, as well as field surveys, made it possible to determine the scale of degradation of 247 treeless depression wetlands. It was shown that the nature and extent of transformation of individual wetlands varied depending on the type of wetland and the method of land use in adjacent areas. However, the main anthropogenic factor affecting these changes was land drainage, of which the greatest intensity in Central Europe was pursued during the socialist rule between 1945 and 1989.
Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, an... more Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, and thus may influence the creation of taphocoenoses. In 2012, I quantified carpological remains in two types of algal mats from a small reservoir in southern Poland. Mats formed by filamentous algae participate primarily in the original transport of diaspores, and can influence their concentration and facilitate their migration, mainly between the shores of the reservoir. Diatom mats partake primarily in diaspore redeposition, but can also cause their dispersal between the shore zone and the central part of the reservoir. This research demonstrates that mats built by diatoms contain far more remains and are more biologically diverse than filamentous algal mats. Movement of carpological remains observed in both types of algal mats points to their role in the formation of taphocoenoses and suggests that algal mats must be considered when interpreting macrofossil records.
BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access t... more BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses.
Bulletin of Geography: Physical Geography Series, Dec 1, 2011
The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood t... more The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood thanks to the results of multidisciplinary palaeobotanical studies. The perfectly preserved and abundant material from Nowiny Żukowskie in SE Poland has been the subject of numerous palaeobotanical analyses. The results both of initial pollen analysis and of the examination of plant macroremains provide a detailed view of changes in the palaeoenvironment of this area during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial. Originally, the water basin was mostly the habitat of plants indicative of low trophy. The frequent occurence of swamp plants evidences a change in hydrological and climatic conditions consistent with the intra-interglacial climatic oscillation. In the subsequent part of the optimum, an expansion of swamps with Aracites interglacialis and Dulichium arundinaceum was recorded. The development of a peat bog overgrown by i.a. Sphagnum sp., Eriophorum vaginatum, and Andromeda polifolia was also observed. The growth of swamp and peat vegetation resulted in the nearly complete disappearance of aquatic vegetation, apart from species typical of the climatic optimum of the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial: Brasenia borysthenica and Aldrovanda dokturovskyi. The close of the interglacial was marked by
Przedstawiono problem zróżnicowania gatunkowego na obszarze o różnej intensywności antro-pogenicz... more Przedstawiono problem zróżnicowania gatunkowego na obszarze o różnej intensywności antro-pogenicznej w czasie i przestrzeni. Główne źródła antropopresji pochodzą z obszarów przyległych do analizowanego. Zmiany antropogeniczne obejmują tu głównie stosunki wodne, wydeptywanie i utwardzenie gleby oraz zanieczyszcze-nie środowiska. W takich warunkach formowały się różne typy siedlisk, które zostały skolonizowanie przez różne eko-logicznie i geograficznie grupy roślin o zróżnicowanych wymaganiach siedliskowych. Na obszarze tym stwierdzono wy-stępowanie 149 gatunków roślin naczyniowych. Badana flora składa się z gatunków leśnych, muraw kserotermicznych, apofitów, antropofitów oraz z gatunków o szerokiej amplitudzie ekologicznej. Większość gatunków jest związana ze zbiorowiskami muraw kserotermicznych. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż w niektórych przypadkach wpływ antropopresji doprowadził do wzbogacenia gatunkowego na terenach o wyższej intensywności ludzkich działań
The Silesian Upland has been intensively exploited by industry, and particularly by the mining in... more The Silesian Upland has been intensively exploited by industry, and particularly by the mining industry. Since 1937, an ever increasing demand for supplies of sand to be used by the construction and mining industry has been met by increased sand exploitation and growth of working areas. Exploitation of the deposits is accompanied by process such as: drastic transformation of the environment, losses of biocenosis, and considerable areas of bedrock exposure. As the sand is extracted from lower and lower levels, the resulting deep sandpits are often flooded with karst water from the Triassic deposits and characteristic ecological conditions occur at the bottom of these pits. The.high dissolved calcium carbonate of the groundwater inputs, waterlogging of the ground and modification of the ground temperature regime by water inflows have a great influence on the formation of unusual plant associations as well as on the whole biocenotic structure at the bottom of workings. The annual temperature range is reduced, especially in the lower layers of the ground, because of the small temperature range of the water inflows (from 7-9°C in winter and up to 11°C in summer). This affects the near-ground layer microclimate which in turn has a great influence on the development of vegetation cover. The initial plant associations are a result of environmental conditioning and by the large number of variegated horsetail. Equisetum variegatum which belongs to the characteristic plant species associations that appeared in the area after glacier recession. Large numbers of rare and protected species of flora and fauna are associated with such initial biocenotic systems and where there has been no reclamation the flora in the excavations also consists of many rare and protected species.
The study presents results of investigations on relations between associations of carpological re... more The study presents results of investigations on relations between associations of carpological remains of aquatic plants preserved in the roof layer (2 cm) of deposits and the contemporary vegetation of small shallow reservoir. Carried out analy-ses of 40 samples of capacity of about 100 cm3 proved that associations of macrofossils generally well reflect the species com-position of parent phytocenoses. In deposits 60% of presently occurring species were represented. It was also stated that among many factors influencing the distribution of diaspores of aquatic plants in the environment investigated both distribution of patches of emerged vegetation and shape of its bowl are of crucial importance
Presented in this paper are the results of studies on the species of fauna (amphibians and birds)... more Presented in this paper are the results of studies on the species of fauna (amphibians and birds) of two groups of aquatic reservoirs which have formed in subsidence depressions. The studied reservoirs are located in one of those areas in Europe which were most transformed by mining, an area located in southern Poland. Studies have shown that groups of water reservoirs in subsidence depressions are, on a regional scale, important places where amphibians and birds reproduce; for birds, this is also where they feed and rest. On land where there were previously no natural lakes, such reservoirs may also function as important centres of biodiversity and refugees for rare species of animals. The results of this paper indicate that reservoirs which came into existence as a result of underground mining can have great importance for the improvement of the environment on lands disfigured by mining and should be a subject of interest for environmental engineering.
Zbiornik Zapadlisko II Misa tego zbiornika podzielona jest na dwie części połączone przesmykiem i... more Zbiornik Zapadlisko II Misa tego zbiornika podzielona jest na dwie części połączone przesmykiem i ma powierzchnię ok. 1,2 ha. Na otwarte lustro wody przypada tu ok. 0,53 ha. Maksymalna głębokość wody wynosi 1,15 m (ryc. 3). Ryc. 2. Plan batymetryczny zbiornika Z I i rozmieszczenie punktów poboru prób osadów: 1-punkty oceny procentowego pokrycia roślinnością, 2-próby reprezentujące strefę brzegową, 3-próby reprezentujące centralną część misy, 4-numery prób, 5-zasięg misy zbiornika, 6-zasięg roślinności szuwarowej, 7-szuwary, 8-drogi Fig. 2. Bathymetric plan of reservoir Z I and distribution of sediment sampling points: 1-points of evaluation of vegetation percentage coverage, 2-samples representing the nearshore zone, 3-samples representing the central part of reservoir, 4-sample number, 5-extent of reservoir bowl, 6-extent of reed bed vegetation, 7-reed bed vegetation, 8-roads 16 Zbiornik Zapadlisko III Jest to najmniejszy z analizowanych zbiorników. Jego misa ma powierzchnię ok. 0,76 ha, z czego na otwarte lustro wody przypada tylko ok. 0,25 ha. Maksymalna głębokość tego zbiornika wynosi 1,23 m (ryc. 4). Ryc. 3. Plan batymetryczny zbiornika Z II i rozmieszczenie punktów poboru prób osadów: 1-punkty oceny procentowego pokrycia roślinnością, 2-próby reprezentujące strefę brzegową, 3-próby reprezentujące centralną część misy, 4-numery prób, 5-zasięg misy zbiornika, 6-zasięg roślinności szuwarowej, 7-szuwary, 8-drogi * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Nieopisany w tabeli rodzaj makroszczątków oznacza nasiona lub owoce. * Undescribed in the table type of macroremains means seeds or fruit. * Bez oospor Chara sp. ** Bez owocków Typha sp. * Without oospores Chara sp. ** Without fruits Typha sp.
Банашек Я., Шимчик А. Влияние антропогенной деятельности на дифференциацию растительных видов на ... more Банашек Я., Шимчик А. Влияние антропогенной деятельности на дифференциацию растительных видов на примере территории охраняемого ландшафта. Представлена проблема видового разнообразия на территории, отличающейся разной нитенсивностью антропогенного прессинга в пространстве и во времени. Основной источник данного прессинга связан с территорией, прилегающей к анализируемой. Антропогенные изменения проявляются здесь, в основном, в водных отношениях, в виде вытаптывания и уплотнения почвы, а также в загрязнении среды. В данных условиях формировались разные типы биотопов, в дальнейшем освоенных экологически и географически разными группами растений с дифференцированными биотопными требованиями. Нa данной территории выявлено наличие 149 видов сосудистых растений. Исследуемая флора состоит из видов: лесных, травянистых ксеротермических, aпофитов, антропофитов, а также видов с широкой экологической амплитудой. Большинство видов связаны с ксеротермическими травянистыми сообществами. Выявлено,...
The analyses of human-environment interactions in prehistoric and medieval mining and metallurgic... more The analyses of human-environment interactions in prehistoric and medieval mining and metallurgical centres in Europe result in various assessments of the environmental impact of early metal ore mining and metallurgy. In some mining and metallurgical sites or areas, such as the prehistoric basin on the Greek island of Kythnos or the later Morvan and Mont Lozère areas in France as well as Tjursbosjön in Sweden, the impact was significant and lasting. In others, such as: Cors Fochno in Wales, the Falkenstein region in Austria, or the Northern Vosges Mountains in France, the environmental changes were limited and reversible. The results of palaeobotanical research (pollen analysis and analysis of plant macroremains) in peat cores from southern Poland enabled the Holocene vegetation transformations in one of the oldest mining regions in Central Europe to be reconstructed. They also provided new data, used to assess the impact of settlements as well as the development of metallurgy on the environment in the region and changes in bog ecosystems. The first changes in vegetation caused by human activity were observed at the boundary between the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. They are documented by pollen indicating shepherding activity and single grains of cereal pollen. The greatest intensity of change, reflected in sediment as a maximum concentration of charcoal, was recorded at the end of the Bronze Age and attributed to the Lusatian culture. The changes in the vegetation under the impact of human activity until the early Middle Ages were reversible and had a local scope. The intensification of slash-and-burn agriculture was indicated as the most probable and important cause.
On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of maps, published literature, and environmental ... more On the basis of the analysis and interpretation of maps, published literature, and environmental reconnaissance, this article discusses environmental transformations in the area of the Kuźnica Warężyńska sand mine in southern Poland over the years 1944–2015. A comprehensive ecological analysis was carried out concerning spatial development, mining activity, hydrogeological and hydrological conditions as well as the biotic environment. Among the unfavourable changes found were a drastic reduction in the agricultural function of the area (from 7.03 to 0.47 km2), mainly due to periodic activity of sand mine in 1967–2002, covering an area of about 5.80 km2, the destruction of the original biocenoses, the depletion and deterioration in quality of the groundwater resources, and man-made transformations of the hydrographic network (during the mine’s activity its length reached over 103 km). Vegetation changes during the 70-year period examined were closely related to human mining activity....
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This study focuses on the concentration of trace-, microelement- and organic components in initia... more This study focuses on the concentration of trace-, microelement- and organic components in initial horizons of sandy soil (Arenosole) and of the tissues of Corynephorus canescens, a pioneer species typical of unstable environments that initiates pedogenic processes by enriching poor quartz sand in organic- and mineral matter from its own tissues. Soil samples were taken from a root-zone humus horizon (A) averaging ∼15 cm in thickness and from parent rock. Concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Si, Al, Zn, Mn, Co, Cd, Pb, Sr, Mo, C, N and P in plant material and soil were analyzed. High concentrations of Si (6368±16.3 mg·kg-1), K (2310±165.2), Ca (302±24.6 mg·kg-1), Fe (2196±316.3) are found in the above-ground part of the plant whereas Si (9150±20), Fe (5948± 43), K 3752±3.21) and Al (2370±52.6 mg·kg-1) dominate in the roots. Soil organic carbon (OC) contents in the humus horizon and in parent rock are 0.276±0.041 and 0.206±0.041%, respectively. The concentration of nitrogen in the hu...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The work focuses on analyzing and reason of occurrences of rare and protected species by European... more The work focuses on analyzing and reason of occurrences of rare and protected species by European and Polish low. These species are growing in the areas of former sand exploitations quarry and have different ecological requirements. The origin of such quarries is strictly connected strictly connection with development of coal mining in the Silesian Upland (Southern Poland). From the end of exploitation the processes of spontaneous vegetation ecosystems have been observed. The research was conducted in Southern Poland in the area of the Kuznica Warężyńska sand quarry with an area of approximately 8 km2, exploited in the years 1972 - 2003. In results of work has been confirmed by 2 types of habitats which are included in I Annex Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora forms in zone of groundwater outflow. They are 7140-transition mires and quaking bogs and 7230 - alkaline fens. In these communities, numerous population of 22 prot...
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series, 2011
The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood t... more The environmental variability during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial is better understood thanks to the results of multidisciplinary palaeobotanical studies. The perfectly preserved and abundant material from Nowiny Żukowskie in SE Poland has been the subject of numerous palaeobotanical analyses. The results both of initial pollen analysis and of the examination of plant macroremains provide a detailed view of changes in the palaeoenvironment of this area during the Mazovian/Holsteinian interglacial. Originally, the water basin was mostly the habitat of plants indicative of low trophy. The frequent occurence of swamp plants evidences a change in hydrological and climatic conditions consistent with the intra-interglacial climatic oscillation. In the subsequent part of the optimum, an expansion of swamps with Aracites interglacialis and Dulichium arundinaceum was recorded. The development of a peat bog overgrown by i.a. Sphagnum sp., Eriophorum vaginatum, and Andromeda polifolia...
Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, an... more Algal mats in lakes and reservoirs can transport diaspores and carpological remains of plants, and thus may influence the creation of taphocoenoses. In 2012, I quantified carpological remains in two types of algal mats from a small reservoir in southern Poland. Mats formed by filamentous algae participate primarily in the original transport of diaspores, and can influence their concentration and facilitate their migration, mainly between the shores of the reservoir. Diatom mats partake primarily in diaspore redeposition, but can also cause their dispersal between the shore zone and the central part of the reservoir. This research demonstrates that mats built by diatoms contain far more remains and are more biologically diverse than filamentous algal mats. Movement of carpological remains observed in both types of algal mats points to their role in the formation of taphocoenoses and suggests that algal mats must be considered when interpreting macrofossil records.
Шимчик А.. Водорослевые маты как существенный фактор формирования карпологических остатков в негл... more Шимчик А.. Водорослевые маты как существенный фактор формирования карпологических остатков в неглубоких водоемах (предварительные исследования). Представлены результаты предварительных исследований, цель которых-выыявить, возможно ли перемешение диаспор и карпологических остатков растений образующимися в водоемах водорослевыми матами, а также, могут ли они со значением влиять на формирование т. наз. тафоценозов. Исследования проводились в 2012 г. в пределах небольшого водоема, возникшего в днище бывшего песчаного карьера "Семония". Обнаружены два типа водорослевых матов: слагаемые, в основном, зелеными водорослями и слагаемые диатомеями. В обоих случаях массштаб выявленного переноса диаспор и повторного отложения карпологических остатков водорослевыми матами свидетельствует, что их появление должн о учитываться при интерпретации анализов макроостатков. Szymczyk A. Algal mats as an important factor in the formation of assemblages carpological remains in shallow reservoirs (preliminary study). The presented paper contains the results of preliminary studies, which were suppose to verify whether forming in reservoirs algal mats may transport the diaspores and carpological remains plants and significantly influence formation of taphocenosis. The study was conducted in 2012 in a small reservoir created in a sand pit "Siemonia". In studied reservoir was found a formation of two types of algae mats: built mainly by filamentous algae or diatoms. In both cases, it proved that the scale identified in the studied reservoir transport of diaspores and redeposition of carpological remains with the participation of algal mats suggests that the possibility of their appearance should be taken into account in the interpretation of the macrofossil analysis.
Abstract This paper describes specimens of Pediastrum argentinense-type in Late Quaternary sedime... more Abstract This paper describes specimens of Pediastrum argentinense-type in Late Quaternary sediments, focusing on their morphological variability and stressing their value for palaeobotanical studies. Although the taxon strongly resembles P. argentinense Bourrelly et Tell in Tell, known only from South America, some morphological differences between P. argentinense and P. argentinense-type lead to the conclusion that we are dealing with a separate taxon provisionally named P. argentinense-type. To make its taxonomic position clear, there is a need for detailed morphological observations of living specimens and molecular analyses. This taxon was found in sections spanning the entire Late Glacial and Holocene periods across Central Europe. Its affinity to sediments originating in shallow and strongly overgrown water bodies makes it a good indicator of such conditions in past environments.
Papers by Artur Szymczyk