Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persist... more Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persistent skin desquamation is observed. It is characterized by increased cell turnover, thickening of the stratum corneum and functional changes of sebaceous and sweat glands. All of these favor fungal proliferation. Dermatophytes may infect skin, hair and nails causing ringworm or tinea. They have the ability to obtain nutrients from keratinized material. One of its most prevalent genera is Trichophyton rubrum. Although tineas and ichthyoses are quite common, the association of the two entities is rarely reported in the literature. Three cases of ichthyosis associated with widespread infection by T. rubrum are presented. Resistance to several antifungal treatments was responsible for worsening of ichthyosis signs and symptoms.
ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are cons... more ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim-To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery-TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method-Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability-MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result-From total 63% were male and 47% female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24% low-grade adenomas and 76% high grade; 42% were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80% included the rectal perirenal fat and 20% the muscularis propria. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lowest D17S2720 (85.4%). Sixteen patients (42%) were MSI, ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas and four high grade. Twenty-two cases (68%) showed microsatellite stable-MSS. The allelic loss of microsatellite markers was statistically significant in cases of carcinoma in relation to adenomas. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lower D17S2720 (85.4%), 16 patients (42%) had microsatellite instability-MSI thereof ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas, four highgrade adenomas and 22 cases (58%) were microsatellite stable-MSS. Conclusion-Microsatellite instability (MSI-H) was significantly associated with rectal carcinomas, confirming its use as a prognostic marker in colorectal carcinogenesis.
Suporte Financeiro: Nenhum Conflito de Interesses: Nenhum RESU MO A doença de Schamberg é dermato... more Suporte Financeiro: Nenhum Conflito de Interesses: Nenhum RESU MO A doença de Schamberg é dermatose pigmentar progressiva de curso crônico. Apresentamos o uso de peeling de ácido tioglicólico nessa manifestação, com estudo histológico e análise fotográfica. Paciente do sexo feminino, 43 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de doença de Schamberg. Foram realizadas cinco sessões de peeling de ácido tioglicólico 10% em gel com intervalo de 15 dias entre cada sessão. A paciente apresentou significativo clareamento das lesões com melhora clínica de 68,7%. Solubilizante hemossiderínico, o ácido tioglicólico é opção de tratamento, mostrando clareamento das lesões com boa tolerância e poucos efeitos colaterais. Palavras-chave: púrpura; hemossiderina; terapêutica; hiperpigmentação.
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Metastases to the oral cavity are extremely rare events, representing less than 1% of all maligna... more Metastases to the oral cavity are extremely rare events, representing less than 1% of all malignant oral tumors. Renal cell carcinoma constitutes about 3% of solid tumors in adults, and it is the most frequent kidney neoplasm, representing about 90% of kidney malignancies. Due to the silent growth of this neoplasm, most patients have no symptoms and the diagnosis is belated, usually after metastases. The present study reports an additional patient of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the oral cavity regarding the clinical and pathologic features.
ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are cons... more ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim-To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery-TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method-Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability-MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result-From total 63% were male and 47% female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24% low-grade adenomas and 76% high grade; 42% were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80% included the rectal perirenal fat and 20% the muscularis propria. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lowest D17S2720 (85.4%). Sixteen patients (42%) were MSI, ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas and four high grade. Twenty-two cases (68%) showed microsatellite stable-MSS. The allelic loss of microsatellite markers was statistically significant in cases of carcinoma in relation to adenomas. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lower D17S2720 (85.4%), 16 patients (42%) had microsatellite instability-MSI thereof ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas, four highgrade adenomas and 22 cases (58%) were microsatellite stable-MSS. Conclusion-Microsatellite instability (MSI-H) was significantly associated with rectal carcinomas, confirming its use as a prognostic marker in colorectal carcinogenesis.
endoscopic microsurgery. ABSTRAT – Background- Colorectal cancer has an important genetic compone... more endoscopic microsurgery. ABSTRAT – Background- Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim – To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery – TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method – Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability – MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result – From total 63 % were male and 47 % female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24 % low-grade adenomas and 76 % high grade; 42 % were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80 % included the rectal perirenal f...
Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present art... more Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present article des- cribes the use of thioglycolic acid peelings in Schamberg's disease, with histological and photographic analyses. A 43-year-old female patient with clinical and histological diagnoses of Schamberg's disea- se underwent five sessions of 10% thioglycolic acid peeling in gel with an interval of 15 days bet- ween each session. The patient had considerable whitening of the lesions, with clinical improvement of 68.7%. Thioglycolic acid solubilizes the haemosiderin, being a treatment option that leads to the whitening of the lesions with good tolerance and few side effects.
Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persist... more Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persistent skin desquamation is observed. It is characterized by increased cell turnover, thickening of the stratum corneum and functional changes of sebaceous and sweat glands. All of these favor fungal proliferation. Dermatophytes may infect skin, hair and nails causing ringworm or tinea. They have the ability to obtain nutrients from keratinized material. One of its most prevalent genera is Trichophyton rubrum. Although tineas and ichthyoses are quite common, the association of the two entities is rarely reported in the literature. Three cases of ichthyosis associated with widespread infection by T. rubrum are presented. Resistance to several antifungal treatments was responsible for worsening of ichthyosis signs and symptoms.
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012
Introdução: O sarcoma de sistema nervoso central (SNC) é uma neoplasia rara, com incidência de 0,... more Introdução: O sarcoma de sistema nervoso central (SNC) é uma neoplasia rara, com incidência de 0,1% a 4,3% dos tumores intracranianos. São tumores agressivos com prognóstico reservado e a maioria é tratada com ressecção radical. Relato: Homem, 29 anos, com episódios de crises convulsivas e diagnóstico de hemorragia intraparenquimatosa. Durante a cirurgia, foi identificada lesão bem delimitada. A histologia demonstrou neoplasia fusocelular com atipias e numerosas mitoses. Os únicos marcadores imuno-histoquímicos positivos foram vimentina e S-100. O diagnóstico foi de sarcoma indiferenciado de alto grau. Conclusão: No diagnóstico diferencial de sarcomas de SNC, devem-se excluir lesões metastáticas e gliossarcoma.
ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo), 2012
RACIONAL: O câncer colorretal tem importante componente genético. Os microssatélites são consider... more RACIONAL: O câncer colorretal tem importante componente genético. Os microssatélites são considerados marcadores fenotípicos de prognóstico, resposta terapêutica e de identificação de pacientes com mutação nos genes de reparo do DNA. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o perfil molecular dos tumores submetidos à microcirurgia endoscópica transanal (TEM) para tratamento do câncer de reto. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 38 espécimes avaliados segundo o estadiamento patológico. Foram escolhidas amostras da região tumoral e realizada dissecação e extração do DNA. Os tumores colorretais foram testados para instabilidade de microssatélite - MSI utilizando um painel composto de cinco marcadores (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346 e D17S2720), técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). RESULTADOS: Nos 38 casos observou-se que 63% eram do sexo masculino e 47% feminino com média de idade de 58,4 anos. Em relação ao tipo tumoral 58% eram adenomas, sendo 24% adenomas de baixo grau e 76% de alto grau; 42% eram carci...
Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (English Edition), 2013
Doença de Still de início tardio Neoplasias ovarianas Síndromes paraneoplásicas r e s u m o * Aut... more Doença de Still de início tardio Neoplasias ovarianas Síndromes paraneoplásicas r e s u m o * Autor para correspondência.
Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present art... more Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present article describes the use of thioglycolic acid peelings in Schamberg's disease, with histological and photographic analyses. A 43-year-old female patient with clinical and histological diagnoses of Schamberg's disease underwent five sessions of 10% thioglycolic acid peeling in gel with an interval of 15 days between each session. The patient had considerable whitening of the lesions, with clinical improvement of 68.7%. Thioglycolic acid solubilizes the haemosiderin, being a treatment option that leads to the whitening of the lesions with good tolerance and few side effects.
Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (English Edition), 2013
We report a case of adult-onset Still's disease in a female patient with fever, myalgia, vanishin... more We report a case of adult-onset Still's disease in a female patient with fever, myalgia, vanishing rash and bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy, diagnosed after extensive workup to exclude other rheumatic, infectious and neoplastic diseases. The patient initially responded to corticosteroid therapy, but progressed to increased lymph nodes size that when biopsied, revealed serous ovarian adenocarcinoma. To our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of ovarian neoplasm associated with adult-onset Still's disease.
The genus Vibrio is a member of the family Vibrionaceae, and among their disease-causing species,... more The genus Vibrio is a member of the family Vibrionaceae, and among their disease-causing species, Vibrio vulnificus, a lactose-positive gram-negative bacillus, is one of the most virulent pathogen of the noncholerae vibrios. We describe the case of a 39-year-old male patient, who was using immunosuppressive therapy, admitted to the hospital for liver transplantation. Twelve hours later, the patient presented high fever, myalgia, anuria and erythematous plaques on lower limbs, of rapid growth and proximal progression. The patient was treated with ceftriaxone, meropenem and oxacillin, however he expired within 30 hours. Blood cultures showed growth of a gram-negative bacillus, which was later identified as Vibrio vulnificus.
Introduction: Influenza A (H1N1) virus was
first reported on April 2009 and, since
then, several ... more Introduction: Influenza A (H1N1) virus was first reported on April 2009 and, since then, several studies have reported the characteristics concerning the clinical presentation and pulmonary involvement. However, accurate information about the acute kidney injury (AKI) and kidney histopathological findings in these patients remain scarce. Objective: To describe the kidney histopathological findings of 6 patients with H1N1 who developed AKI and underwent kidney biopsy, correlating them with clinical features. Methods: We studied six patients admitted to Hospital de Clínicas UFPR with a PCR-confirmed diagnosis of H1N1who developed ARF and underwent kidney biopsy. We reviewed their medical file and the microscopy findings of the biopsy. Results: Clinical and/or laboratory evidence of AKI was present in all cases, and only one did not present oliguria. Kidney tissues revealed glomerular lesions in two patients: one patient, with systemic lupus erythematosus, showed changes consistent with lupus nephritis class III A-C according to the ISN/RPS 2003 and focal thrombotic microangiopathy; the other one had intercapillary nodular glomerulosclerosis, but without clinical or laboratory evidence of diabetes. Vacuolar degenerative tubular changes were present in all cases, with focus of oxalosis in two cases. Mild to moderate atherosclerosis was found in two patients. Conclusion: In this study, varying degrees of vacuolar degenerative tubular changes were present in all patients, but there were no signs of acute tubular necrosis. It seems that in the present study a prerenal cause of acute renal failure was the main involved mechanim to explain the cause of renal failure in these patients. Abstract Keywords: acute kidney injury; biopsy; influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype.
Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persist... more Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persistent skin desquamation is observed. It is characterized by increased cell turnover, thickening of the stratum corneum and functional changes of sebaceous and sweat glands. All of these favor fungal proliferation. Dermatophytes may infect skin, hair and nails causing ringworm or tinea. They have the ability to obtain nutrients from keratinized material. One of its most prevalent genera is Trichophyton rubrum. Although tineas and ichthyoses are quite common, the association of the two entities is rarely reported in the literature. Three cases of ichthyosis associated with widespread infection by T. rubrum are presented. Resistance to several antifungal treatments was responsible for worsening of ichthyosis signs and symptoms.
ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are cons... more ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim-To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery-TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method-Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability-MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result-From total 63% were male and 47% female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24% low-grade adenomas and 76% high grade; 42% were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80% included the rectal perirenal fat and 20% the muscularis propria. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lowest D17S2720 (85.4%). Sixteen patients (42%) were MSI, ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas and four high grade. Twenty-two cases (68%) showed microsatellite stable-MSS. The allelic loss of microsatellite markers was statistically significant in cases of carcinoma in relation to adenomas. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lower D17S2720 (85.4%), 16 patients (42%) had microsatellite instability-MSI thereof ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas, four highgrade adenomas and 22 cases (58%) were microsatellite stable-MSS. Conclusion-Microsatellite instability (MSI-H) was significantly associated with rectal carcinomas, confirming its use as a prognostic marker in colorectal carcinogenesis.
Suporte Financeiro: Nenhum Conflito de Interesses: Nenhum RESU MO A doença de Schamberg é dermato... more Suporte Financeiro: Nenhum Conflito de Interesses: Nenhum RESU MO A doença de Schamberg é dermatose pigmentar progressiva de curso crônico. Apresentamos o uso de peeling de ácido tioglicólico nessa manifestação, com estudo histológico e análise fotográfica. Paciente do sexo feminino, 43 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de doença de Schamberg. Foram realizadas cinco sessões de peeling de ácido tioglicólico 10% em gel com intervalo de 15 dias entre cada sessão. A paciente apresentou significativo clareamento das lesões com melhora clínica de 68,7%. Solubilizante hemossiderínico, o ácido tioglicólico é opção de tratamento, mostrando clareamento das lesões com boa tolerância e poucos efeitos colaterais. Palavras-chave: púrpura; hemossiderina; terapêutica; hiperpigmentação.
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Metastases to the oral cavity are extremely rare events, representing less than 1% of all maligna... more Metastases to the oral cavity are extremely rare events, representing less than 1% of all malignant oral tumors. Renal cell carcinoma constitutes about 3% of solid tumors in adults, and it is the most frequent kidney neoplasm, representing about 90% of kidney malignancies. Due to the silent growth of this neoplasm, most patients have no symptoms and the diagnosis is belated, usually after metastases. The present study reports an additional patient of metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the oral cavity regarding the clinical and pathologic features.
ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are cons... more ABSTRAT-Background-Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim-To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery-TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method-Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability-MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result-From total 63% were male and 47% female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24% low-grade adenomas and 76% high grade; 42% were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80% included the rectal perirenal fat and 20% the muscularis propria. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lowest D17S2720 (85.4%). Sixteen patients (42%) were MSI, ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas and four high grade. Twenty-two cases (68%) showed microsatellite stable-MSS. The allelic loss of microsatellite markers was statistically significant in cases of carcinoma in relation to adenomas. The most frequent microsatellite amplification was BAT26 (100%) and lower D17S2720 (85.4%), 16 patients (42%) had microsatellite instability-MSI thereof ten were carcinomas, two low grade adenomas, four highgrade adenomas and 22 cases (58%) were microsatellite stable-MSS. Conclusion-Microsatellite instability (MSI-H) was significantly associated with rectal carcinomas, confirming its use as a prognostic marker in colorectal carcinogenesis.
endoscopic microsurgery. ABSTRAT – Background- Colorectal cancer has an important genetic compone... more endoscopic microsurgery. ABSTRAT – Background- Colorectal cancer has an important genetic component. Microsatellites are considered phenotypic markers of prognosis, therapeutic response and identify patients with mutations in DNA repair genes. Aim – To evaluate the molecular profile of tumors underwent to transanal endoscopic microsurgery – TEM in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. Method – Thirty eight surgical specimens were evaluated according to pathological staging and the region of the tumor were dissected and submitted to DNA extraction. The colorectal tumors were tested for microsatellite instability – MSI using a panel of five markers (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, and D17S2720) technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Result – From total 63 % were male and 47 % female, with mean age of 58.4 years. In relation to tumor type adenomas were 58%, 24 % low-grade adenomas and 76 % high grade; 42 % were carcinomas. The depth of resection 80 % included the rectal perirenal f...
Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present art... more Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present article des- cribes the use of thioglycolic acid peelings in Schamberg's disease, with histological and photographic analyses. A 43-year-old female patient with clinical and histological diagnoses of Schamberg's disea- se underwent five sessions of 10% thioglycolic acid peeling in gel with an interval of 15 days bet- ween each session. The patient had considerable whitening of the lesions, with clinical improvement of 68.7%. Thioglycolic acid solubilizes the haemosiderin, being a treatment option that leads to the whitening of the lesions with good tolerance and few side effects.
Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persist... more Ichthyoses are a common group of keratinization disorders. A non-inflammatory generalized persistent skin desquamation is observed. It is characterized by increased cell turnover, thickening of the stratum corneum and functional changes of sebaceous and sweat glands. All of these favor fungal proliferation. Dermatophytes may infect skin, hair and nails causing ringworm or tinea. They have the ability to obtain nutrients from keratinized material. One of its most prevalent genera is Trichophyton rubrum. Although tineas and ichthyoses are quite common, the association of the two entities is rarely reported in the literature. Three cases of ichthyosis associated with widespread infection by T. rubrum are presented. Resistance to several antifungal treatments was responsible for worsening of ichthyosis signs and symptoms.
Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012
Introdução: O sarcoma de sistema nervoso central (SNC) é uma neoplasia rara, com incidência de 0,... more Introdução: O sarcoma de sistema nervoso central (SNC) é uma neoplasia rara, com incidência de 0,1% a 4,3% dos tumores intracranianos. São tumores agressivos com prognóstico reservado e a maioria é tratada com ressecção radical. Relato: Homem, 29 anos, com episódios de crises convulsivas e diagnóstico de hemorragia intraparenquimatosa. Durante a cirurgia, foi identificada lesão bem delimitada. A histologia demonstrou neoplasia fusocelular com atipias e numerosas mitoses. Os únicos marcadores imuno-histoquímicos positivos foram vimentina e S-100. O diagnóstico foi de sarcoma indiferenciado de alto grau. Conclusão: No diagnóstico diferencial de sarcomas de SNC, devem-se excluir lesões metastáticas e gliossarcoma.
ABCD. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Digestiva (São Paulo), 2012
RACIONAL: O câncer colorretal tem importante componente genético. Os microssatélites são consider... more RACIONAL: O câncer colorretal tem importante componente genético. Os microssatélites são considerados marcadores fenotípicos de prognóstico, resposta terapêutica e de identificação de pacientes com mutação nos genes de reparo do DNA. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o perfil molecular dos tumores submetidos à microcirurgia endoscópica transanal (TEM) para tratamento do câncer de reto. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 38 espécimes avaliados segundo o estadiamento patológico. Foram escolhidas amostras da região tumoral e realizada dissecação e extração do DNA. Os tumores colorretais foram testados para instabilidade de microssatélite - MSI utilizando um painel composto de cinco marcadores (BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346 e D17S2720), técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). RESULTADOS: Nos 38 casos observou-se que 63% eram do sexo masculino e 47% feminino com média de idade de 58,4 anos. Em relação ao tipo tumoral 58% eram adenomas, sendo 24% adenomas de baixo grau e 76% de alto grau; 42% eram carci...
Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (English Edition), 2013
Doença de Still de início tardio Neoplasias ovarianas Síndromes paraneoplásicas r e s u m o * Aut... more Doença de Still de início tardio Neoplasias ovarianas Síndromes paraneoplásicas r e s u m o * Autor para correspondência.
Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present art... more Schamberg's disease is a progressive pigmentary dermatosis of chronic course. The present article describes the use of thioglycolic acid peelings in Schamberg's disease, with histological and photographic analyses. A 43-year-old female patient with clinical and histological diagnoses of Schamberg's disease underwent five sessions of 10% thioglycolic acid peeling in gel with an interval of 15 days between each session. The patient had considerable whitening of the lesions, with clinical improvement of 68.7%. Thioglycolic acid solubilizes the haemosiderin, being a treatment option that leads to the whitening of the lesions with good tolerance and few side effects.
Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (English Edition), 2013
We report a case of adult-onset Still's disease in a female patient with fever, myalgia, vanishin... more We report a case of adult-onset Still's disease in a female patient with fever, myalgia, vanishing rash and bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy, diagnosed after extensive workup to exclude other rheumatic, infectious and neoplastic diseases. The patient initially responded to corticosteroid therapy, but progressed to increased lymph nodes size that when biopsied, revealed serous ovarian adenocarcinoma. To our knowledge, this is the fi rst report of ovarian neoplasm associated with adult-onset Still's disease.
The genus Vibrio is a member of the family Vibrionaceae, and among their disease-causing species,... more The genus Vibrio is a member of the family Vibrionaceae, and among their disease-causing species, Vibrio vulnificus, a lactose-positive gram-negative bacillus, is one of the most virulent pathogen of the noncholerae vibrios. We describe the case of a 39-year-old male patient, who was using immunosuppressive therapy, admitted to the hospital for liver transplantation. Twelve hours later, the patient presented high fever, myalgia, anuria and erythematous plaques on lower limbs, of rapid growth and proximal progression. The patient was treated with ceftriaxone, meropenem and oxacillin, however he expired within 30 hours. Blood cultures showed growth of a gram-negative bacillus, which was later identified as Vibrio vulnificus.
Introduction: Influenza A (H1N1) virus was
first reported on April 2009 and, since
then, several ... more Introduction: Influenza A (H1N1) virus was first reported on April 2009 and, since then, several studies have reported the characteristics concerning the clinical presentation and pulmonary involvement. However, accurate information about the acute kidney injury (AKI) and kidney histopathological findings in these patients remain scarce. Objective: To describe the kidney histopathological findings of 6 patients with H1N1 who developed AKI and underwent kidney biopsy, correlating them with clinical features. Methods: We studied six patients admitted to Hospital de Clínicas UFPR with a PCR-confirmed diagnosis of H1N1who developed ARF and underwent kidney biopsy. We reviewed their medical file and the microscopy findings of the biopsy. Results: Clinical and/or laboratory evidence of AKI was present in all cases, and only one did not present oliguria. Kidney tissues revealed glomerular lesions in two patients: one patient, with systemic lupus erythematosus, showed changes consistent with lupus nephritis class III A-C according to the ISN/RPS 2003 and focal thrombotic microangiopathy; the other one had intercapillary nodular glomerulosclerosis, but without clinical or laboratory evidence of diabetes. Vacuolar degenerative tubular changes were present in all cases, with focus of oxalosis in two cases. Mild to moderate atherosclerosis was found in two patients. Conclusion: In this study, varying degrees of vacuolar degenerative tubular changes were present in all patients, but there were no signs of acute tubular necrosis. It seems that in the present study a prerenal cause of acute renal failure was the main involved mechanim to explain the cause of renal failure in these patients. Abstract Keywords: acute kidney injury; biopsy; influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype.
Papers by Arthur Gentili
first reported on April 2009 and, since
then, several studies have reported the
characteristics concerning the clinical
presentation and pulmonary involvement.
However, accurate information about
the acute kidney injury (AKI) and kidney
histopathological findings in these patients
remain scarce. Objective: To describe the
kidney histopathological findings of 6
patients with H1N1 who developed AKI and
underwent kidney biopsy, correlating them
with clinical features. Methods: We studied
six patients admitted to Hospital de Clínicas
UFPR with a PCR-confirmed diagnosis of
H1N1who developed ARF and underwent
kidney biopsy. We reviewed their medical
file and the microscopy findings of the
biopsy. Results: Clinical and/or laboratory
evidence of AKI was present in all cases, and
only one did not present oliguria. Kidney
tissues revealed glomerular lesions in two
patients: one patient, with systemic lupus
erythematosus, showed changes consistent
with lupus nephritis class III A-C according
to the ISN/RPS 2003 and focal thrombotic
microangiopathy; the other one had intercapillary
nodular glomerulosclerosis, but
without clinical or laboratory evidence of
diabetes. Vacuolar degenerative tubular
changes were present in all cases, with focus
of oxalosis in two cases. Mild to moderate
atherosclerosis was found in two patients.
Conclusion: In this study, varying degrees
of vacuolar degenerative tubular changes
were present in all patients, but there were
no signs of acute tubular necrosis. It seems
that in the present study a prerenal cause of
acute renal failure was the main involved
mechanim to explain the cause of renal
failure in these patients.
Keywords: acute kidney injury; biopsy;
influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype.
first reported on April 2009 and, since
then, several studies have reported the
characteristics concerning the clinical
presentation and pulmonary involvement.
However, accurate information about
the acute kidney injury (AKI) and kidney
histopathological findings in these patients
remain scarce. Objective: To describe the
kidney histopathological findings of 6
patients with H1N1 who developed AKI and
underwent kidney biopsy, correlating them
with clinical features. Methods: We studied
six patients admitted to Hospital de Clínicas
UFPR with a PCR-confirmed diagnosis of
H1N1who developed ARF and underwent
kidney biopsy. We reviewed their medical
file and the microscopy findings of the
biopsy. Results: Clinical and/or laboratory
evidence of AKI was present in all cases, and
only one did not present oliguria. Kidney
tissues revealed glomerular lesions in two
patients: one patient, with systemic lupus
erythematosus, showed changes consistent
with lupus nephritis class III A-C according
to the ISN/RPS 2003 and focal thrombotic
microangiopathy; the other one had intercapillary
nodular glomerulosclerosis, but
without clinical or laboratory evidence of
diabetes. Vacuolar degenerative tubular
changes were present in all cases, with focus
of oxalosis in two cases. Mild to moderate
atherosclerosis was found in two patients.
Conclusion: In this study, varying degrees
of vacuolar degenerative tubular changes
were present in all patients, but there were
no signs of acute tubular necrosis. It seems
that in the present study a prerenal cause of
acute renal failure was the main involved
mechanim to explain the cause of renal
failure in these patients.
Keywords: acute kidney injury; biopsy;
influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype.