Books by Antje Schnoor
Se doctoró el año 2014 en historia contemporánea en el Cluster de Excelencia, "Religión y Polític... more Se doctoró el año 2014 en historia contemporánea en el Cluster de Excelencia, "Religión y Política", de la Universidad de Münster, Alemania. Hasta 2016 trabajó en la Red de Investigación para América Latina, etnicidad, ciudadanía, pertenencia, una asociación de las universidades alemanas de Colonia, Bielefeld, Bonn, Hannover y Münster. Actualmente gestiona un proyecto de elaboración multidisciplinaria acerca de la diversidad sociocultural en la Universidad Técnica de Hannover y tiene a su cargo otra cátedra universitaria. ANTROPOLOGÍA ARTE BIBLIOTECA CHILENA BIBLIOTECA JESUITA DE CHILE CIENCIA POLÍTICA DERECHO ECONOMÍA Y NEGOCIOS EDUCACIÓN ÉTICA FILOSOFÍA HISTORIA LIBROS DEL ENTREVERO LITERATURA MÚSICA NARRATIVA PSICOLOGÍA SOCIOLOGÍA: PERSONAS, ORGANIZACIONES, SOCIEDAD TEOLOGÍA DE LOS TIEMPOS TRABAJO SOCIAL
Papers by Antje Schnoor
Santa Desobediencia, 2019
1. Fundación de la revista Mensaje y comienzo del Centro de Investigación y acción socia... more Índice:
1. Fundación de la revista Mensaje y comienzo del Centro de Investigación y acción social
2. Formación y relaciones de los jesuitas del Centro Bellarmino
3. América Latina y el apostolado social de los jesuitas
4. La reflexión de los jesuitas sobre su orígen social
5. Elementos de la teología de la liberación en el Decreto 4 de la Congregación General 32
6. Teología latinoamericana de liberación e imperialismo teológico europeo
7. Conflictos con el Vaticano
8. El apostoloado social hasta la Congregación General 33
Relectiones, 2020
Santa desobediencia. Jesuitas entre democracia y dictadura en Chile 1962-1983
Religions, 2021
The paper sheds light on the transatlantic theological discourse during the emergence of liberati... more The paper sheds light on the transatlantic theological discourse during the emergence of liberation theology. It conceptualizes this discourse as a transatlantic communication process reframing it as a transfer and translation of ideas and concepts. Starting from this perspective, I prove the assumption that the transatlantic theological discourse reflected a Latin American claim to academic equity and I show that European reactions to liberation theology implied answers to that claim. As the focus is on the relationship between Latin America and Europe the paper illustrates the significant role of relationships marked by different forms of dependency (economic, political, intellectual) in the development of Liberation Theology. Furthermore, the paper argues that for a deeper understanding it is misleading to speak about Latin American theologians on the one hand and European theologians on the other hand, as if it was about clear-cut groups with homogenous motivations, positions and goals. On the contrary, there were advocates and opponents of liberation theology on both sides of the Atlantic who moreover formed transatlantic alliances. The paper calls those theologians cultural brokers, since they communicated and mediated across the Atlantic.
Religions, 2019
The paper sheds light on the change in the concept of obedience within the Society of Jesus since... more The paper sheds light on the change in the concept of obedience within the Society of Jesus since the 1960s. In the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, a so-called crisis of authority and obedience took place in the Catholic Church and the religious orders. As a consequence, the notions of responsibility and conscience came to the fore in the Jesuit definition of obedience. The religious concept of obedience, that is the obedience towards God, was reassessed as a service to humanity. The paper analyzes how the change in the concept of obedience gave rise to the promotion of social justice, which the Society of Jesus proclaimed at General Congregation 32 in 1974/75. By including the promotion of social justice into their central mission, Jesuits not only fundamentally transformed their self-conception, but also their ethical values. The paper argues that the pursuit of social justice became a form of religious obedience.
– The paper illuminates the attitudes of the Jesuits in Chile after the military coup in 1973. Th... more – The paper illuminates the attitudes of the Jesuits in Chile after the military coup in 1973. The Society of Jesus in Chile and especially the Jesuit journal Men-saje are known for their critical attitude towards the military regime under Augusto Pinochet. The paper brings into focus the first phase of Pinochet's dictatorship and argues that the critical position towards the regime – similar to the attitude of the Episcopal Conference – did not follow from the military coup, that is the overthrow of the elected government, but resulted from the fact that the armed forces established a long-lasting dictatorship under which human rights were systematically violated. Directly after the coup the journal Mensaje called for a return to democracy, but did not openly criticize the violation of human rights before the end of 1975. Nevertheless several Jesuits were deeply involved in the defense of human rights. The paper sheds light on the fact that different and even opposed attitudes were adopted within the Jesuit order in Chile. Among these positions we can also find the denying of human rights violations by some Jesuit military and prison chaplains. However it is shown that the Jesuit's Provincial superior together with several influential Jesuits protected and encouraged the Jesuit commitment for human rights.
abstracts - summaries by Antje Schnoor
Research Drafts by Antje Schnoor
other by Antje Schnoor
Drafts by Antje Schnoor
Mother Earth." 2 By declaring their allegiance to the goddess of the Andean Indigenous people, th... more Mother Earth." 2 By declaring their allegiance to the goddess of the Andean Indigenous people, the Roma people called upon the Governments in the Americas, the Organization of American States and the United Nations for awareness. Among other things they asked for guarantees for their civil and collective rights and for the initiation to facilitate contact between the Roma of the Americas and other Roma communities across the globe. The Roma are a global phenomenon. The majority of Roma are concentrated in Europe, where 10 to 12 million live, but an estimated 4 million Roma, mainly Kalderash, Cale, Boyash and Xoraxane, live in the Americas. 3 Approximately 3 million Roma live in Latin America, mainly in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, with an additional 1 million Roma living in the United States. The Roma migration to Latin America began in the late 16th Century as a consequence of deportations from Spain and Portugal to the respective Colonies. 4 Subsequent waves of voluntary migration occurred at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, during the Second World War, and since the democratic turn in Eastern Europe after 1990. Recent scholarship on the Roma people is funded partly by the European Union and has focused largely on European contexts. 5 Social integration is a central goal of European policy making and as such these studies typically employ a case study approach to analyze Roma populations living in particular nation states, and tend to use ethnicity as a central category of analysis. 6 However, scholars have recently begun to question the ghettoization of Roma
Radikales Denken in der Hispanischen Welt. Demokratie- und Staatskonzepte ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts, 2016
Demokratie-und Staatskonzepte ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts "Weder Freiheit, noch Ordnung", so wa... more Demokratie-und Staatskonzepte ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts "Weder Freiheit, noch Ordnung", so war eine Karikatur des kolumbianischen Wappens überschrieben, die im Juli 1890 in der Zeitschrift El Zancudo (die Stechmücke) erschien. 1 Statt Kondor ein Truthahngeier, statt Füllhorn ein Totenschädel-so und mit der verneinten kolumbianischen Losung verhöhnte die mit den Radikalen sympathisierende Zeitschrift die Politik der sogenannten Regeneración, die vier Jahre zuvor eine neue Verfassung verabschiedet und somit der föderalen Republik der Vereinigten Staaten Kolumbiens ein Ende bereitet hatten. Die Regeneración, eine Koalition aus Konservativen und gemäßigt Liberalen mit starker Unterstützung der katholischen Kirche, machte wesentliche Reformen, die mit der radikal-liberalen Verfassung von Ríonegro 1863 eingeleitet worden waren, wieder rückgängig: Der Staat wurde wieder zentralisiert, der Präsident mit umfassenden Vollmachten ausgestattet und der Kirche wieder starker Einfluss auf den Staat gewährt. Darüber hinaus wurden individuellen Freiheiten wieder eingeschränkt und die Todesstrafe, die in Kolumbien als einem der ersten Länder der Welt abgeschafft worden war, wieder eingeführt. Wie war es Anfang der 1860er Jahre in Kolumbien zur Verabschiedung einer Verfassung gekommen, die in einem für die Zeit deutlichem Ausmaß demokratische Prinzipien verkörperte? Und was war geschehen, dass ein Vierteljahrhundert später eben diese Prinzipien so vehement bekämpft wurden?
Books by Antje Schnoor
Papers by Antje Schnoor
1. Fundación de la revista Mensaje y comienzo del Centro de Investigación y acción social
2. Formación y relaciones de los jesuitas del Centro Bellarmino
3. América Latina y el apostolado social de los jesuitas
4. La reflexión de los jesuitas sobre su orígen social
5. Elementos de la teología de la liberación en el Decreto 4 de la Congregación General 32
6. Teología latinoamericana de liberación e imperialismo teológico europeo
7. Conflictos con el Vaticano
8. El apostoloado social hasta la Congregación General 33
abstracts - summaries by Antje Schnoor
Research Drafts by Antje Schnoor
other by Antje Schnoor
Drafts by Antje Schnoor
1. Fundación de la revista Mensaje y comienzo del Centro de Investigación y acción social
2. Formación y relaciones de los jesuitas del Centro Bellarmino
3. América Latina y el apostolado social de los jesuitas
4. La reflexión de los jesuitas sobre su orígen social
5. Elementos de la teología de la liberación en el Decreto 4 de la Congregación General 32
6. Teología latinoamericana de liberación e imperialismo teológico europeo
7. Conflictos con el Vaticano
8. El apostoloado social hasta la Congregación General 33