Papers by Anna S. Khvorostyanaya

Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice
Subject. The article considers the role of competitive advantages for the light industry and fash... more Subject. The article considers the role of competitive advantages for the light industry and fashion industry. Objectives. The purpose is to perform a strategic analysis of the light industry and fashion industry enterprise, determine the role of competitive advantages for the strategic leadership of light industry and fashion industry enterprises (Inditex company). Methods. The study employs methods of economic analysis, synthesis, and comparison, the well–known concepts of strategic marketing and branding, the methodology of strategizing by V.L. Kvint, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and fashion strategizing, the industry methodology of strategizing in the field of light industry and fashion industry. Results. Based on the analysis, I substantiated the hypothesis that competitive advantages play the most significant role for the formation of a unique business model that provides strategic leadership. The paper offers a conceptual scheme of identified competiti...

Strategizing: Theory and Practice
A personal brand unites one’s exceptionalism, individual traits, professionalism, experience, and... more A personal brand unites one’s exceptionalism, individual traits, professionalism, experience, and reputation. In the era of the global digital media and strategic communication, a personal brand becomes a strategic asset that brings financial benefits. Its strategic role at the labor market is that it can increase one’s income, if properly invested in. However, the theory and methodology of strategic branding at the labor market remains understudied. The present research objective was to prove the effectiveness of investing in a personal brand in order to achieve strategic goals at the labor market. To analyze the basic concepts of signaling models and the game theory, the authors used the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by V.L. Kvint, Dr.Sc.(Econ.), Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Life-time). The authors believe that the era of information economy have turned strategic brands into a signaling mechanism. The relationship between personal brand and...

Intellect. Innovations. Investments
Корпоративный акселератор позволяет компании реализовать стратегический приоритет в области транс... more Корпоративный акселератор позволяет компании реализовать стратегический приоритет в области трансфера технологий, найти наилучшее решение имеющихся задач, сократить расходы или повысить эффективность бизнес-процессов. Доступ к трудовым, инфраструктурным, финансовым ресурсам хозяйствующего субъекта позволяет пилотным проектам обеспечить все условия для формирования технологического суверенитета компании. Цель данной научной работы состоит в выявлении теоретических основ инструмента корпоративного акселератора, а также рассмотрения и анализа лучших стратегических отечественных и зарубежных практик. В научной статье проанализированы разные типы акселераторов и их стратегические цели. Корпоративные венчурные акселераторы направлены на развитие проектов как независимых бизнес-направлений. Корпоративные технологические акселераторы имеют стратегическую цель создания поставщиков продуктов и услуг. Внутренние акселераторы активизируют результаты интеллектуальной деятельности внутри компании. Процессные акселераторы позволяют повысить внутреннюю эффективность процессов и облегчить взаимодействие с внешними акторами. Акселераторы по модели венчурного клиента позволяют оперативнее реализовывать пилотные проекты с заказчиком. Стратегические цели и ожидаемые результаты акселерационной программы должны точно соответствовать стратегии развития компании, в интересах которой проводится акселерационная программа. Стратегическое целеполагание акселерационных программ может быть самым различным и зависит от стратегии. Проведенный анализ позволил сформулировать ключевые стратегические принципы для использования этого инструмента в легкой промышленности и индустрии моды. Автором сформулировано, что акселерационная программа должна быть определена конкретными интересами и стратегическими приоритетами компании легкой промышленности и индустрии моды. Такими интересами может быть выход на новый рынок сбыта, технологическое перевооружение, цифровизация процессов и прочее. Финансовые приоритеты компании должны подразумевать достаточность объема ресурсов для обеспечения развития инновационного направления путем использования механизма трансфера технологий. Для повышения экономической и общественной эффективности трудовые ресурсы отраслевой компании должны быть вовлечены в запуск, реализацию и совершенствование таких программ. Предложена стратегическая целевая карта акселераторов в зависимости от их типов. Профессионалам в области креативной экономики результаты данной работы позволят долгосрочно самостоятельно разрабатывать технологические приоритеты развития своей инновационной экосистемы. В данном исследовании используется следующий методологический инструментарий: изучение, анализ, синтез, формализация, стратегический бенчмаркинг. Стратегические принципы создания и работы корпоративного акселератора в индустрии моды базируются на теории и методологии стратегирования академика В. Л. Квинта. Дальнейшие исследования могут быть посвящены вопросам анализа общественной и экономической эффективности в разрезе корпоративной акселерации. Ключевые слова: индустрия моды, легкая промышленность, цифровые платформы, трансфер технологий, корпоративный акселератор, стратегия, стратегирование. Для цитирования: Хворостяная А. С. Корпоративный акселератор как стратегический инструмент развития трансфера технологий для предприятий легкой промышленности и индустрии моды // Интеллект.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice
Strategic trends and patterns change the organizational, consumer, and instrumental landscape of ... more Strategic trends and patterns change the organizational, consumer, and instrumental landscape of the light industry and fashion companies. The current development of strategic branding is connected with the humanity (empathy) trend. In strategic branding, success depends on the right strategic decisions and customers’ feedback. Companies need to track consumer behavior, select relevant strategic communication tools, and create personalized propositions if they want to provide a sensitive response to customer preferences in real time. The present research objective was to identify effective strategic priorities in brand humanity in textile, footwear, clothing, and fashion. The task is relevant because brand humanity remains understudied in the spheres of light industry and fashion. The research relied on such traditional methods as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, and comparison, as well as on the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by V.L. Kvint, Doctor...

Strategizing: Theory and Practice
The current state policy of the Russian Federation supports the development of physical culture a... more The current state policy of the Russian Federation supports the development of physical culture and sports, in particular hockey, to solve a complex of social and political problems. Sport as a sphere and industry is changing rapidly due to various external challenges. Consequently, strategic management has to adapt to these changes and challenges. The current situation demands a clear strategic plan, not universal business models or outdated strategic methods. Sport is a business that requires complex management and a strategy. A sports team owes its success not only to its athletes but also to the proper strategic decisions. Unfortunately, the methodology of developing strategies for sports industry received little scientific attention. The present research objective was to identify effective strategies in the sports industry. This paper clarifies and systematizes many concepts and approaches to the strategy development that have been adapted for sports organizations with all thei...

Russian Journal of Industrial Economics
Strategic development of social and economic agenda in corporate sector of economy is a noticeabl... more Strategic development of social and economic agenda in corporate sector of economy is a noticeable trend. Strategic leadership of the companies in the 21st century is impossible without consideration of the economic and public efficiency issues. Investors tend to study non-financial factors within the investment analysis to reveal non-system risks and find strategic opportunities for growth. ESG-strategizing deals with extensive directions of the company activities such as human resources policy, ethics, corporate management, corporate social responsibility, responsible investment, etc. Achieving high results in ESG-strategy triggers development of the company strategic brand, builds up long-term loyalty of the employees, investors and government agencies, as well as increases the trust of local residents in the regions of the company’s presence. The author applies the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. The article contains analysis of the best practic...

Economic Revival of Russia
Water is the basic value of human life. However, the shortage of drinking water in the world is i... more Water is the basic value of human life. However, the shortage of drinking water in the world is increasing and this global negative trend creates a strategic humanity threat. Because of this, the importance, economics, and water supply strategy are becoming more relevant and have become national security important factor. The authors analyze the main strategic tools for the drinking water shortage compensating in a number of regions and countries of the world and show that one of them is the drinking water bottling. Unlike the majority of foreign and domestic studies devoted to commercial aspects of the production and sale of bottled drinking water, the authors of this study consider these aspects mainly from the point of view of public and state (budget) efficiency. The article formulates the strategic possibility, feasibility and forms of fresh water in Russia commercialization – a country with one of the highest levels of availability of this resource. The authors consider the ma...
Интеллект. Инновации. Инвестиции, 2022

Strategizing: Theory and Practice
Introduction. Modern libraries do their best to increase public access to relevant information an... more Introduction. Modern libraries do their best to increase public access to relevant information and knowledge with the help of modern digital technologies. Libraries supported by national governments and international non-governmental organizations provide the development of all sectors of society. Therefore, new opportunities for libraries are an important strategic task both for the state and the libraries themselves. The current global practices of diversifying library activities proved quite effective as they meet the challenges of digitalization and experience economy. However, they should be implemented with respect to the national specifics of the domestic library system. Study objects and methods. The present research was based on the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by V.L. Kvint, Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation. His scientific theses have been successfully implemented in a nu...
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022

Finance and Credit, 2021
Subject. The article discusses how brand influences corporate and financial strategies. Objective... more Subject. The article discusses how brand influences corporate and financial strategies. Objectives. We determine the role of brand in setting up transformation strategies, including M&A, financial indicators of companies. Methods. We relied upon methods of economic analysis and synthesis, comparison, matching. Strategic analysis is based on renowned concepts for strategic marketing and branding, including those proposed by M. Porter, Ph. Kotler, R. Kaplan and D. Northon, V. Kvint's methodology for strategy-setting. Results. Illustrating some cases, we justify the hypothesis stating that branding plays the most significant role in setting up transformation deal strategies for consumption sectors, light industry and fashion, while transformation processes in high-tech, banking are not always accompanied with rebranding. Furthermore, we suggest how it should be assessed whether it is reasonable to save a brand in case of M&A. Conclusions and Relevance. Businesses can refer to this ...
Journal of Regional and International Competitiveness, 2021
The collective monograph "Conceptual Future of Kuzbass Region: Strategic Outlines of Develop... more The collective monograph "Conceptual Future of Kuzbass Region: Strategic Outlines of Development Priorities until 2071 (50-year Perspective)" presents strategic initiatives aimed at creating a better life for Kuzbass residents in the 50-years perspective. For this purpose, we justified strategic priorities of restoring the environment and natural resources efficient using, improving the urban environment, developing infrastructure and new industries in the region, and promoting Kuzbass products to foreign markets.
The collective monograph "Strategizing of Kuzbass Region water resources" proposes stra... more The collective monograph "Strategizing of Kuzbass Region water resources" proposes strategic directions for the efficient use of water resources and ensuring the strategic security of the region's most important life support system in the long term, primarily through the development of water supply and sanitation systems aimed at achieving the key goal of improving the level and quality of life of the population Kuzbass Region.

Strategizing: Theory and Practice, 2021
According to global forecasts, emerging-market countries have a more rapidly developing consumpti... more According to global forecasts, emerging-market countries have a more rapidly developing consumption rate than developed economies. Their global consumption share will continue to grow in the nearest future. Large industrial enterprises have the best competitive position to focus their products and services emerging-market countries because they have strong brands as well as high-quality customer service, hi-tech innovations and infrastructure. Such emerging-market countries as China, India, and Brazil provide strategic opportunities for long-term development. Successful expansion into the emerging-market countries profit margins, asset turnover, and geographic diversification in the long run. The research objective was to study the strategy development of light industry and fashion businesses in emerging-market countries. The paper introduces an in-depth OTSW-analysis of strategic opportunities and trends. The author emphasizes the role of fashion strategizing as an effective tool t...
Journal of Business & Economic Policy, 2018

Intelligence. Innovations. Investment, 2020
Light industry is one of the most important sectors of the national and world economy. Due to the... more Light industry is one of the most important sectors of the national and world economy. Due to the strategic priority of the science development in many countries, the issues of technology transfer are included in the economic development current agenda. The main purpose of the research is to identify the key strategic foundations of industrial technology transfer. To do this, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization, inductive and deductive methods. The article reveals the economic essence of industrial technology transfer, shows that technology transfer should be understood as a combination of exchange operations with production functions that reduce transaction costs and create added value. The article considers the strategic role of technology transfer as the most vital factor in the transition to Industry 4.0, focused on the technologies transfer from research organizations to the real economy sector. A special mechanism for im...

Russian Journal of Industrial Economics, 2020
Governmental support in the formation of economic and intellectual potential of Kuzbass contribut... more Governmental support in the formation of economic and intellectual potential of Kuzbass contributes to more comfortable conditions for development of business and improvement of life quality of the population. Strategic branding tools are an effective mechanism which allows building up long-term and trusting relationship with the local people and introducing certain values. The effect of external shocks including the COVID-19 pandemics on the functioning of social and economic spheres also reveal the necessity of their structural transformation and the need for raising digitalization level. The authors of the article suggest a number of strategic initiatives aimed at improving the business reputation of Kuzbass. Kuzbass Trading House can become a centre for promoting Russian hi-tech companies abroad, presenting investment projects. It also can act as an integrator of international engineering projects and a driver for technology transfer. As digitalization tends to spread wider and ...

Administrative Consulting, 2020
Цель. В современной экономической системе стратегическую роль играет развитие новых технологий, к... more Цель. В современной экономической системе стратегическую роль играет развитие новых технологий, которые являются драйвером инноваций. Меняющийся характер передачи технологий и знаний между академическим и промышленным секторами также является важной областью для изучения. Однако между исследователями, производящими новые технологии, обладающими потенциалом коммерциализации, и предприятиями коммерческого сектора отсутствует эффективная система взаимодействия, призванная обеспечивать активизацию стратегии инновационного развития экономики. В данной статье рассмотрен стратегический смысл участия различных агентов рынка трансфера технологий в процессе взаимодействия между инноваторами и предприятиями в сфере коммерциализации. Стратегический подход к основным группам участников и анализу заинтересованных сторон обеспечивает качественное владение полученной технологией и минимизирует риски во время всего этапа реализации трансфера технологий. Тщательно выверенное описание технологических возможностей с точки зрения их уникальных компонентов и особенностей, позволяет бизнесу понять, что может явиться потенциальной основой его будущего стратегического конкурентного преимущества. Методы. В данной статье с помощью таких общенаучных методов познания, как анализ, синтез и индукция проводится анализ ценностных ориентиров участника рынка трансфера технологий. Авторы пришли к выводу, что игнорирование интереса каждого из агентов рынка трансфера технологий способно уменьшить синергетическую эффективность государственных мер и механизмов поддержки процесса трансфера технологий. В результате исследования выявлены ценности участия ключевых акторов инноваций в стратегических процессе трансфера технологий.
Papers by Anna S. Khvorostyanaya