The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLII-2/W11, 403-410, 2019 , 2019
This study, focused on the Archaeological Park of Centocelle, was carried out to test the functio... more This study, focused on the Archaeological Park of Centocelle, was carried out to test the functionality of different geomatic products for the identification and monitoring of complex archaeological evidences in urban areas. The method proposes a better knowledge of the archaeological context as a tool to favour a better protection, allowing the establishment of limits to urban enlargement in areas of respect. The test area is chosen because of the combined presence of hypogeal evidences related to Roman and pre-Roman exploitation of local litotypes and for the dense presence of archaeological vestiges at its surface, related to the inhabitation function of the zone in a period contemporaneous to the beginning of the quarrying activities. The methods used are the digital photogrammetry, 3D modelling, remote sensing interpretation and digital cartography. The protocol is then customized for the peculiarities of the area under study, considering both the underground structures and the ones at the surface. Archaeological features are identified by processing optical and SAR dataset to enhance the contrast of archaeological features from the background. Historical and recent DSM have been then compared to evaluate the evolutions of local topography. Concerning the study of the subterranean quarrying system in the area, a 3D model of one gallery was produced, with the aim to understand the type of ancient exploitation. A DTM of the toolmarks was then produced to understand the technological skills used for the exploitation of the local tuff and used as an indirect proof for chronological interpretation. A final trial of PSInSAR was addressed to test the method for monitoring the hypogeal levels. Several field prospections were executed, in order to first set the method properly and then validate the results.
Papers by Angela Celauro
has already been scientifically correlated to ancient cavities under increasing urban pressure. In this scenario, additional interacting anthropogenic factors, such as the aerial bombardments perpetrated
during the Second World War, are considered here. These three factors have been investigated by employing a combined geomatic methodology. Information on air raids has been organized in vector archives. A dataset of historical aerial photographs has been processed into Digital Surface Models and orthomosaics to reconstruct the quarry landscape and its evolution, identify typologies of exploitation and forms of collapse and corroborate the discussion concerning the induced historical and
recent subsidence phenomena, comparing these outputs with photogrammetric products obtained from recent satellite data. Geological and urbanistic characterization of the study area allowed a better
connection between these historical and environmental factors. In light of the information gathered so far, SAR interferometric products allowed a preliminary interpretation of ground instabilities surrounding historical quarries, air raids and recent subsidence events. Various sub-areas of the AOI where the presence of the considered factors also corresponds to areas in slight subsidence in the SAR velocity maps have been highlighted. Bivariate hotspot analysis allowed substantiating the hypothesis of a spatial correlation between these multiple aspects.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
neural networks. Two well-established architectures, the segNet and the U-Net, have been used for the processing of in situ images to validate their usability in the field of volcanology. The dataset fed into the two CNN models was acquired from in situ visible video cameras from a ground-based network (Etna_NETVIS) located on Mount Etna (Italy) during the eruptive episode of 24th December
2018, when 560 images were captured from three different stations: CATANIA-CUAD, BRONTE, and Mt. CAGLIATO. In the preprocessing phase, data labelling for computer vision was used, adding one meaningful and informative label to provide eruptive context and the appropriate input for the training of the machine-learning neural network. Methods presented in this work offer a generalised toolset for volcano monitoring to detect, segment, and track ash plume emissions. The automatic detection of plumes helps to significantly reduce the storage of useless data, starting to register and save eruptive events at the time of unrest when a volcano leaves the rest status, and the semantic segmentation allows volcanic plumes to be tracked automatically and allows geometric parameters to be calculated.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Sur la base des travaux archéologiques menées il y a près de 50 ans, le premier quadriennal (2016-2019) s’est attaché à estimer l’importance et la place de la métallurgie dans le district d’Akjoujt, dans la région de l’Inchiri en Mauritanie. Les recherches ont mis en évidence une intense exploitation des ressources métallifères et une occupation anthropique fortement liée à la métallurgie du cuivre. Les sites semblent se répartir selon les nécessités d’accès aux matières premières et ressources naturelles et selon la chaîne opératoire de la métallurgie du cuivre.
Sur la base des travaux archéologiques menés il y a plusieurs dizaines d’années, les recherches du programme CUPRUM dans la région de l’Inchiri, dans un rayon de 80 km autour de la ville d’Akjoujt, ont permis de découvrir par prospections de nombreux sites archéologiques : 55 mines anciennes, 11 carrières et minières et plus de 200 sites dont 90 comportant des activités métallurgiques.
the light of the analytical characterization of reagents and products, aimed to define the chemical reactions involved, in order to prepare and execute the thermodynamic validation of them. Analyses were conducted by the authors on different kinds of ancient recipes, coming from textual evidence of a wide chronological range, involving the use of different cementation components. Initial archaeological experiments were conducted using a cement based on a recipe of Pedanius Dioscorides (I century AD) for the production of ios scolekos. Afterwards, the use of brick powder and salt, a procedure described for
example in Theophilus, was reproduced and interpreted through the identification of reagents and products involved in the pyrometallurgical processes.
A new set of experiments was then designed and carried out with cements containing the natural weathered mineral complex called “misy”, following descriptions given by Galen (II century AD), Dioscorides and Georgius Agricola (XVI century). Other experiments reproduced the description of gold separation and collection made by Agatharchides of Cnidus (II century BC), after his direct observations made in the Nubian gold mines. The aims of these studies are to enlighten and classify the technical processes, to evaluate the reliability and the parameters of the procedures (e.g. temperature, atmosphere, and duration) and the characterization of products: this information contributes to new insights in the study of the ancient production of gold and precious metal artefacts.
La misurazione delle caratteristiche della moneta, come il peso e il diametro, ma anche l’esame dei bordi e delle facce (al dritto e al rovescio) e l’analisi composizionale, adeguatamente trattati statisticamente, consente l’ottenimento di importanti informazioni che, oltre alle ovvie risultanze storiche e numismatiche in sé, sono attinenti ai seguenti campi di studio: 1) tecniche di produzione, 2) caratterizzazione (tipo di lega metallica), 3) provenienza, 4) datazione indiretta, 5) autenticità. Il lavoro presentato, fornendo una metodologia che si spera possa diventare uno strumento diagnostico in numismatica, vuole evidenziare come analisi scientifiche sui reperti monetali possano fornire indicazioni in direzioni alternative a quella tipologica e storica. Tre casi-studio descrivono come la moneta abbia fornito indicazioni che implementano le informazioni derivanti dal solo contesto numismatico. Il primo riguarda lo studio di autenticità del prezioso reperto in oro di Imera, la “phiale di Achyris”; la phiale mesomphalos (latinopatera umbilicata) è una forma ben attestata nel mondo greco, sia con esemplari in ceramica che metallici della fine del IV e l’inizio del III sec. a.C. Il reperto investigato ha una scritta da cui sono stati tratti importanti suggerimenti per le indagini sulla sua autenticità. Il secondo caso riguarda l’identificazione delle tecniche di coniazione degli Aurei di Sesto Pompeo Magno mentre il terzo riguarda un gruppo di circa 60 monete puniche del tipo testa maschile/cavallo al galoppo, provenienti dalla collezione privata M. Viola, dove le analisi chimico fisiche ed una trattazione statistica delle caratteristiche misurabili delle monete hanno evidenziato particolari interessanti per la loro collocazione storica.
has already been scientifically correlated to ancient cavities under increasing urban pressure. In this scenario, additional interacting anthropogenic factors, such as the aerial bombardments perpetrated
during the Second World War, are considered here. These three factors have been investigated by employing a combined geomatic methodology. Information on air raids has been organized in vector archives. A dataset of historical aerial photographs has been processed into Digital Surface Models and orthomosaics to reconstruct the quarry landscape and its evolution, identify typologies of exploitation and forms of collapse and corroborate the discussion concerning the induced historical and
recent subsidence phenomena, comparing these outputs with photogrammetric products obtained from recent satellite data. Geological and urbanistic characterization of the study area allowed a better
connection between these historical and environmental factors. In light of the information gathered so far, SAR interferometric products allowed a preliminary interpretation of ground instabilities surrounding historical quarries, air raids and recent subsidence events. Various sub-areas of the AOI where the presence of the considered factors also corresponds to areas in slight subsidence in the SAR velocity maps have been highlighted. Bivariate hotspot analysis allowed substantiating the hypothesis of a spatial correlation between these multiple aspects.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
neural networks. Two well-established architectures, the segNet and the U-Net, have been used for the processing of in situ images to validate their usability in the field of volcanology. The dataset fed into the two CNN models was acquired from in situ visible video cameras from a ground-based network (Etna_NETVIS) located on Mount Etna (Italy) during the eruptive episode of 24th December
2018, when 560 images were captured from three different stations: CATANIA-CUAD, BRONTE, and Mt. CAGLIATO. In the preprocessing phase, data labelling for computer vision was used, adding one meaningful and informative label to provide eruptive context and the appropriate input for the training of the machine-learning neural network. Methods presented in this work offer a generalised toolset for volcano monitoring to detect, segment, and track ash plume emissions. The automatic detection of plumes helps to significantly reduce the storage of useless data, starting to register and save eruptive events at the time of unrest when a volcano leaves the rest status, and the semantic segmentation allows volcanic plumes to be tracked automatically and allows geometric parameters to be calculated.
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Sur la base des travaux archéologiques menées il y a près de 50 ans, le premier quadriennal (2016-2019) s’est attaché à estimer l’importance et la place de la métallurgie dans le district d’Akjoujt, dans la région de l’Inchiri en Mauritanie. Les recherches ont mis en évidence une intense exploitation des ressources métallifères et une occupation anthropique fortement liée à la métallurgie du cuivre. Les sites semblent se répartir selon les nécessités d’accès aux matières premières et ressources naturelles et selon la chaîne opératoire de la métallurgie du cuivre.
Sur la base des travaux archéologiques menés il y a plusieurs dizaines d’années, les recherches du programme CUPRUM dans la région de l’Inchiri, dans un rayon de 80 km autour de la ville d’Akjoujt, ont permis de découvrir par prospections de nombreux sites archéologiques : 55 mines anciennes, 11 carrières et minières et plus de 200 sites dont 90 comportant des activités métallurgiques.
the light of the analytical characterization of reagents and products, aimed to define the chemical reactions involved, in order to prepare and execute the thermodynamic validation of them. Analyses were conducted by the authors on different kinds of ancient recipes, coming from textual evidence of a wide chronological range, involving the use of different cementation components. Initial archaeological experiments were conducted using a cement based on a recipe of Pedanius Dioscorides (I century AD) for the production of ios scolekos. Afterwards, the use of brick powder and salt, a procedure described for
example in Theophilus, was reproduced and interpreted through the identification of reagents and products involved in the pyrometallurgical processes.
A new set of experiments was then designed and carried out with cements containing the natural weathered mineral complex called “misy”, following descriptions given by Galen (II century AD), Dioscorides and Georgius Agricola (XVI century). Other experiments reproduced the description of gold separation and collection made by Agatharchides of Cnidus (II century BC), after his direct observations made in the Nubian gold mines. The aims of these studies are to enlighten and classify the technical processes, to evaluate the reliability and the parameters of the procedures (e.g. temperature, atmosphere, and duration) and the characterization of products: this information contributes to new insights in the study of the ancient production of gold and precious metal artefacts.
La misurazione delle caratteristiche della moneta, come il peso e il diametro, ma anche l’esame dei bordi e delle facce (al dritto e al rovescio) e l’analisi composizionale, adeguatamente trattati statisticamente, consente l’ottenimento di importanti informazioni che, oltre alle ovvie risultanze storiche e numismatiche in sé, sono attinenti ai seguenti campi di studio: 1) tecniche di produzione, 2) caratterizzazione (tipo di lega metallica), 3) provenienza, 4) datazione indiretta, 5) autenticità. Il lavoro presentato, fornendo una metodologia che si spera possa diventare uno strumento diagnostico in numismatica, vuole evidenziare come analisi scientifiche sui reperti monetali possano fornire indicazioni in direzioni alternative a quella tipologica e storica. Tre casi-studio descrivono come la moneta abbia fornito indicazioni che implementano le informazioni derivanti dal solo contesto numismatico. Il primo riguarda lo studio di autenticità del prezioso reperto in oro di Imera, la “phiale di Achyris”; la phiale mesomphalos (latinopatera umbilicata) è una forma ben attestata nel mondo greco, sia con esemplari in ceramica che metallici della fine del IV e l’inizio del III sec. a.C. Il reperto investigato ha una scritta da cui sono stati tratti importanti suggerimenti per le indagini sulla sua autenticità. Il secondo caso riguarda l’identificazione delle tecniche di coniazione degli Aurei di Sesto Pompeo Magno mentre il terzo riguarda un gruppo di circa 60 monete puniche del tipo testa maschile/cavallo al galoppo, provenienti dalla collezione privata M. Viola, dove le analisi chimico fisiche ed una trattazione statistica delle caratteristiche misurabili delle monete hanno evidenziato particolari interessanti per la loro collocazione storica.
More Info: ISBN: 978-2-35518-094-1
Publication Date: 2019
Previous experimentation was carried out using different combinations of man-made and natural compounds, belonging to the sulphate-halide group (i.e. misy or ios skolekos and salt) and the phyllosilicate-halide class (i.e. powdered brick and salt), tested and characterized in the reagent-product chains and thermodynamically interpreted. Experiments were also undertaken to understand multipurpose procedures such as the collection-scorification-cementation method for the parting of gangue, accessory minerals and metals (copper and silver) from gold by the combination of different processes conducted sequentially in the same crucible.
Recent results have been obtained on the following topics:
• Misy from Cyprus is evaluated in ancient texts as to be of high quality, and the experiments carried out after an analytical appraisal of specific mineral compounds has allowed us to hypothesize a possible reason: compositions such as copiapite-rich gossans and Devil's Mud (sulphide-based composition), make the cements particularly effective in the purification process;
• The use of stibnite as a parting agent has also been tested and interpreted, thus adding this type of sulphide process to the possible procedures used, as well as suggesting a thermo-chemical interpretation of cementation with Devil’s Mud;
• Preliminary analytical results of trace element variation before and after cementation of alluvial gold are proposed as possible fingerprints of transient processes used in the processing of gold and the fabrication of gold artefacts;
• The multi-purpose usage of ancient cement recipes for the removal of surface oxidation during the production of gold artefacts and for depletion gilding.