Papers by Andik Wahyun Muqoyyidin
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Dec 1, 2020
s Madrasa as an institution of Islamic education was an idea and a brilliant achievements in the ... more s Madrasa as an institution of Islamic education was an idea and a brilliant achievements in the fifth century AH. With its uniqueness, during the Abbasiyah caliphate in Baghdad, madrassas became par-excellence educational institutions. After development and kuttab mosques, madrassas was growing very rapidly. Mirror at that time, the pattern of Islamic education has many variants, and almost all educational institutions when it received full support from the government in the field of finance. This was the cause of science and technology was growing rapidly. The madrassas which makes it very important function is the completeness of his room to study, known as muhadharah rooms and buildings associated with it, security for students and teachers. Similarly, in teaching and learning, teaching methods varied also be one of the aspects that are important for transferring knowledge and culture from a teacher to a student. A. Pendahuluan Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan yang begitu pesat pad...
Gender is one of a number of contemporary discourse that can be called that is enough to get ... more Gender is one of a number of contemporary discourse that can be called that is enough to get the attention of many people, from the teenagers, among movement activists, academics and students, the legislature and government, to the clergy. The purpose of this discourse is a close social injustice based on gender differences, the next attempt to bring about equality between men and women on the social aspects. Gender discourse can be categorized into at least four appearances, namely as a movement, a philosophical discourse, the development of social issues to religious issues, and as an approach in the study of religion. This paper will discuss the perspectives of gender equality as conceived by Muslim feminists. Generally it can be stated that the goal of feminism is the struggle to achieve equality, dignity, and freedom of women in selecting and managing the life and body, both inside and outside the household. Kata Kunci: kesetaraan, gender, gerakan, feminisme Islam
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2017
Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi akhlak mahasiswa, di antaranya materi pelajaran yang diberikan ol... more Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi akhlak mahasiswa, di antaranya materi pelajaran yang diberikan oleh dosen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemaham materi kedarululuman, peningkatan akhlak serta pengaruh materi Ke-Darul-Ulum-an terhadap peningkatan akhlak mahasiswa semester II Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam Unipdu Jombang tahun akademik 2016/2017. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angket.Teknik analisis menggunakan rumus prosentase dan analisis regresi, sampel penelitian 40 responden. Prosentase pemahaman materi kedarululuman 76,29%. Hasil peningkatan akhlak 89,7%. Hasil analisis data regresi linier sederhana diperoleh = 0,878 untuk taraf kesalahan ditetapkan 5%. Jika N = 40, maka r tabel = 0,312. Karena jika nilai sig (p. Value) > 0,05 maka H 0 diterima dan H a ditolak. Dapat disimpulkan tidak terdapat Pengaruh Pemahaman Materi Ke-Darul-Ulum-an terhadap Peningkatan Akhlak Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Agama Is...
Abstrak Tulisan ini hendak menjelaskan perihal Islam yang berdialektika dengan budaya lokal di In... more Abstrak Tulisan ini hendak menjelaskan perihal Islam yang berdialektika dengan budaya lokal di Indonesia yang pada akhirnya membentuk sebuah varian Islam yang khas dan unik, sebagaimana Islam Jawa. Varian Islam tersebut bukanlah Islam yang tercerabut dari akar kemurniannya, tapi Islam yang di dalamnya telah berakulturasi dengan budaya lokal. Dalam proses tersebut, Islam tetap tidak tercerabut akar ideologisnya, demikian pula dengan budaya lokal tidak lantas hilang dengan masuknya Islam di dalamnya. Sebagai salah satu varian Islam kultural yang ada di Indonesia, Islam Jawa memiliki karakter dan ekspresi keberagamaan yang cenderung sinkretis dengan berbagai tradisinya yang distingtif. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari dialektika antara agama dan budaya yang terjadi seperti dalam penyelenggaraan sekaten di Yogyakarta dan Cirebon serta perayaan hari raya dengan makanan khas ketupat di Jawa Timur yang diselenggarakan satu minggu setelah ‘Idul Fitri. Sekaten ini merupakan upacara penyelengg...
This paper aims to describe the systematic and holistic efforts to unearth the de-radicalization ... more This paper aims to describe the systematic and holistic efforts to unearth the de-radicalization of Islamic education. The rise of radicalism in the name of religion on the global stage, particularly in Indonesia, both with an old and new-style format, demanding the authorities to seriously think of a proper strategy for overcoming it. All rightly appreciate the government’s determination to continue to optimize the de-radicalization program in order to ward off misunderstandings and extreme ideology. Although the roots of the rise of radicalism among Muslims, it is complex, but in fact indirectly it reflects an Islamic education learning practices that have been implemented at various levels of education. One of the major breakthroughs related to rejuvenating this de-radicalization program can be started from the reorientation of the Indonesian Islamic education vision towards strengthening inclusive vision-multiculturalist. That is, early on, some important components of Islamic...
Gender is one of discourses called contemporary discourse calls for the attention of many parties... more Gender is one of discourses called contemporary discourse calls for the attention of many parties, the youth, among movement activists, academics and students, legislative and government, and the theologian. The purpose of this discourse is to close a social injustice based on gender differences. Furthermore, it seeks to achieve equality between men and women in the social aspects. And so far, of the discourse on gender at least can be categorized into four performance, i.e., as a movement, as a discourse of development, those social issues into religious issues, and as an approach in the study of religion. This paper discusses about the perspectives of gender equality as understood by the muslim feminists. In general, it can be mentioned that the purpose of the struggle of feminism is equality, dignity, and freedom of women in choosing and managing life and her body, both inside and outside the household.
This article is to unravel the issue of dialectic of Islam and local culture in the social field ... more This article is to unravel the issue of dialectic of Islam and local culture in the social field as one face of Javanese Islam. Historically, Islam came to Indonesia there is a record seventh century AD, but there are also the states of the thirteenth century AD. This means that Islam has been a long time to adapt and dialogue with the culture, customs, attitudes and ways of thinking locals Indonesia. Moreover, many aspects of Islamic teachings that can be flexible so it can receive the local elements are in harmony with the teachings of Islam. The style of Islam in Java in many ways resembles Islam in South Asia. Kerala, the Malabar coast became an important area for the spice trade. Therefore, this area is also very likely to be a transit area for the purpose of trading with the merchants and simultaneously broadcast and Sufi Moslem are deliberately seeking new areas for development of Islam. For this reason, the face of Islam in Java is the result of dialogue and dialectic betwee...
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, 1970
This article discusses the typical nomenclature of kitab kuning and the tradition of Islamic rese... more This article discusses the typical nomenclature of kitab kuning and the tradition of Islamic research in the archipelago. According to Bruinessen, pesantren have successfully built the great tradition in the teaching of Islam based classical books are popularly known as kitab kuning. Be a strong institutional tradition of study and research, pesantren will make a major contribution in responding to contemporary issues and future. Pesantren research tradition rooted in social history, sources of value, and intellectual traditions.
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya, 1970
This article reveals the Islamic cultural problems which spreadsand develops in Indonesia especia... more This article reveals the Islamic cultural problems which spreadsand develops in Indonesia especially those which are related to Islam andJavanese culture dialectic. This idea refers to cultural-sociological framewhich dominated more in the form of acculturation. Although there was afluctuated development in the 19’s still acculturation dominated almostall religion’s expression in Java. Syncretism and religion tolerance becamethe character of Islam in Java and this was based to Javanese contextanimism and Hinduism.
Edusentris, 2014
Sejumlah pemikir dan ahli pendidikan, khususnya di Barat, makin menunjukkan kegelisahan dan kekec... more Sejumlah pemikir dan ahli pendidikan, khususnya di Barat, makin menunjukkan kegelisahan dan kekecewaan terhadap sistem dan hasil pendidikan modern, sebagaimana terlihat dalam sejumlah artikel dan pertemuan ilmiah yang diadakan di beberapa tempat. Mereka merasakan tidak adanya korelasi antara pandangan orang modern dan hasil temuannya dengan Maha Pencipta, serta pengakuan akan adanya kehidupan di balik kehidupan di dunia ini sebagai sesuatu yang hilang dalam kerangka keberilmuwan orang-orang modern masa kini. Berangkat dari pola pikir di atas, artikel ini bertujuan membicarakan pentingnya melihat bangunan keilmuan, yang merupakan dasar berdiri tegaknya pendidikan tinggi Islam center of excellences, sebagai bangunan yang integratif dan interkoneksitas antar berbagai unsurnya, baik dalam proses penggalian maupun pencabangannya. Paradigma interkoneksitas ini berasumsi bahwa untuk memahami kompleksitas fenomena kehidupan yang dihadapi dan dijalani manusia, setiap bangunan keilmuan apapun, baik keilmuan agama (termasuk agama Islam dan agama-agama yang lain), keilmuan sosial, humaniora, maupun kealaman tidak dapat berdiri sendiri. Kerjasama, saling tegur sapa, saling membutuhkan, saling koreksi dan saling keterhubungan antar disiplin keilmuan akan lebih dapat membantu manusia memahami kompleksitas kehidupan yang dijalaninya dan memecahkan persoalan yang dihadapinya.
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2016
Tulisan ini hendak mengurai pemikiran Muhammad Abduh mengenai pembaruan pendidikan Islam. Pendeka... more Tulisan ini hendak mengurai pemikiran Muhammad Abduh mengenai pembaruan pendidikan Islam. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisis tokoh dan wacana. Hasil penelaahan atas sejumlah buku teks menunjukan bahwa pembaruan pendidikan Muhammad Abduh diawali dengan memformulasikan fondasi baru epistemologis keyakinan umat Muslim melalui Tajdîd al-Fahm (memperbarui pemahaman Islam). Artinya nilai dan prinsip dasar keberagamaan Islam yang esensial saja yang perlu dipertahankan sedangkan aspek historisitas kelembagaannya harus diaktualkan sebab ia meruang dan mewaktu mengikuti perubahan zaman. Dalam konteks pendidikan, Abduh menerapkan prinsip di atas dengan cara menghilangkan dualisme dalam pendidikan bahwa sekolah umum harus dapat memberikan pelajaran agama dan sekolah agama harus mampu mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan. Dalam penyusunan materi pun harus seimbang antara pemenuhan kebutuhan akal dengan jiwa guna mencapai kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.
A number of thinkers and scholars of education, especially in the West, the show anxiety and disi... more A number of thinkers and scholars of education, especially in the West, the show anxiety and disillusionment with the modern education system and the results, as seen in a number of articles and scientific meetings held in several places. They feel the lack of correlation between the modern and the view of its findings to the Supreme Creator, and the recognition that there is life beyond this life as something that is missing in terms of knowledge of modern people of today. Departing from the above mindset, this article discussed the importance of building scientific view, which is the basis for the establishment of an Islamic university established centers of excellences, as building an integrated and inter-connectivity between the various elements, both in the process of excavation and branches. Inter-connectivity paradigm assumes that to understand the complexity of the phenomena encountered and lived the life of man, every building of any science, whether science of religion (including Islam and other religions), social sciences, humanities, and natural can't stand alone. Cooperation, mutual scolds address, mutual need, mutual correction and the interconnectedness between scientific disciplines will be able to help people understand the complexities of life they lived and solve problems that it faces. For an Islamic university, inter-connectivity is an epistemological paradigm is the answer or response to difficulties experienced during this, which is inherited and passed on for centuries in the dichotomy of Islamic civilization on the religious sciences and science. Interconnectivity paradigm, the axiological, about offering a world view of human religion and a new scientists, more open, able to open up dialogue and cooperation, transparent, publicly accountable and forward-looking. Ontologically, the relationship between various academic disciplines become more open and fluid, although the blocks and borders between supporters of scientific culture is rooted in religious texts (Hadlarah al-Nash), and the culture of science supporting the empirical historical knowledge of factual social sciences and natural sciences (Hadlarah al-Ilm) and philosophical culture of ethical scientific support (Hadlarah al-Falsafah) could still exist. As the container (agent) for the development of sciences, Islamic universities can realize the cosmopolitan Islamic civilization. Therefore, the Islamic university should be able to enforce a dominant element of cosmopolitanism of Islamic civilization, such as the loss of ethnic boundaries, the strength of the plurality of cultural and political heterogeneity. Islamic cosmopolitanism has been a historical reality that paved the way for the formation of human heritage that isn't constrained by narrow nationalist views and parochialism. In the perspective of science, Islamic cosmopolitanism facilitates the struggle and
Analisis Jurnal Studi Keislaman, Oct 25, 2013
POTRET KONFLIK BERNUANSA AGAMA DI INDONESIA (Signifikansi Model Resolusi Berbasis Teologi Transfo... more POTRET KONFLIK BERNUANSA AGAMA DI INDONESIA (Signifikansi Model Resolusi Berbasis Teologi Transformatif) Andik Wahyun Muqoyyidin Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul ‘Ulum (UNIPDU) Jombang [email protected] Abstract As far as the record of religious conflicts in Indonesia are concerned, it shows three major patterns: conflicts among adherents of different religions, conflicts between one religion with a group accused as heretical, and internal conflicts of the same people of faith with those who have different understanding of the religion. The first pattern is obvious in many cases of banning houses of worship constructions. Cases of violence against Ahmadiyah followers are examples for the second pattern, and the Sunni-Syi’i clashes represents a third pattern. In any point of views, however, such conditions would be so detrimental to the human race in general, and society and the state of Indonesia in particular. This paper examines intensively about the issues and attempt to uncover the nature of the root-causes underlying them. From this analysis, we discuss the significance of the resolutions model that is more paradigmatic and holistic based on transformative theology. Transformative theology necessitates Muslims to avoid a partial understanding of religion. Similarly, this theology requires his people to escape from the burdens of religious history which often distort the religion of the essentials value and roles. Through this theology development, people’s religiosity will be seen as a creative process and full responsibility for developing a life that is always leaning to perennial moral values of justice, equality, peace and prosperity.
Prosiding Seminas Competitive Advantage, Oct 22, 2012
Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji pengembangan perguruan tinggi Islam berbasis karakter entrepreneur... more Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji pengembangan perguruan tinggi Islam berbasis karakter entrepreneurship bermoral, yang barangkali dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk menjawab berbagai keprihatinan dan krisis pendidikan di Indonesia. Azyumardi Azra (1999) memetakan pola kajian kependidikan Islam di Indonesia ke dalam tiga kategori, yaitu pertama, kajian sosio-historis pendidikan Islam; kedua, kajian pemikiran dan teori pendidikan Islam; dan ketiga, kajian metodologis pendidikan Islam. Dalam skala nasional, kualitas lembaga pendidikan Islam masih sangat memprihatinkan, lebih-lebih jika mencermati fenomena sosial dan kultural yang sedang aktual. Pada saat ini masih banyak orang yang cerdas, terampil, pintar, kreatif, produktif dan profesional, tetapi tidak dibarengi dengan kekokohan aqidah dan kedalaman spiritual serta keunggulan akhlak. Kajian ini diperlukan terutama dalam rangka mengantisipasi perkembangan pendidikan Islam kontemporer untuk tidak terjebak ke dalam pola pengembangan yang bersifat regresif dan konservatif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perguruan tinggi Islam berbasis karakter entrepreneurship bermoral merupakan agenda paling mendesak di tengah persaingan global yang kian intens.
Madrasa as an institution of Islamic education was an idea and a brilliant achievements in the fi... more Madrasa as an institution of Islamic education was an idea and a brilliant achievements in the fifth century AH. With its uniqueness, during the Abbasiyah caliphate in Baghdad, madrassas became par-excellence educational institutions. After development and kuttab mosques, madrassas was growing very rapidly. Mirror at that time, the pattern of Islamic education has many variants, and almost all educational institutions when it received full support from the government in the field of finance. This was the cause of science and technology was growing rapidly. The madrassas which makes it very important function is the completeness of his room to study, known as muhadharah rooms and buildings associated with it, security for students and teachers. Similarly, in teaching and learning, teaching methods varied also be one of the aspects that are important for transferring knowledge and culture from a teacher to a student.
El Hikmah, Apr 29, 2013
The condition of Indonesian social life in the last decade is very crucial. Frequently the group-... more The condition of Indonesian social life in the last decade is very crucial. Frequently the group-conflict happens, either between social or ethnic groups or between students or the young one another. Uncontrolled moral ethics and drugs in them are also in serious condition. To overcome such problems, we need an educational program of character building or revitalization of character education. Thus in place and reasonable that all providers of education institutions and students of education, busy thinking about it, how efforts to improve the character of the nation through the revitalization of character education is to be implemented in educational institutions. The revitalization of character education is implemented in integrated and holistic approach, not as a school subject. Thus, most of them who are involved within the program must be a model of a good character as stated in the national norm which is based on Pancasila culture. Besides, they work together holistically, in integrative way, and comprehensively. Purpose of this literature review is to examine the role of teaching Social Studies, History, and Civics in an effort to build the character generation using qualitative methods and take the kind of library research. The results from the literature review showed that while there is a great role of teaching Social Studies, History, and Civics to participate and build the character of the generation of reliable and virtuous character.
AL-BANJARI Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 2014
The essence of society is an integral part of the discussion of the philosophy of Islamic educati... more The essence of society is an integral part of the discussion of the philosophy of Islamic education. Fazlur Rahman even conclude that the primary purpose of the Quran is to enforce a social order thats fair and ideal. As a community order which emphasizes tolerance, democracy and civilized, civil society to contribute positively to the needs of Muslims today. For the basic concept of philosophy of Islamic education should be placed in the context of civil society supra-system of education in which it will be applied. Therefore reconstruction of Islamic educational philosophy into something very urgent and relevant to todays problems of Islamic education.
This article is to unravel the issue of dialectic of Islam and local culture in the social field ... more This article is to unravel the issue of dialectic of Islam and local culture in the social field as one face of Javanese Islam. Historically, Islam came to Indonesia there is a record seventh century AD, but there are also the states of the thirteenth century AD. This means that Islam has been a long time to adapt and dialogue with the culture, customs, attitudes and ways of thinking locals Indonesia. Moreover, many aspects of Islamic teachings that can be flexible so it can receive the local elements are in harmony with the teachings of Islam. The style of Islam in Java in many ways resembles Islam in South Asia. Kerala, the Malabar coast became an important area for the spice trade. Therefore, this area is also very likely to be a transit area for the purpose of trading with the merchants and simultaneously broadcast and Sufi Moslem are deliberately seeking new areas for development of Islam. For this reason, the face of Islam in Java is the result of dialogue and dialectic betwee...
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 1970
There are still many acts of terrorism that are as concrete evidences of how the use of the secur... more There are still many acts of terrorism that are as concrete evidences of how the use of the security approach alone isn’t effective enough to eradicate terrorism and Islamic radicalism to its roots in Indonesian. Therefore, various approaches of handling terrorism and Islamic radicalism must also be constantly pursued. That is the de-radicalization program through the nuances of Islamic education multicultural inclusiveness. In this case, they should pay attention to curriculum factors, educators, and educators use learning strategies.Masih banyaknya aksi terorisme di bumi Indonesia merupakan bukti konkritbetapa penggunaan pendekatan keamanan saja tidak cukup efektif untukmembasmi terorisme dan radikalisme Islam hingga akar-akarnya. Oleh karena itu,berbagai pendekatan penanganan terorisme dan radikalisme Islam lainnya harus pula senantiasa diupayakan. Salah satunya adalah dengan program deradikalisasi melalui pendidikan Islam bernuansa inklusif-multikultural. Dalam hal ini, mereka p...
Papers by Andik Wahyun Muqoyyidin