Humans (both teachers or learners) as the subject of education in nature is a creature who can th... more Humans (both teachers or learners) as the subject of education in nature is a creature who can think and be critical and able to read and change the reality of the world. Long before these teachings of Islam had earlier delivered it. The idea of liberalism (liberation) in education is the efforts to liberate human beings from the educational system is verbal, all naive, boring, and authoritarian cultures dictate and rule. Such educational practices can kill the critical and creative power of man himself. Therefore, such education should be abolished and replaced with the concept of education in accordance with the human character who has the instinct or the basis of freedom. While in Islamic education the essential concept of freedom must be in accordance with the value in the concept of Islam oriented not only to the world but also to achieve success, happiness, and prosperity in the afterlife.
Abstrak The integration of science and religion has an important value to dispel the assumption b... more Abstrak The integration of science and religion has an important value to dispel the assumption between Religion (Islam) is not an old-fashioned religion that does not accept the advance of science and technology, but is open Religion and revelation (al-Qur'an) is the source or inspiration of all sciences. Talking about the integration of imtaq and science and technology as one of the models in the development of Islamic education curriculum. The theory used in this study uses globalization that continues to grow in the midst of people's lives. Based on the study of the theories, the writer can give a little hypothesis about the impact of science and technology advancement that demands the existence of new and innovative models, especially in Islamic education as a form of response and a filter against the negative effects of science and technology, resulting in a model of imtaq and science integration as a model of development of Islamic education curriculum.
Basically education is an instrument for humans use to advance their civilization and culture. ed... more Basically education is an instrument for humans use to advance their civilization and culture. education is always running and developing in line with human life. Islamic education as an education actvity which is colored by the spirit and values of Islam will also develop during the life of members of islam comunity. Changes and developments in Islamic education seem so fast, whereas the life of today's society as if we live without division and distance as the impact of globalization. it gives the impression that the cultural differences of one society with others will be apparent. The apparent differences will be a time bomb that will explode in time, further leads to disharmony in society or cultural clashes. In the meantime Islamic education must be able to enter space building an educational model that develops multicultural values such as tolerance, fair education and education that uphold the value of equality. Therefore, to develop this educational model needs to touch the curriculum as the heart of education. as we know that in developing the curriculum requires principles such as theological, philosophical, juridical and sociological principles in order to the development is not uprooted from the basic values of Islamic education
School-based management is implemented so that it can give ease in achieving the vision, mission,... more School-based management is implemented so that it can give ease in achieving the vision, mission, and goals of the institution, so that it can improve the quality of education and bring a good end result and quality, and can get a productive and qualified graduates. This research was conducted in SMP Ar-Rohmah and SMP Plus Al-Kauthar Malang, where the school is the educational institution that has a future orientation. The institutions including educational institutions featured with learners who are full of achievement in terms of both academic and non-academic. This study focused on four issues, are: 1) The factors that encourage the implementation of MBS; 2) The principles of what is done in the implementation of MBS; 3) What is the purpose of implementation of MBS; and 4) How does the structural components MBS implementation.This study used qualitative methods, multi-sites. data collection used the interview, observation and documentation. The research findings were: 1) the factors that encourage the implementation of MBS is: (a) the existence of decentralization; (b) a factor of independence against a school owned resources; (c) factors initiative; and (d) a factor of innovation against the increase in the quality of education. Then the purpose of the implementation of the MBS, namely: (a) so that the school could improve the quality of education by making the school more independent, have awareness/participation, teamwork, initiative and school in managing, utilizing, and empower the resources available; (b) the school can be more generous in taking decisions together and initiate and innovate in the process of improving the quality of education. 2) Then there are structural components of the MBS implementation, namely: (a) the management of curriculum and instructional programs; (b) the management of produce educators in schools; (c) the student Management; (d) financial management and financing; (e) management of educational facilities and infrastructure; (f) management the management of the school and community relations; (g) the management of special service institution that is effective and efficient.
Discussing education is never finished, there is always something new in the world of education. ... more Discussing education is never finished, there is always something new in the world of education. Education today has the challenge of modernity that makes education must innovate even more Islamic education. Education is not just looking for input is good for the process be graduates (output) is good but how a quality process that makes the product (graduates) were good. Therefore, to answer the challenges of modernity, education must have a strategy to develop education as an input, education as a process and education as a superior product.
This study attempts to investigate: 1) kinds of reading strategies employed by Indonesian senior ... more This study attempts to investigate: 1) kinds of reading strategies employed by Indonesian senior high school students, 2) whether there is a significant difference between poor and good readers in using reading strategies; and 3) if there is a significant relationship between students' English reading strategies and reading proficiency. Using descriptive quantitative and correlational design, this research involved 100 twelfth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah PP. Amanatul Ummah, Mojokerto, East Java. They were asked to complete a five-point Likert scale questionnaire comprising 44 reading strategy item and self-assessment rubric on their reading proficiency. To achieve the three goals, the data was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis, Independent Sample t-Test, and Pearson Correlation via SPSS 21. The result revealed eight strategy components named to be memory, elaboration, planning, organization, regulating, social, affective, and compensation. Further analysis showed the significant difference between poor and good readers in using reading strategies with t.value of 5.06 and sig.t.test of .000. The study also discovered a significant correlation between English reading strategies and reading proficiency of. 394 and p.value is 0.00.
ABSTRAK Dalam teori bahasa modern, tidak ada satu bahasa yang lebih unggul dari bahasa yang lain.... more ABSTRAK Dalam teori bahasa modern, tidak ada satu bahasa yang lebih unggul dari bahasa yang lain. Akan tetapi bahasa dapat lebih unggul dari bahasa lain sebab historis dan transformasi pemikiran dan budaya. Bahasa arab mempunyai keistimewaan, karena bahasa arab menjadi bahasa Al-Qur'an. Dengan memahami bahasa arab maka dapat mengerti isi kitab suci yang pedoman orang islam. Keunggulan bahasa arab dengan bahasa tidak hanya terletak sebagai bahasa agama, akan tetapi bahasa arab mempunyai keistimewaan dalam segi ilmu kebahasaannya. Dengan mengkaji ilmu kebahasaannya akan dapat menikmati keindahan tata bahasa Al-Qur'an yang merupakan unsur kemukjizatan AL-Qur'an. Dengan kesempurnaan tata bahasa Al-Qur'an tidak akanada yang bisa meniru Al-Qur'an. Studi pustaka adalah metode penelitian yang cocok digunakan dalam mengupas keindahan struktur dan gaya bahasa Al-Qur'an. Membaca referensi tentang keilmuan bahasa arab lalu menerapkan teorinya teks-teks AL-Qur'an. Temuan dalam penelitian ini mencakup 5 hal: fonologi, kosakata, morfologi, sintaksis, semantik dalam bahasa arab. Fonologi, pengucapan suara huruf arab (hija'iyah) mempunyai karakter dan rumus yang unik, dimana pengucapan hurufnya ada yang di kedua bibir, di tenggorokan, dan langit-langit mulut. Dan beberrapa hurufnya tidak dapat dituliskan dengan abjad, terutama huruf dhot. Kosakata, bahasa arab kaya akan kosakata. Kosakata yang sama bisa mempunyai arti 2 bahkan lebih. Pemaknaannya bisa dilihat dari susunan bahasanya, atau hubungannya dengan huruf jer. Morfologi, sebaran kata dalam bahasa arab bisa berasal dari kata yang huruf dan artinya sama dan masih saling berhubungan. Sintaksis, perubahan harokat akhir kata mempengaruhi posisi kata dalam struktur bahasa. Prinsip keseuaian sangat penting dalam penyusunan kalimat. Semantik, merubah posisi kata dengan mendahulukan dan mengakhirkan, mengucapkan kata jamak dimaksudkan satu, mengucapkan tempat dimaksudkan orangnya itu sudah biasa terjadi dalam bahasa arab.
ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memengaruhi penggunaan berbagai jenis media, sebag... more ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memengaruhi penggunaan berbagai jenis media, sebagai alat bantu dalam proses pembelajaran. Maka para pengajar diharapkan dapat menggunakan alat-alat atau perlengkapan tersebut secara efektif dan efisien dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Dalam makalah ini membahas tentang bagaimana cara memilih dan merancang media pembelajaran berbasis ICT dalam pendidikan agama Islam (PAI), karena pemilihan dan perancangan media ICT ini sangat penting bagi guru agar tujuan pengajaran dapat tercapai secara efektif dan efisien. Dalam pemilihan media, perlu memperhatikan hal-hal lain: kompetensi dasar dan indikator apa yang akan dicapai dalam suatu kegiatan pembelajaran ataupun diklat. materi pembelajaran (instruksional content), keakraban media dan karakteristik siswa/guru, dan adanya sejumlah media yang bisa diperbandingkan karena pemilihan media pada dasarnya adalah dasar pengambilan keputusan dari sejumlah media yang ada ataupun yang akan dikembangkan. Dalam merancang media, seyogyanya melalui tiga tahap utama, yaitu: Define (pembatasan), Develop (pengembangan) dan Evaluation (evaluasi). Sedangkan kriteria media pembelajaran yang baik idealnya meliputi 4 hal utama, yaitu: kesesuaian atau relevansi, kemudahan, kemenarikan, dan kemanfaatan. Alat pengukur keberhasilan siswa ini perlu dirancang dengan seksama dan seyogyanya dikembangkan sebelum naskah program media ditulis atau sebelum kegiatan belajar mengajar dilaksanakan. Alat ini dapat berupa tes, penugasan ataupun daftar cek perilaku.
Abstrak Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat me... more Abstrak Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru. Rata-rata peningkatan dari siklus I sebesar 3,3, siklus II sebesar 3,5; dan siklus III sebesar 3,6. Sedangkan rata-rata peningkatan aktivitas siswa siklus I sebesar 3, siklus II sebesar 3,2; dan siklus III sebesar 3,5. Peningkatan hasil belajar dari pretest sebesar 67,5, siklus I sebesar 86, siklus II sebesar 88; dan siklus III sebesar 93. Kendala yang ditemui ialah rasa percaya diri siswa rendah dalam menyampaikan ide. Kesimpulannya, hasil belajar siswa pada materi kertas kerja perusahaan jasa dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan menggunakan strategi peta konsep. Kata-kata Kunci: Think pair share, peta konsep, hasil belajar siswa Abstract Application of cooperative model type think-pair-share using concept maps can increase teacher's activity, students' activities and learning outcomes.The result of the study showed that the application of that cooperative model can improve teacher's activities. The average of the increasing at each cycle are the first cycle 3.3, the second cycle 3.5, and the third cycle 3.6 and the increase in the implementation of student activities at each cycle is the first cycle 3, the second cycle 3.2, and the third cycle 3.5. Improvement of student learning outcomes as follows pretest 67.5, the first cycle 86, second cycle 88, and the third cycle 93. Students' response toward the application of cooperative learning model type think-pair-share using concept map learning strategy on worksheet of service enterprise is very positive. The constraint that appeared in this research was about lower student self confidence in making an idea. It can be inferred, the student's learning outcome in the subject of accounting worksheet in service enterprise can be increased by applying cooperative learning model with think-pair-share type and concept map strategy. Keywords: think pair share, concept map, and student learning outcomes. PENDAHULUAN Akuntansi perusahaan jasa merupakan materi yang ada di dalam mata pelajaran Ekonomi program IPS. Salah satu materi akuntansi yang membutuhkan konsentrasi dan kecermatan adalah kertas kerja perusahaan jasa, karena materi kertas kerja bersifat keterampilan dan kompleks serta menentukan benar tidaknya laporan keuangan yang akan disusun sebuah perusahaan.
Humans (both teachers or learners) as the subject of education in nature is a creature who can th... more Humans (both teachers or learners) as the subject of education in nature is a creature who can think and be critical and able to read and change the reality of the world. Long before these teachings of Islam had earlier delivered it. The idea of liberalism (liberation) in education is the efforts to liberate human beings from the educational system is verbal, all naive, boring, and authoritarian cultures dictate and rule. Such educational practices can kill the critical and creative power of man himself. Therefore, such education should be abolished and replaced with the concept of education in accordance with the human character who has the instinct or the basis of freedom. While in Islamic education the essential concept of freedom must be in accordance with the value in the concept of Islam oriented not only to the world but also to achieve success, happiness, and prosperity in the afterlife.
Abstrak The integration of science and religion has an important value to dispel the assumption b... more Abstrak The integration of science and religion has an important value to dispel the assumption between Religion (Islam) is not an old-fashioned religion that does not accept the advance of science and technology, but is open Religion and revelation (al-Qur'an) is the source or inspiration of all sciences. Talking about the integration of imtaq and science and technology as one of the models in the development of Islamic education curriculum. The theory used in this study uses globalization that continues to grow in the midst of people's lives. Based on the study of the theories, the writer can give a little hypothesis about the impact of science and technology advancement that demands the existence of new and innovative models, especially in Islamic education as a form of response and a filter against the negative effects of science and technology, resulting in a model of imtaq and science integration as a model of development of Islamic education curriculum.
Basically education is an instrument for humans use to advance their civilization and culture. ed... more Basically education is an instrument for humans use to advance their civilization and culture. education is always running and developing in line with human life. Islamic education as an education actvity which is colored by the spirit and values of Islam will also develop during the life of members of islam comunity. Changes and developments in Islamic education seem so fast, whereas the life of today's society as if we live without division and distance as the impact of globalization. it gives the impression that the cultural differences of one society with others will be apparent. The apparent differences will be a time bomb that will explode in time, further leads to disharmony in society or cultural clashes. In the meantime Islamic education must be able to enter space building an educational model that develops multicultural values such as tolerance, fair education and education that uphold the value of equality. Therefore, to develop this educational model needs to touch the curriculum as the heart of education. as we know that in developing the curriculum requires principles such as theological, philosophical, juridical and sociological principles in order to the development is not uprooted from the basic values of Islamic education
School-based management is implemented so that it can give ease in achieving the vision, mission,... more School-based management is implemented so that it can give ease in achieving the vision, mission, and goals of the institution, so that it can improve the quality of education and bring a good end result and quality, and can get a productive and qualified graduates. This research was conducted in SMP Ar-Rohmah and SMP Plus Al-Kauthar Malang, where the school is the educational institution that has a future orientation. The institutions including educational institutions featured with learners who are full of achievement in terms of both academic and non-academic. This study focused on four issues, are: 1) The factors that encourage the implementation of MBS; 2) The principles of what is done in the implementation of MBS; 3) What is the purpose of implementation of MBS; and 4) How does the structural components MBS implementation.This study used qualitative methods, multi-sites. data collection used the interview, observation and documentation. The research findings were: 1) the factors that encourage the implementation of MBS is: (a) the existence of decentralization; (b) a factor of independence against a school owned resources; (c) factors initiative; and (d) a factor of innovation against the increase in the quality of education. Then the purpose of the implementation of the MBS, namely: (a) so that the school could improve the quality of education by making the school more independent, have awareness/participation, teamwork, initiative and school in managing, utilizing, and empower the resources available; (b) the school can be more generous in taking decisions together and initiate and innovate in the process of improving the quality of education. 2) Then there are structural components of the MBS implementation, namely: (a) the management of curriculum and instructional programs; (b) the management of produce educators in schools; (c) the student Management; (d) financial management and financing; (e) management of educational facilities and infrastructure; (f) management the management of the school and community relations; (g) the management of special service institution that is effective and efficient.
Discussing education is never finished, there is always something new in the world of education. ... more Discussing education is never finished, there is always something new in the world of education. Education today has the challenge of modernity that makes education must innovate even more Islamic education. Education is not just looking for input is good for the process be graduates (output) is good but how a quality process that makes the product (graduates) were good. Therefore, to answer the challenges of modernity, education must have a strategy to develop education as an input, education as a process and education as a superior product.
This study attempts to investigate: 1) kinds of reading strategies employed by Indonesian senior ... more This study attempts to investigate: 1) kinds of reading strategies employed by Indonesian senior high school students, 2) whether there is a significant difference between poor and good readers in using reading strategies; and 3) if there is a significant relationship between students' English reading strategies and reading proficiency. Using descriptive quantitative and correlational design, this research involved 100 twelfth grade students of Madrasah Aliyah PP. Amanatul Ummah, Mojokerto, East Java. They were asked to complete a five-point Likert scale questionnaire comprising 44 reading strategy item and self-assessment rubric on their reading proficiency. To achieve the three goals, the data was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis, Independent Sample t-Test, and Pearson Correlation via SPSS 21. The result revealed eight strategy components named to be memory, elaboration, planning, organization, regulating, social, affective, and compensation. Further analysis showed the significant difference between poor and good readers in using reading strategies with t.value of 5.06 and sig.t.test of .000. The study also discovered a significant correlation between English reading strategies and reading proficiency of. 394 and p.value is 0.00.
ABSTRAK Dalam teori bahasa modern, tidak ada satu bahasa yang lebih unggul dari bahasa yang lain.... more ABSTRAK Dalam teori bahasa modern, tidak ada satu bahasa yang lebih unggul dari bahasa yang lain. Akan tetapi bahasa dapat lebih unggul dari bahasa lain sebab historis dan transformasi pemikiran dan budaya. Bahasa arab mempunyai keistimewaan, karena bahasa arab menjadi bahasa Al-Qur'an. Dengan memahami bahasa arab maka dapat mengerti isi kitab suci yang pedoman orang islam. Keunggulan bahasa arab dengan bahasa tidak hanya terletak sebagai bahasa agama, akan tetapi bahasa arab mempunyai keistimewaan dalam segi ilmu kebahasaannya. Dengan mengkaji ilmu kebahasaannya akan dapat menikmati keindahan tata bahasa Al-Qur'an yang merupakan unsur kemukjizatan AL-Qur'an. Dengan kesempurnaan tata bahasa Al-Qur'an tidak akanada yang bisa meniru Al-Qur'an. Studi pustaka adalah metode penelitian yang cocok digunakan dalam mengupas keindahan struktur dan gaya bahasa Al-Qur'an. Membaca referensi tentang keilmuan bahasa arab lalu menerapkan teorinya teks-teks AL-Qur'an. Temuan dalam penelitian ini mencakup 5 hal: fonologi, kosakata, morfologi, sintaksis, semantik dalam bahasa arab. Fonologi, pengucapan suara huruf arab (hija'iyah) mempunyai karakter dan rumus yang unik, dimana pengucapan hurufnya ada yang di kedua bibir, di tenggorokan, dan langit-langit mulut. Dan beberrapa hurufnya tidak dapat dituliskan dengan abjad, terutama huruf dhot. Kosakata, bahasa arab kaya akan kosakata. Kosakata yang sama bisa mempunyai arti 2 bahkan lebih. Pemaknaannya bisa dilihat dari susunan bahasanya, atau hubungannya dengan huruf jer. Morfologi, sebaran kata dalam bahasa arab bisa berasal dari kata yang huruf dan artinya sama dan masih saling berhubungan. Sintaksis, perubahan harokat akhir kata mempengaruhi posisi kata dalam struktur bahasa. Prinsip keseuaian sangat penting dalam penyusunan kalimat. Semantik, merubah posisi kata dengan mendahulukan dan mengakhirkan, mengucapkan kata jamak dimaksudkan satu, mengucapkan tempat dimaksudkan orangnya itu sudah biasa terjadi dalam bahasa arab.
ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memengaruhi penggunaan berbagai jenis media, sebag... more ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memengaruhi penggunaan berbagai jenis media, sebagai alat bantu dalam proses pembelajaran. Maka para pengajar diharapkan dapat menggunakan alat-alat atau perlengkapan tersebut secara efektif dan efisien dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Dalam makalah ini membahas tentang bagaimana cara memilih dan merancang media pembelajaran berbasis ICT dalam pendidikan agama Islam (PAI), karena pemilihan dan perancangan media ICT ini sangat penting bagi guru agar tujuan pengajaran dapat tercapai secara efektif dan efisien. Dalam pemilihan media, perlu memperhatikan hal-hal lain: kompetensi dasar dan indikator apa yang akan dicapai dalam suatu kegiatan pembelajaran ataupun diklat. materi pembelajaran (instruksional content), keakraban media dan karakteristik siswa/guru, dan adanya sejumlah media yang bisa diperbandingkan karena pemilihan media pada dasarnya adalah dasar pengambilan keputusan dari sejumlah media yang ada ataupun yang akan dikembangkan. Dalam merancang media, seyogyanya melalui tiga tahap utama, yaitu: Define (pembatasan), Develop (pengembangan) dan Evaluation (evaluasi). Sedangkan kriteria media pembelajaran yang baik idealnya meliputi 4 hal utama, yaitu: kesesuaian atau relevansi, kemudahan, kemenarikan, dan kemanfaatan. Alat pengukur keberhasilan siswa ini perlu dirancang dengan seksama dan seyogyanya dikembangkan sebelum naskah program media ditulis atau sebelum kegiatan belajar mengajar dilaksanakan. Alat ini dapat berupa tes, penugasan ataupun daftar cek perilaku.
Abstrak Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat me... more Abstrak Penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan peta konsep dapat meningkatkan aktivitas guru. Rata-rata peningkatan dari siklus I sebesar 3,3, siklus II sebesar 3,5; dan siklus III sebesar 3,6. Sedangkan rata-rata peningkatan aktivitas siswa siklus I sebesar 3, siklus II sebesar 3,2; dan siklus III sebesar 3,5. Peningkatan hasil belajar dari pretest sebesar 67,5, siklus I sebesar 86, siklus II sebesar 88; dan siklus III sebesar 93. Kendala yang ditemui ialah rasa percaya diri siswa rendah dalam menyampaikan ide. Kesimpulannya, hasil belajar siswa pada materi kertas kerja perusahaan jasa dapat ditingkatkan melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe think-pair-share dengan menggunakan strategi peta konsep. Kata-kata Kunci: Think pair share, peta konsep, hasil belajar siswa Abstract Application of cooperative model type think-pair-share using concept maps can increase teacher's activity, students' activities and learning outcomes.The result of the study showed that the application of that cooperative model can improve teacher's activities. The average of the increasing at each cycle are the first cycle 3.3, the second cycle 3.5, and the third cycle 3.6 and the increase in the implementation of student activities at each cycle is the first cycle 3, the second cycle 3.2, and the third cycle 3.5. Improvement of student learning outcomes as follows pretest 67.5, the first cycle 86, second cycle 88, and the third cycle 93. Students' response toward the application of cooperative learning model type think-pair-share using concept map learning strategy on worksheet of service enterprise is very positive. The constraint that appeared in this research was about lower student self confidence in making an idea. It can be inferred, the student's learning outcome in the subject of accounting worksheet in service enterprise can be increased by applying cooperative learning model with think-pair-share type and concept map strategy. Keywords: think pair share, concept map, and student learning outcomes. PENDAHULUAN Akuntansi perusahaan jasa merupakan materi yang ada di dalam mata pelajaran Ekonomi program IPS. Salah satu materi akuntansi yang membutuhkan konsentrasi dan kecermatan adalah kertas kerja perusahaan jasa, karena materi kertas kerja bersifat keterampilan dan kompleks serta menentukan benar tidaknya laporan keuangan yang akan disusun sebuah perusahaan.
Papers by Nidhomul Haq