Papers by Ana Carolina Fluck

A qualidade nutricional de uma forragem depende da digestibilidade, da eficiencia de utilizacao d... more A qualidade nutricional de uma forragem depende da digestibilidade, da eficiencia de utilizacao dos nutrientes digeridos e absorvidos, e principalmente do consumo voluntario. Foi avaliado se o nivel de oferta de azevem verde afeta a sintese de proteina microbiana ruminal e a retencao de nitrogenio em ovinos. Foram utilizados oito ovinos machos castrados em um delineamento duplo Quadrado Latino 4x4. As ofertas de azevem testadas foram: 1,5, 2,0, 2,5% do peso vivo (em base de materia seca) e ad libitum. O consumo total e a excrecao urinaria de nitrogenio aumentaram linearmente com niveis crescentes de oferta de materia seca assim como a retencao de nitrogenio e a sintese de proteina microbiana. A eficiencia da sintese de proteina microbiana nao foi influenciada pelos tratamentos. A sintese de proteina microbiana ruminal e a retencao de nitrogenio sao diretamente relacionadas com o consumo de azevem.

Meat Science, 2019
The objective of this work was to identify the perception of consumers regarding the consumption ... more The objective of this work was to identify the perception of consumers regarding the consumption of capybara meat, as well as to generate information that will help in the development of the productive chain of the species. Free word association and application of a questionnaire containing questions were performed. We classified dimensions with categories related to the words of greatest impact mentioned. Through the method of word association, it was noticed that terms related to taste and aroma were the most cited. From the 14 factors explored by the questionnaire, four were identified as responsible for explaining 71% of the total common variance of the variables. The exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis showed that four factors were sufficient to measure the main characteristics that should be considered in marketing strategies by the industries and breeders who want to increase the consumption of capybara meat. These main factors were animal welfare, price, quality and the dissemination of the benefits of meat.
Congresso De Ciencia E Tecnologia Da Utfpr Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Nov 3, 2011
Mariana Patricia Mezzomo , Pablo Castagnino , Thaís Regina Longo , Ana Carolina Fluck , Gilberto ... more Mariana Patricia Mezzomo , Pablo Castagnino , Thaís Regina Longo , Ana Carolina Fluck , Gilberto Vilmar Kozloski[orientador] 1 Parte do projeto financiado pelo CNPq 2 Acadêmica do curso de graduação em Zootecnia – UFSM /Santa Maria. Email: [email protected] 3 Acadêmico (a) do curso de graduação em Zootecnia – UFSM/Santa Maria 4 Zootecnista, Mestre em Zootecnia 5 Médico veterinário, Dr. professor adjunto do Depart amento de Zootecnia – UFSM/ Santa Maria *Autor para correspondência
Congresso De Ciencia E Tecnologia Da Utfpr Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Nov 3, 2011

Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2013
Inclusion of forage legumes in diet may improve tropical ruminant systems productivity and sustai... more Inclusion of forage legumes in diet may improve tropical ruminant systems productivity and sustainability. However, it is not well stablished which chemical components more impact their nutritional value. The relationship between chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of tropical forage legume was evaluated with the objective of obtaining indicators of their nutritional value. Samples of Crotalaria spectabilis, Cajanus cajan, Macrotyloma axillare, Mucuna aterrina, Stylosantis sp. and Canavalia ensiformis, cut from plants at growth age between 47 to 110 days, were analysed. Total gas production showed negative correlation (P<0.05) with total N (R=-0.51), acid detergent fibre (ADF, R=-0.62) and acid detergent lignin (ADL, R=-0.65), and positive correlation with non-fibre carbohydrates (NFC, R=0.70). Gas production rate was negatively related (P<0.05) to NDF (R=-0.73), ADF (R=-0.62) and ADL (R=-0.74). Ammonia concentration in the incubation medium was positively related (...

The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2010
SUMMARYTen Polwarth×Texel lambs (26±2·1 kg live weight (LW)), housed in metabolism cages and offe... more SUMMARYTen Polwarth×Texel lambs (26±2·1 kg live weight (LW)), housed in metabolism cages and offered ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum)ad libitum, were used in a 5×5 Latin Square experiment to evaluate the effect of supplement type on digestion processes and on amino acid and energy supplies. Five of the 10 lambs were fitted with a rumen catheter and duodenal cannulae. Treatments included no supplement (control); 7 g/kg LW daily of cassava meal (Manihot esculenta, high-starch low-nitrogen (HS-LN)), cassava meal plus corn gluten meal (2:1, high-starch high-undegradable N (HS-UN)), cassava meal plus calcium caseinate (2·8:1, high-starch high-degradable N (HS-DN)) or corn gluten feed (low-starch high-degradable N (LS-DN)). Total intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and N, as well as digestible OM intake were increased with HS-UN, HS-DN and LS-DN (P⩽0·050). Forage DM intake was reduced by HS-LN (P=0·030). Apparent digestibility of DM and OM was increased by HS-LN and HS-DN (P⩽0·038...

A qualidade nutricional de uma forragem depende da digestibilidade, da eficiencia de utilizacao d... more A qualidade nutricional de uma forragem depende da digestibilidade, da eficiencia de utilizacao dos nutrientes digeridos e absorvidos, e principalmente do consumo voluntario. Foi avaliado se o nivel de consumo de azevem verde (1,5, 2,0 ou 2,5% do peso vivo (em base de materia seca) e ad libitum) afeta a digestibilidade em ovinos. Foram utilizados oito ovinos machos castrados em um delineamento duplo Quadrado Latino 4x4. Os consumos totais de materia seca, materia orgânica, fibra em detergente acido, fibra em detergente neutro e materia orgânica digestivel aumentaram com os niveis crescentes de oferta de materia seca. A digestibilidade aparente da materia seca, materia orgânica e fibra em detergente neutro assim como a digestibilidade verdadeira da materia orgânica nao foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos. O nivel de consumo nao influenciou a digestibilidade do azevem. Estes resultados indicam que a premissa de que existe uma relacao inversa entre consumo e digestibilidade nao se ap...

Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha
We aimed to evaluate the seasonal dynamics of magnesium (Mg) in the system soil - plant - animal.... more We aimed to evaluate the seasonal dynamics of magnesium (Mg) in the system soil - plant - animal. It was conducted in two natural rangeland areas on two types of undisturbed soils (medium-clayey texture) in the Serra do Sudeste region (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil). In each area, 12 heifers were kept under continuous extensive grazing for twelve months without mineral supplementation. Samples of soil and vegetation were collected monthly from 16 fixed points and blood serum from each of the animals in each area monthly for the determination of Mg levels. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance, decomposition of the annual variation of the response variables and regression (harmonic analysis) for adjustment of function to express this variation. The Mg content in the soils of the two areas was high (1.86 ± 0.045 Mg levels in the vegetation (0.23 ± 0.0025 % DM) are sufficient to meet the needs of all categories of ruminants. The Mg contents in the blood serum (3...

Pesquisa Agropecuária Gaúcha
We aimed to evaluate the dynamics of magnesium (Mg) in the soil - plant – animal chain. It was co... more We aimed to evaluate the dynamics of magnesium (Mg) in the soil - plant – animal chain. It was conducted in two natural rangeland areas on two types of undisturbed (virgin) soils (medium/clayey texture) in the Serra do Sudeste (Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil). In each of these areas, 12 animals (heifers) were kept under continuous extensive grazing for twelve months without mineral supplementation. Every month, samples of soil and vegetation were collected at 16 fixed points (radius: 25 m) as well as blood serum from each of the animals in each area for the determination of Mg and other minerals levels. The data were analyzed using the analysis of variance, decomposition of the annual variation of the response variables and periodic regression (harmonic analysis) for adjustment of function to express this variation. The relationship of Mg with other variables within the links of the soil-plant-animal chain is influenced by some factors such as physicochemical and biological soil re...

The aim of our work was to evaluate the chemical composition and cumulative gas production profil... more The aim of our work was to evaluate the chemical composition and cumulative gas production profiles of annual ryegrass hay through in vitro incubations for two cutting heights and different nitrogen fertilization doses. The experimental design was randomized blocks with split-plots. The nitrogen doses (0, 75, 150, and 225 kg N ha-1) were distributed in the main plot and the subplots. To make the hay, the annual ryegrass was cut at heights of 5 and 10 cm from the ground, with three replications each. In the experimental area, corn was cropped in the summer and annual ryegrass pasture in the winter. We evaluated the nutritional compounds, with fractionation of protein and carbohydrate content as the kinetics of ruminal degradation in the gas production technique in vitro. The carbohydrates decreased linearly with the increasing levels in N, as well as the kinetic parameters. Protein fractions increased with the increase in N. A higher nonfibrous content was obtained at a cutting height of 10 cm. Regardless of the cutting height, nitrogen fertilization increased the crude protein content and decreased the total carbohydrates content, especially the nonstructural carbohydrates. The increase of N in the plant decreased the specific rate of gas production due to the degradation of the soluble fraction of rapid digestion and caused a decrease in gas production of the slow digestion fraction.
A silagem e uma das maneiras mais eficazes de preservar a composicao quimica de forrageira. Por a... more A silagem e uma das maneiras mais eficazes de preservar a composicao quimica de forrageira. Por apresentarem composicao nutricional consideradas ideias, a avaliacao de forrageiras temperadas para confeccao de silagem se torna interessante. O objetivo foi avaliar a silagem de aveia preta e azevem, consorciada ou nao com ervilhaca. Durante 37 dias a silagem foi armazenada em silos experimentais. Apos este periodo, subamostras foram tomadas e determinados os teos de materia seca original (MSO), materia mineral (MM), materia orgânica (MO), proteina bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e fibra em detergente acido (FDA) O consorcio com ervilhaca para a confeccao de silagem de gramineas temperadas aumenta o teor de MS, podendo diminuir perdas pelo excesso de umidade.

O estado do Rio Grande do Sul e o segundo maior produtor de leite do pais, sendo de suma importân... more O estado do Rio Grande do Sul e o segundo maior produtor de leite do pais, sendo de suma importância o conhecimento sobre todo seu processo produtivo. O objetivo foi avaliar qualidade do leite e a produtividade das propriedades em sistemas de producao com diferentes niveis tecnologicos em duas estacoes do ano. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, considerando como fatores as estacoes do ano em cada sistema de producao. Foi realizado levantamento das propriedades em duas mesorregioes do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Apos, as unidades produtoras de leite foram divididas em dois grupos: Sistema Especializado (SE), e Sistema Semi-Especializado (SS). Amostras de leite oriundas de 40 unidades produtoras de leite, foram coletadas e caracterizadas como SE ou SS. Foram determinadas suas caracteristicas fisico-quimicas, contagem de celulas somaticas (CCS) e contagem bacteriana total (CBT). Maiores valores de proteina, solidos totais, extrato seco desengordurado, CCS e CBT for...
A contagem de celulas somaticas (CCS) fornece, de maneira quantitativa, o grau de infeccao da glâ... more A contagem de celulas somaticas (CCS) fornece, de maneira quantitativa, o grau de infeccao da glândula mamaria, assim, vem sendo usado no controle da mastite clinica e subclinica, como parâmetro de qualidade do leite e indicador geral das condicoes higienicas de producao na propriedade. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi correlacionar os componentes quimicos nutricionais do leite e a CCS das propriedades leiteiras no oeste de Santa Catarina. As amostras de leite foram coletadas mensalmente, em um rebanho composto basicamente por vacas da raca Holandesa no ano de 2015, em 21 propriedades consideradas familiares. A CCS correlacionou-se positivamente com a producao de leite e proteina (PB), e, o nitrogenio ureico teve correlacao negativa com a PB e caseina.
O objetivo foi avaliar os parâmetros de conservacao da silagem de Uruchloa brizantha cv. Piata ex... more O objetivo foi avaliar os parâmetros de conservacao da silagem de Uruchloa brizantha cv. Piata exclusiva ou misturada no momento da ensilagem com Stylosanthes capitata cv. Campo Grande. As forrageiras de verao foram colhidas com o delineamento experimental totalmente casualizado, ensiladas em microsilos experimentais de PVC com quatro tratamentos e quatro repeticoes. A conservacao da silagem foi avaliada por pH, capacidade tampao, perdas por efluentes e gases. Foi observado que a silagem de Uruchloa brizantha cv. Piata consorciada com Stylosanthes capitata cv. Campo Grande permitiu fermentacoes desejaveis atraves dos parâmetros analisados.

O objetivo foi avaliar o uso do estimulante de crescimento auxina em producao de mudas em viveiro... more O objetivo foi avaliar o uso do estimulante de crescimento auxina em producao de mudas em viveiro de amoreira ( Morus alba ) e gliricidia ( Gliricidia sepium ). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e quatro repeticoes, sendo os tratamentos: T1- amoreira com auxina (MCA), T2- amoreira sem auxina (MSA), T3- gliricidia com auxina (CCA) e T4- gliricidia sem auxina (CSA). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por analise de variância de medidas repetidas e comparacao de medias a 5% do erro pelo metodo de Tukey Erro Tipo I. Foram observadas melhorias nas caracteristicas das plântulas com utilizacao de promotores de crescimento em ambas forragens, amoreira (T1 e T2) mostrou maior percentagem de sobrevivencia (P<0,05) e valores inferiores para gliricidia (T3 e T4), podendo-se relacionar um aumento de 8,58% e 11,32%, respectivamente e no numero de brotos valores superiores foram observados no T1- ACA (amoreira com auxina) seguido por T2-ASA...

The aim was to assess if the replacement of fatty acid salts by oil seeds in diet of dairy cows a... more The aim was to assess if the replacement of fatty acid salts by oil seeds in diet of dairy cows and their effects about intake and digestibility, milk production and composition, feed efficiency, metabolic profile and milk fatty acid profile. Lipid sources evaluated were calcium salts of fatty acids (CS), linseed (LI), sunflower (SF) and soybean (SY). Diets were iso in protein, fiber and energy, with 58 g/kg (mean) of crude fat in dry matter. There were no differences (P > 0.05) in the intake of nutrient fractions. The protein digestibility was lower for SY (P < 0.001) due the fraction derived from the grain in that treatment. The ether extract digestibility was higher for CS treatment (P < 0.001), and no difference was found between the grains sources. Milk production was higher in CS, when milk production was corrected for energy, these differences disappeared. Little effect on milk composition (g/kg) was observed, only for lactose. The sources used do not affect feed eff...
A silagem e uma forma de conservacao do alimento, que tem como objetivo conservar a qualidade do ... more A silagem e uma forma de conservacao do alimento, que tem como objetivo conservar a qualidade do alimento. Sendo assim realizou-se um experimento para avaliar os componentes nutricionais juntamente com os niveis fermentativos da silagem de Uruchloa,brizantha cv. Piatao com inclusao de diferentes niveis de (Stylosanthes capitata + Stylosanthes macrocephala) cv. Campo Grande. Apos 47 dias do ensilamento, os microsilos foram abertos, coletando-se amostras para determinacao do pH, capacidade tampao (CT), as perdas de materia seca por gases e efluentes determinacao dos teores de materia seca (MS), materia mineral (MM), materia orgânica (MO), proteina bruta (PB) e digestibilidade in vitro da materia orgânica (DIVMO), fibra detergente neutra (FDN), fibra detergente acida (FDA). Contudo, torna-se necessario os cuidados com a fermentacao, que podem prejudicar a qualidade do alimento.

Bioscience Journal, 2018
This research aimed to evaluate the dry matter yield, structural composition and nutritive charac... more This research aimed to evaluate the dry matter yield, structural composition and nutritive characteristics of diploid and tetraploid annual ryegrass cultivars on different phenological development to haymaking on lowland soils. The experimental design was developed based on randomized blocks with split plots, four cultivars of annual ryegrass (BRS Ponteio and FEPAGRO São Gabriel, diploid; INIA Escorpio and KLM 138, tetraploid), and three phenological crop phases (vegetative, pre-blossoming and blossoming). Were evaluated, dry matter yield, leaf:stem ratio, leaf weight ratio, tiller population density, specific leaf area, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber. All data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey-Kramer test (p< 0,05). Highest forage mass is obtained with harvest in blossoming stage. Tetraploid cultivars present better leaf proportion and higher content of crude protein during vegetative stage. The decrease the in concentration of protein with the change of phenological stage is less evident on diploid cultivars. The vegetative stage enables harvest forage with high nutritional value, with lower production of biomass.

Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2021
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological response to heat stress and ingestive beh... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological response to heat stress and ingestive behavior of Jersey cows in silvopasture and conventional pasture grazing systems. The experiment was carried out during the warm season, spanning spring, summer, and fall seasons in the Brazilian subtropical climate zone. Twelve lactating Jersey cows were observed in rotational grazing on Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst and Panicum maximum Jacq. Treatments were composed of different grazing systems (silvopasture and conventional pasture). The silvopasture grazing system had eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden) with an average height of ≈ 10 m and row spacing of 20 m. In the conventional pasture grazing system, there were no rows of eucalyptus and no other type of tree or structure to provide shade to the animals. During the summer and fall periods of evaluation, the silvopasture animals presented a lower respiratory rate, whereas during the spring and fall evaluation periods, these animals presented a lower rectal temperature. Cattle in the silvopasture showed longer grazing times at night (+21.65 min) and overall (+36.00 min) and remained lying down (ruminating and resting) for longer (+ 73.07 min) than conventional pasture grazing system animals. In addition, the animals in the silvopasture had a lower water intake (3.12 L/100 kg BW). The silvopasture grazing system improved the welfare of the grazing Jersey cows, as evidenced by the improvement in physiological response to heat stress, increased grazing time and decreased standing time (resting + ruminanting) when compared to cows in the conventional pasture grazing system.
Papers by Ana Carolina Fluck