Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity an... more Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity and with a great incidence during the video-laparoscopic procedures due to the use of pneumoperitoneum. Objective: To analyze the evolution of four patients presenting with tension pneumothorax as a intraoperative complication of video-laparoscopic procedure with general anesthesia. Development: Basically the patients programmed for a highly selective anterior vagotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy operation carried out with general anesthesia were monitored. Due to the sudden increase of exhaled volume as the first alteration, the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax by passing of intra-abdominal carbon dioxide to the right pleural cavity was made. Also, there was a secondary modification of other parameters as arterial tension, oxygen peripheral saturation and carbon dioxide final periodic concentration, allowing us to apply quickly the treatment of this intraoperative and severe complicat...
Introduction To improve the quality of life of patients with terminal heart failure has beenthe m... more Introduction To improve the quality of life of patients with terminal heart failure has beenthe motive of decades of investigation on ventricular assistance devices.This effort was stimulated by the increasing prevalence of this disease andits bad prognosis.Discussion There are several classifications for mechanical circulatory support devices.They can be classified according to the time of use for which they were design.Class I devices are of very short time of use (from hours to days), theyare use when an early full recover is expected or when a minimal interventionon the patient is desired. Class II devices are use when an intermediatesupport time is expected (days to weeks), but functional recovery is expectedto take longer. Class IIIa devices are intended for extended use(months to years). There are three main subcategories of extended use accordingto the therapeutic intention; as a therapeutic bridge to recovery/improved quality of life, as a bridge to transplant, and or as a ...
Los tumores ren operado exitosa tricúspide, con e recuperación de protección cereb trombo tumoral... more Los tumores ren operado exitosa tricúspide, con e recuperación de protección cereb trombo tumoral el hogar despué
Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity an... more Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity and with a great incidence during the video-laparoscopic procedures due to the use of pneumoperitoneum. Objective: To analyze the evolution of four patients presenting with tension pneumothorax as a intraoperative complication of video-laparoscopic procedure with general anesthesia. Development: Basically the patients programmed for a highly selective anterior vagotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy operation carried out with general anesthesia were monitored. Due to the sudden increase of exhaled volume as the first alteration, the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax by passing of intra-abdominal carbon dioxide to the right pleural cavity was made. Also, there was a secondary modification of other parameters as arterial tension, oxygen peripheral saturation and carbon dioxide final periodic concentration, allowing us to apply quickly the treatment of this intraoperative and severe complicat...
Taquicardia ventricular fascicular posterior izquierda en corazón estructuralmente normal Left po... more Taquicardia ventricular fascicular posterior izquierda en corazón estructuralmente normal Left posterior fascicular ventricular tachycardia in a structural normal heart Paciente masculino, 19 años de edad, saludable hasta hace un año, que ingresa en el hospital de su provincia con el diagnóstico presuntivo de miocarditis viral, del cual egresó sin secuelas aparentes. A partir de ese ingreso comenzó con taquicar-dias súbitas, que aparecían tanto en esfuerzo como en reposo, con una duración de entre 30 segundos a una hora y que desaparecían al pujar o al administrar verapamilo endovenoso. Es remitido en el mes de noviembre del 2009 al cuerpo de guardia del hospital por palpitacio-nes, siendo medicado en el área de salud con 0,50 mg de digoxina endovenosa. Al examen físico se constató ritmo cardiaco con frecuencia de 146 latidos/minuto. El ECG mostró taquicardia regular, con QRS de 120 mseg, eje eléctrico a la izquierda, patrón de bloqueo de rama derecha y ausencia de onda P (figura 1)...
La cardiopatía isquémica constituye la principal causa de muerte en la sociedad cubana actual; un... more La cardiopatía isquémica constituye la principal causa de muerte en la sociedad cubana actual; una de las opciones terapéuticas que se usan para su tratamiento y que más promete lo constituye sin duda la angioplastia coronaria transluminal percutánea con colocación de stents. Los stents han
La cirugía de revascularización miocárdica se desarrolla por primera vez en los años 1967 y 1968,... more La cirugía de revascularización miocárdica se desarrolla por primera vez en los años 1967 y 1968, existiendo anteriormente algunos informes aislados, sin haber producido impacto hasta ese momento. Fue desde esta fecha cuando, Favaloro y Effler, generalizan el uso de la ...
Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity an... more Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity and with a great incidence during the video-laparoscopic procedures due to the use of pneumoperitoneum. Objective: To analyze the evolution of four patients presenting with tension pneumothorax as a intraoperative complication of video-laparoscopic procedure with general anesthesia. Development: Basically the patients programmed for a highly selective anterior vagotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy operation carried out with general anesthesia were monitored. Due to the sudden increase of exhaled volume as the first alteration, the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax by passing of intra-abdominal carbon dioxide to the right pleural cavity was made. Also, there was a secondary modification of other parameters as arterial tension, oxygen peripheral saturation and carbon dioxide final periodic concentration, allowing us to apply quickly the treatment of this intraoperative and severe complicat...
Introduction To improve the quality of life of patients with terminal heart failure has beenthe m... more Introduction To improve the quality of life of patients with terminal heart failure has beenthe motive of decades of investigation on ventricular assistance devices.This effort was stimulated by the increasing prevalence of this disease andits bad prognosis.Discussion There are several classifications for mechanical circulatory support devices.They can be classified according to the time of use for which they were design.Class I devices are of very short time of use (from hours to days), theyare use when an early full recover is expected or when a minimal interventionon the patient is desired. Class II devices are use when an intermediatesupport time is expected (days to weeks), but functional recovery is expectedto take longer. Class IIIa devices are intended for extended use(months to years). There are three main subcategories of extended use accordingto the therapeutic intention; as a therapeutic bridge to recovery/improved quality of life, as a bridge to transplant, and or as a ...
Los tumores ren operado exitosa tricúspide, con e recuperación de protección cereb trombo tumoral... more Los tumores ren operado exitosa tricúspide, con e recuperación de protección cereb trombo tumoral el hogar despué
Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity an... more Tension pneumothorax is a fearsome perioperative complication associated with a high morbidity and with a great incidence during the video-laparoscopic procedures due to the use of pneumoperitoneum. Objective: To analyze the evolution of four patients presenting with tension pneumothorax as a intraoperative complication of video-laparoscopic procedure with general anesthesia. Development: Basically the patients programmed for a highly selective anterior vagotomy and posterior truncal vagotomy operation carried out with general anesthesia were monitored. Due to the sudden increase of exhaled volume as the first alteration, the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax by passing of intra-abdominal carbon dioxide to the right pleural cavity was made. Also, there was a secondary modification of other parameters as arterial tension, oxygen peripheral saturation and carbon dioxide final periodic concentration, allowing us to apply quickly the treatment of this intraoperative and severe complicat...
Taquicardia ventricular fascicular posterior izquierda en corazón estructuralmente normal Left po... more Taquicardia ventricular fascicular posterior izquierda en corazón estructuralmente normal Left posterior fascicular ventricular tachycardia in a structural normal heart Paciente masculino, 19 años de edad, saludable hasta hace un año, que ingresa en el hospital de su provincia con el diagnóstico presuntivo de miocarditis viral, del cual egresó sin secuelas aparentes. A partir de ese ingreso comenzó con taquicar-dias súbitas, que aparecían tanto en esfuerzo como en reposo, con una duración de entre 30 segundos a una hora y que desaparecían al pujar o al administrar verapamilo endovenoso. Es remitido en el mes de noviembre del 2009 al cuerpo de guardia del hospital por palpitacio-nes, siendo medicado en el área de salud con 0,50 mg de digoxina endovenosa. Al examen físico se constató ritmo cardiaco con frecuencia de 146 latidos/minuto. El ECG mostró taquicardia regular, con QRS de 120 mseg, eje eléctrico a la izquierda, patrón de bloqueo de rama derecha y ausencia de onda P (figura 1)...
La cardiopatía isquémica constituye la principal causa de muerte en la sociedad cubana actual; un... more La cardiopatía isquémica constituye la principal causa de muerte en la sociedad cubana actual; una de las opciones terapéuticas que se usan para su tratamiento y que más promete lo constituye sin duda la angioplastia coronaria transluminal percutánea con colocación de stents. Los stents han
La cirugía de revascularización miocárdica se desarrolla por primera vez en los años 1967 y 1968,... more La cirugía de revascularización miocárdica se desarrolla por primera vez en los años 1967 y 1968, existiendo anteriormente algunos informes aislados, sin haber producido impacto hasta ese momento. Fue desde esta fecha cuando, Favaloro y Effler, generalizan el uso de la ...
Papers by Alexei Suarez