Papers by Alessandra La Fragola
Sardinia, Corsica et Baleares Antiquae, 2024
Under the protection of Asclepius. Medical phylacteries and lantern-bearing servants, a review in... more Under the protection of Asclepius. Medical phylacteries and lantern-bearing servants, a review in the light of new data
A re-examination of the figurative type of the servus lanternarius in the light of some coroplastic specimens found in Sardinia is proposed here. In this examination, a number of cues are grasped that seem to convincingly point towards an interpretation of the servus, during the early Roman Empire, as the god Telesphorus accompanying his father Aesculapius. Being terracotta figurines for funerary use, such elements seem to be rightfully among the phylacteries accompanying the deceased. The ethnic component of such cults points, in the first instance, towards a Thracian military veneration.

La Tomba di Aiodda e il patrimonio archeologico del Comune di Nurallao, 2022
Following a survey and review of the archaeological materials recovered in the territory of Nural... more Following a survey and review of the archaeological materials recovered in the territory of Nurallao (CA) and stored in the museum warehouse, this work is an analysis of the data obtained after a first examination of the finds. This, along with a careful archival research, despite the lack of both stratigraphic data and geolocation of the places of discovery, retraces with some effectiveness the occupation history of this territory. Due to the lack of verified data, we feel confident in extending the analysis to a wider area, including the Nuragus and Isili territories, which provided fragments of experienced history barely noticeable until now.
The picture emerging is that of a hard-working population that since prehistoric times traded goods, adorned their settlements and excelled in manufacture of clay artifacts, exploiting to the fullest the resources that the area offered. Although in small quantities, there is some evidence of pre-Nuragic presence, while more abundant are the artifacts dating to the Nuragic Age. In Punic times, North African products were traded as luxury goods along with imported Attic-style pottery. Roman settlements are present with farms, workshops and baths, with trade proven by numismatic evidence until the Vandalic Age. In this scenario lacking any Medieval finds, the remaining archaeological evidence pertains to the Post-Medieval age, with local and imported potsherds.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 512, 2021
An infant grave coming from the Roman necropolis of Monte Carru nearby Alghero – Sardinia, is ana... more An infant grave coming from the Roman necropolis of Monte Carru nearby Alghero – Sardinia, is analyzed in this paper. The area was probably pertaining to the ancient statio of Carbia. From the choroplastic figurines found among the grave goods the identification of the god Telesphoros, son of Aesculapios has permitted the analysis of this god in Sardinia. It allowed the identification of his sister Hygeia and to map the presence in the island of these two salvific deities together with their father.
estratti da: Il Tempo dei Romani
The Journal of Fasti Online 512, 2021
The area was probably pertaining to the ancient statio of Carbia. From the choroplastic figurines... more The area was probably pertaining to the ancient statio of Carbia. From the choroplastic figurines found among the grave goods the identification of the god Telesphoros, son of Aesculapios has permitted the analysis of this god in Sardinia. It allowed the identification of his sister Hygeia and to map the presence in the island of these two salvific deities together with their father.
Enemistad y odio en el Mundo Antiguo, Instrumenta 74, 2021
1. Phorcus-Phorkis, re di Sardegna e Corsica e i mostri delle Bocche; 2. Medusa figlia di Forco; ... more 1. Phorcus-Phorkis, re di Sardegna e Corsica e i mostri delle Bocche; 2. Medusa figlia di Forco; 3. Le tabellae defixionum della Sardinia; 4. Le tabellae defixionum: Corsica; 5. Le tabella defixionum: Sardegna. Orosei, Nurgo; 6. Le tabella defixionum: Sardegna. Orosei, ad inferos; 7. Le tabellae defixionum: Sardegna. Nulvi; 8. Le tabellae defixionum: Sardegna. Olbia (Sassari); 9. L’ostrakon di Neapolis; 10. Sulci, tabula defixionis in osso ?; 11. Sardegna. Olbia, tabula anepigrafe; 12. Alghero: Le lamine metalliche dal Santuario nuragico-romano de “La Purissima”; 13. La pratica oracolare in Sardegna; 14. Gli anatemi: Abraxas; 15. Il culto dei morti; 16. Il cristianesimo tardo-antico; 17. A Saragozza.
Bollettino di Archeologia on line XII,1, 2021
The study concerns the recognition, unpublished to date, of a penitential instrument (a scourge) ... more The study concerns the recognition, unpublished to date, of a penitential instrument (a scourge) present in a late 8th-early 9th century AD funerary complex. This object is part of the equipment of an élite figure, probably a warrior, who lived in Sardinia during the historical period in which objects of Byzantine, Lombard and Carolingian tradition are present in burials, characterizing individuals which were by now participating in a heterogeneous social structure. The scourge may testify to a very rare and early presence of penitential practices by an Aryan of military rank, perhaps a Lombard, who had converted. This allows us to make assumptions about other similar, but different, objects of still controversial interpretation.

The island of Sardinia has been of particular interest to geneticists for decades. The current mo... more The island of Sardinia has been of particular interest to geneticists for decades. The current model for Sardinia’s genetic history describes the island as harboring a founder population that was established largely from the Neolithic peoples of southern Europe and remained isolated from later Bronze Age expansions on the mainland. To evaluate this model, we generate genome-wide ancient DNA data for 70 individuals from 21 Sardinian archaeological sites spanning the Middle Neolithic through the Medieval period. The earliest individuals show a strong affinity to western Mediterranean Neolithic populations, followed by an extended period of genetic continuity on the island through the Nuragic period (second millennium BCE). Beginning with individuals from Phoenician/Punic sites (first millennium BCE), we observe spatially-varying signals of admixture with sources principally from the eastern and northern Mediterranean. Overall, our analysis sheds light on the genetic history of Sardinia, revealing how relationships to mainland populations shifted over time.
Archeo, dicembre, 2018
Power and meaning of the "knot of Heracles". Potere e significato del "Nodo di Ercole", un incred... more Power and meaning of the "knot of Heracles". Potere e significato del "Nodo di Ercole", un incredibile amuleto che ha attraversato indenne il tempo. Indicatore-guida per la comprensione di iconografie antiche, soprattutto quando giunte a noi in maniera parziale.

Folia Phoenicia, Dec 2018
The topic of this paper is the study of votive offerings found at the site La Purissima of Alghe... more The topic of this paper is the study of votive offerings found at the site La Purissima of Alghero, a sanctuary dedicated to the cult of water where two different phases of the construction process, Nuragic and Roman, were testified as well as the continuity of the human frequentation of the site between the two periods . In fact the diffusion and the frequentation of places of worship dedicated to the sanatio and the related production of votive objects seem to be a characteristic of the Hellenistic period, between the 4th and the 2nd century BC. The findings regarded mainly clay artifacts reproducing numerous lower limbs varying in size and manufacture.
An interesting aspect is that some of these anatomical votives have characteristics with no direct similarities found in other areas of Sardinia; other archaeological artifacts consist of handmade and mouldmade statuettes and masks.

The archaeological surveys and stratigraphic excavations carried out on the slope of Mt. Carru be... more The archaeological surveys and stratigraphic excavations carried out on the slope of Mt. Carru between 2007 and 2008, revealed a vast cemetery from the Roman Imperial Age (1st- 3rd century AD). The site is
located 2 Km north-east of Alghero town. Almost 350 graves were dug, two-third of which represent burial sites where cremated remains were disposed in ceramic urns, amphorae, or even in natural small cavities
covered with tiles. About 120 inhumations were accommodated in natural trenches some of which covered with tiles. The built-up area of this cemetery was located south of La Purissima Carrabuffas territory
where archaeological digs in 1999, unearthed various remains of walls and also one Sanctuary of Nuragic-Roman period. The settlement might be identified as the station Carbia, already quoted in the “Antonine Itinerary”, that was located along the axis leading from Tibula to Sulci in the western side of the island of Sardinia.
A medium-sized marble statue was found at the archaeological site located in the plain of S. Mari... more A medium-sized marble statue was found at the archaeological site located in the plain of S. Maria in the territory of Villasimius town near Cagliari. The sculpture proves the presence of the roman Goddess of healing Hygieia/Salus, characterized by a snake entwined around her arm ; it may reasonably be inferred that the deity was venerated in the adjacent sanctuary located on one of the Cuccureddus hills.
The realization of the statue could have coincided with the arrival of the Antonine Plague (165-180 AD). In fact, the statue seems to convey the features of the young Empress Faustina Minor, wife of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. They were both devoted to the medical family of Aesculapius.
Archeo n.395, gennaio 2018, pp. 16-18
Riconoscimento della raffigurazione di Hygieia/Salvs in un esemplare di statua marmorea di Sardeg... more Riconoscimento della raffigurazione di Hygieia/Salvs in un esemplare di statua marmorea di Sardegna afferente all'età romana. Il primo esempio di culto ufficiale nell'Isola?
Quaderni di Cagliari 28, 2017
Remnants of ancient thracian cults, among the people of the ancient Turris (Sardinia), point out ... more Remnants of ancient thracian cults, among the people of the ancient Turris (Sardinia), point out new directions and interesting clues about religiosity and population of the roman colony, going beyond the better known and attested cults of Egyptian origin, assimilated in official rites of the elite society. Anyway this vectors always pass through Ostia, the elder sister-town, which greatly contributes to the spread of religious and social practices in the Nurra.
Следи от древни тракийски култове в древния Turris Libyssonis (сега Porto Torres) на остров Сардиния.
Archeo n. 394, dicembre 2017, pp. 58-65
Una rara testimonianza di rito di soglia da un santuario nuragico di Sardegna in età romana.
An a... more Una rara testimonianza di rito di soglia da un santuario nuragico di Sardegna in età romana.
An ancient ritual of passage probably dedicated to Janus, guardian of the entrances and protector of every beginning and every end, which was carried out following the closure of the temple, in the early glimpses of the fifth century AD.

Quaderni Rivista di Archeologia 27, dicembre 2016, pp. 369-399.
Through the thematic, typological and pondometric analysis and the coins found in the stratigraph... more Through the thematic, typological and pondometric analysis and the coins found in the stratigraphy nearby the nuragic-roman holy well of the Purissima (Alghero), we try to outline details of the economic conditions limited the contemporary monetary circuit in this area. The focus on the numismatic findings in addition to examining the economic insight embracing a wide time span but unusually flawed, aims to map the use of the currency in relation to the cult vocation of the site starting always and unequivocally by stratigraphic data excavation.
Attraverso l’analisi tipo-tematica e pondometrica dei nominali restituiti dalle stratigrafie ascrivibili al pozzo nuragico-romano della Purissima (Alghero) e alle sue immediate adiacenze, si cerca di delineare un quadro particolareggiato delle condizioni economiche limitatamente al circuito monetale coevo al sito. Il focus sul reperto numismatico, oltre ad esaminare lo spaccato economico abbracciante un arco cronologico ampio ma insolitamente lacunoso, mira a tracciare l’utilizzo della moneta in relazione alla vocazione cultuale del sito, partendo sempre ed inequivocabilmente dai dati stratigrafici di scavo.

Quaderni Rivista di Archeologia 27, dicembre 2016, pp.401-407
A “terracotta doll”, apparently meaningless apart for its role as a toy, testifies once again the... more A “terracotta doll”, apparently meaningless apart for its role as a toy, testifies once again the relevance of feelings towards dead children within a roman community in Sardinia. A goddess who first becomes toy to amuse children in life, and then, becomes an otherworldly guide of a dark underworld. It testifies the strong sense of religiosity felt by adults towards children belonging to the community, who have not had the good fortune to grow up and pass unscathed the fragile threshold of youth.
Una ‘bambolina’ fittile, apparentemente insignificante a parte il suo ruolo di giocattolo, testimonia, ancora una volta, l’importanza affettiva verso i piccoli defunti all’interno di una comunità di età romana in Sardegna. Una dea che si fa giocattolo per allietare i fanciulli in vita e che diventa guida ultraterrena nell’oscuro mondo dei morti. Una religiosità piena e sentita da parte degli adulti verso i piccoli componenti della comunità che non hanno avuto la fortuna di crescere e oltrepassare, indenni, la fragile soglia della gioventù.
Studi di Antichità 13. Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali, 2016
Raro set scrittorio da sepoltura di età romana a cremazione individuato nella necropoli romana di... more Raro set scrittorio da sepoltura di età romana a cremazione individuato nella necropoli romana di Monte Carru di Alghero (SS). Spunti di riflessione su analoghi ritrovamenti, in particolare un piccolo atelier di regoli mensori dal centro/nord Europa.
Papers by Alessandra La Fragola
A re-examination of the figurative type of the servus lanternarius in the light of some coroplastic specimens found in Sardinia is proposed here. In this examination, a number of cues are grasped that seem to convincingly point towards an interpretation of the servus, during the early Roman Empire, as the god Telesphorus accompanying his father Aesculapius. Being terracotta figurines for funerary use, such elements seem to be rightfully among the phylacteries accompanying the deceased. The ethnic component of such cults points, in the first instance, towards a Thracian military veneration.
The picture emerging is that of a hard-working population that since prehistoric times traded goods, adorned their settlements and excelled in manufacture of clay artifacts, exploiting to the fullest the resources that the area offered. Although in small quantities, there is some evidence of pre-Nuragic presence, while more abundant are the artifacts dating to the Nuragic Age. In Punic times, North African products were traded as luxury goods along with imported Attic-style pottery. Roman settlements are present with farms, workshops and baths, with trade proven by numismatic evidence until the Vandalic Age. In this scenario lacking any Medieval finds, the remaining archaeological evidence pertains to the Post-Medieval age, with local and imported potsherds.
An interesting aspect is that some of these anatomical votives have characteristics with no direct similarities found in other areas of Sardinia; other archaeological artifacts consist of handmade and mouldmade statuettes and masks.
located 2 Km north-east of Alghero town. Almost 350 graves were dug, two-third of which represent burial sites where cremated remains were disposed in ceramic urns, amphorae, or even in natural small cavities
covered with tiles. About 120 inhumations were accommodated in natural trenches some of which covered with tiles. The built-up area of this cemetery was located south of La Purissima Carrabuffas territory
where archaeological digs in 1999, unearthed various remains of walls and also one Sanctuary of Nuragic-Roman period. The settlement might be identified as the station Carbia, already quoted in the “Antonine Itinerary”, that was located along the axis leading from Tibula to Sulci in the western side of the island of Sardinia.
The realization of the statue could have coincided with the arrival of the Antonine Plague (165-180 AD). In fact, the statue seems to convey the features of the young Empress Faustina Minor, wife of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. They were both devoted to the medical family of Aesculapius.
Следи от древни тракийски култове в древния Turris Libyssonis (сега Porto Torres) на остров Сардиния.
An ancient ritual of passage probably dedicated to Janus, guardian of the entrances and protector of every beginning and every end, which was carried out following the closure of the temple, in the early glimpses of the fifth century AD.
Attraverso l’analisi tipo-tematica e pondometrica dei nominali restituiti dalle stratigrafie ascrivibili al pozzo nuragico-romano della Purissima (Alghero) e alle sue immediate adiacenze, si cerca di delineare un quadro particolareggiato delle condizioni economiche limitatamente al circuito monetale coevo al sito. Il focus sul reperto numismatico, oltre ad esaminare lo spaccato economico abbracciante un arco cronologico ampio ma insolitamente lacunoso, mira a tracciare l’utilizzo della moneta in relazione alla vocazione cultuale del sito, partendo sempre ed inequivocabilmente dai dati stratigrafici di scavo.
Una ‘bambolina’ fittile, apparentemente insignificante a parte il suo ruolo di giocattolo, testimonia, ancora una volta, l’importanza affettiva verso i piccoli defunti all’interno di una comunità di età romana in Sardegna. Una dea che si fa giocattolo per allietare i fanciulli in vita e che diventa guida ultraterrena nell’oscuro mondo dei morti. Una religiosità piena e sentita da parte degli adulti verso i piccoli componenti della comunità che non hanno avuto la fortuna di crescere e oltrepassare, indenni, la fragile soglia della gioventù.
A re-examination of the figurative type of the servus lanternarius in the light of some coroplastic specimens found in Sardinia is proposed here. In this examination, a number of cues are grasped that seem to convincingly point towards an interpretation of the servus, during the early Roman Empire, as the god Telesphorus accompanying his father Aesculapius. Being terracotta figurines for funerary use, such elements seem to be rightfully among the phylacteries accompanying the deceased. The ethnic component of such cults points, in the first instance, towards a Thracian military veneration.
The picture emerging is that of a hard-working population that since prehistoric times traded goods, adorned their settlements and excelled in manufacture of clay artifacts, exploiting to the fullest the resources that the area offered. Although in small quantities, there is some evidence of pre-Nuragic presence, while more abundant are the artifacts dating to the Nuragic Age. In Punic times, North African products were traded as luxury goods along with imported Attic-style pottery. Roman settlements are present with farms, workshops and baths, with trade proven by numismatic evidence until the Vandalic Age. In this scenario lacking any Medieval finds, the remaining archaeological evidence pertains to the Post-Medieval age, with local and imported potsherds.
An interesting aspect is that some of these anatomical votives have characteristics with no direct similarities found in other areas of Sardinia; other archaeological artifacts consist of handmade and mouldmade statuettes and masks.
located 2 Km north-east of Alghero town. Almost 350 graves were dug, two-third of which represent burial sites where cremated remains were disposed in ceramic urns, amphorae, or even in natural small cavities
covered with tiles. About 120 inhumations were accommodated in natural trenches some of which covered with tiles. The built-up area of this cemetery was located south of La Purissima Carrabuffas territory
where archaeological digs in 1999, unearthed various remains of walls and also one Sanctuary of Nuragic-Roman period. The settlement might be identified as the station Carbia, already quoted in the “Antonine Itinerary”, that was located along the axis leading from Tibula to Sulci in the western side of the island of Sardinia.
The realization of the statue could have coincided with the arrival of the Antonine Plague (165-180 AD). In fact, the statue seems to convey the features of the young Empress Faustina Minor, wife of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. They were both devoted to the medical family of Aesculapius.
Следи от древни тракийски култове в древния Turris Libyssonis (сега Porto Torres) на остров Сардиния.
An ancient ritual of passage probably dedicated to Janus, guardian of the entrances and protector of every beginning and every end, which was carried out following the closure of the temple, in the early glimpses of the fifth century AD.
Attraverso l’analisi tipo-tematica e pondometrica dei nominali restituiti dalle stratigrafie ascrivibili al pozzo nuragico-romano della Purissima (Alghero) e alle sue immediate adiacenze, si cerca di delineare un quadro particolareggiato delle condizioni economiche limitatamente al circuito monetale coevo al sito. Il focus sul reperto numismatico, oltre ad esaminare lo spaccato economico abbracciante un arco cronologico ampio ma insolitamente lacunoso, mira a tracciare l’utilizzo della moneta in relazione alla vocazione cultuale del sito, partendo sempre ed inequivocabilmente dai dati stratigrafici di scavo.
Una ‘bambolina’ fittile, apparentemente insignificante a parte il suo ruolo di giocattolo, testimonia, ancora una volta, l’importanza affettiva verso i piccoli defunti all’interno di una comunità di età romana in Sardegna. Una dea che si fa giocattolo per allietare i fanciulli in vita e che diventa guida ultraterrena nell’oscuro mondo dei morti. Una religiosità piena e sentita da parte degli adulti verso i piccoli componenti della comunità che non hanno avuto la fortuna di crescere e oltrepassare, indenni, la fragile soglia della gioventù.
Andrea MONTELLA, Maria Alessandra SOTGIU, Vittorio MAZZARELLO, Antonio
The object of the project is to define an ICT architecture of information that allows an internet navigator to construct a personalized path of cultural things to do, based on his own interests.
The dominion CulturalThingsToDo, specialized on Rome, proceeds to the ontological definition of the resources of interesting EvidenzeCulturali (Cultural Interests). The subsequent ontology models the interests of the user and his requirements, through the ProfiloUtente (User profile). The definition of the paths is important as this is understood as a set of Cultural Interests connected by a special link. The system, based on new technologies, uses RoadRunner (an HTML page wrapper in XML) for capturing the information that the Cultural Interests requests; while for the participatory elicitation of the ontologies Dbin (a P2P system for incremental and query notation on the Semantic Web data base expressed in OWL-RDF) is used. "
L’iniziativa è realizzata in collaborazione con il Comune di Porto Torres e la Delegazione FAI di Sassari. Sarà introdotta dalla direttrice del Polo Museale della Sardegna, Giovanna Damiani, prima donna a portare la propria testimonianza al servizio dei Beni Culturali, seguita dall’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Porto Torres Alessandra Vetrano e dal Capo delegazione del FAI di Sassari, Maria Teresa Accardo.
Seguiranno due conferenze: la prima, “Archeologia in Italia: una questione di genere”, a cura di Elisa Cella, funzionario per il Polo Museale della Sardegna, presenterà i risultati di una ricerca sull’impiego femminile nel settore archeologico in Italia;
la seconda, “Uno sguardo nell’Oltre: divinità femminili protettrici della donna in età romana”, a cura della dottoressa Alessandra La Fragola, illustrerà la statuina fittile di Artemide Bendis aposkopousa, divinità protettrice dei riti di passaggio femminili, restituita dal sepolcro di una bambina del I sec. a.C. e conservata presso l’Antiquarium.
Durante l'incontro saranno anticipate le novità programmate dal Polo Museale per i Musei della Sardegna settentrionale, mettendo in luce il contributo delle dipendenti MiBACT alla valorizzazione e tutela del patrimonio archeologico nazionale e turritano; l'attenzione sarà poi rivolta ai materiali dell’Antiquarium legati alla sfera femminile e ai riti di passaggio tra la vita e la morte in età romana, alla luce delle più recenti ricerche di archeologia di genere.
The site is located 2 Km North-East of Alghero town. Similar to 350 graves have been dug among which two third are cremations in ceramic urns, amphorae, or even in natural caves or troughs covered with tiles. Inhumations are about 120 mainly in tiled graves and natural caves.
The village of this cemetery was located to the south at La Purissima Carrabuffas where archaeological
excavations in 1999 brought to light dwelling buildings and one Sanctuary of Nuragic-Roman ages. The settlement might be identified as “station Carbia” already quoted in the “Itinerario Antoniniano” along the road that connected Tibula and Sulci in the western side of the island of Sardinia.
The remains founded in a cemetery dating back to the Roman Imperial period (I-III century A.D.), with burials, cremation and inhumation (350 tombs), some of them excavated in the ground and some excavated in the trachytic stone, with numerous and simple ornamental objects that accompanied the dead (jugs, oil lamps, pottery cups, glasses and glass unguentaria and bronze coins, etc). The archaeological fieldwork has been conducted from May to November by a team of archaeologists, restorers, draftsmen, technicians and operators who joined the stratigraphic excavation, the first work of restoration, documentation and survey with the following retrieval of materials and outfits. The excavation has been made under the supervision of the competent Archaeological Superintendencies of Sassari and Nuoro provinces, with the cooperation of Alghero town hall and the contribution of the building firm. The numerous burials of the necropolis give new and important information about the position of the ancient 'statio' of Carbia that the old sources testify in the territory near Alghero and now, on the bases of previous researches, we can give the village clearer boundaries and original placing.
Gli studi sono stati presentati in via preliminare nel 2016 sia con una breve guida di carattere divulgativo sulla Tomba di Aiodda, un più approfondito contributo sulle attività condotte sul territorio, una giornata di studi dedicata, svoltasi nell’aula consiliare di Nurallao il 12 novembre 2016, che ha visto la partecipazione di insigni studiosi ma anche momenti di coinvolgimento delle scuole.
Finalmente oggi, dopo alcuni anni che buona parte del materiale raccolto e prodotto era rimasto nel cassetto, questo lavoro vede la luce.
Nella prima parte sono illustrate le attività sul territorio, che si sono concentrate sulla Tomba di Aiodda, oggetto di ricerche d’archivio, accurati rilievi e di un intervento di valorizzazione con il posizionamento di segnaletica e pannelli illustrativi, mentre gli altri siti del territorio sono stati individuati sul campo e posizionati. Sono state avviate e portate a conclusione otto dichiarazioni di particolare interesse (più note come “vincoli archeologici”), in altrettanti siti comunali.
In questa sezione, dedicata in massima parte all’analisi della documentazione di Aiodda, sono inseriti gli studi di Giorgio Murru sulla simbologia delle statue menhir e di Fulvia Lo Schiavo sui materiali ceramici e metallici rinvenuti nel corso dello scavo del 1979.
Nella seconda parte sono analizzati a cura di un’équipe di archeologi specialisti, coordinata da Alessandra La Fragola, i materiali archeologici provenienti dal territorio comunale e conservati nel deposito del Museo Archeologico Nazionale G.A. Sanna di Sassari. Il quadro emerso testimonia una continuità abitativa nel territorio a partire dal Neolitico, con importanti testimonianze della ritualità delle genti che popolavano il Sarcidano nell’età del Rame, una eccezionale densità abitativa in età nuragica, importanti scambi commerciali attestati in età punica e una fitta occupazione del territorio in età romana.
Nella terza parte sono stati raccolti una serie di approfondimenti e studi effettuati sul territorio: l’intervento a cura dell’équipe portoghese del Politecnico di Tomar; lo studio dei materiali ossei a cura di Barbara Baldino e la relativa analisi degli isotopi da parte di Luca Lai, ricercatore della University of North Carolina; l’analisi dei mattoni bollati di età romana a cura di Antonio Ibba, professore dell’Università di Sassari. Un importante contributo è stato fornito da Fulvia Lo Schiavo, già Soprintendente Archeologo e studiosa di fama internazionale, che ha fatto del Sarcidano uno dei fulcri delle sue ricerche, tuttora in corso sul territorio.
The exhibition shows the remains founded in a cemetery dating back to the Roman Imperial period (I-III century A.D.), with burials, cremation and inhumation (350 tombs), some of them excavated in the ground and some excavated in the trachytic stone, with numerous and simple ornamental objects that accompanied the dead (jugs, oil lamps, pottery cups, glasses and glass unguentaria and bronze coins, etc).
The archaeological fieldwork has been conducted from May to November by a team of archaeologists, restorers, draftsmen, technicians and operators who joined the stratigraphic excavation, the first work of restoration, documentation and survey with the following retrieval of materials and outfits.
The excavation has been made under the supervision of the competent Archaeological Superintendencies of Sassari and Nuoro provinces, with the cooperation of Alghero town hall and the contribution of the building firm.
Even if we have few data and materials collected in that area, and obviously still under investigation, the exhibition has been greatly wanted, because the numerous burials of the necropolis give new and important information about the position of the ancient 'statio' of Carbia that the old sources testify in the territory near Alghero and now, on the bases of previous researches, we can give the village clearer boundaries and original placing.