Papers by Alejandra Reyes
Radical Housing Journal, 2020
The Issue 2.1 Editorial Collective has been hit by surprise by the Covid-19 pandemic in many comp... more The Issue 2.1 Editorial Collective has been hit by surprise by the Covid-19 pandemic in many complex ways. After taking time to acknowledge the rupture, we decided to go forward with this issue as a way of joining the urgent discussion about the present and future of housing organizing. With this issue, we bring past experiences of struggle into the present as a basis for rethinking the housing doomsday machine that we got stuck with while trying to handle the pandemic and disastrous national quarantine management. Together with articles that reflect on the past experiences of housing struggles, we also opened this issue up for collective reflections about the present and the post-pandemic futures of housing and home.
Papeles De Poblacion, 2015
Tijuana, as a border city, has been a meeting point for the arrival of thousands of men and women... more Tijuana, as a border city, has been a meeting point for the arrival of thousands of men and women from the interior of the country in search of job opportuni...
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 2012
Frida Díaz Barriga Arceo y Gerardo Hernández Rojas. Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje sign... more Frida Díaz Barriga Arceo y Gerardo Hernández Rojas. Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje significativo. Una interpretación constructivista. México: Editorial McGraw-Hill/Interamericana. Tercera edición. 405 págs. isbn: 6071502934. El libro Estrategias Docentes para un Aprendizaje Significativo es una herramienta de granutilidad para aquellos que nos dedicamos a la docencia. Es una obra que clarifica perfectamentea todos aquellos que queremos ampliar y profundizar nuestros conocimientos sobre lo que es el aprendizaje significativo y el constructivismo...
Revista chilena de infectología, 2017
Nutrición Hospitalaria, 2018
Cambios de la composición corporal en pacientes sometidos a cirugía bariátrica: bypass gástrico y... more Cambios de la composición corporal en pacientes sometidos a cirugía bariátrica: bypass gástrico y gastrectomía en manga Changes in body composition in patients following bariatric surgery: gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy
Revista chilena de infectología

Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 2022
Background Land use, land cover, and climate change impacts are current global challenges that ar... more Background Land use, land cover, and climate change impacts are current global challenges that are affecting many sectors, like agricultural production, socioeconomic development, water quality, and causing land fragmentation. In developing countries like Uganda, rural areas with high populations that are dependent on agriculture, are the most affected. The development of sustainable management measures requires proper identi cation of drivers and impacts on the environment and livelihoods of the affected communities. This study applied drivers, pressure, state, impact, and response model in the L. Kyoga basin to determine the drivers and impacts of land use, land cover, and climate change on livelihoods and the environment. The objective of this study was to determine the drivers and impacts of land use, land cover, and climate changes on the environment and livelihoods in the L. Kyoga basin, and suggest sustainable mitigation measures. Focus group discussions, key informant interviews, eld observations, and literature reviews were used to collect data. Results Population increase and climate change were the leading drivers, while agriculture and urbanization were the primary pressures, leading to degraded land, wetlands, and forests; loss of soil fertility, hunger, poverty, poor water quality, which are getting worse. The local communities, government, and nongovernment institutions had responses to impacts, which included the use of agrochemicals, restoration, and conservation approaches. Most responses had promising results, although they were at a small/pilot scale level. It was also found that the application of policies and regulations to manage impacts was weak. Conclusion Land use, land cover changes, and climate change are taking place in the L. Kyoga basin with major impacts on land, water, and community livelihoods. With the observed increase in climate change and population growth, there is a potential of drivers and impacts getting worse. It is therefore important to expand interventions, provide relief, review policies and regulations, and enforce them. The ndings are useful for decisions and policymakers to design appropriate management options.
Revista chilena de infectología, 2020
Los autores declaran no tener conflicto de interés para el desarrollo de este artículo. Sin finan... more Los autores declaran no tener conflicto de interés para el desarrollo de este artículo. Sin financiación. Recibido: 8 de octubre de 2019 Resumen La tuberculosis en etapa neonatal tiene una alta morbimortalidad, es de difícil diagnóstico e involucra al binomio madre-hijo y su entorno. Las características particulares del sistema inmune en la mujer gestante y el recién nacido, impactan en la presentación clínica de esta enfermedad. Su diagnóstico es complejo y la instauración del tratamiento debe ser oportuna e impostergable. Se abarcan aspectos relevantes para el diagnóstico y manejo del recién nacido expuesto a la tuberculosis Palabras clave: Tuberculosis, congénita, embarazo, recién nacido, neonatal.
Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, Apr 1, 2018
The request of blood cultures in medical care is frequent, especially in Neonatal Units, where it... more The request of blood cultures in medical care is frequent, especially in Neonatal Units, where it is performed routinely in case of suspected early or late sepsis. The purpose of this document is to standardize the sampling technique in order to increase its performance and establish criteria to interpret a positive blood culture.
Revista chilena de infectologia : organo oficial de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2017
Over the past few years immigration has become an important issue in Chile. Particular attention ... more Over the past few years immigration has become an important issue in Chile. Particular attention should be paid in foreign pregnant mothers. Infectious diseases screening in this group greatly reduce the risk of transmission to the fetus with appropriate therapy.
Revista chilena de infectología, 2016
Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés. No se recibió financiamiento externo para la... more Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés. No se recibió financiamiento externo para la confección de este manuscrito.
Revista chilena de infectología, 2015
Fuente de financiamiento: ninguno. Conflictos de interés: Sin conflictos de interés por parte de ... more Fuente de financiamiento: ninguno. Conflictos de interés: Sin conflictos de interés por parte de los autores.

Revista chilena de nutrición, 2019
La cirugía bariátrica (CB) ha demostrado ser una alternativa segura y eficaz para la resolución d... more La cirugía bariátrica (CB) ha demostrado ser una alternativa segura y eficaz para la resolución de la obesidad y sus comorbilidades. Parte del éxito de la CB, radica en el manejo nutricional del paciente, para lo que se requiere de un equipo médico-nutricional, entrenado en nutrición bariátrica, con el objetivo de evitar déficit nutricional y modificar hábitos a largo plazo. En la actualidad, no existe en Chile un consenso sobre el protocolo de manejo nutricional pre y post CB. El objetivo del 1er Consenso Chileno de Nutricionistas en Cirugía Bariátrica, es ser una guía para los nutricionistas que asisten a pacientes bariátricos. Este documento resume el trabajo realizado por los Nutricionistas de Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía Bariátrica y Metabólica (SCCBM), quienes durante 5 años trabajaron en reuniones presenciales y comisiones de estudio, revisando evidencias científicas, guías de tratamiento y recomendaciones de expertos, que fundamentarán las recomendaciones alimentario nutricional para cada tema. El resultado es un documento que homologa criterios para el manejo nutricional de pacientes bariátricos y genera los tópicos mínimos para asegurar la atención nutricional de calidad en los equipos bariátricos chilenos.
Papers by Alejandra Reyes