Research Publish Journals, 2021
The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of availability of ICT-based techno... more The main objective of this study was to examine the influence of availability of ICT-based technology
innovation on ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among commercial banks in Kenya. The
target population for this study comprised of all 43 commercial banks in Kenya. The study targeted the Head of
operations and IT, IT Managers, Customer service managers and Marketing managers as they are directly
involved in the ICT innovations in the commercial banks and other services to customers, who also gave the insight
to ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among the commercial banks. Structured questionnaire,
secondary data analysis, interviews and observations were used as data collection tools to bring out the knowledge
gaps. Illustrative and deductive data was instrumental in the analysis of data. These included frequency tables,
percentiles, and means, Pearson product moment coefficient. The figures were coded then evaluated by means of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results acquired formed the basis for interpretation, discussion,
conclusion, and recommendations of this research project.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Online consultation or telemedicine is one of the major methodology utilized by physicians to see... more Online consultation or telemedicine is one of the major methodology utilized by physicians to see their
patients who opted to stay at their respective homes because of fear of COVID-19. There are some advantages and
disadvantages using this platform and perceptions from different groups of people may vary. As cited by Menon et
al. (2016), there are burdens in the implementation of telemedicine but there are also advocates of its good effect
that is expected to increase patient’s satisfaction and the good assistance to the family. For many of the private
patients, telemedicine is the only safest way they could connect and seek consultation from their physicians but
how about their perception on the prompt enactment of these telemedicine? It is important therefore to document
the perspective of the recipients of telemedicine, the private patients, and be able to find out how prepared they are
in this platform of healthcare service delivery. To determine their perception on the level of preparedness, a
validated questionnaire was used. The result of the study shows that private patients are prepared for
telemedicine, however, there are certain parameters that needs to be improved for a more steadfast online
consultation experienced. They perceived that internet connectivity and the quality of service are fractions that
needs to be evaluated while comfort, safety, and affordability are the perceived benefits they could get. They also
perceived that telemedicine is applicable only for non-critical patients and for follow-up consultation.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Construction is one of the sectors that contribute to economic wellbeing of a country. However, w... more Construction is one of the sectors that contribute to economic wellbeing of a country. However, when a
building collapses, it results in the loss of lives and investment. This is counterproductive when the construction
product not only does not fulfill its objective but results in severe loss. The study was conducted to evaluate the
effects of risk management instruments of sustainability of construction in Nairobi, Kenya. The research problems
were formulated from the concern that there exists risk management instruments namely professional indemnity,
why does the construction industry continue to suffer severe losses due to collapsed buildings? Case study and
empirical reviews was used to conduct the study; Whereby various studies on risk management and sustainability
were reviewed. From the studies it was established there is diversity with regards to sustainability concept which
increases its scope of application. However, research gaps were found from the studies. Both the empirical and case
studies supported the objective that project professionals have a role to play in vice of collapsed building. A
conceptual framework was proposed with corruption identified as mediating variable.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
With the increase of e-commerce, online shopping has become the preferred method of shopping for
... more With the increase of e-commerce, online shopping has become the preferred method of shopping for
many individuals. However, new ways of living also means the onset of new disorders such as compulsive buying
disorder (CB). A form of compulsive-obsessive disorder, online shopping at extreme levels is a compulsive act that
requires its own treatment strategies, most notably Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI). Other comorbid
disorders include depression and anxiety in which buying material goods and services online can provide instant
gratification. Low self-esteem has also been associated with CB as addicts recognize their problem but struggle to
control their behavior. CBI, which is a group therapy form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, provides patients
with accountability and feedback with logical explanations needed to help control their behavior. One major
tragedy of CB is the exorbitant amount of money spent to keep up with their addiction which can act as a stressor
in family dynamics. As online shopping addiction has increased around the world, researchers in China have
created internet-based interventions through an ES system that records how long an individual spent online along
with pertinent statistical information related to sites often visited. This literature review paper will take a closer
look at the onset of CB and online shopping addiction as well as the reasons behind why CBI is considered a
successful treatment method for CB.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Overcrowding is defined to be the total number of persons in a unit, regardless of unit size; the... more Overcrowding is defined to be the total number of persons in a unit, regardless of unit size; the ratio of
persons to floor space in square feet; and the person-to-size ratio adjusted for household composition, structure
type, location, or lot size. It is believed that failure to adequately meet the housing need might have led to the
children’s low participation in the early year’s education and subsequently affecting other levels of education in
Meru County and the country at large. It is for this reason, that this study was designed. It will document the
extent to which, children’s housing need, and in particular, the crowding aspect, is addressed in Meru County.
This is because large number children, 52% of them in the early year’s education age levels did not participate in
the early year’s education. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between household
size and participation in early year’s education. The independent variable was household size. The dependent
variable was children’s participation in early year’s education. The target population for this study comprised 78,
201 school age going children of early years education level from whom an actual sample size of 390 children was
selected and their parents participated in the study. Children’s households were systematically sampled whereas
Meru County was sampled purposively. The researcher administered the questionnaire to parents of children at
the age of early year’s education. Those who participated in the early year’s education and those who did not
participate in the early year’s education were considered for the study. The t-test (two tailed) for testing equality of
means for independent samples was used to test H01 a t-test (two tailed) for independent samples found no
relationship between household size and participation in early years education. This study concludes that housing
need is important and unless it is met we will continue to have large numbers of children at the age for early year’s
education not participating in this education continuing to multiply.

Novelty Journals, 2021
Women empowerment is one of the keys hotly global issues that most of the Governments and
develop... more Women empowerment is one of the keys hotly global issues that most of the Governments and
developmental institutions are looking for and how they eliminate the un-equality and also how they empower
women using various tools, strategies and techniques of financial inclusion through microfinance service.
Microfinance is the tool that increase women’s access in economic, social and political, more over microfinance is
not the only tool to empower women but it is the most used and road of all the other tools some of the other tools
are Education, Technology, Health and political will that governments are building strong policies that they are
empowering women. Despite the literature of the previous studies as some of them mentioned that microfinance
has a positive impact on women’s economic empowerment, while others are ague that microfinance does not has a
positive impact in to economic impact of women but has impact of children education and health. So there has
been conflicting results in the literature. So, the aim of my study is to assess the Effect of microfinance service
towards urban women’s empowerment. The specific objectives of my study are; to determine the effect of women’s
economic or income situation towards empowerment after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of
women’s decision-making ability towards empowerment after receiving after microfinance; to analyze the effect of
women’s living standard after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of women’s self-confidence
after receiving microfinance service. Quantitative research design was used for the study to get appropriate
statistics from a high-volume sample size to gain valid result. The study used descriptive research design. This
study was also adopted simple random sampling in choosing the respondents and using sloven’s formula to select
sample size. This study employed a cross sectional survey with structured questionnaire, which the researcher
needs to administer through distributing to the sample of microfinance service institutions and clients in Hargeisa

Research Publish Journals, 2021
The impact of inadequate training facilities on the production of secretaries. The major findings... more The impact of inadequate training facilities on the production of secretaries. The major findings of the
study include the following: One, that printer, laminating machine, scanner, automatic typewriter, word
processing, etc are the training facilities required by the secretaries. Two, Poor environment, lack of equipment,
lack of electricity, lack of maintenance, lack of interest, outdated technology etc are the problem associated with
the provision of adequate facilities on the production of secretaries. Three, the researcher found out that an unsafe
learning environment, low production, increased expenses, accidents, loss of customers are the effects of
inadequate training facilities on the production of secretaries. It was therefore concluded that one, secretaries use
the following facilities on the production of secretaries: printer, scanner, word processor, photocopier, laminating
machine, two, if the maintenance and management of these training facilities area encourage and effectively done,
the machine would not break easily. Three, Secretaries would be more practical oriented if the curriculum of the
department of office technology and management should be adjusted to be more practical oriented as required in
the world of work. Four, maintenance and management of these training facilities should encourage and effectively
done to ensure that they do not break easily and make the life span of the existing machine last long.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Taal, Batangas, also known as the Balisong and Barong capital of the Philippines is a well-preser... more Taal, Batangas, also known as the Balisong and Barong capital of the Philippines is a well-preserved
cultural town that is home to numerous historical structures dating from the Spanish colonial period. It was
declared as a “Heritage Town” by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines back in September 1987.
Assessing tourism resources allows researchers to learn about their current state and discover ways to improve
their cultural identity in the tourism industry. Architecture, customs and traditions, religion, arts & crafts, and
food are all cultural resources being the specific pointers used as independent variables which had a large
contribution in this study. The researchers used qualitative research design in the form of narrative analysis in the
study. In the sampling process, the researchers used experts sampling as a tool to identify the five key participants
of the study who underwent a zoom interview with the researchers. The data gathered was analyzed through
narrative analysis to be able to pinpoint the issues of the destination image of Taal. The result showed that cultural
resources are important factors to protect in magnifying a destination image. These analyses gave helpful data to
the arranging of the conceivable program that we could propose to upgrade the objective's character in making
use of its cultural assets; keeping that in mind, recommendations have been made regarding the preservation and
utilization of its cultural resources in further enhancement of the destination image of Taal.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
People often see movie theaters wherever they go and, literally, in all countries for that matter... more People often see movie theaters wherever they go and, literally, in all countries for that matter and, with
the advanced technologies, you can have movies right inside the comfort of your own home. A lot of emotions are
drawn, new knowledge, wisdom, philosophies are acquired, and new found places and adventures are virtually
explored which an individual would dream of experiencing. In most of these, it is the wonders of nature, new sites,
development, cultural heritage, and people that really draw curiosity to adventurous individuals and thus, help
push tourism at the helm. This specific aspect or area of study dwells mainly on the correlative impact of
cinematography/ filmmaking with that of the growth of the tourism industry particularly in the Philippines.
Having this hypothesis in mind, the researchers gathered some fifty (50) movies from the MTRCB files from the
period covering 2018-2019 and on the process of its review, the researchers used the criteria as set forth by the
Cine Turismo Campaign. And, in addition to this, the researchers made use of the descriptive content analysis
method and other secondary data like written articles, write ups, documentaries from blogs and vlogs. Having had
all these methodologies, strategies, and information, the results showed that there is a strong impact between the
film industry where shooting locations

The Food Park has started in late 2000s that has a concept of different kinds of food sold inside... more The Food Park has started in late 2000s that has a concept of different kinds of food sold inside an
establishment. It has a concept of opening late in the morning until midnight. Food park was easily became known
year 2016 due to Millenials, families and friends. Providing Customer Satisfaction Program to the food
establishment that will surely bring the satisfaction of customers in a new level is the main purpose of the study.
The researchers aim to understand their customer need and expectations in the food park. The objectives of the
study is to assess the level of satisfaction and to assess the perception of customers. This study used descriptive data
that is collected from respective respondents through online platform. The data and results has been analyzed by
the researchers to provide a good helpful Satisfaction program for Dapip Food Park in Pagsanjan, Laguna. The
researchers’ study will surely help the Food park in Pagsanjan, Laguna to step up the satisfaction of customers to
a new level and to highlight their strengths that will attract more customers with safety.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
People nowadays use the internet more than before, and when they want to know more about a busine... more People nowadays use the internet more than before, and when they want to know more about a business's
products and services, they immediately head to search engines and social media. Digital marketing has
transformed the way businesses promote their products and reach out to their target customers. The study wanted
to identify which of the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix motivated customers' decisions to visit Cafe Agapita. There are
7 variables for the framework of this study that were derived from the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and these are
Food Taste for Product, Accessibility for Place, Price of the Food for Price, Promotional Strategy for Promotion,
Ambience of the Place for Physical Evidence, Customer Service for Process, and Employees for People. The study
used a qualitative type of research-descriptive analysis method. The data collected by the researchers was gathered
from various credible sources and is mostly from Cafe Agapita’s main page. Most of these reviews were from
actual customers who have experienced the Cafe firsthand and left these reviews on Facebook, Google Reviews,
and Instagram. The study did not require validation because the data gathered was secondary data derived from
Facebook, Instagram, and Google reviews. According to customer reviews, the ambience or physical evidence of
Cafe Agapita is the most influential factor that influenced them to visit the place.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
This study determines the Level of Motivation on Online Learning of third year tourism students i... more This study determines the Level of Motivation on Online Learning of third year tourism students in De
La Salle University-Dasmariñas. The researchers surveyed how the respondents assess the online learning in terms
of engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of selfefficacy. The study wanted to know what are the factors that affects students in staying motivated during online
classes. Even before the pandemic, De La Salle University-Dasmariñas implemented the use of the university’s
schoolbook when it comes to answering assessments which is called blended learning. Since Covid-19 happened the
university fully adapted the use of the schoolbook using the different features of it. Student motivation more
usually and naturally has something to do with student’s ability to acquire knowledge. Nonetheless, the selfdetermination theory has adapted from Ryan and Deci Model for conceptual framework which stands as an
indicator of this study. This study is a quantitative research. The study used the purposive sampling method, a
non-probability purposive sampling technique that examined the entire population. The data gathering tool used is
Google Forms. The questionnaire was validated by a psychologist and statistician. The findings in terms of
engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of self-efficacy
was moderate motivation. The overall finding of this study is that most of the tourism students in De La Salle
University-Dasmariñas have moderate motivation on online learning.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
As the historical capital of the Philippines, Cavite holds a glorious past which is not only evid... more As the historical capital of the Philippines, Cavite holds a glorious past which is not only evident in its
various historical attractions but also lies in the heritage cuisine of this province. This study documented the base
ingredients, origin, cooking equipment, and preparation method of the selected heritage foods and analyzed the
oral and documentary evidence to find its significance in the different municipalities in Cavite. In addition, the
researchers also included the issues and concerns that are relative to the heritage cuisine. The specifics of the
Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 (Australia ICOMOS 2013) was used
as the theoretical framework for this research in establishing a detailed statement of significance. The researchers
used case study as a research design and expert sampling for its method of collecting data. After the collection of
all the historical data available, heritage food experts were invited to participate in the in-depth online interview to
verify the gathered information that was later analyzed using content analysis. The findings showed that the
heritage cuisine in Cavite was heavily influenced by the countries who settled in the province ever since the
Manila-Acapulco galleon trade. In addition, the identified heritage food has great significance in terms of its social,
aesthetic, and historic value but is currently facing different concerns and issues. In conclusion, the heritage
cuisine in Cavite signifies the identity of the community where it originated and they were part of the daily lives
and shared traditions of the locals during large social gatherings. Based on the results, the researchers
recommended that the collective efforts of the government and other heritage food experts are needed to promote
the heritage cuisine to younger generations. Festivals, restaurants, and documentaries can also increase its
awareness and successfully preserve the different heritage food.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Nature-Based tourism promotes effective management of protecting natural attractions which is one... more Nature-Based tourism promotes effective management of protecting natural attractions which is one of
the causes for its rapid growth in the tourism market. In the historical province of Cavite the Majestic Balite Falls
lies in Barangay Halang and Barangay Banay-Banay in Amadeo, it comes with a variety of natural resources,
species, and natural beauty which is considered as one of the Nature Wonder tourist attractions in Cavite. This
qualitative research focused on obtaining information from experts to document their perspective on the
potentiality of Nature-based tourism in Balite falls and on the areas that could be of help for a Nature-Based
Sustainability Plan. Using the purposive sampling ten experts from Amadeo Cavite were interviewed online. The
Balite Falls has high potentiality for Nature-Based tourism according to the five categories that were answered by
the experts. The researchers have proposed a sustainability plan that would help sustain the economic, cultural,
attraction, market, and accommodation sector of the area where Balite Falls belongs.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Due to technological advancements, YouTube acts as the most prominent and relevant video platform... more Due to technological advancements, YouTube acts as the most prominent and relevant video platform
that vloggers use in featuring a destination as people nowadays rely on YouTube as their source of travel
inspiration prior to deciding a destination to visit. The study made use of the five significant predictors in
promoting Samar as a destination. The framework of this study has five predictors namely; Attitude,
Comprehensiveness, Relevance, Source Expertise, and Timeliness from Arora and Lata (2020) to further analyze
the content of each video presented by the Filipino YouTube vloggers. This study used qualitative research design
in the form of content analysis as the analytical method. The researchers used coding to determine how Samar was
presented by the vloggers through a vlog. The data gathered was based on the provided definitions as well as the
parameters per predictor set by the researchers as their basis to classify the content of which category will fall
under and help them narrate what was actually seen on the chosen travel-related videos in Samar. Based on the
results that were discussed and presented through content analysis, it showed that the five predictors were
significant to consider in choosing a travel vlogs that specifically featured Samar as a destination to visit. In
conclusion, YouTube vloggers who were engaged in creating travel content has the potential to promote Samar at
its best as a destination; can effectively market other forms of tourism that gives new options for tourists; and can
be recognized for having a various well-known activities and attractions in the Philippines while taking the five
predictors into consideration.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
Cervical cancer is one most common cancer occurring in women. There are different types of cervic... more Cervical cancer is one most common cancer occurring in women. There are different types of cervical
cancers screening test, cervical cancer is one of the leading cancer among women all over the world, cervical
cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. one women die of cervical cancer every two minutes, This
cancer has managed to create a burden is significant across all cultures and economics, however in NIGERIA this
disease is still killing up to 8000. women annually. It is also one of the most common cancer of woman that can be
detect and treated completely at precancerous stages. STD is main cause of cervical cancer and also due to the
Human Papillomavirus (HPV). mainly HPV-16 and HPV-18. It continues to be major public health troubles for
female in India. The incidence of cervical cancer is 55-59 years and a considerable proportion of women report in
the late stage of disease. Prophylactic vaccines against HPV-16 and 18 therapeutic vaccines are used against
cervical cancer. Other epidemiological risk factor are premature at sexual activity ,Teenage pregnancy. Family
past, Oral contraceptive.This article ,explain history of cervical cancer, histopathological variety, risk factor,
avoidance, treatment and Drug approved to prevent cervical cancer .The most common type of cervical cancer is
called Squamous cell carcinoma .Vaccine is helpful only in people who have no previous infection with HPV.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
The study examined the relationship between capacity building in procurement and regulatory
compl... more The study examined the relationship between capacity building in procurement and regulatory
compliance in government Procurement entities of Rwanda. The objective of the study was to assess the effects of
training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement to influencing regulatory compliance of
government Procurement entities. A descriptive survey research design was adopted using quantitative methods
and used closed ended questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study targeted 86 respondents from
government Procurement entities namely Rwanda Social Security entities, Rwanda Development entities and
Rwanda Governance entities. Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Data
was then analyzed on quantitative basis using Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear regression analysis and
descriptive statistics. The regression model used was LogY= βo + β1LogXit1 + β2LogXiit2 + β3LogXiiit3 + ɛt and
multiple R (correlation) value obtained was 0.843 (84.3%). The model summary depicted from the regression
analysis with multiple R (correlation) value of 0.843 (84.3%) indicated a highly positive relationship between the
dependent and independent variables and, the overall contribution of the independent variables: Training (TR),
Coaching (CO), and Leadership Development (LD) to the effective regulatory compliance in public procurement
(RCPP) which accounted for 70% (R2 = 0.700) of the variation in the RCPP. Therefore the researcher concluded
that training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement had the significance influence on
regulatory compliance which led to confirm the relationship between capacity building in procurement and
regulatory compliance of government Procurement entities in Rwanda. The study recommended that government
Procurement entities should continue to focus more on capacity building framework of the staff involved in public
procurement to ensure their sustainability and compliance in the future. And finally, the study proposed different
major areas of regulatory comp

Research Publish Journals, 2021
This research examined the effect of Community Involvement on the Sustainability of Development
P... more This research examined the effect of Community Involvement on the Sustainability of Development
Projects in Rwanda because, it has been observed that often when project start, communities members are actively
participating. However when the project phases out /ends, there is hardly any continuity of the project activities.
This may be attributed to the fact that usually community members are not sufficiently empowered and fully
engaged in every single activity of the project. The researcher intended to achieve this by use of three specific
objectives namely; to establish the effect of Community participation in Planning on sustainability of Essential
Nutrition and Health Package Project; to examine the effect of Community participation in Project Control on
sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project, and to assess the effect Community participation
in Project Implementation on sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project. The research was
beneficial to the researcher, Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project and UOK. The researcher used
descriptive design of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach in order to get better analysis of the
study. The population size was 185 and sample of 115 respondents was taken. Both primary and secondary sources
with their relevant tools, like questionnaire and documentary analysis was used in order to come up with required
data. Data was processed by use of SPSS and analyzed by use of percentages, mean and standard deviation. The
relationship between the variables was established by use of Pearson correlations module. In the findings it was
established that Community Involvement in development projects inform of Community Project planning,
Community Project control and Community Project implementation contributes highly to on sustainability
Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project in form of physical growth of the children, emotional growth of the
children, intellectual growth of the children and moral growth of the children. Table 4.16 gave the relationship
between Community Involvement and Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda whereby the respondents
N is 115 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that independent variable has positive high correlation
to dependent variable equal to .781** and the p-value is .000 which is less than 0.01. When p-value is less than
significant level, therefore researchers conclude that variables are correlated and null hypothesis is rejected and
remains with alternative hypothesis. This means that there is a significant relationship between Community
Involvement on the Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda. We can therefore conclude Community
Involvement greatly contribute to positive Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda.

Research Publish Journals, 2021
The general objective of the research was to analyze the relationship of procurement procedures a... more The general objective of the research was to analyze the relationship of procurement procedures and
service quality delivery in public institutions. The specific objectives were to assess the relationship between
procurement policies and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between procurement planning
procedures and service quality delivery, toestablish the relationship between buyer/supplier procedures
relationship and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between monitoring and evaluation and
service quality delivery. The research was conducted in one of the public institution which is REMA located at
Gasabo District, Kakiru Sector. The research used the data from 2016 up to 2019. This research increased the
knowledge of the researcher in the field of procurement especially in public procurement. Based on the literature
to be reviewed in this research the researcher got more understanding on quality service delivery in public
institutions. Through the recommendations provided by researcher; research benefited the administration of
REMA by showing how to make an effective procurement procedures which affect the service quality delivery of
the institution. The total population for this study was 81 persons; these are employees of Rwanda Environment
Management Authority; Since the population of this research was composed with a small number of people there
was no need to apply a formula to calculate the sample size of this research. Therefore, the researcher used the
total population as a sample size of this research thus the sample size of this research is 81 employees in
departments with the information relate to procurement. Raw data was transformed into meaningful interpreted
report using different techniques. In order to get quality information, there is generally need for standard
checking so that the researcher could end up with realistic data, which clearly reflect the depicted situation. Thus,
stand checking was done through editing, coding, and tabulation. The study tried to present the findings of
assessing the expectations and perceptions of procurement practices and service quality delivery in public
institutions context in Rwanda. The assessment of service quality expectations and perceptions investigated in this
study has proved to be reliable in REMA though a remarkable number of respondents remained neutral in terms
of procurement practices in REMA and some disagreed with the statements related to service quality delivery.
The research revealed that procurement policies, procurement planning, buyer/supplier relationship and
monitoring and evaluation affect the service quality delivery in Rwanda Environment Management Authority ;
this indicated by the fact that there was big number of agreement with the statements related to the procurement
practices and service quality delivery in REMA. Thus; the researcher concluded that procurement practices affect
service quality delivery in REMA. The researcher recommends REMA to put in place rigorous measures to ensure
that procurement practices are based on carefully crafted plans that take into consideration the regulations of the
procurement and disposal Act. The management of REMA should eliminate all elements of corruption in
procurement practices and promote integrity in the procurement process. This will in turn lead to improvement
service delivery. Effective coaching in understanding procurement practices and service delivery should
continuously be organized to refresh REMA staff.
innovation on ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among commercial banks in Kenya. The
target population for this study comprised of all 43 commercial banks in Kenya. The study targeted the Head of
operations and IT, IT Managers, Customer service managers and Marketing managers as they are directly
involved in the ICT innovations in the commercial banks and other services to customers, who also gave the insight
to ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among the commercial banks. Structured questionnaire,
secondary data analysis, interviews and observations were used as data collection tools to bring out the knowledge
gaps. Illustrative and deductive data was instrumental in the analysis of data. These included frequency tables,
percentiles, and means, Pearson product moment coefficient. The figures were coded then evaluated by means of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results acquired formed the basis for interpretation, discussion,
conclusion, and recommendations of this research project.
patients who opted to stay at their respective homes because of fear of COVID-19. There are some advantages and
disadvantages using this platform and perceptions from different groups of people may vary. As cited by Menon et
al. (2016), there are burdens in the implementation of telemedicine but there are also advocates of its good effect
that is expected to increase patient’s satisfaction and the good assistance to the family. For many of the private
patients, telemedicine is the only safest way they could connect and seek consultation from their physicians but
how about their perception on the prompt enactment of these telemedicine? It is important therefore to document
the perspective of the recipients of telemedicine, the private patients, and be able to find out how prepared they are
in this platform of healthcare service delivery. To determine their perception on the level of preparedness, a
validated questionnaire was used. The result of the study shows that private patients are prepared for
telemedicine, however, there are certain parameters that needs to be improved for a more steadfast online
consultation experienced. They perceived that internet connectivity and the quality of service are fractions that
needs to be evaluated while comfort, safety, and affordability are the perceived benefits they could get. They also
perceived that telemedicine is applicable only for non-critical patients and for follow-up consultation.
building collapses, it results in the loss of lives and investment. This is counterproductive when the construction
product not only does not fulfill its objective but results in severe loss. The study was conducted to evaluate the
effects of risk management instruments of sustainability of construction in Nairobi, Kenya. The research problems
were formulated from the concern that there exists risk management instruments namely professional indemnity,
why does the construction industry continue to suffer severe losses due to collapsed buildings? Case study and
empirical reviews was used to conduct the study; Whereby various studies on risk management and sustainability
were reviewed. From the studies it was established there is diversity with regards to sustainability concept which
increases its scope of application. However, research gaps were found from the studies. Both the empirical and case
studies supported the objective that project professionals have a role to play in vice of collapsed building. A
conceptual framework was proposed with corruption identified as mediating variable.
many individuals. However, new ways of living also means the onset of new disorders such as compulsive buying
disorder (CB). A form of compulsive-obsessive disorder, online shopping at extreme levels is a compulsive act that
requires its own treatment strategies, most notably Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI). Other comorbid
disorders include depression and anxiety in which buying material goods and services online can provide instant
gratification. Low self-esteem has also been associated with CB as addicts recognize their problem but struggle to
control their behavior. CBI, which is a group therapy form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, provides patients
with accountability and feedback with logical explanations needed to help control their behavior. One major
tragedy of CB is the exorbitant amount of money spent to keep up with their addiction which can act as a stressor
in family dynamics. As online shopping addiction has increased around the world, researchers in China have
created internet-based interventions through an ES system that records how long an individual spent online along
with pertinent statistical information related to sites often visited. This literature review paper will take a closer
look at the onset of CB and online shopping addiction as well as the reasons behind why CBI is considered a
successful treatment method for CB.
persons to floor space in square feet; and the person-to-size ratio adjusted for household composition, structure
type, location, or lot size. It is believed that failure to adequately meet the housing need might have led to the
children’s low participation in the early year’s education and subsequently affecting other levels of education in
Meru County and the country at large. It is for this reason, that this study was designed. It will document the
extent to which, children’s housing need, and in particular, the crowding aspect, is addressed in Meru County.
This is because large number children, 52% of them in the early year’s education age levels did not participate in
the early year’s education. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between household
size and participation in early year’s education. The independent variable was household size. The dependent
variable was children’s participation in early year’s education. The target population for this study comprised 78,
201 school age going children of early years education level from whom an actual sample size of 390 children was
selected and their parents participated in the study. Children’s households were systematically sampled whereas
Meru County was sampled purposively. The researcher administered the questionnaire to parents of children at
the age of early year’s education. Those who participated in the early year’s education and those who did not
participate in the early year’s education were considered for the study. The t-test (two tailed) for testing equality of
means for independent samples was used to test H01 a t-test (two tailed) for independent samples found no
relationship between household size and participation in early years education. This study concludes that housing
need is important and unless it is met we will continue to have large numbers of children at the age for early year’s
education not participating in this education continuing to multiply.
developmental institutions are looking for and how they eliminate the un-equality and also how they empower
women using various tools, strategies and techniques of financial inclusion through microfinance service.
Microfinance is the tool that increase women’s access in economic, social and political, more over microfinance is
not the only tool to empower women but it is the most used and road of all the other tools some of the other tools
are Education, Technology, Health and political will that governments are building strong policies that they are
empowering women. Despite the literature of the previous studies as some of them mentioned that microfinance
has a positive impact on women’s economic empowerment, while others are ague that microfinance does not has a
positive impact in to economic impact of women but has impact of children education and health. So there has
been conflicting results in the literature. So, the aim of my study is to assess the Effect of microfinance service
towards urban women’s empowerment. The specific objectives of my study are; to determine the effect of women’s
economic or income situation towards empowerment after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of
women’s decision-making ability towards empowerment after receiving after microfinance; to analyze the effect of
women’s living standard after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of women’s self-confidence
after receiving microfinance service. Quantitative research design was used for the study to get appropriate
statistics from a high-volume sample size to gain valid result. The study used descriptive research design. This
study was also adopted simple random sampling in choosing the respondents and using sloven’s formula to select
sample size. This study employed a cross sectional survey with structured questionnaire, which the researcher
needs to administer through distributing to the sample of microfinance service institutions and clients in Hargeisa
study include the following: One, that printer, laminating machine, scanner, automatic typewriter, word
processing, etc are the training facilities required by the secretaries. Two, Poor environment, lack of equipment,
lack of electricity, lack of maintenance, lack of interest, outdated technology etc are the problem associated with
the provision of adequate facilities on the production of secretaries. Three, the researcher found out that an unsafe
learning environment, low production, increased expenses, accidents, loss of customers are the effects of
inadequate training facilities on the production of secretaries. It was therefore concluded that one, secretaries use
the following facilities on the production of secretaries: printer, scanner, word processor, photocopier, laminating
machine, two, if the maintenance and management of these training facilities area encourage and effectively done,
the machine would not break easily. Three, Secretaries would be more practical oriented if the curriculum of the
department of office technology and management should be adjusted to be more practical oriented as required in
the world of work. Four, maintenance and management of these training facilities should encourage and effectively
done to ensure that they do not break easily and make the life span of the existing machine last long.
cultural town that is home to numerous historical structures dating from the Spanish colonial period. It was
declared as a “Heritage Town” by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines back in September 1987.
Assessing tourism resources allows researchers to learn about their current state and discover ways to improve
their cultural identity in the tourism industry. Architecture, customs and traditions, religion, arts & crafts, and
food are all cultural resources being the specific pointers used as independent variables which had a large
contribution in this study. The researchers used qualitative research design in the form of narrative analysis in the
study. In the sampling process, the researchers used experts sampling as a tool to identify the five key participants
of the study who underwent a zoom interview with the researchers. The data gathered was analyzed through
narrative analysis to be able to pinpoint the issues of the destination image of Taal. The result showed that cultural
resources are important factors to protect in magnifying a destination image. These analyses gave helpful data to
the arranging of the conceivable program that we could propose to upgrade the objective's character in making
use of its cultural assets; keeping that in mind, recommendations have been made regarding the preservation and
utilization of its cultural resources in further enhancement of the destination image of Taal.
the advanced technologies, you can have movies right inside the comfort of your own home. A lot of emotions are
drawn, new knowledge, wisdom, philosophies are acquired, and new found places and adventures are virtually
explored which an individual would dream of experiencing. In most of these, it is the wonders of nature, new sites,
development, cultural heritage, and people that really draw curiosity to adventurous individuals and thus, help
push tourism at the helm. This specific aspect or area of study dwells mainly on the correlative impact of
cinematography/ filmmaking with that of the growth of the tourism industry particularly in the Philippines.
Having this hypothesis in mind, the researchers gathered some fifty (50) movies from the MTRCB files from the
period covering 2018-2019 and on the process of its review, the researchers used the criteria as set forth by the
Cine Turismo Campaign. And, in addition to this, the researchers made use of the descriptive content analysis
method and other secondary data like written articles, write ups, documentaries from blogs and vlogs. Having had
all these methodologies, strategies, and information, the results showed that there is a strong impact between the
film industry where shooting locations
establishment. It has a concept of opening late in the morning until midnight. Food park was easily became known
year 2016 due to Millenials, families and friends. Providing Customer Satisfaction Program to the food
establishment that will surely bring the satisfaction of customers in a new level is the main purpose of the study.
The researchers aim to understand their customer need and expectations in the food park. The objectives of the
study is to assess the level of satisfaction and to assess the perception of customers. This study used descriptive data
that is collected from respective respondents through online platform. The data and results has been analyzed by
the researchers to provide a good helpful Satisfaction program for Dapip Food Park in Pagsanjan, Laguna. The
researchers’ study will surely help the Food park in Pagsanjan, Laguna to step up the satisfaction of customers to
a new level and to highlight their strengths that will attract more customers with safety.
products and services, they immediately head to search engines and social media. Digital marketing has
transformed the way businesses promote their products and reach out to their target customers. The study wanted
to identify which of the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix motivated customers' decisions to visit Cafe Agapita. There are
7 variables for the framework of this study that were derived from the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and these are
Food Taste for Product, Accessibility for Place, Price of the Food for Price, Promotional Strategy for Promotion,
Ambience of the Place for Physical Evidence, Customer Service for Process, and Employees for People. The study
used a qualitative type of research-descriptive analysis method. The data collected by the researchers was gathered
from various credible sources and is mostly from Cafe Agapita’s main page. Most of these reviews were from
actual customers who have experienced the Cafe firsthand and left these reviews on Facebook, Google Reviews,
and Instagram. The study did not require validation because the data gathered was secondary data derived from
Facebook, Instagram, and Google reviews. According to customer reviews, the ambience or physical evidence of
Cafe Agapita is the most influential factor that influenced them to visit the place.
La Salle University-Dasmariñas. The researchers surveyed how the respondents assess the online learning in terms
of engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of selfefficacy. The study wanted to know what are the factors that affects students in staying motivated during online
classes. Even before the pandemic, De La Salle University-Dasmariñas implemented the use of the university’s
schoolbook when it comes to answering assessments which is called blended learning. Since Covid-19 happened the
university fully adapted the use of the schoolbook using the different features of it. Student motivation more
usually and naturally has something to do with student’s ability to acquire knowledge. Nonetheless, the selfdetermination theory has adapted from Ryan and Deci Model for conceptual framework which stands as an
indicator of this study. This study is a quantitative research. The study used the purposive sampling method, a
non-probability purposive sampling technique that examined the entire population. The data gathering tool used is
Google Forms. The questionnaire was validated by a psychologist and statistician. The findings in terms of
engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of self-efficacy
was moderate motivation. The overall finding of this study is that most of the tourism students in De La Salle
University-Dasmariñas have moderate motivation on online learning.
various historical attractions but also lies in the heritage cuisine of this province. This study documented the base
ingredients, origin, cooking equipment, and preparation method of the selected heritage foods and analyzed the
oral and documentary evidence to find its significance in the different municipalities in Cavite. In addition, the
researchers also included the issues and concerns that are relative to the heritage cuisine. The specifics of the
Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 (Australia ICOMOS 2013) was used
as the theoretical framework for this research in establishing a detailed statement of significance. The researchers
used case study as a research design and expert sampling for its method of collecting data. After the collection of
all the historical data available, heritage food experts were invited to participate in the in-depth online interview to
verify the gathered information that was later analyzed using content analysis. The findings showed that the
heritage cuisine in Cavite was heavily influenced by the countries who settled in the province ever since the
Manila-Acapulco galleon trade. In addition, the identified heritage food has great significance in terms of its social,
aesthetic, and historic value but is currently facing different concerns and issues. In conclusion, the heritage
cuisine in Cavite signifies the identity of the community where it originated and they were part of the daily lives
and shared traditions of the locals during large social gatherings. Based on the results, the researchers
recommended that the collective efforts of the government and other heritage food experts are needed to promote
the heritage cuisine to younger generations. Festivals, restaurants, and documentaries can also increase its
awareness and successfully preserve the different heritage food.
the causes for its rapid growth in the tourism market. In the historical province of Cavite the Majestic Balite Falls
lies in Barangay Halang and Barangay Banay-Banay in Amadeo, it comes with a variety of natural resources,
species, and natural beauty which is considered as one of the Nature Wonder tourist attractions in Cavite. This
qualitative research focused on obtaining information from experts to document their perspective on the
potentiality of Nature-based tourism in Balite falls and on the areas that could be of help for a Nature-Based
Sustainability Plan. Using the purposive sampling ten experts from Amadeo Cavite were interviewed online. The
Balite Falls has high potentiality for Nature-Based tourism according to the five categories that were answered by
the experts. The researchers have proposed a sustainability plan that would help sustain the economic, cultural,
attraction, market, and accommodation sector of the area where Balite Falls belongs.
that vloggers use in featuring a destination as people nowadays rely on YouTube as their source of travel
inspiration prior to deciding a destination to visit. The study made use of the five significant predictors in
promoting Samar as a destination. The framework of this study has five predictors namely; Attitude,
Comprehensiveness, Relevance, Source Expertise, and Timeliness from Arora and Lata (2020) to further analyze
the content of each video presented by the Filipino YouTube vloggers. This study used qualitative research design
in the form of content analysis as the analytical method. The researchers used coding to determine how Samar was
presented by the vloggers through a vlog. The data gathered was based on the provided definitions as well as the
parameters per predictor set by the researchers as their basis to classify the content of which category will fall
under and help them narrate what was actually seen on the chosen travel-related videos in Samar. Based on the
results that were discussed and presented through content analysis, it showed that the five predictors were
significant to consider in choosing a travel vlogs that specifically featured Samar as a destination to visit. In
conclusion, YouTube vloggers who were engaged in creating travel content has the potential to promote Samar at
its best as a destination; can effectively market other forms of tourism that gives new options for tourists; and can
be recognized for having a various well-known activities and attractions in the Philippines while taking the five
predictors into consideration.
cancers screening test, cervical cancer is one of the leading cancer among women all over the world, cervical
cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. one women die of cervical cancer every two minutes, This
cancer has managed to create a burden is significant across all cultures and economics, however in NIGERIA this
disease is still killing up to 8000. women annually. It is also one of the most common cancer of woman that can be
detect and treated completely at precancerous stages. STD is main cause of cervical cancer and also due to the
Human Papillomavirus (HPV). mainly HPV-16 and HPV-18. It continues to be major public health troubles for
female in India. The incidence of cervical cancer is 55-59 years and a considerable proportion of women report in
the late stage of disease. Prophylactic vaccines against HPV-16 and 18 therapeutic vaccines are used against
cervical cancer. Other epidemiological risk factor are premature at sexual activity ,Teenage pregnancy. Family
past, Oral contraceptive.This article ,explain history of cervical cancer, histopathological variety, risk factor,
avoidance, treatment and Drug approved to prevent cervical cancer .The most common type of cervical cancer is
called Squamous cell carcinoma .Vaccine is helpful only in people who have no previous infection with HPV.
compliance in government Procurement entities of Rwanda. The objective of the study was to assess the effects of
training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement to influencing regulatory compliance of
government Procurement entities. A descriptive survey research design was adopted using quantitative methods
and used closed ended questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study targeted 86 respondents from
government Procurement entities namely Rwanda Social Security entities, Rwanda Development entities and
Rwanda Governance entities. Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Data
was then analyzed on quantitative basis using Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear regression analysis and
descriptive statistics. The regression model used was LogY= βo + β1LogXit1 + β2LogXiit2 + β3LogXiiit3 + ɛt and
multiple R (correlation) value obtained was 0.843 (84.3%). The model summary depicted from the regression
analysis with multiple R (correlation) value of 0.843 (84.3%) indicated a highly positive relationship between the
dependent and independent variables and, the overall contribution of the independent variables: Training (TR),
Coaching (CO), and Leadership Development (LD) to the effective regulatory compliance in public procurement
(RCPP) which accounted for 70% (R2 = 0.700) of the variation in the RCPP. Therefore the researcher concluded
that training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement had the significance influence on
regulatory compliance which led to confirm the relationship between capacity building in procurement and
regulatory compliance of government Procurement entities in Rwanda. The study recommended that government
Procurement entities should continue to focus more on capacity building framework of the staff involved in public
procurement to ensure their sustainability and compliance in the future. And finally, the study proposed different
major areas of regulatory comp
Projects in Rwanda because, it has been observed that often when project start, communities members are actively
participating. However when the project phases out /ends, there is hardly any continuity of the project activities.
This may be attributed to the fact that usually community members are not sufficiently empowered and fully
engaged in every single activity of the project. The researcher intended to achieve this by use of three specific
objectives namely; to establish the effect of Community participation in Planning on sustainability of Essential
Nutrition and Health Package Project; to examine the effect of Community participation in Project Control on
sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project, and to assess the effect Community participation
in Project Implementation on sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project. The research was
beneficial to the researcher, Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project and UOK. The researcher used
descriptive design of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach in order to get better analysis of the
study. The population size was 185 and sample of 115 respondents was taken. Both primary and secondary sources
with their relevant tools, like questionnaire and documentary analysis was used in order to come up with required
data. Data was processed by use of SPSS and analyzed by use of percentages, mean and standard deviation. The
relationship between the variables was established by use of Pearson correlations module. In the findings it was
established that Community Involvement in development projects inform of Community Project planning,
Community Project control and Community Project implementation contributes highly to on sustainability
Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project in form of physical growth of the children, emotional growth of the
children, intellectual growth of the children and moral growth of the children. Table 4.16 gave the relationship
between Community Involvement and Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda whereby the respondents
N is 115 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that independent variable has positive high correlation
to dependent variable equal to .781** and the p-value is .000 which is less than 0.01. When p-value is less than
significant level, therefore researchers conclude that variables are correlated and null hypothesis is rejected and
remains with alternative hypothesis. This means that there is a significant relationship between Community
Involvement on the Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda. We can therefore conclude Community
Involvement greatly contribute to positive Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda.
service quality delivery in public institutions. The specific objectives were to assess the relationship between
procurement policies and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between procurement planning
procedures and service quality delivery, toestablish the relationship between buyer/supplier procedures
relationship and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between monitoring and evaluation and
service quality delivery. The research was conducted in one of the public institution which is REMA located at
Gasabo District, Kakiru Sector. The research used the data from 2016 up to 2019. This research increased the
knowledge of the researcher in the field of procurement especially in public procurement. Based on the literature
to be reviewed in this research the researcher got more understanding on quality service delivery in public
institutions. Through the recommendations provided by researcher; research benefited the administration of
REMA by showing how to make an effective procurement procedures which affect the service quality delivery of
the institution. The total population for this study was 81 persons; these are employees of Rwanda Environment
Management Authority; Since the population of this research was composed with a small number of people there
was no need to apply a formula to calculate the sample size of this research. Therefore, the researcher used the
total population as a sample size of this research thus the sample size of this research is 81 employees in
departments with the information relate to procurement. Raw data was transformed into meaningful interpreted
report using different techniques. In order to get quality information, there is generally need for standard
checking so that the researcher could end up with realistic data, which clearly reflect the depicted situation. Thus,
stand checking was done through editing, coding, and tabulation. The study tried to present the findings of
assessing the expectations and perceptions of procurement practices and service quality delivery in public
institutions context in Rwanda. The assessment of service quality expectations and perceptions investigated in this
study has proved to be reliable in REMA though a remarkable number of respondents remained neutral in terms
of procurement practices in REMA and some disagreed with the statements related to service quality delivery.
The research revealed that procurement policies, procurement planning, buyer/supplier relationship and
monitoring and evaluation affect the service quality delivery in Rwanda Environment Management Authority ;
this indicated by the fact that there was big number of agreement with the statements related to the procurement
practices and service quality delivery in REMA. Thus; the researcher concluded that procurement practices affect
service quality delivery in REMA. The researcher recommends REMA to put in place rigorous measures to ensure
that procurement practices are based on carefully crafted plans that take into consideration the regulations of the
procurement and disposal Act. The management of REMA should eliminate all elements of corruption in
procurement practices and promote integrity in the procurement process. This will in turn lead to improvement
service delivery. Effective coaching in understanding procurement practices and service delivery should
continuously be organized to refresh REMA staff.
innovation on ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among commercial banks in Kenya. The
target population for this study comprised of all 43 commercial banks in Kenya. The study targeted the Head of
operations and IT, IT Managers, Customer service managers and Marketing managers as they are directly
involved in the ICT innovations in the commercial banks and other services to customers, who also gave the insight
to ICT innovation and creation of competitive advantage among the commercial banks. Structured questionnaire,
secondary data analysis, interviews and observations were used as data collection tools to bring out the knowledge
gaps. Illustrative and deductive data was instrumental in the analysis of data. These included frequency tables,
percentiles, and means, Pearson product moment coefficient. The figures were coded then evaluated by means of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results acquired formed the basis for interpretation, discussion,
conclusion, and recommendations of this research project.
patients who opted to stay at their respective homes because of fear of COVID-19. There are some advantages and
disadvantages using this platform and perceptions from different groups of people may vary. As cited by Menon et
al. (2016), there are burdens in the implementation of telemedicine but there are also advocates of its good effect
that is expected to increase patient’s satisfaction and the good assistance to the family. For many of the private
patients, telemedicine is the only safest way they could connect and seek consultation from their physicians but
how about their perception on the prompt enactment of these telemedicine? It is important therefore to document
the perspective of the recipients of telemedicine, the private patients, and be able to find out how prepared they are
in this platform of healthcare service delivery. To determine their perception on the level of preparedness, a
validated questionnaire was used. The result of the study shows that private patients are prepared for
telemedicine, however, there are certain parameters that needs to be improved for a more steadfast online
consultation experienced. They perceived that internet connectivity and the quality of service are fractions that
needs to be evaluated while comfort, safety, and affordability are the perceived benefits they could get. They also
perceived that telemedicine is applicable only for non-critical patients and for follow-up consultation.
building collapses, it results in the loss of lives and investment. This is counterproductive when the construction
product not only does not fulfill its objective but results in severe loss. The study was conducted to evaluate the
effects of risk management instruments of sustainability of construction in Nairobi, Kenya. The research problems
were formulated from the concern that there exists risk management instruments namely professional indemnity,
why does the construction industry continue to suffer severe losses due to collapsed buildings? Case study and
empirical reviews was used to conduct the study; Whereby various studies on risk management and sustainability
were reviewed. From the studies it was established there is diversity with regards to sustainability concept which
increases its scope of application. However, research gaps were found from the studies. Both the empirical and case
studies supported the objective that project professionals have a role to play in vice of collapsed building. A
conceptual framework was proposed with corruption identified as mediating variable.
many individuals. However, new ways of living also means the onset of new disorders such as compulsive buying
disorder (CB). A form of compulsive-obsessive disorder, online shopping at extreme levels is a compulsive act that
requires its own treatment strategies, most notably Cognitive Behavioral Intervention (CBI). Other comorbid
disorders include depression and anxiety in which buying material goods and services online can provide instant
gratification. Low self-esteem has also been associated with CB as addicts recognize their problem but struggle to
control their behavior. CBI, which is a group therapy form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, provides patients
with accountability and feedback with logical explanations needed to help control their behavior. One major
tragedy of CB is the exorbitant amount of money spent to keep up with their addiction which can act as a stressor
in family dynamics. As online shopping addiction has increased around the world, researchers in China have
created internet-based interventions through an ES system that records how long an individual spent online along
with pertinent statistical information related to sites often visited. This literature review paper will take a closer
look at the onset of CB and online shopping addiction as well as the reasons behind why CBI is considered a
successful treatment method for CB.
persons to floor space in square feet; and the person-to-size ratio adjusted for household composition, structure
type, location, or lot size. It is believed that failure to adequately meet the housing need might have led to the
children’s low participation in the early year’s education and subsequently affecting other levels of education in
Meru County and the country at large. It is for this reason, that this study was designed. It will document the
extent to which, children’s housing need, and in particular, the crowding aspect, is addressed in Meru County.
This is because large number children, 52% of them in the early year’s education age levels did not participate in
the early year’s education. The main objective of this study was to establish the relationship between household
size and participation in early year’s education. The independent variable was household size. The dependent
variable was children’s participation in early year’s education. The target population for this study comprised 78,
201 school age going children of early years education level from whom an actual sample size of 390 children was
selected and their parents participated in the study. Children’s households were systematically sampled whereas
Meru County was sampled purposively. The researcher administered the questionnaire to parents of children at
the age of early year’s education. Those who participated in the early year’s education and those who did not
participate in the early year’s education were considered for the study. The t-test (two tailed) for testing equality of
means for independent samples was used to test H01 a t-test (two tailed) for independent samples found no
relationship between household size and participation in early years education. This study concludes that housing
need is important and unless it is met we will continue to have large numbers of children at the age for early year’s
education not participating in this education continuing to multiply.
developmental institutions are looking for and how they eliminate the un-equality and also how they empower
women using various tools, strategies and techniques of financial inclusion through microfinance service.
Microfinance is the tool that increase women’s access in economic, social and political, more over microfinance is
not the only tool to empower women but it is the most used and road of all the other tools some of the other tools
are Education, Technology, Health and political will that governments are building strong policies that they are
empowering women. Despite the literature of the previous studies as some of them mentioned that microfinance
has a positive impact on women’s economic empowerment, while others are ague that microfinance does not has a
positive impact in to economic impact of women but has impact of children education and health. So there has
been conflicting results in the literature. So, the aim of my study is to assess the Effect of microfinance service
towards urban women’s empowerment. The specific objectives of my study are; to determine the effect of women’s
economic or income situation towards empowerment after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of
women’s decision-making ability towards empowerment after receiving after microfinance; to analyze the effect of
women’s living standard after receiving microfinance service; to analyze the effect of women’s self-confidence
after receiving microfinance service. Quantitative research design was used for the study to get appropriate
statistics from a high-volume sample size to gain valid result. The study used descriptive research design. This
study was also adopted simple random sampling in choosing the respondents and using sloven’s formula to select
sample size. This study employed a cross sectional survey with structured questionnaire, which the researcher
needs to administer through distributing to the sample of microfinance service institutions and clients in Hargeisa
study include the following: One, that printer, laminating machine, scanner, automatic typewriter, word
processing, etc are the training facilities required by the secretaries. Two, Poor environment, lack of equipment,
lack of electricity, lack of maintenance, lack of interest, outdated technology etc are the problem associated with
the provision of adequate facilities on the production of secretaries. Three, the researcher found out that an unsafe
learning environment, low production, increased expenses, accidents, loss of customers are the effects of
inadequate training facilities on the production of secretaries. It was therefore concluded that one, secretaries use
the following facilities on the production of secretaries: printer, scanner, word processor, photocopier, laminating
machine, two, if the maintenance and management of these training facilities area encourage and effectively done,
the machine would not break easily. Three, Secretaries would be more practical oriented if the curriculum of the
department of office technology and management should be adjusted to be more practical oriented as required in
the world of work. Four, maintenance and management of these training facilities should encourage and effectively
done to ensure that they do not break easily and make the life span of the existing machine last long.
cultural town that is home to numerous historical structures dating from the Spanish colonial period. It was
declared as a “Heritage Town” by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines back in September 1987.
Assessing tourism resources allows researchers to learn about their current state and discover ways to improve
their cultural identity in the tourism industry. Architecture, customs and traditions, religion, arts & crafts, and
food are all cultural resources being the specific pointers used as independent variables which had a large
contribution in this study. The researchers used qualitative research design in the form of narrative analysis in the
study. In the sampling process, the researchers used experts sampling as a tool to identify the five key participants
of the study who underwent a zoom interview with the researchers. The data gathered was analyzed through
narrative analysis to be able to pinpoint the issues of the destination image of Taal. The result showed that cultural
resources are important factors to protect in magnifying a destination image. These analyses gave helpful data to
the arranging of the conceivable program that we could propose to upgrade the objective's character in making
use of its cultural assets; keeping that in mind, recommendations have been made regarding the preservation and
utilization of its cultural resources in further enhancement of the destination image of Taal.
the advanced technologies, you can have movies right inside the comfort of your own home. A lot of emotions are
drawn, new knowledge, wisdom, philosophies are acquired, and new found places and adventures are virtually
explored which an individual would dream of experiencing. In most of these, it is the wonders of nature, new sites,
development, cultural heritage, and people that really draw curiosity to adventurous individuals and thus, help
push tourism at the helm. This specific aspect or area of study dwells mainly on the correlative impact of
cinematography/ filmmaking with that of the growth of the tourism industry particularly in the Philippines.
Having this hypothesis in mind, the researchers gathered some fifty (50) movies from the MTRCB files from the
period covering 2018-2019 and on the process of its review, the researchers used the criteria as set forth by the
Cine Turismo Campaign. And, in addition to this, the researchers made use of the descriptive content analysis
method and other secondary data like written articles, write ups, documentaries from blogs and vlogs. Having had
all these methodologies, strategies, and information, the results showed that there is a strong impact between the
film industry where shooting locations
establishment. It has a concept of opening late in the morning until midnight. Food park was easily became known
year 2016 due to Millenials, families and friends. Providing Customer Satisfaction Program to the food
establishment that will surely bring the satisfaction of customers in a new level is the main purpose of the study.
The researchers aim to understand their customer need and expectations in the food park. The objectives of the
study is to assess the level of satisfaction and to assess the perception of customers. This study used descriptive data
that is collected from respective respondents through online platform. The data and results has been analyzed by
the researchers to provide a good helpful Satisfaction program for Dapip Food Park in Pagsanjan, Laguna. The
researchers’ study will surely help the Food park in Pagsanjan, Laguna to step up the satisfaction of customers to
a new level and to highlight their strengths that will attract more customers with safety.
products and services, they immediately head to search engines and social media. Digital marketing has
transformed the way businesses promote their products and reach out to their target customers. The study wanted
to identify which of the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix motivated customers' decisions to visit Cafe Agapita. There are
7 variables for the framework of this study that were derived from the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and these are
Food Taste for Product, Accessibility for Place, Price of the Food for Price, Promotional Strategy for Promotion,
Ambience of the Place for Physical Evidence, Customer Service for Process, and Employees for People. The study
used a qualitative type of research-descriptive analysis method. The data collected by the researchers was gathered
from various credible sources and is mostly from Cafe Agapita’s main page. Most of these reviews were from
actual customers who have experienced the Cafe firsthand and left these reviews on Facebook, Google Reviews,
and Instagram. The study did not require validation because the data gathered was secondary data derived from
Facebook, Instagram, and Google reviews. According to customer reviews, the ambience or physical evidence of
Cafe Agapita is the most influential factor that influenced them to visit the place.
La Salle University-Dasmariñas. The researchers surveyed how the respondents assess the online learning in terms
of engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of selfefficacy. The study wanted to know what are the factors that affects students in staying motivated during online
classes. Even before the pandemic, De La Salle University-Dasmariñas implemented the use of the university’s
schoolbook when it comes to answering assessments which is called blended learning. Since Covid-19 happened the
university fully adapted the use of the schoolbook using the different features of it. Student motivation more
usually and naturally has something to do with student’s ability to acquire knowledge. Nonetheless, the selfdetermination theory has adapted from Ryan and Deci Model for conceptual framework which stands as an
indicator of this study. This study is a quantitative research. The study used the purposive sampling method, a
non-probability purposive sampling technique that examined the entire population. The data gathering tool used is
Google Forms. The questionnaire was validated by a psychologist and statistician. The findings in terms of
engagement, achievement, satisfaction, interaction behavior, interest in the course and technology of self-efficacy
was moderate motivation. The overall finding of this study is that most of the tourism students in De La Salle
University-Dasmariñas have moderate motivation on online learning.
various historical attractions but also lies in the heritage cuisine of this province. This study documented the base
ingredients, origin, cooking equipment, and preparation method of the selected heritage foods and analyzed the
oral and documentary evidence to find its significance in the different municipalities in Cavite. In addition, the
researchers also included the issues and concerns that are relative to the heritage cuisine. The specifics of the
Australia ICOMOS Burra Charter for Places of Cultural Significance, 2013 (Australia ICOMOS 2013) was used
as the theoretical framework for this research in establishing a detailed statement of significance. The researchers
used case study as a research design and expert sampling for its method of collecting data. After the collection of
all the historical data available, heritage food experts were invited to participate in the in-depth online interview to
verify the gathered information that was later analyzed using content analysis. The findings showed that the
heritage cuisine in Cavite was heavily influenced by the countries who settled in the province ever since the
Manila-Acapulco galleon trade. In addition, the identified heritage food has great significance in terms of its social,
aesthetic, and historic value but is currently facing different concerns and issues. In conclusion, the heritage
cuisine in Cavite signifies the identity of the community where it originated and they were part of the daily lives
and shared traditions of the locals during large social gatherings. Based on the results, the researchers
recommended that the collective efforts of the government and other heritage food experts are needed to promote
the heritage cuisine to younger generations. Festivals, restaurants, and documentaries can also increase its
awareness and successfully preserve the different heritage food.
the causes for its rapid growth in the tourism market. In the historical province of Cavite the Majestic Balite Falls
lies in Barangay Halang and Barangay Banay-Banay in Amadeo, it comes with a variety of natural resources,
species, and natural beauty which is considered as one of the Nature Wonder tourist attractions in Cavite. This
qualitative research focused on obtaining information from experts to document their perspective on the
potentiality of Nature-based tourism in Balite falls and on the areas that could be of help for a Nature-Based
Sustainability Plan. Using the purposive sampling ten experts from Amadeo Cavite were interviewed online. The
Balite Falls has high potentiality for Nature-Based tourism according to the five categories that were answered by
the experts. The researchers have proposed a sustainability plan that would help sustain the economic, cultural,
attraction, market, and accommodation sector of the area where Balite Falls belongs.
that vloggers use in featuring a destination as people nowadays rely on YouTube as their source of travel
inspiration prior to deciding a destination to visit. The study made use of the five significant predictors in
promoting Samar as a destination. The framework of this study has five predictors namely; Attitude,
Comprehensiveness, Relevance, Source Expertise, and Timeliness from Arora and Lata (2020) to further analyze
the content of each video presented by the Filipino YouTube vloggers. This study used qualitative research design
in the form of content analysis as the analytical method. The researchers used coding to determine how Samar was
presented by the vloggers through a vlog. The data gathered was based on the provided definitions as well as the
parameters per predictor set by the researchers as their basis to classify the content of which category will fall
under and help them narrate what was actually seen on the chosen travel-related videos in Samar. Based on the
results that were discussed and presented through content analysis, it showed that the five predictors were
significant to consider in choosing a travel vlogs that specifically featured Samar as a destination to visit. In
conclusion, YouTube vloggers who were engaged in creating travel content has the potential to promote Samar at
its best as a destination; can effectively market other forms of tourism that gives new options for tourists; and can
be recognized for having a various well-known activities and attractions in the Philippines while taking the five
predictors into consideration.
cancers screening test, cervical cancer is one of the leading cancer among women all over the world, cervical
cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide. one women die of cervical cancer every two minutes, This
cancer has managed to create a burden is significant across all cultures and economics, however in NIGERIA this
disease is still killing up to 8000. women annually. It is also one of the most common cancer of woman that can be
detect and treated completely at precancerous stages. STD is main cause of cervical cancer and also due to the
Human Papillomavirus (HPV). mainly HPV-16 and HPV-18. It continues to be major public health troubles for
female in India. The incidence of cervical cancer is 55-59 years and a considerable proportion of women report in
the late stage of disease. Prophylactic vaccines against HPV-16 and 18 therapeutic vaccines are used against
cervical cancer. Other epidemiological risk factor are premature at sexual activity ,Teenage pregnancy. Family
past, Oral contraceptive.This article ,explain history of cervical cancer, histopathological variety, risk factor,
avoidance, treatment and Drug approved to prevent cervical cancer .The most common type of cervical cancer is
called Squamous cell carcinoma .Vaccine is helpful only in people who have no previous infection with HPV.
compliance in government Procurement entities of Rwanda. The objective of the study was to assess the effects of
training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement to influencing regulatory compliance of
government Procurement entities. A descriptive survey research design was adopted using quantitative methods
and used closed ended questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The study targeted 86 respondents from
government Procurement entities namely Rwanda Social Security entities, Rwanda Development entities and
Rwanda Governance entities. Purposive and stratified sampling techniques were used to select respondents. Data
was then analyzed on quantitative basis using Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear regression analysis and
descriptive statistics. The regression model used was LogY= βo + β1LogXit1 + β2LogXiit2 + β3LogXiiit3 + ɛt and
multiple R (correlation) value obtained was 0.843 (84.3%). The model summary depicted from the regression
analysis with multiple R (correlation) value of 0.843 (84.3%) indicated a highly positive relationship between the
dependent and independent variables and, the overall contribution of the independent variables: Training (TR),
Coaching (CO), and Leadership Development (LD) to the effective regulatory compliance in public procurement
(RCPP) which accounted for 70% (R2 = 0.700) of the variation in the RCPP. Therefore the researcher concluded
that training, coaching and leadership development in public procurement had the significance influence on
regulatory compliance which led to confirm the relationship between capacity building in procurement and
regulatory compliance of government Procurement entities in Rwanda. The study recommended that government
Procurement entities should continue to focus more on capacity building framework of the staff involved in public
procurement to ensure their sustainability and compliance in the future. And finally, the study proposed different
major areas of regulatory comp
Projects in Rwanda because, it has been observed that often when project start, communities members are actively
participating. However when the project phases out /ends, there is hardly any continuity of the project activities.
This may be attributed to the fact that usually community members are not sufficiently empowered and fully
engaged in every single activity of the project. The researcher intended to achieve this by use of three specific
objectives namely; to establish the effect of Community participation in Planning on sustainability of Essential
Nutrition and Health Package Project; to examine the effect of Community participation in Project Control on
sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project, and to assess the effect Community participation
in Project Implementation on sustainability of Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project. The research was
beneficial to the researcher, Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project and UOK. The researcher used
descriptive design of study based on qualitative and quantitative approach in order to get better analysis of the
study. The population size was 185 and sample of 115 respondents was taken. Both primary and secondary sources
with their relevant tools, like questionnaire and documentary analysis was used in order to come up with required
data. Data was processed by use of SPSS and analyzed by use of percentages, mean and standard deviation. The
relationship between the variables was established by use of Pearson correlations module. In the findings it was
established that Community Involvement in development projects inform of Community Project planning,
Community Project control and Community Project implementation contributes highly to on sustainability
Essential Nutrition and Health Package Project in form of physical growth of the children, emotional growth of the
children, intellectual growth of the children and moral growth of the children. Table 4.16 gave the relationship
between Community Involvement and Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda whereby the respondents
N is 115 and the significant level is 0.01, the results indicate that independent variable has positive high correlation
to dependent variable equal to .781** and the p-value is .000 which is less than 0.01. When p-value is less than
significant level, therefore researchers conclude that variables are correlated and null hypothesis is rejected and
remains with alternative hypothesis. This means that there is a significant relationship between Community
Involvement on the Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda. We can therefore conclude Community
Involvement greatly contribute to positive Sustainability of Development Projects in Rwanda.
service quality delivery in public institutions. The specific objectives were to assess the relationship between
procurement policies and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between procurement planning
procedures and service quality delivery, toestablish the relationship between buyer/supplier procedures
relationship and service quality delivery, to analyze the relationship between monitoring and evaluation and
service quality delivery. The research was conducted in one of the public institution which is REMA located at
Gasabo District, Kakiru Sector. The research used the data from 2016 up to 2019. This research increased the
knowledge of the researcher in the field of procurement especially in public procurement. Based on the literature
to be reviewed in this research the researcher got more understanding on quality service delivery in public
institutions. Through the recommendations provided by researcher; research benefited the administration of
REMA by showing how to make an effective procurement procedures which affect the service quality delivery of
the institution. The total population for this study was 81 persons; these are employees of Rwanda Environment
Management Authority; Since the population of this research was composed with a small number of people there
was no need to apply a formula to calculate the sample size of this research. Therefore, the researcher used the
total population as a sample size of this research thus the sample size of this research is 81 employees in
departments with the information relate to procurement. Raw data was transformed into meaningful interpreted
report using different techniques. In order to get quality information, there is generally need for standard
checking so that the researcher could end up with realistic data, which clearly reflect the depicted situation. Thus,
stand checking was done through editing, coding, and tabulation. The study tried to present the findings of
assessing the expectations and perceptions of procurement practices and service quality delivery in public
institutions context in Rwanda. The assessment of service quality expectations and perceptions investigated in this
study has proved to be reliable in REMA though a remarkable number of respondents remained neutral in terms
of procurement practices in REMA and some disagreed with the statements related to service quality delivery.
The research revealed that procurement policies, procurement planning, buyer/supplier relationship and
monitoring and evaluation affect the service quality delivery in Rwanda Environment Management Authority ;
this indicated by the fact that there was big number of agreement with the statements related to the procurement
practices and service quality delivery in REMA. Thus; the researcher concluded that procurement practices affect
service quality delivery in REMA. The researcher recommends REMA to put in place rigorous measures to ensure
that procurement practices are based on carefully crafted plans that take into consideration the regulations of the
procurement and disposal Act. The management of REMA should eliminate all elements of corruption in
procurement practices and promote integrity in the procurement process. This will in turn lead to improvement
service delivery. Effective coaching in understanding procurement practices and service delivery should
continuously be organized to refresh REMA staff.