Drafts by Adrian Petreanu
Achieving superior performance parameters in major competitions has highlighted a number of issue... more Achieving superior performance parameters in major competitions has highlighted a number of issues that characterize the current basketball game practiced by the best teams in the world. Depending on the height, role, importance and the effectiveness of players on their positions, specific models are to be observed in the case of senior teams [1]. In this paper we present a comparative study regarding the parameters' models in the men's basketball games during the World Championships in Japan-2006, in Turkey-2010 and in Spain-2014. Along with data interpretation, we tried to effectively bring our scientific contribution in shaping a model significant for the international basketball games, useful for the specialists in the field. Centralization of the statistical data used in our study was useful in calculating the averages for each game parameter and the increasing value for each tournament, managing to achieve a precise statistical comparison. The values encountered in this comparative research showed growth or regression trends for the game parameters. In conclusion, trends of progress or regress, referring to the statistical model parameters involved in the game, pragmatically showed, that in the game of basketball-training is the key to success. Rezumat Obţinerea unor performanţe la parametrii superiori în marile competiţii a scos în evidenţă o serie de aspecte ce caracterizează jocul de baschet actual, practicat de cele mai bune echipe din lume. În funcţie de statura, rolul, importanţa şi eficacitatea jucătorilor pe posturi, se pot observa modele specifice în cadrul echipelor de seniori [1]. În acestă lucrare prezentăm un studiu comparativ al parametrilor modelului de joc la Campionatele Mondiale de baschet masculin din Japonia 2006, Turcia 2010 şi Spania 2014. Odată cu interpretarea datelor, încercăm să ne aducem contribuţia într-un mod cât mai stiinţific şi eficient la profilarea unui model de joc internaţional, util specialiştilor în domeniu. Centralizarea datelor statistice utilizate în studiul nostru ne-au fost utile în calcularea mediilor pentru fiecare parametru de joc, cât şi în calcularea procentului de creştere pentru fiecare campionat în parte, reuşind asfel să realizăm o comparaţie matematico-statistică exactă. Valorile întâlnite în cadrul studiului comparativ de faţă, arată tendinţele de creştere sau regresie a valorilor indicatorilor statistici, a parametrilor modelului de joc. În concluzie, tendinţele de progres sau de regres, referindu-ne aici la statistica parametrilor modelului de joc, observaţi în cadrul studiului nostru, arată în cel mai pragmatic mod, că în jocul de baschet-pregatirea este cheia succesului.
Conference Presentations by Adrian Petreanu
The volunteering is a fundamental component of civil society. With volunteering can strengthen an... more The volunteering is a fundamental component of civil society. With volunteering can strengthen and support the values of community, of service to the neighbor, those involved can exercise their rights and responsibilities of members of communities, while learning and develops during entire life, thus realizing his full potential human. On european level, volunteering in sport is a topic widely discussed and seen as a priority in supporting and developing all aspects of sports events, social, human, economic and financial based on the existence of large areas of the notion, definition and traditions.
Analysis carried out in our study aims to identify the athletes biomotric level at Steaua Basketb... more Analysis carried out in our study aims to identify the athletes biomotric level at Steaua Basketball juniors U16 and U18 are halfway through training before the competion wanting to identify the effectiveness of the training programs at a specific period and age or if they applied the use of information to obtain an aim of adjusting the parameters of effort and resources used. Actual testing of the study was realised on a total of 37 athletes from basketball practice with experience of at least 2 years and with an average age of 15.6 years and a 1.90 cm height. Three standardized tests were applied to measure the initial speed, total speed, agility and endurance under speed and they are: running speed over a distance of 20 m, T test, and YoYo test. The results and data obtained showed us that we need changes in the training plan aimed at developing speed and agility biomotrice qualities and for resistance to maintain the same characteristics. In conclusion intermediate, testing in performance sport especially juniors, are absolutely necessary thus realizing real feedback on the effectiveness is planned and the sport periodization is made by coaches.
Papers by Adrian Petreanu
Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal
Introduction The health benefits of regular physical activity are clear. More students should eng... more Introduction The health benefits of regular physical activity are clear. More students should engage in physical activity every day of the week. Participating in physical activity from the sport lessons is very safe for most students. Aim In this study we want to ascertain the health status of the students at the beginning of the academic year, in order to have a more efficient didactic design and to identify the possible medical conditions that can generate health risks during physical exercises. Methods The study was performed using the PARQ+ questionnaire (The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) and body mass index. These were applied to a number of 235 subjects, students in higher medical education. Results The results showed that 71.07% of the students have no health problems and are fit for physical effort, and 28.93% of them were identified with various activity-limiting medical conditions. The results obtained by calculating the BMI show us that 69.79% of the subjects...
Timisoara Physical Education and Rehabilitation Journal
Achieving superior performance parameters in major competitions has highlighted a number of issue... more Achieving superior performance parameters in major competitions has highlighted a number of issues that characterize the current basketball game practiced by the best teams in the world. Depending on the height, role, importance and the effectiveness of players on their positions, specific models are to be observed in the case of senior teams [In this paper we present a comparative study regarding the parameters’ models in the men's basketball games during the World Championships in Japan - 2006, in Turkey - 2010 and in Spain - 2014. Along with data interpretation, we tried to effectively bring our scientific contribution in shaping a model significant for the international basketball games, useful for the specialists in the field. Centralization of the statistical data used in our study was useful in calculating the averages for each game parameter and the increasing value for each tournament, managing to achieve a precise statistical comparison. The values encountered in this ...
Analysis carried out in our study aims to identify the athletes biomotric level at Steaua Basketb... more Analysis carried out in our study aims to identify the athletes biomotric level at Steaua Basketball juniors U16 and U18 are halfway through training before the competion wanting to identify the effectiveness of the training programs at a specific period and age or if they applied the use of information to obtain an aim of adjusting the parameters of effort and resources used. Actual testing of the study was realised on a total of 37 athletes from basketball practice with experience of at least 2 years and with an average age of 15.6 years and a 1.90 cm height. Three standardized tests were applied to measure the initial speed, total speed, agility and endurance under speed and they are: running speed over a distance of 20 m, T test, and YoYo test. The results and data obtained showed us that we need changes in the training plan aimed at developing speed and agility biomotrice qualities and for resistance to maintain the same characteristics. In conclusion intermediate, testing in...
Drafts by Adrian Petreanu
Conference Presentations by Adrian Petreanu
Papers by Adrian Petreanu