Papers by Abdelkader Laribi

Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2023
In arid regions, groundwater is the major freshwater source for agriculture. Actually, groundwate... more In arid regions, groundwater is the major freshwater source for agriculture. Actually, groundwater quality is a major issue for irrigation in many arid regions such as the Algerian Sahara. The present study assesses the quality of the groundwater of the Souf Valley phreatic aquifer for irrigation, using the common parameters for irrigation water. 36 samples were taken in two agricultural areas in this valley. Samples temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and major anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-, NO3-) were analyzed according to the American Public Health Association Standards. Piper diagram showed that this water is Ca-Cl (78%) and SO4-Ca (14%) dominant. The chemical Souf Valley Groundwater composition is altered by evaporation and contamination by hypersaline surface water. Also by Carbonate minerals precipitation and evaporites dissolution, according to saturation indices derived by the PHREEQC thermodynamic model. According to water quality for irrigation parameters (Na%, MH, PS, CE) in addition to Riverside and Wilcox diagrams, this aquifer is of poor water quality for irrigation. The majority of analyzed samples present a weak danger of alkalinization and a low percentage of magnesium. However, their salinity is very high for all samples which results in a high risk of soil salinization, this level of salinity may threaten the sustainability of agriculture in this area. The results presented in this paper can be used to develop a sustainable irrigation management in this area.

Algerian Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2023
In arid regions, groundwater is the major freshwater source for agriculture. Actually, groundwate... more In arid regions, groundwater is the major freshwater source for agriculture. Actually, groundwater quality is a major issue for irrigation in many arid regions such as the Algerian Sahara. The present study assesses the quality of the groundwater of the Souf Valley phreatic aquifer for irrigation, using the common parameters for irrigation water. 36 samples were taken in two agricultural areas in this valley. Samples temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and major anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-, NO3-) were analyzed according to the American Public Health Association Standards. Piper diagram showed that this water is Ca-Cl (78%) and SO4-Ca (14%) dominant. The chemical Souf Valley Groundwater composition is altered by evaporation and contamination by hypersaline surface water. Also by Carbonate minerals precipitation and evaporites dissolution, according to saturation indices derived by the PHREEQC thermodynamic model. According to water quality for irrigation parameters (Na%, MH, PS, CE) in addition to Riverside and Wilcox diagrams, this aquifer is of poor water quality for irrigation. The majority of analyzed samples present a weak danger of alkalinization and a low percentage of magnesium. However, their salinity is very high for all samples which results in a high risk of soil salinization, this level of salinity may threaten the sustainability of agriculture in this area. The results presented in this paper can be used to develop a sustainable irrigation management in this area.

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of soil and plays a crucial role in addressin... more Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of soil and plays a crucial role in addressing climate change. As a key component of soil organic matter, SOC directly impacts soil fertility, water retention, nutrient cycling, and overall soil health. The determination of SOC concentrations in soil often relies on costly physical sampling and chemical analysis. The aim of this research was to build a predictive model of SOC using satellite imagery of Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS over an agricultural area (Oued El Alleug) in the north of Algeria. The statistical correlations between the spectral bands (B2 and B6) and chemically measured SOC concentrations showed that it is possible to predict spatially the SOC concentrations. The results also showed that the topographic variables are not determinant in the spatial prediction of SOC concentrations. The predicted model showed an acceptable performance with a coefficient of determination (R 2) = 0.7 and a root mean square error (RMSE) = 7.08 g/kg during the validation phase. The results of this study are important, as they will facilitate decision-making in soil conservation practices and enhance land management, especially in areas facing increasing agricultural and environmental pressures.

Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, 2024
The growing population coupled with a reduction in available agricultural land per capita necessi... more The growing population coupled with a reduction in available agricultural land per capita necessitates smart management practices to boost production per unit area and enhance overall land productivity, ultimately ensuring food security. Thus, evaluating soil fertility and productivity is crucial for sustainable agriculture. This study aims to assess the chemical fertility status of the soils within the irrigated perimeter of la Mina, a region in Algeria known for Durum Wheat production. Thirty-two soil samples were collected from the study area and subjected to analysis for total N, available P and K, and organic matter (OM) concentration. All the soils were basic (pH 7.63-8.95), had low concentrations of total N (0.04 and 0.19 %), low concentrations of available P (7.36-30 mg kg − 1), low concentrations of available K (<0.4 Cmol kg − 1) and low concentrations of OM (0.67-2.37 % by weight). Using a Nutrient Index classification, the overall classification of the soils of the irrigated perimeter of la Mina were low for N, P, K and OM. In addition, the Soil Fertility Index revealed three levels of fertility with a dominance of fertility level 5 (low). Application of the FertiliCalc software for the evaluation of nutrient requirements of Durum Wheat showed average requirements of 183 kg ha − 1 for N, 65.8 kg ha − 1 for P and 579 kg ha − 1 for K. In light of these findings, appropriate agricultural practices, including the addition of fertilizers, are required to build and maintain the needs of Durum Wheat in the study area.

Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Oct 1, 2016
An attempt was made to investigate the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in agricultural soils arou... more An attempt was made to investigate the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in agricultural soils around the Meftah cement plant, Algeria. Forty soil samples were collected at two soil depths, 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. The soil samples were digested with the EPA method and the concentrations of heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations ranged from 7.22 to 55.75 mg kg-1 for Cu, 16160.8 to 19742.2 mg kg-1 for Fe and 44.46 to 200.26 mg kg-1 for Zn. The magnitude of the mean concentration values indicated the following order: Fe >> Zn > Cu for both horizons. In accordance with the European guidelines, the mean concentrations of the analyzed metals did not exceed the threshold values for agricultural soils. Concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in surface soils were higher than in subsurface soil samples. The enrichment factor (EF) was applied to assess the soil contamination. The enrichment factor values of Cu and Zn in studied soils ranged from 0.75 to 5.03 and 1.79 to 6.68, respectively. Up to 75% and 5% of soil samples were moderately to highly contaminate with regard to Zn and Cu respectively, compared to the upper continental crust concentrations.

Environmental progress & sustainable energy, Apr 19, 2017
This study was carried out to assess the degree of contamination by trace metals in sediments of ... more This study was carried out to assess the degree of contamination by trace metals in sediments of the main rivers of the eastern Mitidja plain. In order to achieve this objective, the enrichment factor, the geoaccumulation index and the potential ecological risk were calculated. Possible sources of trace metals in sediments were performed using a multivariate statistical analysis. The concentrations of the studied metals decreased in the order of Fe) Zn > Cr > Pb > Ni > Cu> Cd. The results showed that Cd had a higher enrichment factor than the other metals. The geoaccumulation index results of trace metals revealed that the studied sediment were strongly contaminated with Cd, moderately contaminated with Zn and Pb and not contaminated with Cr, Cu, Fe, and Ni. Among the studied trace metals, only the Cd may present an ecological potential risk to the ecosystem. Furthermore, the results indicated a geochemical association of the elements Cr, Fe and Ni, suggesting natural source of these metals. In addition, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn appear to have originated from different sources. The results of this study are important for the development of any future strategies to protect the aquatic environment. V

Soil and Water Research, Feb 8, 2023
The establishment of the reference ambient background concentrations (ABCs) and quality reference... more The establishment of the reference ambient background concentrations (ABCs) and quality reference values (QRVs) for trace metal (TM) concentrations in soils are required for the environmental assessment and any implementation of a protective action. This information is lacking for soils of the eastern Mitidja plain, which is an important agricultural production area in Algeria. Data for the aqua regia extractable Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations from 180 composite topsoil samples taken across the Mitidja plain in a stratified random pattern were statistically analysed. Descriptive statistical methods and linear regression equations were applied to determine the upper limit of the ABCs for the TMs. After removal of outliers, the derived QRVs were: Cd 0.24, Cr 62.1, Cu 99.3, Fe 45 590, Ni 47.7, Pb 33 and Zn 115 mg/kg. Iron is a macro element in the soils, but is included as its concentration can be used to normalise the concentrations of the other elements. The derived QRVs are similar or less than those reported for other regions of the world, apart from Cu, where a wide range (36 to 206 mg/kg) is reported. These reference values can be used to identify areas that may require follow-up surveys or to identify priority sites for decision making.
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, Feb 7, 2019
In the last few decades, the Mitidja plain has undergone economic development which may have alte... more In the last few decades, the Mitidja plain has undergone economic development which may have altered the concentrations of some trace metals in its soils. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the concentrations and sources of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in 180 composite topsoil samples using a combination of environmental quality indicators and multivariate statistical approaches with a geographic information system (GIS). Based on spatial distribution maps, various hot-spots have been identified. Enrichment factors (EFs) indicated that Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were from anthropogenic sources, while Ni and Cr were controlled mainly by natural lithogenic source. Multivariate statistical analyses were in agreement, except for Cu which was classified as coming from both anthropogenic and lithogenic sources.

An attempt was made to investigate the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in agricultural soils arou... more An attempt was made to investigate the concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in agricultural soils around the Meftah cement plant, Algeria. Forty soil samples were collected at two soil depths, 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. The soil samples were digested with the EPA method and the concentrations of heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations ranged from 7.22 to 55.75 mg kg-1 for Cu, 16160.8 to 19742.2 mg kg-1for Fe and 44.46 to 200.26 mg kg-1for Zn. The magnitude of the mean concentration values indicated the following order: Fe >> Zn > Cu for both horizons. In accordance with the European guidelines, the mean concentrations of the analyzed metals did not exceed the threshold values for agricultural soils. Concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn in surface soils were higher than in subsurface soil samples. The enrichment factor (EF) was applied to assess the soil contamination. The enrichment factor values of Cu and Zn in studied soils ranged from 0.75 to ...

European Journal of Soil Biology, 2017
The beneficial effect of intercropping system under low phosphorus (P) conditions has already bee... more The beneficial effect of intercropping system under low phosphorus (P) conditions has already been reported in previous works. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that intercropping (common bean-maize) in P-deficient soil can enhance the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stocks from the microbial biomass (MB). The field experiment was conducted in Setif province in a northern Algerian agroecosystem with a Mediterranean climate. The nodule N storage in intercropped common bean was 60% higher than for sole crops and was highest in a P-deficient soil in the second year. The carbon stock from the microbial biomass of the soil (MBC) was higher with intercropping than for sole crops and fallow and was even higher in P-deficient (23%) soils as compared to P sufficient (17%) conditions. There was a strong correlation between C stock from nodule (NC) and MBC stock for intercropping in either Pdeficient (r 2 ¼ 0.80***; p < 0.001) or P-sufficient soils (r 2 ¼ 0.69**; p < 0.01). P-deficient conditions gave the highest total soil respiration (1.68 g C-CO 2 m À2 days À1) and the lowest MB C:N ratio (10.3 and 12.2 for common bean and maize, respectively) in intercrops system. This study showed that, in a P-deficient soil, intercropping is a good solution for increasing the rhizosphere MB through C and N partitioning between root nodules and rhizosphere microbial community, which is responsible for improving soil fertility and recycle mineral elements.
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2019
In the last few decades, the Mitidja plain has undergone economic development which may have alte... more In the last few decades, the Mitidja plain has undergone economic development which may have altered the concentrations of some trace metals in its soils. Therefore, this study was aimed at investigating the concentrations and sources of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in 180 composite topsoil samples using a combination of environmental quality indicators and multivariate statistical approaches with a geographic information system (GIS). Based on spatial distribution maps, various hot-spots have been identified. Enrichment factors (EFs) indicated that Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were from anthropogenic sources, while Ni and Cr were controlled mainly by natural lithogenic source. Multivariate statistical analyses were in agreement, except for Cu which was classified as coming from both anthropogenic and lithogenic sources.
Papers by Abdelkader Laribi