Papers by A. Quintiliani

Il presente rapporto tecnico descrive lo stato di avanzamento del sotto progetto n.6 realizzato n... more Il presente rapporto tecnico descrive lo stato di avanzamento del sotto progetto n.6 realizzato nell’ambito dell’attivita progettuale denominata “WeACT3” (Agire Insieme - La Tecnologia per Arte, Cultura Turismo e Territorio – firmata dal comitato CIVITA, di cui l’ENEA e socio onorario, e le Gallerie Nazionali Barberini e Corsini”), schedulato per il primo semestre; tali attivita sono, inoltre, previste dal protocollo d’intesa del 6 giugno 2016 tra il MIBACT e l’ENEA. Il sotto progetto prevede la restituzione 3D, mediante l’utilizzo della tecnica fotogrammetrica da immagini digitali 2D, della scultura romana denominata “Trono Corsini” e del ritratto di Alessandro VII Chigi, busto in terracotta di Gian Lorenzo Bernini, presenti nella Galleria Corsini. I modelli 3D fotogrammetrici dei due casi studio sono stati realizzati, dalla divisione ICT del Dipartimento di Tecnologie Energetiche, mediante la messa a punto di tecnologie, risorse hardware/software e strumentazioni accessibili via I...
Proceedings of Final …, 2000
Fusion Engineering and Design
Astrophysics and Space Science, 1983
Proceedings of Final …, 2000
Proceedings of Final …, 2000
Medium size HPC clusters play an important role in the HPC landscape in that they provide both th... more Medium size HPC clusters play an important role in the HPC landscape in that they provide both the training environment for system scalability and a flexible production field for a large class of numerical problems. In this poster we present CRESCO4, the latest medium size HPC cluster purchased by ENEA, in operation since few months. CRESCO4 is part of a family of HPC systems, all integrated within ENEAGRID, a large infrastructure for cloud computing, which includes all the computational facilities installed at several ENEA sites in Italy.
Conference Presentations by A. Quintiliani

Proceeding of the IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
In the last years, with the large growth of new state-of-the-art technologies used in the field o... more In the last years, with the large growth of new state-of-the-art technologies used in the field of cultural heritage, it's increasingly necessary to promote non-invasive and non-destructive techniques which are "sensitive" to the nature of the site in which they are applied, respecting the Italian historicalartistic heritage. Within the COBRA project [1], ENEA developed a new low-cost and non-destructive survey technique by 3D Photogrammetric reconstruction, using the Structure from Motion (SfM) method, for innovative applications in the field of cultural heritage [2]. This paper shows an application of this methodology on the archaeological complex of Priscilla's Catacombs in Rome. Three case studies have been identified, with several design purposes, showing the different applications of this technique: a sarcophagus called "Sarcofago delle Muse" , a chapel named "Cappella Greca" and a masonry element, which are all situated in the "Criptoportico" area.
Papers by A. Quintiliani
Conference Presentations by A. Quintiliani