Schulz/Forum 8 – Pojedyncze artykuły by Żaneta Nalewajk
Nowele Poego w przekładach Bolesława Leśmiana. Źródła, inspiracje, repliki, 2009
This article presents an analysys of the Polish translations of the short stories of American
wri... more This article presents an analysys of the Polish translations of the short stories of American
writer Edgar Allan Poe made by Bolesław Leśmian, a poet of Polish modernism. Leśmian
prepared his translations form French version of the Poe’s prosaic works translated
by Charles Baudelaire. The authoress of the article compares the translations of French
poet and Bolesław Leśmian and she tries to show the types of the modifi cations made
a Polish poet. While writting his essay Edgar Allan Poe, Leśmian was modeling on the text
Edgar Allan Poe: sa vie et ses ouvrage by Baudelaire. The authoress of the article also
criticises of Leśmian’s reflexion about Poe and his prosaic works and she ansewrs the queston:
if the essay is original. This study presents the Leśmian’s translations in the context
of different Polish translations from XIXth and from the beginning of XXth century.
The main goal of the paper is to analyze Schulzean transtextual and contextual relations in Polis... more The main goal of the paper is to analyze Schulzean transtextual and contextual relations in Polish literature of the 20th and 21st century. Using the theories of Gérard Genette, the author focuses mostly on hypertextual references (such as parody, pastiche, and pamphlet), intertextual references (such as allusion, verbal incrustation, and quotation), paratexts (such as dedication, motto, title, and subtitle), architextual references (such as generic affinity) to the literary and artistic works of Bruno Schulz in fiction, poetry, drama, and picture books. The results of the analysis show that a biographical context
of Schulz’s oeuvre was the most frequently invoked by Polish writers. Schulz’s fiction has also been a valuable reservoir of stylistic and compositional patterns for Polish artists.
Zeszyty Schulz/Forum by Żaneta Nalewajk
W numerze ósmym Tomasz Swoboda o plagiacie przez antycypację, Żaneta Nalewajk o transtekstualnych... more W numerze ósmym Tomasz Swoboda o plagiacie przez antycypację, Żaneta Nalewajk o transtekstualnych relacjach z Schulzem w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku, Marek Wilczyński o wspólnych przestrzeniach Schulza, Romana Jaworskiego i Stefana Grabowskiego. Dalej: Stefan Okołowicz o spotkaniach Schulza i Witkacego, Ałła Tatarenko o „genie schulzowskim” w prozie Danilo Kiša, Magdalena Jarnotowska o tym, jak Beksiński naśladował Schulza, Błażej Szymankiewicz o paralelach między Schulzem a Blecherem, Ewa Goczał o poezji Ficowskiego, Mariusz Kubielas o fotografiach inspirowanych Schulzem.
Ina Söllner wspomina jak portretował ją Schulz, Piotr Sitkiewicz pisze o parodiach i pastiszach Schulza w międzywojniu (prezentujemy trzy najzabawniejsze), Maciej Urbanowski komentuje korespondencję Napierskiego z Wyką, której fragment prezentujemy. Ponadto Celestyna Schuman o sposobach na samouspokojenie, wiersz Łukasza Kamińskiego o spotkaniu przy kawie z cynamonem, recenzje trzech książek schulzologicznych (Aleksandra Wołkowicz o „Martwym sezonie” Łukasza Wojnarowskiego, Tymoteusz Skiba o „Mesjaszu” Wojciecha Żmudzińskiego, Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska o „Brunie. Chłopcu, który nauczył się latać” duetu Nadia Terranova–Ofra Amit) oraz analiza odpowiedzi w ankiecie Andrzeja Pietruszki „Czy Schulz znany jest w Drohobyczu?”.
Papers by Żaneta Nalewajk
Tekstualia, Sep 15, 2022
The Problem of Overinterpretation in Literary Studies The article's main goal is to present how t... more The Problem of Overinterpretation in Literary Studies The article's main goal is to present how the notion of overinterpretation functions in contemporary literary studies. The author reconstructs principal epistemological positions in the dispute about ways of establishing literary meanings, showing that the understanding of interpretation tasks and aims of literary research depend on the choice of one of these positions. She notes that today's notion of overinterpretation has several homonymic meanings, and further notes important difference between interpretation in literary studies and colloquial or artistic interpretations. She emphasizes their nonidentical functions and procedures. Fifteen types of overinterpretation in literary studies are indentifi ed, along with their causes.
Pamietnik Literacki, 2023
This book shows the literary legacy of Bolesław Leśmian, the great Polish writer, as engaged in a... more This book shows the literary legacy of Bolesław Leśmian, the great Polish writer, as engaged in a dialogue with the tradition, and forged on the crossroads of literatures, and epochs. Exploring American, French and Russian contexts (Poe’s writing, Baudelaire’s oeuvre, Balmont’s texts, the symbolist style, the bylinna tradition), highlighting the correspondences between Leśmian and the romantics (Pushkin, Gogol) as well as the modernists (Jesienin, Gorodetsky) and connecting his work to Ukrainian culture through the evocation of old Slavic folklore, the book showcases Leśmian’s work as an example of interliterary and inter-cultural transfer of aesthetics, styles, genres and motifs. A crucial outcome of this research is the codifying of a contextual analysis as a method of comparative studies
The article provides an overview of verbalization of philosophical ideas. It discusses the implic... more The article provides an overview of verbalization of philosophical ideas. It discusses the implications of employing specifi c forms of philosophical expression and addresses the problem of combining content and form. It presents instances of originality and of transgression in this realm. Questions are posed about the lack of thorough critical analyses of these forms of philosophical expression. An excerpt from Martin Heidegger’s correspondence with Hannah Arendt is used to exemplify complications generated by the study of forms of philosophical expression.
Tekstualia, 2021
Amongst other female characters within the literary works of Bolesław Leśmian, we can fi nd the d... more Amongst other female characters within the literary works of Bolesław Leśmian, we can fi nd the dziwożony (dreaded dryads) – demons from Slavic mythology inhabiting wetlands or forests, which are considered malicious and dangerous, because they kidnap newborn children and replace them with their own offspring. These characters were presented as wild women with long hair and breasts so saggy that they would use them as washing paddles. Analyzing literary texts from the 19th and early 20th centuries written by Polish authors (Seweryn Goszczyński, Michał Bałucki, Miron [Aleksander Michaux], Maria Konopnicka, Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Wiktor Gomulicki), Czech (Karel Jaromír Erben) and Russian writers (Konstantin Balmont), I would like to show how the representations of these female demons have changed over time and how Bolesław Leśmian stylized them in the poem Dziwożona and in the prose fragment Podlasiak, from the volume Klechdy Polskie.
Slovo a Smysl, 2017
The article looks at the history of literature in contemporary times as an auto-reflexive discipl... more The article looks at the history of literature in contemporary times as an auto-reflexive discipline, capable of redefining its assumptions and of recovering from a crisis. The article aims to identify the causes and consequences of the crisis as well as to describe their specific character in the Polish context. The models of literary history are varied, because they are historical, which has been shown on the example of the differing methods of literary synthesis in the course of time. The article also proposes a procedure of literary analysis devoid of a historical reflection and describes its outcome.
Tekstualia, 2012
The article discusses the methods and contexts of comparative literature, understood as a combina... more The article discusses the methods and contexts of comparative literature, understood as a combination of a research framework, a comparative theory and a methodological refl ection. The article offers a typology of contexts and establishes the contextual analysis as a crucial method of comparative studies. A theoretical discussion follows of the adequacy and equivalence of contexts with respect to the problem of historicity.
Tekstualia, 2019
The article discusses the early paradigm of Polish comparative literature, as well as the conditi... more The article discusses the early paradigm of Polish comparative literature, as well as the conditions of its introduction. A survey of the practices of writers such as Ludwik Osiński, Adam Mickiewicz, Cyprian Norwid, Kazimierz Brodziński, Maurycy Mochnacki, shows that this paradigm was characterized by: 1) pluralism, 2) a search for explanatory constructs that are indicative of the unity of literature, culture, and civilization in the face of common empiricism and sensual observation, 3) references to imagination, invention, intuition, and „sensing”, which freely interconnect with rational cognitive activity, 4) the comparative method, 5) the community-based categories, 6) the issues of identity-based thinking (essentialist and realistic when it comes to the perception of universals), 7) concentration on the issues of emulation (similarity and repetition) and originality (difference), which polemically evokes the classics, 8) totalizing thinking, 9) the category of nationality, 10) t...
Pamiętnik Literacki, 2017
ŻANETA NALEWAJK Uniwersytet Warszawski LESZKA KOŁAKOWSKIEGO EKSPERYMENTY Z BECKETTEM W utworze sc... more ŻANETA NALEWAJK Uniwersytet Warszawski LESZKA KOŁAKOWSKIEGO EKSPERYMENTY Z BECKETTEM W utworze scenicznym System księdza Jensena, albo Wejście i wyjście. Farsa w 2 aktach naśladowana z różnych autorów, nieoryginalna. Polemika optymistyczna z Beckettem, opublikowanym pierwotnie w 1965 roku na łamach numeru 6 "Dialogu" 1 , polski filozof i pisarz Leszek Kołakowski, nawiązując do spuścizny literackiej irlandzkiego autora 2 i eksperymentując z nią, przywołał najważniejsze bodaj dla Becketta kategorie temporalne, takie jak oczekiwanie, niedokonanie, powtórzenie, nuda i zmiana 3 , które powracały niemal we wszystkich dziełach dramaturga, a najpełniej doszły do głosu w sztuce Czekając na Godota (1948) oraz w napisanym ponad dekadę wcześniej eseju zatytułowanym Proust (1931). Na istotność nawiązań do dzieł irlandzkiego twórcy, a zarazem na ważkość problematyki czasu wskazuje już podtytuł tekstu Kołakowskiego: Polemika optymistyczna z Beckettem. Będący komponentem tego sformułowania epitet "optymistyczny" jest ukierunkowany temporalnie i ma charakter wieloznaczny. W sensie słownikowym "optymistyczny" to przecież nie tylko zakładający pozytywny obrót spraw w przyszłości', lecz także wiążący się z poglądem filozoficznym, według którego istniejący świat został racjonalnie urządzony i jawi się jako najlepszy z możliwych, a skoro jest najlepszy z możliwych, to życie w nim też musi być dobre.
Litteraria Copernicana, 2015
Schulz/Forum, 2017
The main goal of the article is to demonstrate how Bruno Schulz’s biographical experience has bec... more The main goal of the article is to demonstrate how Bruno Schulz’s biographical experience has become a starting point for a revision of the structures of meaning in his fiction. Historical shocks let Schulz understand the variability of values in the world and realize the instability of the powers that ruled it. The article focuses on the correlation among categories such as peripherality, history, and interculturality in Schulz’s “Spring” and narrative points of view in the story. The author shows how historical, individual, fantastic, intercultural, and biological (micro- and macrocosmic) perspectives coexist in the text.
Tekstualia, 2014
Readers of Witkacy, Gombrowicz, and Schulz are bound to notice philosophical inspirations present... more Readers of Witkacy, Gombrowicz, and Schulz are bound to notice philosophical inspirations present in numerous intertextual references and contextual indicators. Their texts contain almost all possible literary signs suggesting the possibility of at analysing works by Witkacy, Gombrowicz, and Schulz on at least two hermeneutic levels: literary and philosophical. In the case of Witkacy, Schulz, and Gombrowicz, the choice of literary form was essentially philosophical. In works by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, it seemed to advocate replacing philosophical monographs with individualised language as one of conditions of innovation in the fi eld. Witold Gombrowicz, in turn, manifested his objection towards a speculative, “non-physical” philosophy deprived of experience. Bruno Schulz’s decision to mix philosophy and literature stemmed from a conviction that the arts (and literature as one of them) cannot mindlessly recreate existing philosophical theses. On the contrary, it should be the one...
Slovo a smysl, 2019
The Short Forms in Samuel Beckett's Work in Regard to the Cognitive Problem Beckett's epistemolog... more The Short Forms in Samuel Beckett's Work in Regard to the Cognitive Problem Beckett's epistemological pursuit of brevity can be found even in the titles or subtitles of writings like From an Abandoned Work, Rough for Theatre I and Rough for Theatre II, Come and Go. A Dramaticule, Intermedium or Ohio Impromptu. Para-and/or architextual wordings like 'intermedium', 'rough', 'a dramaticule', 'impromptu' or 'from an abandoned work' provide further examples of this tendency. The main goal of this article is to present Beckett's specificity against the background of the tradition of genres and the poetics of the romantic fragment. The author also analyzes the connection between the structure and style of Beckett's works and their epistemological and aesthetic functions. She presents how, by engaging with Romanticism, Beckett reveals the illusion of the infinite, representing it as a derivative of the human mind rather than an objective quality. Despite this basic difference, the poetics of fragment in the works of this Irish writer becomes a mode of manifesting uncertainty and sometimes even of cognitive incapacity.
The question of universals helps address ways in which the unique aspects of Bolesław Leśmian’s l... more The question of universals helps address ways in which the unique aspects of Bolesław Leśmian’s literary creation refl ect crucial concerns of Polish literature and culture. The local and the singular become international and universal. This article demonstrates that Leśmian’s idiomatic, seemingly untranslatable literary works enable translators and foreign readers to experience what appears to be a higher order of universality
DOI: 10.19251/sej/2018.7(2) The Second Great Emigration, shaped in a historical context different... more DOI: 10.19251/sej/2018.7(2) The Second Great Emigration, shaped in a historical context different from the one of the nineteenth century, inherited after the first one the romantic myth of exile. The main goal of the article is to present what Polish writers: Jozef Wittlin, Witold Gombrowicz and Czeslaw Milosz thought about exile, how they understood the concept of exile and how they defined the problem of artistic communication in the situation of exile and what were their methods for upgrading the romantic context. Keywords: The Great Emigration, The Second Great Emigration, Polish Romanticism, Messianism, exile
DOI: 10.19251/sej/2018.7(2) The Second Great Emigration, shaped in a historical context different... more DOI: 10.19251/sej/2018.7(2) The Second Great Emigration, shaped in a historical context different from the one of the nineteenth century, inherited after the first one the romantic myth of exile. The main goal of the article is to present what Polish writers: Jozef Wittlin, Witold Gombrowicz and Czeslaw Milosz thought about exile, how they understood the concept of exile and how they defined the problem of artistic communication in the situation of exile and what were their methods for upgrading the romantic context. Keywords: The Great Emigration, The Second Great Emigration, Polish Romanticism, Messianism, exile
Schulz/Forum 8 – Pojedyncze artykuły by Żaneta Nalewajk
writer Edgar Allan Poe made by Bolesław Leśmian, a poet of Polish modernism. Leśmian
prepared his translations form French version of the Poe’s prosaic works translated
by Charles Baudelaire. The authoress of the article compares the translations of French
poet and Bolesław Leśmian and she tries to show the types of the modifi cations made
a Polish poet. While writting his essay Edgar Allan Poe, Leśmian was modeling on the text
Edgar Allan Poe: sa vie et ses ouvrage by Baudelaire. The authoress of the article also
criticises of Leśmian’s reflexion about Poe and his prosaic works and she ansewrs the queston:
if the essay is original. This study presents the Leśmian’s translations in the context
of different Polish translations from XIXth and from the beginning of XXth century.
of Schulz’s oeuvre was the most frequently invoked by Polish writers. Schulz’s fiction has also been a valuable reservoir of stylistic and compositional patterns for Polish artists.
Zeszyty Schulz/Forum by Żaneta Nalewajk
Ina Söllner wspomina jak portretował ją Schulz, Piotr Sitkiewicz pisze o parodiach i pastiszach Schulza w międzywojniu (prezentujemy trzy najzabawniejsze), Maciej Urbanowski komentuje korespondencję Napierskiego z Wyką, której fragment prezentujemy. Ponadto Celestyna Schuman o sposobach na samouspokojenie, wiersz Łukasza Kamińskiego o spotkaniu przy kawie z cynamonem, recenzje trzech książek schulzologicznych (Aleksandra Wołkowicz o „Martwym sezonie” Łukasza Wojnarowskiego, Tymoteusz Skiba o „Mesjaszu” Wojciecha Żmudzińskiego, Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska o „Brunie. Chłopcu, który nauczył się latać” duetu Nadia Terranova–Ofra Amit) oraz analiza odpowiedzi w ankiecie Andrzeja Pietruszki „Czy Schulz znany jest w Drohobyczu?”.
Papers by Żaneta Nalewajk
writer Edgar Allan Poe made by Bolesław Leśmian, a poet of Polish modernism. Leśmian
prepared his translations form French version of the Poe’s prosaic works translated
by Charles Baudelaire. The authoress of the article compares the translations of French
poet and Bolesław Leśmian and she tries to show the types of the modifi cations made
a Polish poet. While writting his essay Edgar Allan Poe, Leśmian was modeling on the text
Edgar Allan Poe: sa vie et ses ouvrage by Baudelaire. The authoress of the article also
criticises of Leśmian’s reflexion about Poe and his prosaic works and she ansewrs the queston:
if the essay is original. This study presents the Leśmian’s translations in the context
of different Polish translations from XIXth and from the beginning of XXth century.
of Schulz’s oeuvre was the most frequently invoked by Polish writers. Schulz’s fiction has also been a valuable reservoir of stylistic and compositional patterns for Polish artists.
Ina Söllner wspomina jak portretował ją Schulz, Piotr Sitkiewicz pisze o parodiach i pastiszach Schulza w międzywojniu (prezentujemy trzy najzabawniejsze), Maciej Urbanowski komentuje korespondencję Napierskiego z Wyką, której fragment prezentujemy. Ponadto Celestyna Schuman o sposobach na samouspokojenie, wiersz Łukasza Kamińskiego o spotkaniu przy kawie z cynamonem, recenzje trzech książek schulzologicznych (Aleksandra Wołkowicz o „Martwym sezonie” Łukasza Wojnarowskiego, Tymoteusz Skiba o „Mesjaszu” Wojciecha Żmudzińskiego, Hanna Dymel-Trzebiatowska o „Brunie. Chłopcu, który nauczył się latać” duetu Nadia Terranova–Ofra Amit) oraz analiza odpowiedzi w ankiecie Andrzeja Pietruszki „Czy Schulz znany jest w Drohobyczu?”.