Papers by İbrahim Kocabaş
EĞİTİM VE BİLİM, Apr 1, 2004
Son yıllarda örgütler hızla gelinmekte ve değinmektedir. Eğer örgütler yaşamlarını sürdürmek isti... more Son yıllarda örgütler hızla gelinmekte ve değinmektedir. Eğer örgütler yaşamlarını sürdürmek istiyorlarsa değişmek zorundadırlar. Bu nedenle, literatürde "öğrenen örgütler" kavramı kullanılmıştır. Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin önem kazanması, bu sürecin başlamasının en temel nedenidir. Bununla birlikte, örgütler kendilerini başka örgütlerle kıyaslama ihtiyacı duydular. Kısacası, değişen çevre ve rekabet, örgütlerin insan kaynaklarında ve yönetim süreçlerinde modernizasyonunu zorunlu kılmıştır. Sonuçta, bugünün örgütlerinden yenilikçi ve esnek olanlar başarılı olacaktır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Kıyaslama, eğilimde kıyaslama. Abatract In recent years, organizations have bcen changing and developing fası. If organizations want to survive, ılıey have tochange. Tlıcreforc, ıhe conccpl of "leaming organizalions" has gainedcurrency in the literatüre. Understanding of ıhe imporlance of total quality management becanıe the ıııain rcason for the beginning of the process. Hovvever, organizalions needed to compare themselves with other organizations. Briefly, the coıııpetition and changing environmenl have necessitated the modernization of Ihe organizations in human resourccs and administrative processes. It is clear that only ıhe flexible and innovator organizations will be succcssful among the others.
EĞİTİM VE BİLİM, Oct 1, 2003
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, eğitim kurumlanmadaki takım çalışması konusunda yönetici ve öğretmen... more Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, eğitim kurumlanmadaki takım çalışması konusunda yönetici ve öğretmen lerin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Yöneticilerin öğretmenleri takım çalışmasına yönlendirmeleri, yönetici ve öğretmenlerin takım çalışmasına istekli olup olmaması ve takım çalışmasının önemine inannıalanna ilişkin görüşleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak lakım çalışması ve karara katılma arasında bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Ta kım liderinin bilgi paylaşımında dürüst ve açık olduğu görüşüne yöneticiler katılırken, öğretmenler katılma maktadır. Ö/.ellikle meslek liselerinde bu oran daha düşük bulunmuştur.
International journal of psychology and educational studies, Sep 30, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the world, the change in the working conditions of individuals ha... more Due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the world, the change in the working conditions of individuals has started to cause a change in the level of burnout. Teachers are also one of the occupational groups whose working conditions have changed the most during the epidemic and their burnout level has also changed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of the epidemic COVID-19 on the burnout level of teachers and to examine it in relation to different variables. The study was designed using descriptive survey design which is one of the quantitative research approaches. The sample of the study was determined using simple random sampling method. The sample consists of 573 school administrators and teachers working in public and private elementary and secondary schools in Gaziosmanpaşa district of Istanbul in the school year 2020-2021. In this study, Maslach Burnout Scale was used as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed statistically using frequency, percentage and arithmetic mean to analyze the data. The t-test was used to determine the relationship between the burnout level of the participants and the variables of gender, marital status, and education level. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the relationship between participants' burnout levels and the variables of occupational seniority, age, school type, job title, and status. Post-hoc Tukey analysis was conducted to identify the groups with differences. The examination of the obtained scores shows that the participants are at a high level of burnout during the outbreak COVID-19. According to the research findings, although there was no significant relationship between burnout level and gender, job title, marital status, education level and school type, it was found that there was a significant relationship between job seniority, age and job status.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2013
The ethical classification that forms the basis for this research uses a triple classification sl... more The ethical classification that forms the basis for this research uses a triple classification slightly different from the traditional approaches: "Consistency", "Results 1 " and "Caring". With this classification it is stated that in handling the actions with an ethical approach, all three aspects are necessary. This study was conducted as a qualitative research and interview method was used to collect the research data. Study group consists of 10 volunteer elementary school teachers. The findings of the study reveal that the teachers who took part in this research took into consideration each of the factors "consistency", "results" and "caring" sometimes singly, sometimes two of them together or sometimes three of them together. In addition, it is possible to indicate that different factors come to the forefront in different incidents that have similar characteristics, indicating that in this sense there is not a simple or single ethical stance in operation. From an ethical point of view, our actions are also influenced by our society's norms, from the principles that come into existence over time and from the roles that we assume in the social domain.
Motivation can be defined as directing personnel towards organizational goals and serving a perso... more Motivation can be defined as directing personnel towards organizational goals and serving a person's expectations and needs. If school principals are clear about motivating factors, they can motivate their personnel effectively. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of various aspects of teachers' expectations on their job satisfaction and motivation. With this aim, a Likert-type scale was developed and applied by the researcher to the teacher groups. The findings of this study reveal that the principal's attitude and behaviour positively affected teachers' job satisfaction and motivation at private schools while teachers seldom agreed with this opinion in public schools. Nevertheless, teachers thought positively in private schools in comparison with teachers in public schools regarding sufficiency of the workplace environment and the reputation of the schools. Both the teachers in private and public schools expressed their opinion that their job gives them the chance to evaluate their performance and that they can achieve their aims while performing their duties; however, teachers stated that they were under stress while performing their duties in private schools.
Kastamonu eğitim dergisi, Aug 31, 2021
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the effectiveness of school princi... more This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the effectiveness of school principals in the communication process and the psychological capital of teachers. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was conducted in relational research design, one of the quantitative research approaches. The scope of the study consisted of primary, secondary, and high school teachers in the Güngören district of Istanbul province. The stratified sampling method was determined as the sampling method, and the sample consisted of 353 participants. The Scale of Effectiveness of School Principals in the Communication Process and the Short Form of the Psychological Capital Scale were used as data collection tools. The analysis of the data was executed with the SPSS 21 program. Findings: Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the two variables of the study. As a result of the research, a moderate relationship was found between the effectiveness of school principals in the communication process and the psychological capital of teachers. As a result of this, regression analysis was made, and it was determined that the effectiveness of school principals in the communication process explained 13% of teachers' psychological capital. Highlights: As a result of the research, it was recommended to organize practical training for school principals and teachers on the use of digital communication platforms due to the pandemic and allocate time for psychological capital and communication process during the seminar periods. Öz Çalışmanın amacı: Bu araştırma okul müdürlerinin iletişim sürecindeki etkililiği ile öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayeleri arasındaki ilişkinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Materyal ve Yöntem: Araştırma nicel araştırma yaklaşımlarından ilişkisel araştırma deseninde yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini İstanbul ili Güngören ilçesindeki ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Örnekleme yöntemi olarak tabakalı örnekleme yöntemi belirlenmiştir ve örneklem 353 katılımcıdan oluşmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak Okul Müdürlerinin İletişim Sürecindeki Etkililiği Ölçeği ve Psikolojik Sermaye Ölçeği Kısa Formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi SPSS21 bilgisayar programıyla yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmanın iki değişkeni arasındaki ilişkinin tespiti için korelasyon analizi yapılmış olup araştırma sonucunda okul müdürlerinin iletişim sürecindeki etkililiği ile öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayeleri arasında orta düzeyde ilişki bulunmuştur. Bunun sonucunda regresyon analizi yapılmış olup okul yöneticilerinin iletişim sürecindeki etkililiğinin öğretmenlerin psikolojik sermayelerinin %13'ünü açıkladığı tespit edilmiştir. Önemli Vurgular: Araştırmanın sonucunda salgının bir sonucu olarak dijital iletişim platformlarının kullanımı konusunda okul yöneticilerine ve öğretmenlere uygulamalı eğitimler düzenlenmesi, seminer dönemlerinde psikolojik sermaye ve iletişim süreci konularına zaman ayırılması önerilmiştir.
International journal of psychology and educational studies, Sep 29, 2021
Due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the world, the change in the working conditions of individuals ha... more Due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the world, the change in the working conditions of individuals has started to cause a change in the level of burnout. Teachers are also one of the occupational groups whose working conditions have changed the most during the epidemic and their burnout level has also changed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the impact of the epidemic COVID-19 on the burnout level of teachers and to examine it in relation to different variables. The study was designed using descriptive survey design which is one of the quantitative research approaches. The sample of the study was determined using simple random sampling method. The sample consists of 573 school administrators and teachers working in public and private elementary and secondary schools in Gaziosmanpaşa district of Istanbul in the school year 2020-2021. In this study, Maslach Burnout Scale was used as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed statistically using frequency, percentage and arithmetic mean to analyze the data. The t-test was used to determine the relationship between the burnout level of the participants and the variables of gender, marital status, and education level. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine the relationship between participants' burnout levels and the variables of occupational seniority, age, school type, job title, and status. Post-hoc Tukey analysis was conducted to identify the groups with differences. The examination of the obtained scores shows that the participants are at a high level of burnout during the outbreak COVID-19. According to the research findings, although there was no significant relationship between burnout level and gender, job title, marital status, education level and school type, it was found that there was a significant relationship between job seniority, age and job status.
Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Jun 26, 2019
Bu araştırma, mesleki eğitimde özelleştirmeye ilişkin mesleki ve teknik Anadolu liselerinde görev... more Bu araştırma, mesleki eğitimde özelleştirmeye ilişkin mesleki ve teknik Anadolu liselerinde görev yapan yönetici ve öğretmenlerin görüşlerinin nasıl olduğunu ortaya koymayı amaçlayan betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmaya başlarken mesleki eğitim ve özelleştirme ile ilgili alan yazın taraması yapılmıştır. Nicel araştırma yönteminin tercih edildiği çalışma için araştırmacı tarafından mesleki eğitimde özelleştirmeye ilişkin görüşler ölçeği geliştirilmiştir. Ölçekte araştırma için gereken verileri toplayacak toplumsal fayda, insan kaynakları ve finansman olmak üzere üç boyut yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini, İstanbul ilinde mesleki ve teknik Anadolu liselerinde görev yapan 484 yönetici ve öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Yapılan analizler neticesinde mesleki eğitimde özelleştirmeye yönelik öğretmen görüşlerinin tüm boyutlarda olumlu olmadığı görülmüştür. Öğretmenlerin verdiği cevaplar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda özelleştirme ile ilgili en büyük kaygının toplumsal fayda boyutunda olduğu anlaşılmıştır.
Eğitim yönetimi, Jul 9, 2018
According to the Turkish Ministry of National Education Teacher Appointment and Substitution regu... more According to the Turkish Ministry of National Education Teacher Appointment and Substitution regulation, beginning teachers are subjected to a training period for the first six months of their recruitment. This newly launched program aims to train beginning teachers through a master-apprentice relationship, which can be defined as a mentoring program. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of subjective happiness of beginning teachers working at state schools and the mentoring functions their advisers perform with regard to various variables. Quantitative analysis was used, and the data were gathered through the Mentoring Functions scale, which was developed by Noe (1988) and the Subjective Happiness scale, developed by Lyubomirsky & Lepper (1999). The sample of the study included 171 beginning teachers from three districts of I stanbul province. Correlation and regression analysis revealed that there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between the level of subjective happiness of trainee teachers and the level of mentoring functions their advisors perform. The mentoring functions the advisor teachers performed were found to be a significant predictor of the level of subjective happiness of trainee teachers. For this reason, mentor selection, mentor-mentee match and other mentoring processes should be well structured.
Kalem uluslararası eğitim ve insan bilimleri dergisi, Dec 1, 2016
Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul müdürlerinin sergilediği mentorluk fonksiyonlarının müdür yardımcıların... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, okul müdürlerinin sergilediği mentorluk fonksiyonlarının müdür yardımcılarının iş doyumuna ulaşma düzeyinin yordayıcısı olup olmadığını incelemektir. Veri toplama aracında, "Mentorluk Fonksiyonları Ölçeği" ve "Minnesota Doyum Ölçeği" yer almaktadır. Araştırmada ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini kolayda örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen
Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Mar 1, 2005
Bu arastirmada, ogretmenlerin motivasyonuna etki eden faktorleri belirlemek amaciyla bir anket ge... more Bu arastirmada, ogretmenlerin motivasyonuna etki eden faktorleri belirlemek amaciyla bir anket gelistirilerek ornekleme alinan ogretmen grubu uzerine uygulanmistir. Motivasyonu; mudurlerin orgut calisanlarini bireysel amaclar ve orgutsel amaclar dogrultusunda harekete gecirmek icin kullandiklari bir surec olarak tanimlamak mumkundur. Insan davranislarinin kaynagi ihtiyaclardir. Ihtiyaclarin ortaya cikmasiyla motivasyon sureci baslamaktadir. Bireyler bu ihtiyaclarini gidermek amaciyla fiziksel ve ruhsal yonden uyarilirlar. Uyarilan birey harekete gecerek davranista bulunur ve sonucta doyuma ulasir. Iste, bu doyum noktasi motivasyon surecinin son asamasidir. Ulkelerin gelecegi, egitim kurumlarinin, islevlerini tam olarak yerine getirip getirmemesine baglidir. Bu cercevede, egitim orgutlerinde verimlilik makine ile degil insanla saglanmaktadir. Verimliligin saglanabilmesi icin, egitim-ogretimde stratejik konuma sahip olan ogretmenlerin islerinde mutlu ve doyuma ulasmis olmalari gerekmektedir. Ogretmenlerin yuksek duzeyde moralli olmasi egitimde kalite ve verimliligin saglanmasina katkida bulunacaktir. Bu nedenle insanlari etkileme ve yonlendirme sanati olan motivasyon diger orgutlerde oldugu gibi egitim orgutlerinde de insanlari etkileme araci olarak kullanilabilir.
Yıldız journal of educational research, Sep 5, 2019
The main purpose of this study is to compare the teachers'working at secondary public and private... more The main purpose of this study is to compare the teachers'working at secondary public and private schools emotional labor and perceived organizational support levels. The universe of this study which has a descriptive quality in a relational screening model was composed of 698 teachers working at public and private secondary schools of Ministry of National Education at Gaziantep during the 2018-2019 academic year. "Emotional Labor for Teachers Scale" and "Perceived Organizational Support Scale" were performed in the study. The data was processed using SPSS for Windows software package. According to the findings of the study, total emotional labor, subdimensions of emotional labor and perceived organizational support levels of public and private school teachers vary according to the type of school. The teachers'working at public schools mean score of total emotional labor, sub-dimensions of emotional labor and perceived organizational support levels were found to be lower than the mean scores of teachers at private schools. Also, there are moderate and high correlations between the sub-dimensions of emotional labor and perceived organizational support. Besides, regression analysis results have indicated that organizational support level have moderate and weak impacts on sub-dimensions of emotional labor.
Fırat Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, 2003
Universal Journal of Educational Research, Jun 1, 2016
The purpose of this study is to explore school administrations' burnout situation and life satisf... more The purpose of this study is to explore school administrations' burnout situation and life satisfaction levels and the relationship between burnout and life satisfaction. The study was designed with the screening model. The research sample consists of 92 school principals and vice principals. Research data was collected with "Maslach Burnout Scale" and "Life Satisfaction Scale". In analyzing the data SPSS 16.0 software was used and "Multiple Regression Analysis" and descriptive statistics were conducted in order to explore the relationship between school principals' and vice principals' burnout and life satisfaction levels. According to the analyses results, school principals gained scores below average in the emotional burnout and depersonalization dimensions and gained scores above average in the personal success dimension. This result indicates that burnout is at a low level. In addition, "life satisfaction" levels of school principals and vice principals are above average. This result indicates that school administrations' life satisfaction levels are at a high level.
Educational Process: International Journal, Mar 15, 2016
The purpose of this study is to examine the mentoring process in the education of gifted students... more The purpose of this study is to examine the mentoring process in the education of gifted students and to develop a model applicable for the Turkish Educational System. The data of the study were collected through a literature review and focus group interviews. The study was conducted on one public and one private education institution for gifted students in Istanbul, Turkey. Purposeful sampling method was used in this study. A total of nine group interviews were carried out on 43 shareholders, the administrators, teachers, parents and student subgroups , of the institutions in the sample group. The interviews were recorded and the recordings transcribed and analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the study, the establishment of a mentoring model was suggested under the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Special Education Guidance and Counseling Services, Department of Special Talents Development and issues such as model development, mentor and service area selection, matching, system operation and feedback were examined in detail.
Uluslararası sosyal ve eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Dec 15, 2018
Bu araştırmanın amacı, sanal ortamlardaki öğretmen-öğrenci arkadaşlığının çeşitli değişkenler açı... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, sanal ortamlardaki öğretmen-öğrenci arkadaşlığının çeşitli değişkenler açısından değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmanın örneklemini 2017-2018 yılı güz döneminde İstanbul ilinde görev yapan 340 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmaya ilişkin verileri toplamak için Akkoyunlu ve diğerlerinin (2015) geliştirdiği "Facebook'da öğrencilerimle arkadaşım" ve "Facebook'da öğrencilerimle arkadaş değilim" ölçeklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırma nicel araştırma desenlerinden biri olan tarama modelinde oluşturulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler analiz programıyla t-test ve ANOVA testleriyle analiz edilip, sonuçlar tablolar halinde sunulmuştur. Analizlerde, sanal ortamlardaki öğretmen-öğrenci arkadaşlığının hangi boyutta olduğu, öğretmenlerin sanal ortamlarda öğrencileriyle arkadaş olma durumunun cinsiyet, yaş, mesleki kıdem değişkenlerine göre farklılaşması ve öğretmenlerin sosyal medya arkadaşlığının çeşitli öğretmenlik algıları ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; öğretmenlerin sosyal medya arkadaşlığını önemsemediği ve sanal ortamlarda öğrencileriyle arkadaşlık kurma düzeyinin düşük olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bunun sebepleri öğretmen-öğrenci ilişkilerinin resmi olması gerektiğini düşünme, rahat paylaşım yapamamaktan çekinme, otoritesinin sarsılacağını düşünme, özel hayatın korunmasının gerektiğini düşünme gibi sebepler olarak belirlenmiştir. Sanal ortamlarda öğrencileriyle arkadaş olan ve olmayan öğretmenlerin çalışma saatlerinde sosyal medya hesaplarını kontrol etme durumu incelendiğinde iki grupta da çalışma saatlerinde sosyal medya hesaplarını kontrol eden öğretmenlerin okul algısının daha yüksek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları genel olarak incelendiğinde öğretmenlerin sanal ortamlarda öğrencileriyle arkadaş olup olmama durumlarının sorumluluk, öğrenci, mesleki kimlik ve okul algısıyla ilişkili olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2020
This research aims to reveal the relationship between teachers' perceptions of alienation at scho... more This research aims to reveal the relationship between teachers' perceptions of alienation at schools and in terms of weakness, meaninglessness, isolation and alienation at schools, their perceptions of school culture with support, success, bureaucratic and task culture. The research employed correlational design which is one of the quantitative research approaches. The sample of the research consists of 481 teachers determined by random sampling method. Research data were obtained by using the 'Work Alienation Scale' and 'School Culture Scale'. While analyzing the data, linear correlation and multiple regression analyzes were used. The data obtained as a result of the research were examined, it was concluded that there was a significant relationship between teachers' alienation levels and school culture. Success, support and duty culture, which are the sub-dimensions of school culture, predicts the level of weakness, meaninglessness and isolation, which are the subdimensions of alienation at school. Bureaucratic culture, which is the sub-dimension of school culture, predicts the level of weakness, meaninglessness and isolation of alienation at school. According to the results of the research, it is possible to state that strengthening the school culture will decrease the alienation levels of teachers at schools.
According to the Turkish Ministry of National Education Teacher Appointment and Substitution regu... more According to the Turkish Ministry of National Education Teacher Appointment and Substitution regulation, beginning teachers are subjected to a training period for the first six months of their recruitment. This newly launched program aims to train beginning teachers through a master-apprentice relationship, which can be defined as a mentoring program. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of subjective happiness of beginning teachers working at state schools and the mentoring functions their advisers perform with regard to various variables. Quantitative analysis was used, and the data were gathered through the Mentoring Functions scale, which was developed by Noe (1988) and the Subjective Happiness scale, developed by Lyubomirsky & Lepper (1999). The sample of the study included 171 beginning teachers from three districts of I stanbul province. Correlation and regression analysis revealed that there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between the level of subjective happiness of trainee teachers and the level of mentoring functions their advisors perform. The mentoring functions the advisor teachers performed were found to be a significant predictor of the level of subjective happiness of trainee teachers. For this reason, mentor selection, mentor-mentee match and other mentoring processes should be well structured.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the different variables of physical qualifications of pre... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the different variables of physical qualifications of preschool education places. Population of the study, in 2014-2015 academic year, included the independent 204 kindergarten teachers and kindergarten administrators who have been working in 17 independent kindergartens in Kucukcekmece district, in Istanbul province. The study's sample is consist of 117 female and 4 male kindergarten teachers and administrators. It is reached to 59 % of the study population in the research. Kucukcekmece district is choosen because of the fact that it has the most of the independent kindergartens in Istanbul. In the study, the personal information forms were used to collect data about the variables related to teachers' age, gender, assigned position, educational background, duty term, professional seniority, graduation field. School Building Rating Scale of Kindergartens have been used to express the aspects about the Kindergartens' physical efficiencies. This Scale was improved by Sanoff in 2001. The datas have been analyzed one-way analysis of variance, t-test, welch's test, scheffe test, levene statistic. In the result of study, it is reached that the teachers who participate into the study differentiate about ages, professional seniorities, educational backgrounds, duty terms but they don't differentiate about genders, graduation field, assigned position. In the end of the findings. it is learnt from the study these all results have been argued and proposed for the next studies.
International journal of organizational leadership, May 10, 2023
This study aimed to examine the predicting level of the leadership styles of school administrator... more This study aimed to examine the predicting level of the leadership styles of school administrators on the organizational happiness level of teachers. The research was designed according to the sequential explanatory method, one of the mixed methods. First, the quantitative data were analyzed, then the qualitative data were examined. For the research, quantitative data were collected by applying the School Principals Leadership Style Scale and the Teacher Organizational Happiness Scale to the teachers working in the Güngören district of Istanbul. In the quantitative data collection part of the study, 323 participants were reached. Participants were selected by simple random sampling method. Qualitative data were obtained with semi-structured interview questions developed by the researchers. Eight volunteer participants were interviewed. According to the study's quantitative findings, it was determined that the happiness level of teachers was high, and school administrators showed transformational leadership characteristics. According to the study's qualitative data, it was determined that the organizational happiness of the teachers was related to the relations with the manager, colleague relations, working conditions, and personality traits. Based on the research results, it has been proposed to increase the number of studies that address the professional happiness of teachers with different types of leadership. In addition, it is proposed to improve the economic situation of teachers. Finally, school administrators should pay attention to the school climate to increase teachers' happiness.
Papers by İbrahim Kocabaş
yüksek olması, nitelikli insan gücünü yetiştirmesi, ekonomi ile arasındaki karmaşık ilişkilerden dolayı sadece eğitimcilerin değil diğer bilim dallarından araştırmacıların da ilgi odağı olmuştur. Bu kapsamda ekonomik alanda meydana gelen değişim ve yenilikler eğitim ekonomisi ve eğitim finansmanına doğrudan
etkiye sahip olmuştur.1980’den sonra iktisadi alanda daha fazla yer bulmaya başlayan neoliberal ekonomi politikaları devletin iktisadi alandaki tekelinin kısıtlanması gerektiğini öne sürmüştür. Bu bağlamda eğitim alanında da özel teşebbüsün daha fazla varlık göstermesi gerektiğini savunanlar olmakla
birlikte buna karşı çıkanlar da olmuştur. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmanın temel amacı eğitim finansmanında özel okulların rolünü Türkiye özelinde incelemek ve eğitim finansmanında alternatif bir model olarak sözleşmeli okulları detaylı olarak ele almaktır. Araştırmada literatür taraması yöntemi kullanılmıştır.
Elde edilen bulgular özel okullarının eğitim finansmanında önemli etkilerini ortaya koymakla birlikte sistemdeki yapısal kronik eksikliklerin eğitimde finansman ve nitelik sorununu çözmede özel sektörün ya da kamunun tek başına başarılı olamayacağı göstermektedir.